Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?
Reply #90 –
The US of A is the land of adult chidren on guns. They use a war footing at the birth and early years of the country as an excuse for still having the right to bear arms. In the democracies it is the worst in this area as they miss the past and chance to play cowboys and Indians. What the deuce they pay billions for armed forces and armies of police but still need a late 18th/early 19th century to justify their gun craziness is beyond reason. You are hardly safe to go to popular places like shopping centres, cinemas and going to school is a 50-50 chance of mayhem as the nutjobs start younger than most other places. Over 10,00 killed each year and of course the corporate gun lobby and their childish gun toing pals brain us with guns don't kill people do. Well what un-intentionally only backs up what I say about playing cowboys.
Thank heavens we lost the ex-colonies it is a gun crazy lot of head banging numpties.