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Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to own, carry, & use Firearms to defend their own lives, & the lives of their family & friends?

Absolutely Yes!
I thinks so.
I don't think so.
Definitely No!
My name isn't String, so let me have a icy cold beer so I can ponder the options...
Topic: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms? (Read 355332 times)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #250
RJ--- better check that number. Not that I'm complaining, of course. 1,100 killed in the nation annually would probably be cause for wild celebration because of having so few deaths in most countries in the world. The odds of survival would be close to excellent at that rate.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #251
The comma is used instead of the decimal dot in "Russian mathematics", so I reckon
1) RJ may be a Russian undercover in Britain,
2) it's eleven point zero deaths (huh?).

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #252
11.00 deaths annually is about what we have in DuPage County, Illinois from gunfire. Naperville accounts for
most of that.

I imagine that even Scotland racks up a higher death toll than that. If you could get it down to where only 11 people die annually---.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #253
Alright. Now will you stay off my lawn, or do I have to use the heavy artillery?

What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #254
Oh you know fine well mjsmsprt40 that was a typing matter!  :D

Anyway we in Scotland have around roughly between 120 - 130 killings annually and has fallen recently.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #255
Tragedy struck our fair city yesterday. Not one but three "good guys with a gun" + plus an unspecified number of other MetroPD officers failed to stop "bad guys" with a gun. Sadly, two officers were disarmed by the "bad guys with guns" and killed. The other "good guy with a gun" was man with a concealed weapon. The incident began at CiCi's Pizza and moved into a Walmart. You can read the story in the Las Vegas Review Journal

It was a sad day, but drives home the points I've been making. What makes you even begin to think you can stop maniacs with you're concealed weapons. Note the killers committed suicide, which is not unusual in these situations. I told SF before these people don't think like us - they have no expectation of making out alive. In other words, they don't care about you and your conceal weapon. Oh, and note there wasn't a "No Guns Allowed" sign supposedly encouraging the violence.

Another point, gun laws are so liberal as it is that these White Supremacists managed to get the guns. Now you want to make it even easier for them relaxing regulations, not having some kind of national database. How many more people have to die because "Obammar's gonna git yer gun" and therefore ALL gun control has to stopped? But it wouldn't do any good for just Las Vegas to have better gun control (meaning more through background checks, not "gun grabbing." Or even Clark County or the whole state, since Arizona (the Alabama of the Southwest) and Utah are a hop, skip and jump away. No, it has to be national. The NRA and their miscreant ilk must resist and regulation of their toys even as the death toll  rises.

Oh you know fine well mjsmsprt40 that was a typing matter!  :D

Anyway we in Scotland have around roughly between 120 - 130 killings annually and has fallen recently.
Why, Las Vegas alone can beat you in that! Better loosen your gun laws if you have any chance of beating us!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #256
Tragedy struck our fair city yesterday......

Yes, it was an unfortunate tragedy. Too bad the liberals can't find a way to legislate sanity, but leave them at it for about 20+ years, & they'll try real hard, but get nowhere except mountains of ineffective regulations on the law abiding, like their attempted "Gun-Control" laws, that look so pretty on paper, but unlike this senseless tragedy, miss the mark totally, entirely, & so completely except in their grandiloquent speeches.

BTW......stay tuned, I'm going to post a lil about my newest 'toy' tactical firearm.  I doubt you'll like it, because it looks sooo mean & naughty.

My dear Texan friends have scored a grand slam with this wonder!

I will personally attest to it's technological magnificence.

It tests beautifully, & it's a must have for us experienced shooters that can afford it.

[glow=blue,2,300]TrackingPoint XS1 [/glow]

Actually the[glow=blue,2,300] XS3 [/glow] is more hunter friendly, & to the non-hunter/shooter types, it's non-military looking -- less scarey, but fear not, it's just as naughty. 

With it even a 12 year old girl can hit small targets repeatedly at up to 1000 yards (that's not to suggest anything other than it's simplicity & ease of get yer mind out of the carnage market).  Actually it's an ammo saver, because it's so precise, & nearly foolproof. Hunters will love it, that is when the price gets down below $15,000, closer to $5,000.


You'll also be happy to know that I've sold off & gifted away 80%+ of my ornamental, but quite functional, antique & nostalgic Firearms, with more to follow (from both display & working stock).

I'm into downsizing these days, because I'll be overseas more & more often, &  Stateside less & less, taking in my retirement.

