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Topic: What's Going on in Europe (Read 271713 times)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #975
An interesting consequence of... (of what? was it the Brexit?) ...well, of something, its the absolute economic miracle at Southern countries. In one day into another, Greece has disappeared from ruin radar, Cyprus must be heaven in earth and Portugal, oh my God, Portugal turned an absolute lesson about economical success.

Clearly, there's no such thing as economics, everything a fraud controlled by globalist obscure pressures, affecting the everyday of hundred of millions without any explanation. What's published by the media turns truth. No place for memories, no place for reasoning or questioning.

In such living scenario everything is possible, the post modern paradise for the human race slavery.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #976
I helped the cause by buying some apples from Portugal. :P

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #977
An interesting consequence of... (of what? was it the Brexit?) ...well, of something, its the absolute economic miracle at Southern countries.
It's a consequence of the very thing that you point out. Namely,

Clearly, there's no such thing as economics, everything a fraud controlled by globalist obscure pressures...
Economics is a fraud, so it was just an illusion that Southern European countries were on the brink of economic ruin. Also, it is just an illusion that there is currently some sort of economic miracle going on.

Over the years, I have come to the following realisation concerning  economy/-ics. Economy as trade is one thing. Economy as bookkeeping is another. Economics as taught in universities is still another thing. Economic and fiscal policies as lead by the governments is still another thing. Monetary policy as steered by central banks is still another thing. And none of them bear any direct relation to each other, but economists (and politicians, bankers, lawyers, ...) are under the false impression that they do.

Economical success

Reply #978
Absolute economical success? Google "Cristiano Ronaldo". :king:

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #979
@ersi I entirely agree with what you said. What worries me is the total lack of reaction from the populations.
This bovine acceptance will lead us all into the slaughter house.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #980
Sorry to be so late getting here… I think Bel and ersi are mostly right. Which is why I remain a conservative: The Marxist conception of Man as "Economic Man" is too flawed to maintain a decent society.

(My views of Islam are remembered? :) Or should I repeat myself? Suffice it to say, Man as Slave is little better than Economic Man…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #981
Which is why I remain a conservative: The Marxist conception of Man as "Economic Man" is too flawed to maintain a decent society.
This is not conservatism. It is just anti-Marxism. Conservatism is a positive ideology with a positive agenda; you only dabble in negatives and anti-ideas.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #982
I don't much bother with Highschool debaters. That's true.

Tell me again, how wonderful and even brilliant were the chapters refuting Christian and ancient scholarship by Islamic reasoning! But remember: Islamic reasoning slept for at least 700 years; then, it died.
Or do you think Qutb was a genius? :) He was a scared little boy, mostly afraid of women… Have you read his works?

Why did it die?
The answer is simple: It had nowhere else to go, nothing left to accomplish — other than the end of the world.

Is that your goal, too? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #983
What are you talking about? Is it related to the current topic? Some other topic? Related to anything?

I guess it's a regurgitation of some "conservative" pundit drivel you happened to read, either the latest you read or whatever you vaguely remember for now. I hope that at some more lucid moment you understand how little it concerns me. Namely, it doesn't concern me at all, just like it does not concern the topic at hand. 

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #984
It's just like you, ersi, to forget books you've recommended to others… Perhaps a few years seems a long time, to someone so young as you? Or are you now thinking of yourself as old and, hence, feeble-minded? No matter.
Sad to see that your reading ability has waned so…
Which is why I remain a conservative: The Marxist conception of Man as "Economic Man" is too flawed to maintain a decent society.
I suppose either way -too young or too old- you find a simple statement too complicated.

So, I'll restate what I said: Bel had it mostly right; ersi, as usual didn't even know what he was saying. (Does Polly want a cracker? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #985
Were you so petted that you thought life
 was only that, or a series of blows?
 Did your youth not tell what everyone knows?
You'd have learned more, had you taken a wife…

Disputation is fine for a school boy,
 where it serves no purpose and has no weight.
 But out in the world it is love or hate,
bile or understanding… Which brings you joy?

I think I can answer where you can not:
 Try as you might, you prefer your petting;
 and you'd as soon lie to yourself, letting
the pleasures of childhood tie you to rot.

