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Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to own, carry, & use Firearms to defend their own lives, & the lives of their family & friends?

Absolutely Yes!
I thinks so.
I don't think so.
Definitely No!
My name isn't String, so let me have a icy cold beer so I can ponder the options...
Topic: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms? (Read 344330 times)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #950
Unfortunately mjsmsprt40 you are making yourself look like one of those ex-clonists who wander about simple with the mouth open.

We did not create a gun mad society like you did  and in doing that you only made things worse in time police-wise. A policeman here would run after a suspect and grab him or get him on the ground and there are as I said barely 6 times ina year when a police firearm unit is called and someone wounded or killed. On one such occasion a policeman held back firing at someone in case nearby innocents were hurt and that would be anathema to your police. Ours are also trained to deal with odd people who may have mental problems rather than pumping bullets and the more one sees of the gun world in your country thank Heavens our police are not armed. I don't want to dwell on the police as there is another thread on that so let us stick to the general gun culture.

In earlier days you should have done what we did and come down heavily on the gun thing but being wide open and little in the way of a working and practical system you just let things spiral and look at the state of things. Using the Constitution to be gun hoarders should have been overhauled back in the mid-1800's. And anyway as I have well said you do have a regular militia in the National Guard who ARE soldiers. You give all sorts of daft excuses for the mayhem over there because as  country you were too immature to draw a line of early history reasons.  As the place is awash with guns and the gun mad and t city police gun mad as part of that wonky system you have a much bigger problem than most.  Even with an official militia you still have to have over 200,000,000 guns? What a hell hole of a kindergarten gun mindset. I stopped playing cowboys at 10 but thenI was fortunate i didn't live in America!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #951
We did not create a gun mad society like you did

I may not support your opinion but I support your right to it.

Have a good night! :)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #952
I will and same to you.  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #953
The 'police psychology problem', and the 'right to bear arms' posts by rj and smiley are intermingled and inseparable.  The history of the United States of America is what it is when it comes to the issue of guns and we must own it.  This young nation grew up with guns, survived by guns, became independent by guns and the issue will not go away quickly--and by quickly, I mean in the mere 150 years since our civil war. 

There are any number of internet sources that will provide you with the absurd discrepancy between handgun deaths in the United States and other western countries. we even vastly outnumber third world countries in the number of our citizens killed by firearms and I will admit that this is a bit embarrassing, but again, we as Americans will own it in a way that the people like you rj, whom we broke free from, cannot even fathom (and that's why you guys will always be jealously sucking hind tit behind the US of A). 

I simply say that we are stuck with this level of violence.  I think that plays into a mind set in police that there are lots of guns out there and every day they may not return to their families, so they have a natural 'preservation-of-life' tendency to over-react.  Having said that, I do not think that sweeps away the issue of bad cops. they do exist and it does at times stem from racism.  The current spate of incidents is interesting, but it does show people's inability to discriminate intelligently.  Michael brown is a good case. he caused his own death and a liberal black attorney general declined to prosecute the police officer because the facts simply did not warrant it.  The South Carolina shooting in the back is a different matter as is apparently the Baltimore case which at best was reckless disregard for the harm they caused him, though proving intent to murder probably won't happen.  Were either of those two cases racist based or bad policing or over-reaction?  I don't know, but they were wrongful acts that should be prosecuted. 

I cannot explain the level of perceived police brutality in this country without resorting to the perversion of a constitutional amendment which was originally intended to preserve the rights of citizen militias to bear arms, into a right wing license for every citizen to carry a firearm against whatever threat, governmental or otherwise, he or she perceives--we have bought our fate though and we need to live with it. 

I don't think there's an ice cube's chance in hell of either an amendment on the issue or even a different constitutional interpretation of the second amendment.  The gun lobby in this country is just too scary strong for that to happen.  There were big efforts made after the horrific school shootings--and the NRA beat them back every time.  We have over 35,000 gun deaths a year in this country, compared to only dozens in other countries. admittedly a large number of the deaths are suicide by handgun, but still, the reason people in other countries think we are daft is that we put up with and accept such a level of violence.  It quite simply defies logic--we are daft--as is the rest of our young species (this includes you rj and smileyfaze).   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #954
Figures from 2013 available at...

A number of U.S. cities have gun homicide rates in line with the most deadly nations in the world.

If it were a country, New Orleans (with a rate 62.1 gun murders per 100,000 people) would rank second in the world.
Detroit's gun homicide rate (35.9) is just a bit less than El Salvador (39.9).
===I grew up in Detroit. A brother still lives there. A couple of years ago a bullet went through a window in his ===home and imbedded in a door.
Baltimore's rate (29.7) is not too far off that of Guatemala (34.8).
Gun murder in Newark (25.4) and Miami (23.7) is comparable to Colombia (27.1).
Washington D.C. (19) has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil (18.1).
Atlanta's rate (17.2) is about the same as South Africa (17).
Cleveland (17.4) has a higher rate than the Dominican Republic (16.3).
Gun murder in Buffalo (16.5) is similar to Panama (16.2).
Houston's rate (12.9) is slightly higher than Ecuador's (12.7).
Gun homicide in Chicago (11.6) is similar to Guyana (11.5).
Phoenix's rate (10.6) is slightly higher than Mexico (10).
Los Angeles (9.2) is comparable to the Philippines (8.9).
Boston rate (6.2) is higher than Nicaragua (5.9).
New York, where gun murders have declined to just four per 100,000, is still higher than Argentina (3).
Even the cities with the lowest homicide rates by American standards, like San Jose and Austin, compare to Albania and Cambodia respectively.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #955
You kill yourselves too much.
Better that than killing others.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #956
Just what kind of a moron are you deep inside?  You are an idiot, period....go away!!   Where do you come from because I want to make damn sure I never go to idiotville?  What a rube...:knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #957
Hhhm. I thought you knew by now he was from Portugal? I could understand annoyance if it wasn't for jimbro's list which does challenge you a wee bit?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #958
"All lies and jest..." But josh-earnest? :) Have you retained you position, as spokesman for the reductionist, absolutist scientism? Or will you finally admit, you're but a malcontent misanthrope…? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #959
Actually one of the more on point things belfrager has come up with.

