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Topic: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office (Read 54891 times)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #275
That reminds me of this classic Doe Maar song:

hé er is geen bal op de TV
alleen een film met Doris Day
en wat dacht je van net twee
eine wiener operette nee
er zit een knop op je tv
die helpt je zo uit de puree
druk hem in en ga maar mee
de bloemen buiten zetten

There's jack shit on TV[1]
only a film with Doris Day
and what about channel two[2]
eine wiener operette nay!
there's a button on your TV
it'll help you out of the puree
press it and come with
putting the flowers outside[3]
tay vay in Dutch
besides the literal meaning it's an expression that means something like "party hard"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #276
Oh that snooty smug stuff from Luxor about television buttons. Well smart alex I use the silence button when your wee witch Sturgeon comes on. It is just as well she has high heels so can be seen. When I watched a speech she gave when the carer gave a scene from her rear she was standing on a wee raised board at the lectern! Enjoyed the humour!  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #277
Oh that snooty smug stuff from Luxor about television buttons
Good grief, knock that chip off your shoulder.  :rolleyes:
Enjoyed the humour!
I seriously doubt that you would know what humour is RJ.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #278
Well I am not as pompous as you poor man and a bit more practical and down to earth.Every time I see your pal the wee witch speaking I used to just laugh but turning the sound down or watching a proper comedy is better. Your lot in with the Green buteers is even a bigger laugh! :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #279
Well I am not as pompous as you poor man […]
:) There's no one in the world I'm familiar with that could make that statement true!
But Howie still thinks I'm a hermit.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #280
Well I am not as pompous as you
Yet you post some drivel, instantly disproving that theory.  :up:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #281
Another example of pomposity nationalistic keech.

No chance of another referendum and the state of the police, Health Service, Education after 10 years of the Brigadoons shows they have reached the zenith. What is it now after the Local elections - only one Council with anyone having overall control?. It is all pumped up emotional midden stuff but at least it gets you on here.  Even in that arrogant mouth Salmond's constituency the anti-Nats did very well. Call me what you like as it will passingly help your grey cells but in practice means hee-haw.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #282
Another example of pomposity nationalistic keech.
???   :troll:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #283
Another very duh answer there folks. Proves my point!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #284
According all international analysts, the White House turned into a lunatic asylum.
This is no good.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #285
Maybe not the white House Belfrager maybe more the way the country is unfortunately in general. Will be surprised if anything comes up about the nonsense regarding Russia.  Maybe the US political brain deads might take up Putin's offer? Maybe not as it doesn't suit their ex-colonial nonsense.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #286
According all international analysts […]
Are they all or only mostly LGBT activists? :)
What "international analysts" do you refer to? And why?
When you refer to "all" you only mean all those you agree with you… Who the hell are you, Belfrager? A citizen of Portugal. Anything else?
Do tell!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #287
When you refer to "all" you only mean all those you agree with you...
All those "you agree with you" it's a very strange concept at the Old World...

Meanwhile Trump keeps on babbling, now at the middle east. Nice place to babble, indeed.
And they even say the man was receiving special lessons to go abroad... fantastic.
Who the hell are you, Belfrager? A citizen of Portugal. Anything else?
Do tell!
Nice inquisitorial style from the New World...  reading Torquemada these days? :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #288
Some system that can elect a Trump?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #289
I suppose this qualifies… :) (Arithmetic doesn't seem to taught anymore. It's still the "first hundred days" for most Democrats; it will stay that way for years! Most leftists in Europe -have we any posters from anywhere else that the U.S., Europe and Great Britain? [Sorry, Broohaha, I didn't mean to sleight Brazil…] They agree with "the Opposition" here in the States: Trump must go!
President Trump has decided to take the U.S. out of the Paris Accord (on climate change…).
The Paris Accord is a typical EU slight of hand move: Capitalism — Bad! America — Bad! Western civilization and progress — Bad!

What actually happened? The street-performers haven't lost their audience. But they've lost their most lucrative passers-by who'd throw a coin into their hat or guitar case… :)
BTW: I saw a recent picture of Angela Murkey, and wondered when Paul McCartney became the Chancellor of Germany? :)

进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #290
I suppose this qualifies… :) (Arithmetic doesn't seem to taught anymore. It's still the "first hundred days" for most Democrats; it will stay that way for years! Most leftists in Europe -have we any posters from anywhere else that the U.S., Europe and Great Britain? [Sorry, Broohaha, I didn't mean to sleight Brazil…] They agree with "the Opposition" here in the States: Trump must go!
President Trump has decided to take the U.S. out of the Paris Accord (on climate change…).
The Paris Accord is a typical EU slight of hand move: Capitalism — Bad! America — Bad! Western civilization and progress — Bad!
From behind the link,
Opinion among White House advisers reportedly is split: [...] Ivanka wants to stay [in the Paris Accord], and so does Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Look at all that leftist scum! Doesn't Ivanka know arithmetic? It takes two thirds of the Senate vote! Well, of course she doesn't know any arithmetic - she's an anti-capitalist Commie who wants Trump to go away. Same for that crypto-democrap Tillerson. They are always undermining American values and Western civilization! But Trump is going to show them real good...

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #291
:) It's almost as if you'd read the piece, ersi!
I appreciate your point of view. But your take is much the same as that of the Main Stream Media; anything that can be spun anti-Trump is acceptable! :)
Yes, I believe more than a few in the administration are in favor of the Paris Accord. A few in Trump's family… So?
The phrase "domestic tranquility" does not mean that your immediate relatives and close friends agree with your policy decisions — specially when you're the president of the United States.

