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Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to own, carry, & use Firearms to defend their own lives, & the lives of their family & friends?

Absolutely Yes!
I thinks so.
I don't think so.
Definitely No!
My name isn't String, so let me have a icy cold beer so I can ponder the options...
Topic: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms? (Read 355305 times)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #375
I think the need to be heavily armed against intruders is a localized thing, hardly a national phenomenon. Smiley's house seems to have hot and cold running intruders, so he needs an armory in his bedroom if he is to get any sleep at night. I, on the other hand, haven't had a malicious person inside my house in--- well, let's see,-- hmmmm....not an outsider at any rate, and the last time I had a malicious person in my dwelling it was a doggone good thing we didn't have a gun available. We had enough troubles during the last few months of that marriage.

Now, then. We have a problem. It's pretty serious too. It's like this: Guns are supposed, at least, to make you a little less fearful since, being armed, you can defend yourself against intruders, the government, assorted bad guys and Sanguinemoon, who just might legislate your guns away. So how come the most fear-laden posts you can find here come from one of the most heavily armed men here? Now that's a real curiosity, and one I'm at a loss to figure. Any attempt to make you register your guns, or become registered as a legal gun owner (legally required in one way or another in most states) prompts a tirade of slippery-slope arguments where registering a gun is the prerequisite to jack-booted state police raiding your place and confiscating your guns. Maybe-- just maybe-- they're only asking you to be a responsible gun owner. I have to register my van and have a license which allows me to drive that van. In order to get that license, I had to take tests-- a vision test, a written test that shows you know the rules of the road, and if it's your first time you have to pass a road test, demonstrating to the DMV agent that you can, indeed, safely operate a motor vehicle. Why should owning a gun not have any requirements placed on it concerning your ability to obey the rules and safely operate your weapon?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #376
I am rather surprised this thread continues to go on.

Surely both sides covered most of the OP in the first 5 pages?

It will continue as long as there are still people hell bent on ignoring or perverting the meaning & rights associated with the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, & for those not covered by that amendment to keep & bear arms, any person's natural right to defend his country, his family, his friends, & most of all his own life, shall likewise be uninfringed. 

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #377
Well that can include you too dear man!

Now one of the Southern States has made it legal for people to carry guns just about anywhere even a library for goodness sake. Talk about a country going bananas. With the police becoming more and  ore militarised and not just in a few odd places the country is becoming very odd place indeed. Small wonder there are so many shootings and misusing the 18th and early 19th century as an excuse. When will you lot grow up? If such large numbers want to be would-be John Wayne types and claim they need to it says much about the society. Who would want to copy such a country that claims it is the shining beacon for the world?  People in the regular outside world shake their heads.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #378

I am rather surprised this thread continues to go on.

Surely both sides covered most of the OP in the first 5 pages?  :sherlock:
Oh, we also talked about various models of police cars and whatnot. But continuing to go was my fault, when I noted the only civilian killed in a Las Vegas incident was with the CCW and therefore thought he was a hero. That isn't to say that CCW holder can't end a hostage situation, but you do have to be smarter about it and more aware of your surroundings than most people are capable of or all you'll do it get yourself killed.

Oh yeah, Smiley. That incident did not occur in a "Gun-Free Zone....." Get it? People like the Millers are not rational. They don't give two shits about a sign. They just want to kill people and don't need a sign to encourage them.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #379
That isn't to say that CCW holder can't end a hostage situation, but you do have to be smarter about it and more aware of your surroundings than most people are capable of or all you'll do it get yourself killed.

Yep, so true. 

Some of our very best trained Service Men & Law Enforcement Officers bite the dust every year because in the world of protection even the best can find themselves a victim of plain ole bum luck.     

Everybody gotta go sometime ya know.....ain't no cheatin' the grim reaper.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #380
......carry guns just about anywhere even a library for goodness sake.

I never knew you couldn't, oooopppps, I've been breakin' the law all these years!!??!! ---- oh well, shit happens.

Glad I didn't shoot anyone, it would have been freekin' illegal!

I wonder, if I should have had the pleasure of gunnin' down a potential mass murderer in the commission of his dastardly deed, would I have been arrested & prosecuted ....... somehow, I think not (unless the prick lived or I was in Scotland, which would be 99% unlikely --- I ain't into woundin', & I ain't stupid enough to be in Scotland ).

