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Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to own, carry, & use Firearms to defend their own lives, & the lives of their family & friends?

Absolutely Yes!
I thinks so.
I don't think so.
Definitely No!
My name isn't String, so let me have a icy cold beer so I can ponder the options...
Topic: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms? (Read 355317 times)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #300
I modified, as I do from time to time, I modified that phrase you quoted while you were posting (unbeknown to me) .... causing an overlap. Hope it doesn't affect your meaning, but it might. ;)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #301
Utopians (Progressives) usually prate about 'effectiveness'… And how, if only they were in control, there would be enough! Eventually......

Ain't that the freekin' truth!!

Prate ... Nice word, btw, & quite apropos.

Welcome aboard.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #302

It's not about control. It's about effectiveness.

Utopians (Progressives) usually prate about 'effectiveness'… And how, if only they were in control, there would be enough! Eventually.
Would you also support the Precautionary Principle?
And what is the NRA utopia, their end game? Mine is to simply reduce criminals access to guns. Of course, it's impossible to completely eliminate it.  That's hardly a Utopian vision. What are you up to anyway, trying to me on the defensive for having a "Utopian"  vision, when my views match the overwhelming majority . So the majority of Americans are Leftist Utopians now - for having common sense?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #303
...And what is the NRA utopia, their end game? Mine is to simply reduce criminals access to guns. Of course, it's impossible to completely eliminate it.  That's hardly a Utopian vision.

The NRA is there to protect & defend American Gun Right's, Gun Freedoms, & Liberties,  & protect us from Leftist Anti-Gun Progressives who would slowly whittle away at those rights, slice by slice, until they inevitably legislate regulations that make American Gun Rights virtually non-existent --- with the most cowardly form of confiscation to follow.

The common mantras being " simply reduce criminals access to guns..." ,  "....Common sense regulations & measures to scale down gun violence..." when all they actually want to do is build up a firearm database through registrations, which is a prerequisite to confiscation & control -- not of criminal arms, but of legal firearms belonging to law abiding firearm owners.

When one set of regulations fail to completely stop gun violence, they will call for more restrictive regulations, then when those regulations too fail to attain their ever changing objectives, they will push harder for yet more restrictive regulation, & on, & on, & on it goes until every promise made to law abiding, legal firearm owners is broken, & every facet of "...we don't want to take anyone's legal right to keep & bear firearms away...", becomes a total mockery as they spit on the cherished Flag, Constitution, & the Bill of Rights we Americans hold dear.

They will attempt to cunningly spoon-feed America their diabolical lies, in order to divide & conquer, gaining followers not through truths, but by playing on their deep emotions --- black tongued lie after black tongued lie, just as those "Non-Anti-Gun Anti-Gunners" in these forums might blatantly lie when they attempt to "sugar-coat" how they "....just want common sense firearm reforms....", when actually they want nothing of the sort. They truly seek to end every vestige of firearm rights that every brave American Soldier died defending, & once Americans have no way of protecting their rights from a tyrannical government, all the other rights will surely follow post haste.

They will slyly mask their dubious & cowardly intentions, because in reality all they pray for is the first day of an enslaved, gun free, populace ---- a populace of which in their hopes will be totally dependent upon, & at the absolute mercy of their tyrannical & controlling socialistic government.

Yes, they pray for the day when all Americans become merely slaves with privileges, instead of citizens with rights!

Now, I am beginning to understand a little more about how Patrick Henry must have felt when he spoke these words:

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #304
And what is the NRA utopia, their end game? Mine is to simply reduce criminals access to guns. Of course, it's impossible to completely eliminate it.

As far as I know, the NRA doesn't propose a Utopia or an end-game. They simply support an ancient right supposedly secured to a free people…

You want to feel safe and secure; and unencumbered by an oppressive government… Pard, you can't get there from here. Leastwise, not by that road: Government regulation doesn't go there.
If you really want to reduce criminals' access to guns, get a concealed-carry permit! Most criminals are cowards and, by your own reasoning, every little bit helps. No?
But you'd rather the coercive might of the federal government absolve you of personal responsibility. Even if it does little or no actual good. Even if it does actual harm.
If I'm wrong, please explain how.