JFYI 'Cooney.....
most of them were sold privately on a handshake, quite legally, & for cash....much to your chagrin I'm sure.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #257
You missed it entirely. The concealed weapon provides a false sense of security that ultimately cost the carrier his life.

A shopper, Joseph Robert Wilcox, 31, of Las Vegas had a concealed weapon and decided to confront Jerad Miller, police said. As he walked toward the suspect, Amanda Miller came up behind him and shot him several times in the ribs, police said. 

CNN tells us:


Court records describe Jerad Miller's past run-ins with the law, including drug charges. In 2007, he pleaded guilty to a felony criminal recklessness charge and was sentenced to a diversion program. In 2011, he pleaded guilty to a felony charge of dealing marijuana and was sentenced to two year's probation and drug counseling.

He was arrested and charged with battery in 2009. A jury acquitted him later that yea

So you might say he couldn't have gotten the gun legally.

In Nevada, All he needed to do was go to a gunshow Get it? Even if that's not how he got the guns (an unknown factor at this point) it demonstrates that a slight inconvenience is worth heading off a killing spree. Individual gun sales also need to subject to background checks. Set up a 1-800 number and a website and the seller gets the yes/no answer in five minutes, if that. 
So you say "JFYI 'Cooney.....most of them were sold privately on a handshake, quite legally, & for cash....much to your chagrin I'm sure" So you're comfortable with gang members and people like Miller being able to do this? Lunatics and criminals being able to do this should be much to any sane persons chagrin. You might say it would be impossible to stop them, ie "criminals don't obey laws (tm) " Is it? Each gun needs to have internal identification that can't be filed off, so we can can determine the criminals' supply chain and sever it while preserving the rights of legal gun owners.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #258
This comes from Mother Jones, so should be taken with a grain of salt and a few more seasonings while you're at it. However, the basic reporting that the Millers at least attempted to purchase guns through Facebook is most likely correct.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #259
Individual gun sales also need to subject to background checks. Set up a 1-800 number and a website and the seller gets the yes/no answer in five minutes, if that.

Sorry, in the end that would create a permanent record of transaction, not only to the buyer, but to the seller. It develops a database of legitimate ownership, that can be used by the State to aid their confiscation agenda. History is replete with all forms of forced registration followed by confiscation..

No dice...Flat out no.,....period.

So you're comfortable with gang members and people like Miller being able to do this?

What I am not comfortable with is if there were legislation mandating recording each & every transaction, each & every personal transaction I spoke of (between friends, friends of friends, family, & friends of family) would be illegal unless records are kept of the transactions.....,transactions that are overwhelmingly conducted between law abiding individuals.....but what of the non-complying criminal & nut job?

What, just to catch people like Miller, or the odd gangbanger --- neither of which would ever transact that way regardless of the law & it's consequences, so once again the focus strays away from the criminal, & it's the law abiding gun owners that are the focus of that law.....a flawed law.

Nope. Not the way it's going to be.

Prosecute the criminals, treat the sick of mind, with the laws already on the books.....period

Each gun needs to have internal identification that can't be filed off, so we can can determine the criminals' supply chain and sever it while preserving the rights of legal gun owners.

In Camelot, or some other fairy tale world maybe, but think of're only talking about an extremely small percentage of the future merchandise on the market. whereas 300 to 400 million existing firearms will not have any such markings. What about them? We going to turn them all in so you can replace them with complying firearms? Riiiiiight! :lol:

And how are the records kept? By whom? For what purpose? For how long?

Will records exist for all/any illegal firearms.....of course not....We're again tracing back to a legal owner & prosecuting them for weapons that fall into the hands of criminals?

That dog wont hunt, irregardless of how many people comply.....because again, only law abiding gun owners would comply to any law regulating sales, thus excluding those that should be the actual focus of such laws --- criminals & nut jobs.

As you correctly noted earlier, criminals & nut jobs won't comply to any law because it's an absolute fact that that's what they do---or won't do depending on your point of view.  

So far nothing you've suggested has any hope of working, or having any affect on the question at hand.

Until you can find a way to legislate sanity, & where all criminals comply with any proposed legislation, the idea is destined to absolute failure.

Shame will never cause a overwhelmingly decent & law abiding society to sign on to unproven & ineffectual legislation meant to right all the  wrongs at it's fringes, especially when noncompliance is guaranteed by the element you wish to control.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #260
One thing that repeatedly gets my attention, anyway, is the "well regulated militia" part of the 2nd Amendment.

