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Topic: What's Going on in Europe (Read 271687 times)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #800
Bildt, like many Project Syndicate commentators, fears what will happen if Trump does scrap the Iran nuclear deal and reneges on American commitments under the Paris climate agreement. “These are two of the international community’s only significant diplomatic achievements in recent years,” he writes. “The consequences of a US retreat from them are anyone’s guess. In any case, global stability will certainly suffer.”
These are really what's most important to Europeans?!

Europe can probably afford its own defense. No?

And the planet can likely survive this pest we call Humanity…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #801
Or Fischer's own words, Goodbye to the West in another Prague publication outlet (a stone's throw from the old Opera office, incidentally). 

The West shouldn’t be confused with the “Occident.” While the West’s culture, norms, and predominant religion are broadly Occidental in origin, it evolved into something different over time. The Occident’s basic character was shaped over centuries by the Mediterranean region (though parts of Europe north of the Alps made many important contributions to its development). The West, by contrast, is transatlantic, and it is a child of the twentieth century.

Now, I think Fischer is a half-hearted Atlanticist, and the Trans-Atlantic alliance is a bit like the French-German axis, a marriage of convenience where the partners would be stronger together than apart. Atlanticism has been on the decline for a long time, and that would continue even without Trump. There are just so many more others out there. But an alliance once so strong when Western Europe and the US were the masters of the universe (the Soviet Union willing) is weakening just as, relatively speaking, Europe and the US are, and as I've claimed before, not only has Europe become more American, America has become more European. 

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #802
Bildt, like many Project Syndicate commentators, fears what will happen if Trump does scrap the Iran nuclear deal and reneges on American commitments under the Paris climate agreement. “These are two of the international community’s only significant diplomatic achievements in recent years,” he writes. “The consequences of a US retreat from them are anyone’s guess. In any case, global stability will certainly suffer.”
These are really what's most important to Europeans?!

Europe can probably afford its own defense. No?

To quote Bildt further

Nearly two years ago, former US National Security Adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned the Senate Armed Services Committee that, “as we look around the world, we encounter upheaval and conflict.” As Kissinger observed at the time, “the United States has not faced a more diverse and complex array of crises since the end of the Second World War.”

And what seemed true from the perspective of Washington, DC, was doubly so from a European perspective. To put it plainly, Europe feels as though it were surrounded by a ring of fire, from the revisionist and revanchist Russia in the east, to the multiple meltdowns in the Middle East and North Africa in the south.

Since the spring of 2014, when Russia started fueling the conflict in Donbas and other parts of Eastern Ukraine, ten thousand people have died there, and another two million have been displaced. And, of course, these figures pale in comparison to the humanitarian disasters in Syria, Libya, and Yemen.

Now, NATO is planning to deploy troops to Northeast Poland and the three Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania – while the European Union struggles to manage continuous refugee flows and exert control over its external borders.
Moreover, the security threat from Russia has prompted a gradual increase in European defense spending and security cooperation. Whereas the EU has traditionally made peace and prosperity its primary objectives, it is now being forced to prioritize security above all else. That is a significant change.

In other words Europe is surrounded by trouble-makers in the West (Trump), East (Putin), and the south (Africa and the Middle East), but that's what they are, not existential threats like during the Cold War.

The Iran deal and Paris agreements are both very important to Europe, but neither are dependent on the US, it will just be messier. That's probably the operative word for the time to come, messy, and the operative approach would be to muddle through. 

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #804
Whereas the EU has traditionally made peace and prosperity its primary objectives, it is now being forced to prioritize security above all else. That is a significant change.
A quite idealistic picture of the EU which doesn't hold water if one looks at the facts. Wonder how many Europeans want to face the facts not to mention our politicians in charge.
- Iraq
It was an American aggression with consequences probably lasting for decades to come...
However Americans were not allone. There was also a coalition of the willing. Many of those willing were from Europe, the EU so to speak. Their military help was rather irrelevant but they were used as kind of moral justification or at least as accomplices. Every sane person knew that it is an aggression in breach with international law. But who cares about international law and human lifes if some profitable deals might come as a reward for the accomplices.
- Libya
Another ruthless aggression with lasting consequences. This time some of Europe's peace loving leaders were among the worst booster...
- Ukraine
A putsch with the help of right nationalists organized by the USA with the help of its European peace loving allies, turning the Ukraine into a Russia hostile territory over night. What did Washington, Berlin, Paris and London expect? Congratulations from Putin and a request to organize the next putsch in Moscow?
- Syria
Turning some peaceful protests into a bloody civil war for yet another regime change. Self proclaimed "Friends of Syria" arming and financing lunatic dschichadists (cough, cough 'moderate rebels') for getting rid of Assad. Now our peace loving EU leaders are blaming Russia for the carnage.
- Jemen
Our peace loving politicians and media turning a blind eye to the carnage made by our dear friends and weapon buyers (the Saudis) in Jemen.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #805
Soon, jax's words will refer to inside Europe, that's the American objective.
Iraq, Libya and the rest are nothing but the American actions to destroy Europe's objectives of peace and prosperity. They don't care about such folcklore, they want to destroy Europe. Until now, very well done.

