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Topic: Problem importing bookmarks. (Read 3495 times)

Problem importing bookmarks.


I'm new to the Otter Browser project and I really want to see it working and to eventually replace my opera 12.14 with it.
The problem I'm having right now is when I try to Import my opera bookmarks (either in .adr or .html format) I get the following error message: "Failed to open file for reading".

I've tried to search everywhere but couldn't find a solution, is there anything I can do to solve it?
I'm using Widnows 7 x64.

Will there be an opera extensions support in the future (such as ExtendTube, etc.)?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #1

The problem I'm having right now is when I try to Import my opera bookmarks (either in .adr or .html format) I get the following error message: "Failed to open file for reading".

While the main developers will see your post, it's always better to head out to GitHub and open a new issue ticket.

Will there be an opera extensions support in the future (such as ExtendTube, etc.)?

Maybe along with Firefox and Chrome extensions?!

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #2
@SurpriZe, that is an odd message,  are you able to open these files with plain text editors (like Notepad or Wordpad)?

We are planning to focus on APIs used by Firefox and Chrome, they have much more extensions available.
We can consider support for Opera APIs but that has low priority and we aren't sure yet if it is worth effort (are there any interesting Opera specific extensions that cannot be ported to other APIs?).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #3
are there any interesting Opera specific extensions that cannot be ported to other APIs?

Many things that use Opera UserJS fall in a range anywhere from inconvenient to hard to nearly impossible. For instance, consider this utterly simple UserJS, 100% compatible with GM:

Code: [Select]
// Put userscript start tag here for GM compatibility. In Opera it's much faster to run it as an Opera UserJS.
// @name WWW Redirect
// @author Frans de Jonge (Frenzie)
// @version 1.02
// @description Automatically redirects to the www sub-domain on sites that return a 404 (not found) rather than a 301 (redirect) when trying to access the main domain.
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==

This work is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 license.
Copyright © Frans de Jonge 2009

1.0 2009-11-24 first release
1.01 2009-11-25 redirect didn't actually work, whoopsie; couple of "stupid sites" added
1.02 2010-02-02 added

(function () {
// check if the stupid_sites variable already exists so that no problems arise if a potential separate settings file is used.
if (!stupid_sites) {
var stupid_sites = new Array();

// Stupid sites go here.
// Simply add "stupid_sites[stupid_sites.length] = '';" at the bottom of this list to add your own stupid sites.
stupid_sites[stupid_sites.length] = '';
stupid_sites[stupid_sites.length] = '';
stupid_sites[stupid_sites.length] = '';
// stupid_sites[stupid_sites.length] = '';

for ( var i in stupid_sites ) {
if ( location.hostname == stupid_sites[i] )
window.location='http://www.' + stupid_sites[i];

You can see the reason Opera UserJS is better written right there at the top: it runs before any other junk on the page, whereas GM and its friends run at or just before DOMContentLoaded — much later. Opera UserJS is about taking control of webpages; extensions… eh… more like modifying them a little after the fact. I stopped using Proxomitron because of UserJS, but I've been thinking about reintroducing something like Proximodo for this very reason.


Sorry, I don't actually expect you to do anything about this or anything. ;) I just like UserJS better through and through. :P

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #4
@Frenzie, UserJS is a bit separate topic, so far I've not decided yet how it should work in our case.
We would need some research (I need to read more about GM), so far I only know that at least most of stuff described here is not doable:
And is it really needed anyway (maybe except magic functions)?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #5

@SurpriZe, that is an odd message,  are you able to open these files with plain text editors (like Notepad or Wordpad)?

Yes, I tried a couple of times, it works for both .html and .adr.

As for the speed dial, if I understood correctly, it's still in the development stage, right? Just making sure that I'm not missing anything.

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #6
@Frenzie, UserJS is a bit separate topic, so far I've not decided yet how it should work in our case.

Pretty much everything that applies to Opera UserJS also applies to Opera extensions. If you stick that script in an Opera extension it'll still have the same advantage over the same script in a Chromium extension. Of course the UserJS will have the advantage over both extensions of not needing all kinds of mental-barrier junk just to get started.

And is it really needed anyway (maybe except magic functions)?

It's hardly needed, but it's just so much more elegant. See e.g. here. Instead of simply stripping out one part from a function that I don't want:
Code: [Select]
e.element.text = e.element.text.replace(
  '{ NrcOnePageView.Articles.showArticle(this);return false; });',

Instead I have to do complex stuff like this:
Code: [Select]
article_divs.forEach(function(div) {
  div.innerHTML = '<a href="'+getArticleHref(div)+'" style="display:block;width:100%;height:100%"></a>';

Through magic functions I would've had to copy the entire function definition. Something that's quite workable in specific circumstances, but in a case like this that'd be a disaster. I used to do stuff like this with Proxomitron ten years ago, but UserJS is more elegant because it combines Proxomitron and GreaseMonkey insofar as modifying webpages is concerned. Well, actually Proxomitron could always do what GreaseMonkey did by adding an extra script at the very bottom of the page, of course.

Anyway, I don't think it's worthwhile adding any compatibility with a dead ecosystem. I'll live. :P It'd be much more worthwhile to be able to tap into the vast extension libraries of Chrome/Opera, even if they're more like GM than like UserJS.

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #7
when I try to Import my opera bookmarks (either in .adr or .html format) I get the following error message: "Failed to open file for reading".

I've the same problem!
Opera 12.17 (Windows 7 SP1; x64) rus

Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #8
Get the same here using Win 8.1/64


Re: Problem importing bookmarks.

Reply #9
It is fixed now, thanks for report.
Fix will be available as part of upcoming weekly.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.