Smiley, do you even have a ghost of a clue what "well regulated" means? Any idea at all? I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean "I get to have whatever weapons I want and nobody, not even my commanding officers, have a right to know what I have or how much of it I have or who I buy from or sell to".

That, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, is where so much of this falls apart.

There IS a very real need to get a handle on who is buying and selling, and one way or another it will happen. Sooner or later we'll have one too many of these mass school-shootings where a man who clearly shouldn't have had a pea shooter got high-powered weapons and committed yet another atrocity--  and I think the day isn't far off if my reading of the tea leaves is any indication. Your constant "Nobody has any right to know what I have-----" just won't do. Not in any "well regulated militia" I've ever heard of, anyway.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #261
You never spoke a truer word there mjsmsprt40 regarding the Constitution and such. How in goodness name child minds can morph what the founders meant into this Hopalong Cassidy stuff is beyond comprehension. Plus the fact that even a militia is in the past as there is an army and a National Guard. With over 10,000 killings by shooters annually that means every decade a hundred thousand. The country has moced on since the late 18th and early 19th century but you wouldn't think that due to the  brain dead that misue the words of that Constitution. That mindset only makes the world shake it's head with a sigh at the stupidity and terrible picture it portrays. Indeed it would indicate that there is a widespread mental gun problem.

The gun lobby and that nig corporates who make their big money off the fanatacism of the simple are a disgrace. I do understand that the SmileyFaze mentality lot don't care a fig what the world thinks but it compromises the rest of the decent population who know how to use their grey cells. The miuse of the written word of the founders is a disgrace.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #262
Smiley, do you even have a ghost of a clue what "well regulated" means? Any idea at all?

Thank you for the question. 

Here is but (1) one document of many that might help you understand the Second Amendment a bit better in your thirst for knowledge.

[glow=blue,2,300]Original Intent and Purpose of the Second Amendment [/glow]

I've investigated the Second Amendment in depth many times in the past, & have noted many links in the now defunct OPERA Forums specific to the subject matter for all to investigate this issue for themselves.

For you, I will put it in a 'nutshell'.

Ok, in today's vernacular, which is not actually germane, it could mean "more than adequately controlled", whereas government could pass any law it saw fit to control access, use, & transport, .....etc.

In the vernacular of & about the time of the formation of the Constitution, & it has been extensively documented -- related to the Second Amendment -- it meant simply being trained to the degree of proficiency needed to be effective. 

The trainee needed to be of reasonable age, & sound of body.

The reasonable age was usually understood as somewhere over 14-16 years of age, & being the life expectancy in those days was much lower than today, the age of 50 was considered a ripe old age.

The training could either be self-training, or formal training.

In that time most training was of the informal nature --- father trains son, brother trains brother, neighbor trains neighbor.

As you can see there is quite a difference between today's so called logical interpretations, as opposed to what the framers actually meant back in the 18th Century, so the confusion in the minds of the uneducated is understandable.

For more clarity, try investigating here, taking specific note to those passages where documentation from that era is deeply investigated & documented.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #263
.....How in goodness name child minds can morph what the founders meant into this Hopalong Cassidy stuff is beyond comprehension. Plus the fact that even a militia is in the past as there is an army and a National Guard..........

Before you start to pawn yourself off as some sort of 'expert' on the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, please note to the readers of all your extensive investigations into the intent of the original framers of the document you pretend to know so much about.

If you can't, then it would be fair to say all your expertise directly related to this matter is gathered from your own imagination, which is infertile of fact to say it politely.

To sum you, rj the man, up neatly in one tidy little human package, I would suggest this small passage be adequate:

Quote from:      Harry G. Frankfurt    
“The contemporary proliferation of bullshit also has deeper sources, in various forms of skepticism which deny that we can have any reliable access to an objective reality and which therefore reject the possibility of knowing how things truly are. These "anti-realist" doctrines undermine confidence in the value of disinterested efforts to determine what is true and what is false, and even in the intelligibility of the notion of objective inquiry. One response to this loss of confidence has been a retreat from the discipline required by dedication to the ideal of correctness to a quite different sort of discipline, which is imposed by pursuit of an alternative ideal of sincerity. Rather than seeking primarily to arrive at accurate representations of a common world, the individual turns toward trying to provide honest representations of himself. Convinced that reality has no inherent nature, which he might hope to identify as the truth about things, he devotes himself to being true to his own nature. It is as though he decides that since it makes no sense to try to be true to the facts, he must therefore try instead to be true to himself.