I don't understand why guillotines are not being used with the colluding European traitors.
A matter of attitude.


Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #806
Destroy Europe? :) The EU is quite capable of that, all by itself... (With maybe a little help from Russia.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #807
And there is America with armies of poor and suffering you give plenty of well nothing for them! Look closer home before tirading against elsewhere.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #808
Our poverty rate is less than yours, but it's never stopped you! :) You expect to be poor; and perhaps you deserve it. But if only the angels can complain, back off, fella: You're nowhere near close!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #809
Destroy Europe:)
You do nothing but that, you desperately need a weak and controlled Europe, it's basic.

Do you have an idea about how many European top students you're paying with your tax money so they go study to the EUA and return as pro American hidden agents at governments and institutions? Course you don't.

No wonder Nationalism is emerging all over Europe as a reaction by the people's will to smash all those vermins.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #812

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #813
The cost of life raises in Germany (inflation) so, automatically, the cost of debt rises in Portugal.
As always, we're the ones paying for the German style of life. Fantastic, indeed.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #814
Why don't you'all just exit…? :) What has the EU ever done for you?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #815
Many many things, we've a very beautiful flag full of stars to stare wilhe listening to Ode to Joy.
It touches our hearts and souls.

Ahh and we turned pacifists.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #816
EUCOM’s reassurance mission to eastern Europe tests brawn and brains


In 2017, the Marine Corps is set to establish a new forward mission in Norway; Army cavalrymen are headed to Poland as part of NATO’s “enhanced presence” in the region; and the Fort Carson-based 3rd Armored Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, will be fanning out up and down eastern Europe. The linchpin to the campaign to showcase U.S. firepower — which is largely funded through the $3.4 billion European Reassurance Initiative — is the unglamorous business of the military’s logisticians.

For EUCOM and the Army in Europe, the arrival of the Fort Carson brigade in January, and its subsequent push into Poland, will be a test that will “help us measure, assess and then make any corrections we need to make,” Bertulis said.

As the tanks and artillery move across a commercial network, unloaded from ships docked at Bremerhaven, Germany, and then transported by rail and trucks, military planners will be looking for bottlenecks that slow the flow of equipment.
“They will be on the clock,” USAREUR Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges recently said. “How fast can we get them from Bremerhaven to assembly areas in western Poland?”

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #817
This anti-Russia thing is so much damn nonsense. Military exercises in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria the Baltics and so on All as an excuse to justify NATO. The excuse being behind the scenes as a warning if Russia invades?? NATO is larger than the Russian Federation forces as it happens and is a load of cobblers. We must be mad.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #818
Ukraine ‘Happy’ to Pay EU Gas Price in Move Away From Russia
Bloomberg doesn't disclose the price the Ukraine is paying now for ‘EU gas’. does.
Ukraine Pays 20% More For EU Gas Than It Would Have Paid To Russia
The Ukrainian leadership seems to have a pragmatic point of view - it doesn't real matter how much you pay for something as long as you pay with money you don't own.
Unfortunately the above view doesn't apply to the common people living there. They can't pay for energy supply with money they don't have.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #819
These Northern Europeans doesn't deserve any Europe...
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #820
Energy security has a value. It is better not to get all your energy needs from a single source of energy blackmail, a weapon Russia has used before.

Norway has profited, getting gas contracts for a premium relative to Russia.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #821
We must be mad.
RJ, as far as I can tell, you always have been!

BTW: Does anyone want to tell France that their dependence on nuclear energy is a threat to the EU? (Or, for that matter, that Germany's shuttering its nuclear energy infrastructure -for fear of tsunamis, for the love of Pete!- in favor of more coal isn't a "cognitive dissidence" issue? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #822
Energy security has a value.
By value you mean price.
Wonder what would happen to you if you'd tell this to those people who can't afford those prices. Keep in mind that it's winter in the Ukraine too.
Besides, 80% of Ukrainian export went to Russia. Who do you thing will compensate that loss? The EU? The USA? Cthulhu?

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #823
BTW: Does anyone want to tell France that their dependence on nuclear energy is a threat to the EU?
Old unsecure nuclear plants are a bigger threat for neighboring countries than those posed by Russsia, China, Iran and North Korea (let's hope that I didn't miss any villain :) ) altogether.
Besides, that heavy dependence of France on nuclear energy led to a blind alley.

Or, for that matter, that Germany's shuttering its nuclear energy infrastructure -for fear of tsunamis, for the love of Pete!
It's neither because of the fear of tsunamis nor is it because of Pete!
- Nuclear power results from the most dangerous procedure of producing energy.
Please name me insurance companies insuring nuclear plants!
The annualy fee for such an insurance per plant would be around 100 billions of $$$. Even so nuclear plants built in unsecure tectonic areas like those in Japan would be exempted from any insurance.
- Germany doesn't have vast unpopulated areas. Even advocates of nuclear energy are opposing a final depot for nuclear waste in their own federal state. ;)