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #381
Well, well Smile you are still daft enough to live in that increasingly police State of a country. Before long you won't be able to tell the difference between the police and the army at the rate things are going inbetween shooting each other in the thousands. So glad you don't live here nut mental health treatment is free here  in the National Health Service. Hhhm that is assuming you don't shoot yourself in the foot having breakfast.

To those fortunate enough not to live in the ex-clonies the place increasingly looks like a nightmare. Widespread poverty, paramilitary police, consant infringments of rights, privacy and so on. The place actually needs another proper revolution and on the second atttempt not by the money barons.  The land of the free and home of the brave, haha you do have a weird sense of humour with that stuff. Heavens it gives thee right to shoot over 10,000 people a year and the police doing everything but parachute..well not yet. Bet you drones will be next for the police.

The other day the BBC had an item where the government agency that covers airborne stuff is now going ban toy planes and helicopters! What a shambles the place has become. Anyone with a model railway better watch out!  :yikes: When you watch what the police do against unarmed and peaceful protesters it is damnable. In New York they punched and kicked people sitting on the pavement including a superior officer. The batons come out if you twitch an eye and all hell breaks out. You can expect to be sprayed as well. You couldn't make America up and in another weird way small wonder television anchors here when interviewing make it obvious that it is beyond normality.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #382
Well, well Smile you are still daft enough to live in that increasingly police State of a country.

In my life I haven't had a problem living anywhere I have chosen to live.

I've lived very comfortably, without fear for life or limb, in the country of my birth --- the land of the free & the home of the brave --- for 50+ years.

I've never had to fire a shot at another human being, for any reason, since 1977 in Vietnam, even though as a civilian over 90% of the time I'm usually very well armed, & quite capable of doing so.

RJ, it sounds to me from all your whinging & whining that you're the skittish girlie type        that's scared of his her own shadow, & so tempestuous that he she spits the dummy with the foaming froth of a dying rabid dog!

You were probably one of the first to toss his weapons aside, & turn tail frantically fleeing back into the waters off Dunkirk! 

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #383
From the land of the free and the home of the brave.
ROSWELL, N.M. — A New Mexico judge rejected pleas for leniency Wednesday and handed down the maximum sentence for a then-12-year-old boy who opened fire in a Roswell middle school gym earlier this year, injuring two students.

State District Judge Freddie Romero ordered the boy, now 13, held in state custody until he is 21. His decision followed a daylong hearing in which the shooter apologized, the defense argued he was the victim of chronic bullying, and the two students wounded in the shooting detailed their permanent injuries.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #384
How about a little humor to lighten this up? While there were, regrettably, a couple of injuries in the video below, none appear to have done much more than wound pride.

Now, about gun control: Keep in mind, when you pull the trigger, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that will go a long way. Remember, too what the gun's safety is for and use it-- that helps too. If you're using a gun that ejects spent shells, remember that those shells have to go somewhere-- they don't teletransport into deep space, they fly out of the gun's action quite possibly back at you. I think that takes care of most of the stuff in the video-- keep these things in mind and maybe you can shoot without being shot by your own gun.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #385
Now, about gun control: Keep in mind, when you pull the trigger, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that will go a long way. Remember, too what the gun's safety is for and use it-- that helps too. If you're using a gun that ejects spent shells, remember that those shells have to go somewhere-- they don't teletransport into deep space, they fly out of the gun's action quite possibly back at you. I think that takes care of most of the stuff in the video-- keep these things in mind and maybe you can shoot without being shot by your own gun.

Why do I get the feeling  most of those people aren't especially stupid, just what happens with the average person with a gun. Well, the exception might the guy whose pants fell down. I'm not really sure how that could have happened unless he's a true dumbass.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #386
Why do I get the feeling  most of those people aren't especially stupid, just what happens with the average person with a gun. Well, the exception might the guy whose pants fell down. I'm not really sure how that could have happened unless he's a true dumbass.