In other words, what would it take to make you feel safe and secure? That's a simple enough question, I think. I'll reply, after consideration, to your answer — if you make one.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #305
Does anyone buy that crap anymore? Someone's an anti-gun leftist for what? Supporting background checks? Questioning the wisdom of allowing anyone to carry guns in schools?

The really sad thing is you guys don't understand this over the top rhetoric you use on yourselves causes you to lose to be public debate. Then there's the habit of calling for guns in schools after there's been a Sandy Hook style shooting. The sane public shakes their collective heads in a "Are you fucking kidding?" moment. That's just one obvious example of when the NRA goes off the road of preserving 2nd amendment rights and takes the next exit to Crazytown.

Oh yeah, and gun control does tend to reduce gun violence .

Fleegler and researchers from Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health studied information from all 50 states between 2007 to 2010, analyzing all firearm-related deaths reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and data on firearm laws compiled by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

States with the most laws had a mortality rate 42% lower than those states with the fewest laws, they found. The strong law states' firearm-related homicide rate was also 40% lower and their firearm-related suicide rate was 37% lower.
.Of course, most of us would say "No shit, Sherlock" to those findings.  Law-abiding citizens can get their guns for hunting or whatever; criminals have a tougher time committing their crimes. I don't think it takes a genius to understand this. Common sense, Smiley.


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #306
Science, Sang? Nah. Of course not…
Despite the findings, researchers did not establish a cause and effect relationship between guns and deaths. Rather, they could only establish an association.

That failure illustrates the limits of the study, said Garen Wintemute, an emergency physician and director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis.

"Policy makers can really draw no conclusion from this study," Wintemute said, explaining that the study doesn't provide critical answers to which laws work and why.

The larger problem is that the United States effectively stopped doing research on gun laws and violence 15 years ago and now has no evidence that shows causes and effect, he said.

Wintemute added, however, that he believes gun policies are important and can drive rates of violence down. In the future, researchers must look at how several factors including culture, gun ownership, and gun trafficking between states, he said.

Fleegler and his colleagues became interested in the relationship between gun laws and deaths last summer after the Trayvon Martin case sparked conversations about self-defense laws and the use of guns.

Despite the early lapses in grammar early-on in the article, I feel the reporters' pain! Spinning this 'correctly' must have been anguishing, and futile…

No statistics for the last 15 years?! Maybe they're hiding among Lerner's 2009-2011 emails…
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #307

And what is the NRA utopia, their end game? Mine is to simply reduce criminals access to guns. Of course, it's impossible to completely eliminate it.

As far as I know, the NRA doesn't propose a Utopia or an end-game. They simply support an ancient right supposedly secured to a free people…

You want to feel safe and secure; and unencumbered by an oppressive government… Pard, you can't get there from here. Leastwise, not by that road: Government regulation doesn't go there.
If you really want to reduce criminals' access to guns, get a concealed-carry permit! Most criminals are cowards and, by your own reasoning, every little bit helps. No?
But you'd rather the coercive might of the federal government absolve you of personal responsibility. Even if it does little or no actual good. Even if it does actual harm.
If I'm wrong, please explain how.
Their end game seems to be no background checks and carrying guns anywhere. Carry your gun into the courthouse if you want, never mind that you'll have the opportunity to shoot the judge if your friend or loved one gets a guilty verdict.

Look at all this oppression I'm calling for. Tap an app on your smartphone and enter in your buyer's information. Don't have a smartphone? Use your computer (probably easier anyway with a real keyboard and whatnot). Doing this is personal responsibility, as opposed to selling your gun to the Millers and the like without bothering to check who you're selling to. None of this is even close to taking away personal responsibility.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #308

Science, Sang? Nah. Of course not…
Despite the findings, researchers did not establish a cause and effect relationship between guns and deaths. Rather, they could only establish an association.

That failure illustrates the limits of the study, said Garen Wintemute, an emergency physician and director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California, Davis.

"Policy makers can really draw no conclusion from this study," Wintemute said, explaining that the study doesn't provide critical answers to which laws work and why.

The larger problem is that the United States effectively stopped doing research on gun laws and violence 15 years ago and now has no evidence that shows causes and effect, he said.

Wintemute added, however, that he believes gun policies are important and can drive rates of violence down. In the future, researchers must look at how several factors including culture, gun ownership, and gun trafficking between states, he said.