Not only can you not argue the point but can't even blame him for the sentiment. Lol

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #960
And, as someone who's conversed with Belfrager for some years now, I resent the tone, and especially the term "moron"… It's uncalled-for.
James, are you off your meds?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #961
The implication from Portugal Belle, is not cute nor fair nor well thought out.  Any person claiming to be reasonable and who spouts out his trash is a moron at the core level...he even believes in god...the idiot.   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #962
Are you implying God is an idiot?

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #963
James, you read either too much or too little into the words before you! Many a good Catholic is an unbeliever! :)

A question for Belfrager: Would you prefer we Americans used something other than firearms to kill each other? Knives, clubs and fists — like the Scots? :(
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #964
A question for Belfrager: Would you prefer we Americans used something other than firearms to kill each other? Knives, clubs and fists — like the Scots?  :(

You're clearly much more effective than the Scots, keep the good practices, lead the way. The world it's your's. :)

As for the amoeba, shut up.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #965
You're clearly much more effective than the Scots, keep the good practices, lead the way. The world it's your's.  :)

As for the amoeba, shut up.

Over here we diverged from the amoeba some 1000 million years ago, they're not so sure about chest thumping Portuguese macho-heads.    :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #966
Hmmmm...... mebbe it would be a good idea to check Mr. Seaton's weapons. A guy who thinks like that, armed?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #967
Hmmmm...... mebbe it would be a good idea to check Mr. Seaton's weapons. A guy who thinks like that, armed?

Assholes are assholes, are assholes not matter what phase of their useless life they are going through.  I have no weapons to harm you butthead.   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #968
James, was that meant to be "you[r] butthead" or "you[,] butthead"? :)

But I comment in order to relay a timely bit of news (provided by my local radio station minutes ago…): "…two [police] officers were shot dead, in what was otherwise an ordinary traffic stop."
An otherwise ordinary traffic stop?!

Is there a "police psychology problem"? Hm.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #969
OakdaleFTL has a point, we'd be better off not calling each other names, as enshrined in the "attack the ideas, not the poster" rule. He should remember that point as well.

It would help, though, if the allegedly mentally deficient posters could come up with some ideas themselves sometimes, thus leaving something of greater substance than the posters to attack.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #970
Insults are expectable when the lower classes are allowed to have access everywhere.

I'd like to point that my irrefutable phrase - Americans kill themselves too much - it's not a direct result of gun owning. All over Europe, by the countryside, there's no house that doesn't have a gun and that's considered perfectly normal without resulting into a genocide.

The reason for the American civil war with firearms it's simply cultural, a by product of a culture that doesn't values human life.
Same happens with those more violent South American places. Been there, lived there and I know perfectly how to a vast number of people killing someone doesn't affects them at all.

Since Europe stopped for long it's civilizational action worldwide, there's no hope things to get better in a foreseeable future.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #971
But I comment in order to relay a timely bit of news (provided by my local radio station minutes ago…): "…two [police] officers were shot dead, in what was otherwise an ordinary traffic stop."
An otherwise ordinary traffic stop?!

Is there a "police psychology problem"? Hm.

I had my morning coffee with this bit of disturbing news.  The police are losing the war on crime out there when it comes to who is killing who. I was a hair's breadth away from being a California Highway Patrolman myself, passed every test and was half packed to go to the academy--only fate intervened.  Another crossroad I often wonder about--I may not have been good at that job really, so just as well.   :knight:  :cheers:

I'm gonna try and tone it down a bit here...I found that bottle of meds you mentioned Oak. 
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #972
I'm gonna try and tone it down a bit here...I found that bottle of meds you mentioned Oak.
But, James, did you really want to be Broderick Crawford?

My favorite police story is Elmore Leonard's Valdez Is Coming… (Forget the horribly miss-cast movie — an ancient Burt Lancaster, forced the focus from the original story's young and green but plucky and serious Mexican-American lawman and his trials and triumphs.) It -the original story- shows and highlights what I believe are the truest and most common motivations of most cops.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #973
I may have made a fairly decent cop, but I choose the import/export business in Miami instead.  Rather tricky business back in the late 70s with all the drug smuggling going on.  I got caught up in what was--at that time--the biggest US drug bust ever. It came down at Avianca airlines, the only airline in Columbia at that time.  It was one metric ton even and customs agents later told me it was just a trial run by this new drug lord and that they should have just tailed it.  At that time it cost drugs lords about $5.00 to produce a kilo of cocaine.  All the police and drug agency guys were mugging for shots over that much coke stacked up behind them.   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #974
On the misuse of guns over there in nutjob land I think in hindsight that mjsmsprt40 had a brief point about how the item was part of the country's creation but the trouble was instead of being sensible and growing up it didn't.
"Quit you like men:be strong"