Most of those people just didn't have any experience with a gun, or at least the gun they were shooting, and were setup to fail for the video by some idiot. The guy's pants falling seemed staged in attempting a viral video. That explains all the gettin' scoped, guns flying and people pistol whipping themselves. The two idiots that shot themselves on quick draw are, perhaps, from the stupid side of things. If you just have to go cowboy... practice with an empty gun first.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #387
Inexperience accounts for most of what you saw in that video. The quick-draw show-offs were something else.

When you shoot a gun, of course the bullet leaves the barrel at incredible velocities. The problem is that in order for that to happen, the gun has to be restrained in some way to resist equal-and-opposite reactions. All firearms have recoil-- it's part of the process. Part of being trained to handle a gun involves being trained to handle the recoil.

Special note about the quick-draw doofuses: The few times I was on a firing range, I saw a sign forbidding quick-draw shenanigans. Try it there, and you would be banned from the firing range. Seems it isn't particularly safe.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #388

How about a little humor to lighten this up? While there were, regrettably, a couple of injuries in the video below, none appear to have done much more than wound pride.

Now, about gun control: Keep in mind, when you pull the trigger, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that will go a long way................

Now, any activity---and I definitely do mean any activity  --- dealing with firearms must be taken seriously, deliberately, with extreme caution, & with complete concentration.

As you noticed, most of those so called   'fails'   were either done due to people treating deadly weapons lightheartedly, or outright inexperience.....actually, probably a mixture of both.

Many were of supposedly 'experienced' owners trying to get some sort of sick kicks & enjoyment seeing either an inexperienced good friend or loved one try shooting their firearm without any care as to the outcome.

Firstly, anyone that does that is definitely not a friend, & by no means can they be a loved one!

They are an asshole in the purest sense of the word.......period.

Sick muthafuker comes to mind.

They are the type of individuals that even I could say shouldn't have anything to do with firearms.

Involving an innocent party in their prankish lunacy is absolutely inexcusable.

Now, that said, most accidents happen due to inexperience, coupled with a lack of respect for the firearm itself & how deadly they are.

The 'quick-draw' fails in this video were caused by ignoring one basic & simple [glow=blue,2,300]'written in granite'  rule [/glow] of drawing a firearm ...... the  trigger finger placement.

If they followed the basic rules of drawing & firing a pistol, better than 99% of those type of incidents would/could never take place.

For those that want to see the correct way, please closely follow the following video.

Keep a close eye on the shooters deliberate trigger finger placement in all the demonstrations.


Remember.........Proper training, & the consistently repetitive practice of proper safety techniques, is the only way to ensure safe & successful use of your firearms.

Have fun!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #389
Remember.........Proper training, & the consistently repetitive practice of proper safety techniques, is the only way to ensure safe & successful use of your firearms.

Have fun!

But how many people actually get that? There's actually little reason not to. A firearms range maybe 1/2 mile from my house offers free CCW classes and isn't the only range in Las Vegas to do this.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #390

Remember.........Proper training, & the consistently repetitive practice of proper safety techniques, is the only way to ensure safe & successful use of your firearms.

Have fun!

But how many people actually get that? There's actually little reason not to. A firearms range maybe 1/2 mile from my house offers free CCW classes and isn't the only range in Las Vegas to do this.

Nobody knows, but the numbers of attendees in those CCW Training seminars are increasing in leaps & bounds.

A close friend in the Personal Protection Industry, who is a range owner too, says he's booked for up to 2 weeks in advance, & the firearm training side of his business has quadrupled in the last year. He said he trains an average of 20-30+ a week (he employs 4 fully qualified & licensed instructors & 6 other licensed personnel at his range).

Glad to see LV has those facilities with free CCW.

Free CCW Training seems like the best business model to follow.

Attendees have little reason not to attend 'cause the price is right, & follow-up training & range use is virtually assured because 95% of those attending are most probably locals.

During my time there during a seminar I spoke at 3 years ago....the ones I visited during my 2 week long stay were state of the art then, & I was told recently numbers in the West & especially the South West were steadily increasing.

Maybe in part it's due to the larger number of more violent undesirables (wetbacks & their southern cousins) coming in from south of the border.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #391
The country is made an almost laughing stock of the world due to the dreadful elementary brans of the gunners. You can't help but feel sorry for the sensible people who must sigh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #392

The country is made an almost laughing stock of the world due to the dreadful elementary brans of the gunners. You can't help but feel sorry for the sensible people who must sigh.