Fleegler and his colleagues became interested in the relationship between gun laws and deaths last summer after the Trayvon Martin case sparked conversations about self-defense laws and the use of guns.

Despite the early lapses in grammar early-on in the article, I feel the reporters' pain! Spinning this 'correctly' must have been anguishing, and futile…

No statistics for the last 15 years?! Maybe they're hiding among Lerner's 2009-2011 emails…
That's when you take into account the numerous other positive correlations between high gunownership rates, lax regulations and state-wide crime rates. The result remains the same. That's when you said "But-but South Dakota (or some other low population state) has a high rate of gun ownership and low crime. That's when you use your brain to understand there's a difference if your next neighbor is a mile away or not :p

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #309
Same old song and dance: Gun control works! (Except where it's tried — because they don't try hard enough…? DC? Chicago?) The available statistics (…the last 15 years, eh?) are murky, at best.
Cherry-picking data and performing feats of academic prestidigitation don't count for much.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #310

Science, Sang? Nah. Of course not…
Despite the findings, researchers did not establish a cause and effect relationship between guns and deaths. Rather, they could only establish an association.

Despite the early lapses in grammar early-on in the article, I feel the reporters' pain! Spinning this 'correctly' must have been anguishing, and futile…

No statistics for the last 15 years?! Maybe they're hiding among Lerner's 2009-2011 emails…

Wait, what?? No cause and effect relationship between guns and death? What, exactly, do you think the murder rate in Chicago has been all about? Seems to me the cause and effect is well enough established. An angry person points a gun at his enemy, he pulls the trigger, and his enemy falls down. Hmmmm.... Seems to me those researchers need to go back and re-do that study. Oh,, about those statistics-- Go to Chicago's Harrison-District police station, and I'm sure they'll give you all the statistics you can handle from the last 15 years-- or any other time period of your choosing. You'll have all the cause-and effect you can stand and maybe then some.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #311

Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

What do you think?
i think if access to mentall health is easier than access to the gun shop .

it will reduce the Guns issues .


bc people with mentall health issues need -->  CBT , Haldol , lithium , alprazolam , etc .

--not a Gun .

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #312

Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

What do you think?
i think if access to mentall health is easier than access to the gun shop .

it will reduce the Guns issues .


bc people with mentall health issues need -->  CBT , Haldol , lithium , alprazolam , etc .

--not a Gun .

That's an approach being totally ignored by the Progressive Left.


Because it is intelligent, & has the best chance of helping people, rather than oppressing people, that's why.

Imagine that, rather than redoubling efforts to actually help people through better mental health care, as I'm sure you would strongly suggest, they prefer to go the route of regulation through firearm legislation, which btw, no matter how many times the black tongued lie is spoken by the Progressive Left, their firearm legislation doesn't work, & newer laws will be just as ineffective.

I agree with you here Sparta.

Make the Mental Health Care System actually work, & redouble efforts in apprehending & prosecuting criminals --- enforce the laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS, rather than insisting on passing  :yawn:  new oppressive laws, yet again, that are doomed to fail as they have already failed in Chicago, & the Nation's Capital Washington, D.C. where they already have the most restrictive & oppressive Firearm Regulations in the Country!


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #313
Why is it called "gun control"? Do you call the regulations concerning driver's licences "car control"?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #314
Why Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms it's a matter of resistance.
As so, it's irrelevant what happens at already occupied societies where the only right people have is to conform, consume, obey.

American gun defensors, Europeans like it or not, are the last ones to keep on defending their right to resistance and actually doing something for it.
Criminal statistic minutiae is the weapon being used against populations so people don't get armed, so people can't ever resist.

This is not a matter of police and statistics, this is a mater of Freedom.

A matter of attitude.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #315

Why is it called "gun control"? Do you call the regulations concerning driver's licences "car control"?

There's a thought. You actually have to go to the DMV and prove that you know the law concerning driving a car, and if it's your first time you will have to prove proficiency in driving the car.

If you want to  get a Class A CDL, you'll have to jump through a ton of hoops to prove you actually can drive a rig safely.

Here in Illinois, you have to pass state-police checks to get a "Firearm Owners Identification Card" and the concealed-carry permits if you're doing this legally-- note, if I ever DO decide to own a gun it will be legal, having to buy weapons and ammo from the shady characters at 5th and Homan is not my idea of the way to do this right. To get the concealed carry, they make you pass classes in gun handling and gun safety, don't know for sure if they try to weed out the freak-show but I sure hope so.