But it is preposterous to imagine that we ourselves are determinate, and hence susceptible both to correct and to incorrect descriptions, while supposing that the ascription of determinacy to anything else has been exposed as a mistake. As conscious beings, we exist only in response to other things, and we cannot know ourselves at all without knowing them. Moreover, there is nothing in theory, and certainly nothing in experience, to support the extraordinary judgment that it is the truth about himself that is the easiest for a person to know. Facts about ourselves are not peculiarly solid and resistant to skeptical dissolution. Our natures are, indeed, elusively insubstantial -- notoriously less stable and less inherent than the natures of other things. And insofar as this is the case, sincerity itself is bullshit.”

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #264
It is all dancing around the matter that mjsmsprt40 raised. I suppose because you march around the globe killing people you want to keep the hobby active at home as well. I tell you this - if you had to depend on a militia all hell would break out. I simply don't fathom why you have such a big damn military but find excuses to go around toting  guns and everything short of a bazooka! You could save a fortune and I dare say you would continue shooting each other in the tens of thousands. What sensible country would want to follow the example going on inside America? Next time you want to add an Amendent to the Constution set a minimum number of above 10,00 nutjob shootings. That will be easy-peasy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #265

Plus the fact that even a militia is in the past as there is an army and a National Guard.

You could probably make a fairly decent case that the National Guard is in fact what the old, well regulated state militias became.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #266
So, a quickie question. How many more mass shootings by nutjobs will we have before somebody figures out that our "well regulated militia" is not at all well and probably could use some halfway decent regulation?

Right now, I can't drive a heavy truck (anything over 10,000 lbs) commercially because I can't pass the DOT physical . My left eye is bad, that stops me from driving semis. I can get cleared to own the heaviest piece of firearm a civilian can legally own, though, without much trouble. Most of these mass-shooters got their weapons legally enough precisely because they didn't actually belong to a "well regulated militia" which would have asked tough questions, made them go through basic training and so on-- and would have weeded out most of the misfits who shouldn't have been armed in the first place. You know, it takes a bit more than just being able to fog a mirror to pass muster in most any proper militia. They weed out a lot of crackpots in the physicals and basic training.

Think about it. I don't have any past convictions, my most serious run-ins with the law involve speeding tickets, I have no contact with the mental health people so no record there, not much really to stop me from getting the proper paperwork-- Illinois requires you to get certain paperwork if you're gonna do this legally-- and then getting the gun(s) I want to do whatever I want as long as I can convince the law that I'm not buying weapons to off my ex, do in my neighbor or shoot up a warehouse. Since nobody asks those questions until after the fact, it's never hard to convince LEO of these things. And, I don't have to actually join any militia to do it. Well regulated or otherwise. Oh, the fact that I'm a loner? That won't come out until after I off my ex, do in my neighbor and shoot up the warehouse. Then of course you'll read "Well, he was a bit of a loner, a quiet man...".
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #267
How many more mass shootings by nutjobs will we have before somebody figures out that our "well regulated militia" is not at all well and probably could use some halfway decent regulation?

So Mike, for you, a not so quickie answer.

There are in excess of One Hundred Million (100,000,000+) Firearm owners in America. 

How many of them became mass shooters/murderers in the last 50 years?

There are in excess of Three Hundred Million (300,000,000+) Firearms in America.

How many of those weapons were used in commission of mass murder in the last 50 years?

Nothing in life can ever be 100% guaranteed ....... that is except death (by any means imaginable--pick one).

I don't think any form of new loophole free Firearm Regulation, even an absolute ban on all firearms -- big, small, ugly, pretty, automatic, single shot etc, etc, etc, etc -- will stop a nutjob or criminal intent of getting & using a firearm, from doing so.

Now, be honest & answer this ------ What do you intend on regulating? -- Who do you intend on regulating?

Criminals?  .......    Really, you honestly think that will work?
The Insane Nut Jobs?    ........   Really, you honestly think that will work?

Or will your halfway decent regulations fall on once again ------ fall upon the shoulders of the Law Abiding Gun Owners?

What do you mean by 'halfway decent'?

Regulations that will only work 50% of the time?

If not, what?

And then, when you think all your new halfway decent regulations are running like a well oiled machine, what do you do when it happens again (and it will) get word about the next mass shooting, & then another......?  Will you be running around screaming with your arms flailing over your head demanding that our politicians pass some more halfway decent regulations? --- And who & what will these next generation regulations regulate? ......... Law Abiding gun owners......AGAIN?