So, at risk of involuntarily eliciting another long winded Anti-American rant to add to the long list of simple minded Anti-American rants from you preceding it, what's your point?  Presuming you have a point we here in our United States care about, or is that required anymore?

We have our firearms, we intend to keep our firearms, & we will in absolute, totally & completely, reject any methodologies that will attempt to infringe upon the Natural Rights of our citizens to their firearms, & the legal use of the same.

If Europe & the rest of the world has a problem with that, we couldn't give a flying rats ass. They have the right to abdicate their natural rights away, but we never will.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #393
RJHowie sighs because we don't have a Union Jack flying over our houses of government and "God Save the Queen" isn't our national anthem. After that-- the rest is kinda pointless.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #394
The country is made an almost laughing stock of the world due to the dreadful elementary brans of the gunners.

Of course there's centuries of stock for why Europeans would think that. Stark racism, but called nationalism, makes much of their history with guns look like a redneck family feud. :P

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #395
You really do miss the point mjsmsprt40. You lot are gun daft and to the point of sillyness. It is all part of American nationalism which is covered by the use of patriotism. I am not ranting which is an excuse by SmileFaze who is part of the vast legion of neo-cons. I most certainly do not want my Union flag over America and you lot singing our National Anthem because that would put us in with the land of nut jobs. As usual we get the guff about anti-Yank rants. So expected from the nation that thinks it is Moses and is the world's inspiration. What a daft position it oft claims what with over 10,000 shot down and killed annually the level of the prison population, executions, people on death row for years and years (disgusting),  vast armies of the homeless, poor and struggling.

Unfortunately having been brained since childhood into the propaganda it is the world's No 1 and how wonderful it is the population is incapable of seeing the truth so naturally anyone reminding of the regular and actual situation will be labelled as a rant. Even if for the moment I was to accept the word in argument there is so much to do so about in the state of the place sitting alongside hypocrisy!  One day all you ex-colonists will wake up one morning and see you are in a police State and be puzzled how that came about. Hhm, maybe on second thoughts your revolution was a good thing and your home corprates took over because it has become a mess-up and I wouldn't want my flag and gracious Monarch involved in what has been produced all by itself! :devil:  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #396
Isn't it about time?!

[glow=blue,2,300]Bill Introduced To Allow Concealed Carry Permits to
Transfer Across State Lines Like Drivers Licenses

Quote from:   
Texas Senator John Cornyn has introduced new legislation that if passed would allow concealed carry holders to travel from state to state without fear of breaking the law. The idea is similar to national reciprocity and concealed carry permits would be recognized as legal just like a drivers license.............

Being that the Right to Carry is available in all 50 States now, if you have a permit to carry in say Nevada or California, shouldn't your Nevada or Californian permit to carry be honored in Massachusetts, or Colorado, or Utah, or New York?

Isn't it about time we honor Carry Permits Nationally so incidents like this don't happen, as they so often do today? 

What do you think (yes, that does mean you too RJ ;) )?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #397
[glow=blue,2,300]Murder rate drops as concealed carry permits rise, study claims [/glow]

Quote from:    

A dramatic spike in the number of Americans with permits to carry concealed weapons coincides with an equally stark drop in violent crime, according to a new study, which Second Amendment advocates say makes the case that more guns can mean safer streets.

The study by the Crime Prevention Research Center found that 11.1 million Americans now have permits to carry concealed weapons, up from 4.5 million in 2007. The 146 percent increase has come even as both murder and violent crime rates have dropped by 22 percent.......continued

“When you allow people to carry concealed handguns, you see changes in the behavior of criminals."

More guns = less crime!

What do you think (yes, that means you too RJ ;) )?


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #398
“When you allow people to carry concealed handguns, you see changes in the behavior of criminals."

Fluctuations can be cause by many things. Coincidence can be to blame because economic conditions have also changed.
(Although, rj ain't gonna like the upswing there neither.)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #399
Fluctuations can be cause by many things. Coincidence can be to blame because economic conditions have also changed.
(Although, rj ain't gonna like the upswing there neither.)

Not to mention murder has been on the downward trend for a long time. Even Smiley knows this is just trolling.