The ways of the world are oft sad and cruel…
You see only the wooden-sword. You'd duel!
Forgive me, all: I've recently finished reading George R. R. Martin's first volume of "A Game of Thrones". (I make no other apology… :) )

Some time ago i had Jaybro read a short story of mine: His first -and only- complaint, as I remember, was that it was too short. But I told all that needed to be said, and -in fact- padded it! Was it Somerset Maugham who said something like: "Writers are ghouls"? Eating the dead does not appeal to me; but when I was young I wanted to be a writer.
It appeals to me less, now. I know I'll never be…
Perhaps I have no imagination, eh, ersi? :) I won't try to tell others' stories. You can chide me for that.
But my dead are still so dear to me that I can't let them go: My lopsided love reins me in — a knee of respect rather than a knee given a steed.
I can't let them go? I won't give them to others! I don't have the talent; I don't have the urge…
I don't need to be petted.
I had enough of that when I was young.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #986
It's just like you, ersi, to forget books you've recommended to others… Perhaps a few years seems a long time, to someone so young as you? Or are you now thinking of yourself as old and, hence, feeble-minded? No matter.
I haven't forgotten. It's just that it has nothing to do with conservatism, Marxism, or Europe. It's very much like you to bring up things so that there's no rhyme, reason, context, connection, or coherence.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #987
It's very much like you to bring up things so that there's no rhyme, reason, context, connection, or coherence.
Yes, Oakdale is a dadaist. The last of American dadaists.
Unfortunately, America is too small to him so he desperately needs our attention.
His poetry is a bit weird, but I like to read him in a creative way. Don't expect a conversation by the rules.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #988
Spain as a tradition of death penalty with the "garrote".
Reserved for cases like these.

You don't know what the "garrote" is and I'm not in the mood for explaining you.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #989
Spain [h]as a tradition of death penalty with the "garrote".
I think you switched threads too soon: Did you mean to reply here?
Of course I know what a garrote is: It's a French device for strangling someone to death quietly, when one doesn't have the strength to do with his bare hands… Don't tell me you'd take pride in inventing it? :(

Let's go back to the other thread, if you want to talk about such things. Europe is too busy trying not to hurt anyone's "feelings" to defend herself… There won't be enough men willing to take to the gutters to fight, will there? :( But Portugal will probably be safe enough.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #992
Rajoy headed for escalation from the very first moment.
He might get at the end what he asked for. So far about Spanish democracyship, courtesy of Merkel and Macron.
AFAIK there are preparations for massive demonstrations in Brussels for the sixth december.
Everybody is welcome... Basques included.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #993
Now there are people in the Spanish Basque Province stirring up like the leftists in Catalonia. The Catalonia would-be independence is a nonsense on principle. The un-official referendum involved less than 50% of the regional population.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #994
Puigdemont doesn't have to be locked up as long as he abides by the following rules
Wrong, according the treaties he must be immediately delivered to Spanish authorities to be judged under the Spanish justice, in the place where he made the crimes he's persecuted for, that's my interpretation.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #995
Of course I know what a garrote is: It's a French device for strangling someone to death quietly, when one doesn't have the strength to do with his bare hands...
Of course you don't know as I said. A garrote is not that.
The garrote is a device consisting in a mix of strangling and perforation of the neck for separating the spinal medula at the same time, at the last turn of the tourniquet. Not so sweet as you imagine.
I think you switched threads too soon: Did you mean to reply here?
What's the problem with the threads? I'm posting correctly. To Europe what belongs to Europeans, to America what belongs to Americans.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #996
And to people who can't be bothered to pay attention, the occasionally bemused replies… :) (Must be that Iberian "macho" thing: Never admit that you're wrong; you might have to learn something!)

What's going on in Europe now is the nullification of the Reconquista … Will Portugal resist? Or submit…?
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #997
Now there are people in the Spanish Basque Province...
A Spanish Basque Province?
If the Basque Country is a Spanish Basque Province what are then Scotland and Northern Ireland?
According to your diction they must be two English provinces within the UK.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #998
I groan at you as I thought you were a more knowledgeable man from you-kn ow-where! Scotland has ALWAYS been a country.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #999
Basque Country
There's no such thing. Simple autonomic region in Spain and nothing in France.
Sorry to disappoint you "Etarra Krake".

I admit they are entitled to be the most autonomic of the autonomic regions of Spain. Very strange people with a mysterious linguistic.
A matter of attitude.