Smiley, I gotta say that if you're wanting to keep the state from knowing what you have or even if you have, here in Illinois you're a trifle late legally. After I secure the permits I would need and get the training I would need-- of course they're gonna know. How could they not? But, you know, that doesn't really bother me. Especially if I AM the "militia" because-- oh, I know you won't believe this-- in time of need, when the troops-- meaning me-- would be mustered in the town square-- it would be the business of the local government, and maybe the state-- depends on the size of the emergency-- to know "for sure" who they can depend on to face the emergency. If anything, I probably would need a lot more training than I'm likely to get at "Sam's Sporting Goods and Shooting Range"--- so maybe a little bit of real, bona-fide militia training would be in order. You can only get that through semi-official channels, or through knowing guys who meet in the back woods behind Jed's barn-- one of the two. In any case, it really doesn't bother me to have my paperwork in order, so that I can answer legally and constitutionally for any and all weapons I might possess. I have to have a driver's license, registration and proof of insurance to drive a car-- why should I not have legal paperwork to possess and use an arsenal?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #316

Why is it called "gun control"? Do you call the regulations concerning driver's licences "car control"?

That's what both sides of the political spectrum have decided to label it, so until further notice that's what it's called.

Oppression & Tyranny by any other names would dominate & subjugate just the same!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #317
Smiley, I gotta say that if you're wanting to keep the state from knowing what you have or even if you have, here in Illinois you're a trifle late legally.

The word NULLIFICATION comes to mind.

Unjust laws can only oppress if they are enforced.

There are quite a few local law enforcement people refusing to enforce unjust gun laws, laws that are infringing on your Constitutional Right to Keep & Bear Arms, because in their oaths of office they swore to uphold the US Constitution first & foremost.

In any case, it really doesn't bother me to have my paperwork in order, so that I can answer legally and constitutionally for any and all weapons I might possess. I have to have a driver's license, registration and proof of insurance to drive a car-- why should I not have legal paperwork to possess and use an arsenal?

This is the land of the free, so if you wish you can be & do as you are, so if you choose Lemming, who am I to argue.  

BTW JFYI.......
All those rules, & paperwork you speak of are not there to protect you, don't kid yourself, they are there to make doing what you have already done very difficult......the powers that be are hoping to turn off as many Citizens as possible from exercising their Constitutional Rights to keep & bear arms through intimidation, which is being litigated in your courts as we speak.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #318

Why Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms it's a matter of resistance.
As so, it's irrelevant what happens at already occupied societies where the only right people have is to conform, consume, obey.

American gun defensors, Europeans like it or not, are the last ones to keep on defending their right to resistance and actually doing something for it.
Criminal statistic minutiae is the weapon being used against populations so people don't get armed, so people can't ever resist.

This is not a matter of police and statistics, this is a mater of Freedom.

[glow=black,2,300]BRAVO!!! [/glow] 

How eloquently stated!!   

You are 100% SPOT ON! 

Thank you sir, thank you very very much!

May God bless you, & protect you.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #319
So are we discussing whether or not nullification is constitutional or not? 

Pretty sure the Civil War settled that, as we (The South) tried that for some time.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #320

Why is it called "gun control"? Do you call the regulations concerning driver's licences "car control"?

That's what both sides of the political spectrum have decided to label it, so until further notice that's what it's called.

Oppression & Tyranny by any other names would dominate & subjugate just the same!
Again, though. What tyranny? Pressing an app on your phone. The horror!  :no:

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #321

Same old song and dance: Gun control works! (Except where it's tried — because they don't try hard enough…? DC? Chicago?) The available statistics (…the last 15 years, eh?) are murky, at best.
Cherry-picking data and performing feats of academic prestidigitation don't count for much.
Neither does pretending the data is cherry picked. Murky at best? No. But I'll address that briefly at the end of the post.

Between 2007 and 2010, firearms were responsible for 31,224 to 31, 672 fatalities a year, with an average annual death rate ranging from a high of 17.9 per 100,000 individuals in Louisiana to a low of 2.9 per 100,000 in Hawaii. In 2010, firearms killed 68 percent of the homicide victims and 51 percent of the suicide victims.

“We found that the states with the greatest number of laws not only had dramatically lower firearm-associated homicide rates, but dramatically lower firearm-associated suicide rates as well,” says Fleegler.

Findings from the study include:

States with the most firearm legislation had a 42 percent lower overall firearm-associated mortality rate than states with the least legislation.

The firearm-associated homicide rate was 40 percent lower, and the firearm-related suicide rate 37 percent lower, in states with the most legislation.

There was no increase in non-firearm-associated fatalities in states with the most firearm legislation as compared to states with the least legislation.

The types of legislation associated most clearly with decreasing rates of firearm-related homicides and suicides involved universal background checks and requiring permits to purchase firearms.

States with the most firearm laws had the lowest levels of household gun ownership.

Fleegler notes that the study did not determine cause and effect, but instead established the association between firearm laws and firearm fatalities.
Note the type of legislation that I'm advocating is the that's "most clearly with decreasing rates of firearm-related homicides and suicides." 

Of course this notes the correlations do not prove causation. However, there are so many studies done utilizing different methodologies that DaVince couldn't paint a clearer picture. Now you had the silliness to bring up Chicago, where the gun laws were circumvented  simply by going to the suburbs.

None of this is a threat to mentally sound, non-criminal gunowners.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #322
Oh  and what has changed in 15 years? The same states that had murder rates and loose gun laws did in 1989 and 1990 as now. The lax gun laws allowed criminals to get guns easily back then as they do now. The correlation, as noted early in the thread, even crosses national borders. Murky at best, my ass. It's only murky when people like the NRA make it so. They say "The overall murder rate declined as the numbers of guns increased." The same state-by-state correlations reminded intact (in addition the percentage of households owning guns actually decreased...)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #323
Hurt people , Hurt people .

and what's the most reasonable thing to cure hurt people than --> mental health care ?

i dont give a shit about    people with mental health issues .

they need help , not a shit  .

  great people like philosophers , scientists ,artists , etc
usually have mentall illness issues , like -- Bipolar , etc .

but in the dark side

for some reason  , they commit crimes

article below

IMHO is valid enough to identify some people with mentall illness issues .

basically , it's because they have hormonal and chemical imbalance in Brain .

that can causing have dificulty with Perception .

lack of conscience, empathy , remorse and social skills


The Hare Psychopathy Checklist was initially developed to assess the mental condition of people who commit crimes, and it is commonly used to diagnose people who may exhibit the traits and tendencies of a psychopath. Most mental health professionals define a psychopath as a predator who takes advantage of others using charm, deceit, violence and other methods to get what they want. Identify a psychopath by using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist and trusting your own intuition.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #324 addition the percentage of households owning guns actually decreased........

Well, that's debatable.

Since the big push to disarm America started in earnest five (5+/-) or so years ago, many gunowners have become very protective of their privacy relating to their firearm ownership.

If I were asked in any poll if I owned a firearm I'd probably say no.

Why? Just to fuck with their polls.

That said, I know for a fact I am not alone, matter in fact it's becoming the rule rather than the exception.

As you know there is no accurate measurements as to who does, or does not own firearms.

We (the NRA --yes I'm a card carrier, & various other Conservative groups I belong to/associate with that consider the Second Amendment extremely important) are promoting the view that why should we help the pollsters when all they seem to do is twist our views in order to make political points --- either way, but never to our betterment.

So, when asked, we have for over 3 years now been telling everyone to provide false information - if asked if you own firearms, always say no, & if the question relates to the Second Amendment never tell how you really feel about it, so if the polls are viewed, the leftists will get skewed numbers & hopefully a false sense of security.

Even if FOX News polls you, the same applies to them too.   We don't have any firearms, & are luke-warm to the Second Amendment at best.

Everyone we talk to loves this approach, to the point some of them go 360°  ---"I don't own guns, never have, never will, & I hope they rip up the Second kills babies"

We make note as long as you're not under oath, skrew with their heads big time, & give 'em totally false info.

If you are under oath, give Yes or No answers only....never explain, even if asked to.

They can't force you to answer otherwise, but if they insist always say you have no opinion one way or another.

So your quote " addition the percentage of households owning guns actually decreased........", is undoubtedly