Seriously now...........What halfway decent, or any particular type of regulation for that matter, which one will stop 100% of the -- known or unknown -- nutjobs from becoming mass shooters?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #268
Can't think of a single loophole? I think think of three possibilities. 1) You haven't been thinking about it at all. 2) Your head is filled with cement 3) Or you're outright lying

In the incident in our fair city, the man was known white supremacist with criminal record. If for person to person and gun sales required a background check, he wouldn't have been able to purchase the guns.

"Now, be honest & answer this ------ What do you intend on regulating? -- Who do you intend on regulating?

Criminals?  .......    Really, you honestly think that will work?" Another variation of "criminals don't obey laws." The object isn't regulating people per say. It's regulating the transfer of guns. With my proposals, yes, criminals will still be able to buy guns from each other next year from their existing stockpiles. However, those stockpiles will gradually diminish as the criminals throw away the guns to get rid of evidence, get shoot by police, are caught, etc. Flunkies still able to buy guns will face grave consequences in procuring weapons for the criminals and think twice. I don't think anybody suffers the delusion that any legislation will be 100% effective, however this will save lives. What's 100% ineffective and frankly insane is shifting from defending existing gun rights to demanding more of them in the wake of tragedies such as this.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #269
This is what you are responding it again, then once again.......then read your answer(s).

Quote from:      SmileyFaze    
I don't think any form of  new loophole free Firearm Regulation, even an absolute ban on all firearms -- big, small, ugly, pretty, automatic, single shot etc, etc, etc, etc -- will stop a nutjob or criminal intent of getting & using a firearm, from doing so.

Now your response to that:

Can't think of a single loophole?

I think think of three possibilities.

1) You haven't been thinking about it at all. 2) Your head is filled with cement 3) Or you're outright lying......,.

What are you smokin' 'Coony??

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Quote from:      Sanguinemoon    
Quote from:  SmileyFaze
"Now, be honest & answer this ------ What do you intend on regulating? -- Who do you intend on regulating?

Criminals?  .......    Really, you honestly think that will work?"

Another variation of "criminals don't obey laws."

The object isn't regulating people per say.

It's regulating the transfer of guns......

Of course it's regulating people ...... Firearms don't transfer themselves ...... 

99%+ of those regulated people will be law abiding, honest people ------- not criminals --- not nutjobs, but good, honest, law abiding American Citizens, regulated all in the hopes of possibly halting an occasional criminal or a nutjob in their tracks, & maybe keeping them from possibly ever getting their hands on a firearm.

Get real.

The laws you propose won't stop criminals & nutjobs from getting whatever they want, if they want it bad enough, they will just move on until they eventually succeed ...... ever hear of the underground black market? Been around since the beginning of time, & will outlive us & all our posterity.

So you & your leftist gun-grabbin' progressives can just shove that idea way up where the sun don't shine.

History has proven that registration always precedes confiscation, & your plan is merely an end-around to registration  --  ergo a prelude to confiscation.

Deny all you want that that's not your legislation's intent, but the American People -- some of which might not be the sharpest knives in the drawer --- the American People won't have that wool pulled over their eyes.

Well, the American People won't allow their Natural Rights to be negotiated away on some theoretical proposition that has been proven ineffective elsewhere, in the hopes that they might work every once in a while the next time.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #270

How many more mass shootings by nutjobs will we have before somebody figures out that our "well regulated militia" is not at all well and probably could use some halfway decent regulation?

So Mike, for you, a not so quickie answer.

There are in excess of One Hundred Million (100,000,000+) Firearm owners in America. 

How many of them became mass shooters/murderers in the last 50 years?

There are in excess of Three Hundred Million (300,000,000+) Firearms in America.

How many of those weapons were used in commission of mass murder in the last 50 years?

Nothing in life can ever be 100% guaranteed ....... that is except death (by any means imaginable--pick one).

I don't think any form of new loophole free Firearm Regulation, even an absolute ban on all firearms -- big, small, ugly, pretty, automatic, single shot etc, etc, etc, etc -- will stop a nutjob or criminal intent of getting & using a firearm, from doing so.

What you are saying there SF is not at all logical.

The first part suggests that it's not worth doing anything if the problem is confined to a small part of the population and the last part infers that regulation has no effect on anything at all.