Trump's remit is clear. (You don't think so…or, at least, don't think he understands it.) He's done what needed to be done by pulling out of the Paris Accord; next, I'm anxious to see which of the various mechanisms he invokes to finalize that decision…

I'm of two minds: What I'd like best is for him to Just Say No. But there's good reason to give it back to the U.S. Senate, which needs a 3/4 majority to approve a treaty; it's their job, after all.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #292
Too lazy to create a new thread, after earlier (IIRC) pointing out this thread has expired?

What's a treaty in the context of the US constitution should be, and I assume has been, for the courts. If the sentiment is that a single person can't commit a country to an irreversible agreement without a countersignature, I'd agree. The sign & ratify mechanism is fine, and a typical US pattern is that the president sign, and the Congress ratify half a generation or so later.

Is the Paris agreement a treaty? It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that it is, nor would it be unreasonable to say that it isn't. I would tend to the latter. It is an agreement within an existing framework, which the US has already joined. It's a statement of intent, non-binding commitments. In that regards it is not unlike the NATO commitment of member countries reaching 2%GDP expended on military by 2024, or countries pledging to contribute aid to other countries after disasters, aid that may or may not be forthcoming when the time comes. There is no court or adjudication process, like with e.g. the Maastricht Treaty. In short no loss of sovereignty, which I assume is what the US Constitution is about. On the other hand it would develop some transnational structures and a verification process, that can be stuff that treaties are made of.

While the Trump administration has drummed up excitement, reality show-like, will he/won't he, the battle of the Trump advisers, I would be surprised for any other outcome than the one we got. It doesn't benefit the Trump family and it won't make it easier for him to get reelected.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #293
 American psychiatrics are discussing what to do when the President is mentally disturbed...
America is turning worst than North Korea.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #294
Is the Paris agreement a treaty? It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that it is, nor would it be unreasonable to say that it isn't. I would tend to the latter. It is an agreement within an existing framework, which the US has already joined. It's a statement of intent, non-binding commitments.
As usual you're completely out of scope my dear Jax
Paris treaty is simply a civilizational landmark. The most advanced and inclusive one, a step for humankind.
It's not everyday that the Pope publishes an encyclica about it, "Laudate Si" - the Earth as our common House.

Trump's decision should be rewarded with the American tradition of applying the "law of Lynch".

As Macron said, "Let's make Earth great again"...
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #295
Covfefe  ???

Sean Spicer told during a White House briefing that a small group of people know what "covfefe" means.
Unfortunately I'm not one of that small group of people who know what "covfefe" means.
I'm afraid that I'll have to look up this book:

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #296
As usual you're completely out of scope my dear Jax
Paris treaty is simply a civilizational landmark. The most advanced and inclusive one, a step for humankind.
It's not everyday that the Pope publishes an encyclica about it, "Laudate Si" - the Earth as our common House.

Trump's decision should be rewarded with the American tradition of applying the "law of Lynch".

As Macron said, "Let's make Earth great again"...

I may be more cynical than you it seems, but politicians' declarations of intent should be taken for what they are. There are no consequences, except perhaps some public pillorying during the years of introspection (2018 and every five years thereafter).

That said, these declarations are still highly important symbolically and practically. They do show intent and direction, and these are believable, as is the underlying technology. That's the big story.

What the US does can still be very damaging (minimal benefits now, long tail of costs), but seen long-term I think Trump is sowing seeds of self-destruction.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #297
What the US does can still be very damaging (minimal benefits now, long tail of costs), but seen long-term I think Trump is sowing seeds of self-destruction.
American top psichiatrists are already discussing what to with a mentally disturbed president.
This is not long-term analysis, the seeds of self destruction are already blooming.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #298
The U.S. can’t quit the Paris climate agreement, because it never actually joined

President Trump is expected to announce today that the United States will not be party to the Paris agreement on climate change. What he should say is that the United States never properly joined the accord: It is a treaty that requires the advice and consent of the Senate. Instead, President Barack Obama choose to “adopt” it with an executive order last September.

Some scholars have gone so far as to argue that the Paris agreement represents an exotic and previously unidentified species of international deal that does not have to be treated as a treaty. But even in this view, if Obama was within his rights to treat it as a non-treaty, Trump would be entirely within his executive rights to interpret it differently — as a treaty requiring Senate consent, which has not even been sought yet.

Some argue that even if Trump’s non-acceptance of obligations under the agreement would be consistent with the Constitution, it would be a breach of an international obligation and weaken foreign trust in U.S. commitments. Yet foreign countries are in no place to complain if the United States insists on treating the agreement as a treaty requiring submission to the legislature — because that is exactly how they have treated it themselves.

Indeed, the real U.S. exceptionalism would be not in Trump’s action, but in Obama’s – in not seeking ratification.


Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #299
The Wikipedia entry on American exceptionalism
American exceptionalism is one of three related ideas. The first is that the history of the United States is inherently different from that of other nations.[2] In this view, American exceptionalism stems from the American Revolution, becoming what political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset called "the first new nation"[3] and developing the uniquely American ideology of "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy, and laissez-faire economics. This ideology itself is often referred to as "American exceptionalism."[4] Second is the idea that the U.S. has a unique mission to transform the world. Abraham Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg address (1863), that Americans have a duty to ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Third is the sense that the United States' history and mission gives it a superiority over other nations.
US attitudes in this field will affect how the US will interact with the rest of the world. While this attitude is unusual, it isn't truly exceptional, there are other nation states in the world with their own form of national exceptionalism. The writer muddies the waters with a purely domestic discussion. 

Incidentally, the Wikipedia entry on weasel words

weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that a specific or meaningful statement has been made, when instead only a vague or ambiguous claim has actually been communicated.

Speaking of which, the Paris Agreement can be momentous if taken in good faith, but can also be easily subverted if not. Actually the developments across the world, including the US, indicate the former.