Statistically not that many people die from snake bites, does that mean we should not have serums?

Should we not teach students about music because not many actually play an instrument,

Or, and this may be closer to your heart, should we not bother about Quality Control on Ammunition because what does it matter of two or three rounds in a box do not fire?

It's just as daft to say that we should not bother to regulate firearms because people will still get shot; the aim of regulation is to reduce the number that get shot.

And then the bit about regulation not stopping a single unsuitable person from getting a gun; that would only apply in NRA Heaven where everyone is free-issued a gun at birth.

PS By the way, you are still misquoting the 2nd Amendment - you have missed out the part about regulation, what you write is not a free-standing sentence.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #271
Or, and this may be closer to your heart, should we not bother about Quality Control on Ammunition because what does it matter of two or three rounds in a box do not fire?

Better a dud than that they explode in the wrong way! ;)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #272

Or, and this may be closer to your heart, should we not bother about Quality Control on Ammunition because what does it matter of two or three rounds in a box do not fire?

Better a dud than that they explode in the wrong way! ;)

I've heard about that happening. Not so often these days, but it has happened where a round misfired and set off the entire cylinder-- note that this happened in old revolvers mostly.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #273
Quote from:  String
....Statistically not that many people die from snake bites, does that mean we should not have serums?...

Apples & Oranges.....A serum doesn't protect you from being bit, but hopefully comes to the rescue to save you from the poisons after the fact of being bitten.

Quote from:  String
.....Should we not teach students about music because not many actually play an instrument.....

Your right there String & you might not have realized it........Yes, I think that even though many adults & children will never use or own a firearm, firearm safety & the proper handling of firearms should be a required course of study in every grammar school, high school, & should be CPR. ;)

Quote from:  String
.......PS By the way, you are still misquoting the 2nd Amendment - you have missed out the part about regulation, what you write is not a free-standing sentence.....

As I noted in a previous post, the "regulation"  you speak of from the phrase "A well  'regulated'  militia....."  meant (and therefore still means unless changed via Constitutional Amendment) , in the vernacular of the times (18th century) it has been extensively documented that 'regulated' meant, & still means, quite a different thing than it is being erroneously interpreted by the wanna-be regulators of today.

To make it perfectly clear, the Second Amendment phrase concerning regulation & militia:

All Americans of proper age, & of sound body, are meant to be the Militia ----- Not a National Guard or any other government sponsored organization of law enforcement,  & diametrically opposed to what is being erroneously interpreted as a Militia by the wanna-be regulators of today.

Regulated in the vernacular of the day= being trained to the degree of proficiency needed to be effective.

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was said by some to have been inserted to protect the First Amendment, by no means gave, or gives today, Government any right whatsoever to pass any regulations on the citizens it is hired to serve regarding keeping & bearing firearms.

The Second Amendment, & the rest of the first Ten (10) Amendments to the United States Constitution, also known as the "Bill of Rights", were specifically meant to convey where government may not tread, & what government was forbidden to do.

Laid out, in what was a clear terminology & thinking of the times,  these 'Amendments' were a direct set of restrictions placed on government ordering government not to infringe upon the Rights of the People.

New America had just been through ridding itself of one of the most restrictive & tyrannical governments of all time, the 18th Century English Monarchy, & they wanted to ensure that government specifically knew it's place & duty for all time, & that this government never encroached upon the Rights of the people, while serving in an extremely limited & restricted capacity as it was designed to........period.

  Now, if the American People wish to change the Second Amendment's infringement notice & meaning, they are perfectly free to do so via the mechanism provided to them by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, through the Constitutional Amendment Process,
which was specifically spelled out in Article V of the Constitution for this purpose.

Baring such a Constitutional Amendment, government must not, & can not, pass any law restricting the Second Amendment Rights of all the American Peoples it is sworn to serve, as well as the United States Constitution it is under sworn oath to uphold.....period!

Quote from: String
.....It's just as daft to say that we should not bother to regulate firearms because people will still get shot; the aim of regulation is to reduce the number that get shot.......

While I respect your right to say so, "Daft " is your personal feeling about this emotional issue, & in your own personal interpretation of our American Constitutional issues, but it changes nothing related to the charge the United States Constitution gives the United States Government ---------- from our American inception until the end of times.

The American People have but one solution to be able to do what you, & the rest of the outside world seemingly wish. If they wish the same as you, they must amend the Constitution as outlined in Article V of that Constitution...............period.


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #274