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Should Ordinary Citizens be allowed to own, carry, & use Firearms to defend their own lives, & the lives of their family & friends?

Absolutely Yes!
I thinks so.
I don't think so.
Definitely No!
My name isn't String, so let me have a icy cold beer so I can ponder the options...
Topic: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms? (Read 344518 times)

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #775

Well interesting guff from a country that has never grown up is gun mad and run about shooting thousands a year as is their right. They don't mind so we can go on in the world laughing as heck at the place!

Countries don't run about shooting thousands a year, people do, and I've yet to meet even one.

Why do you obsess over this imaginary notion?
In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.

In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).

In the US there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).

That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #776

Well interesting guff from a country that has never grown up is gun mad and run about shooting thousands a year as is their right. They don't mind so we can go on in the world laughing as heck at the place!

  Well, interesting guff from an ex-Captian of the 76th GlasgowBB, that is so grown up now,    the country is knife mad (penis envy??), that they run about stabbing thousands of each other each year as their ancient Scottish right. They don't mind so we can go on in the world laughing as heck at the place! 

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #777
Youth organisations here do not get involved with firearms like they do over in the gun maddest country of the world. We are a grown up country but you have a long way to go yet. Do keep up the childlike kid mind about guns and maintain the 10,000 deaths a year as is your right under that pointless bit of paper you have.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #778
In the good European tradition of social welfare and subsidizing, I think guns should be subsidized by the government since armed citizens spares a lot of money that doesn't need to be paid to the police.
This is true liberalism. Voilá  :yes:

I would like a bazooka, thank you.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #779
I wonder if it makes a big difference whether someone offs you with a firearm or sticks you with a shiv. Seems to me being set on by a gang of toughs in Glasgow armed with knives (shivs, to use the street term here) wouldn't be that different from having to deal with a gang of toughs armed with handguns. The apparent readiness of Glasgow toughs to stick you with a shiv makes me wonder if a trip there is advised.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #780
Elsewhere I have mentioned a Glaswegian who used to work for me who regularly got drunk, went to the Gorbals, looked for and found a fight.
Otherwise he was a pleasant, able, and very erudite companion.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #781
The apparent readiness of Glasgow toughs to stick you with a shiv makes me wonder if a trip there is advised.

Well, Mr. Michael, you do live near Chicago.

And then there's this. Joanna Dennehy of Peterborough, England, who killed three male acquaintances with a knife.
What a sweetie! Now that's a shiv.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #782
True to the usual ex-colonist mindset mjsmsprt40 you try to do a dance.Dr Goebells where are you?!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #783

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #785
It's the standard from short brains. If he doesn't like something or disagrees he cannot answer or explain why he opposes. instead he tries to give the impression he is above such or hasn't got the savvy which is nearer the mark. He uses such so much and only emphasises that direction. Do continue to entrtain sonny and my compliments to someone from a primary school being here with the adults. Well done.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #786
[glow=green,2,300]Whit Problem....Scotlain Has Nae Bludy Kni'es Problem![/glow]

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #787
Uh huh. That's kinda what I thought.
Can't take your own medicine, eh, RJ? Point out that Scotland has some serious problems-- with knives in this case, and you compare me to Goebels? Well, well, well.

So--- is it better to be shot by a thug using a gun, or would you rather be stuck by the same thugs using a shiv? The outcome in either case being that you're going down. I can't honestly say there's much difference, dead is dead regardless of the tool used to bring that about.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #788
Can't take your own medicine, eh, RJ?

Sorry but your response was both coherent and literate, which makes not a taste of his own medicine. The following is more like it:

Scotland, with it's child mind is knife mad. Thousands get stabbed every year! Rjhowie is brained with his short brain and believe the lies coming from Edinburgh! That standard for a current colonist. Scotland is colony of England, but the shiv-wielding queen keeps that out of his state-run media. Centuries of wars and interfering with other nations and now this. How many men of the British soldiers shived and now they're shiving each other, thanks the child, primary school brains in the Irn Bru soaked colonist brains like hyperactive, brained kindergartners in their Glasgow slums? That last sentence is incomprehensible, but I nae care as long as it's an excuse to rant about Scotland. The closest thing to a civilized Brit was criminal Billy Hill who said "I was always careful to draw my knife down on the face, never across or upwards. Always down. So that if the knife slips you don't cut an artery. After all, chivving is chivving, but cutting an artery is usually murder. Only mugs do murder." What violent, brained minds dripping with Irn Bru!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #789
I stand corrected.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #790
Well now firstly to tt92 going back to a long gone time in Glasgow. The Gorbals he waffles about is history and is a small population area of new housing so he talks keech. He i9s so caught up with his inability to answer anything but has to fall back on guff and slag off. Maybe his lucky shamrock isn't working?

Now let me turn to mjsmsprt40 and that mind spot. America has 2.5 million people in jail (uneveable to normal outsiders no doubt) and the number of criminals jailed has risen 500% on the last 3 decades so hardly a corner to dish out lectures to me nor my city. Neither do we have deep rooted murderous gans as is the regularity in Los Angeles and other places. The place is so crime ridden and that jail population puts America, yep first again in the world No 1 for jailing. So a place that is so dastardly criminal has military style police lectures anyone esle? What a damnable hoot. As for Chicago you were unable to answer the thing I raised about the Police Dept and the torture that went on for ten years. No compensation?, compensation? now there is a large office block where people who are arrested are attached to chairs for hours of interrogation and get no acess often for 24 hours and longer. Too hot for you Chicago man?? The widespread abuse of black citizens and the way they are treated adds to the lack of moral ior any right to point the finger at anyone else.

Millions in jails at great cost and the trillions in debt dear, oh dear. What a place!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #791
Firstly, Glasgowman, it's not now and never has been my responsibility to answer every charge you bring up as if it's my personal fault for everything that goes on. Frankly I got more than a little tired of the non-stop guff you hand out so readily.

Second--- pot calling the kettle black, are we? Maybe just a little? How about answering for all those knife-wielding thugs you have in Glasgow? Oh, wait-- that's right, you have no more control over your thugs than I do about the Chicago police--- especially since I don't live in Chicago, have no-not-any voting power there and can't do much more than write a letter to the editor of one of the two big Chicago daily papers.

I'm about 15 miles West of Chicago city limits as it happens. Look it up on a map someday--- Villa Park, closest Chicago border is actually O'Hare Airport, some ten miles Northeast of here.

Soooo suppose you tell me EXACTLY what I'm supposed to do about any police abuses--- besides listen about it on the news and cluck a little about how bad things are? Last time I checked, a resident of Villa Park has about the same power in Chicago that a resident of Glasgow does--- which is to say-- "none at all".

I'd appreciate a little bit of decency, but I know already that you're incapable of it so I won't insist.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #792
I wonder if Howie has any insight into why the incarceration rate is so high in America, ie the crimes that triggered it and has any ideas on what to do about it? I didn't think so.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #793
I am ashamed of myself. Several times I have vowed not to mock Howie because mocking him:
1. is a bit like poking a cripple with a stick.
2. makes no allowance for his handicap.
3. deceives him into believing that someone takes him seriously.

But sometimes he writes a coherent declarative sentence with recognisable spelling that takes me by surprise.
Not often, and as always it is ignorant, mean-spirited, childish, unaware and devoid of any originality.
And I get the urge to mock him again.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #794
A little bit of decency mjsmsprt40- on what principled grounds?

-Your country boasts about being the greatest place on Earth continually.

-You set up military bases everywhere you can for your "security." What it means is the security of the corporate corners.
-Persecute the blacks with fervour and indifference.
-Morphing city police forces to look like army units. Great advert.
-Have 2.4 million in jails. That 500% increase in 30 years.
-Some 40 million poor-Almost half the population didn't bother getting off their bottoms to vote as they see no alternative to the big 2 parties who shut everyone else out.
-Trillions in debt.
-Half the world's military bill.
-Millions of poor having medical problems.
-The 2 incidents i mentioned about Chicago unable to answer and now try to distance yourself from the city. Dear, oh dear.

There is so much more including governments misusing the constitution when it suits and more spy agencies than anywhere else. Constantly taking on countries you do not like whilst waffling about respecting sovereignty when you don't do it with your drones. Bleat about standing for democracy but hand in hand with some of the most vile dictatorships like Saudi Arabia and others. Flags everywhere showing the cultural emotional nationalism and almost childish so-called patriotism. Now if you practiced what you preached including inside your own country there would be no opportunity for me to get a dig but t is your country's fault. By all means hide behind th easy way out but any time i raise issues where you country acts against what it claims to stand for it is not possible to deny it but instead bodyswerve and moan. The NSA is typical of the spy lot and ignores principles and democracy when it suits and gets away with it. Indeed it even mistreats anyone who dares tell the truth and so much for those constitution principles.

If you could press a button and put the principles into actual practice then seeing folk like me would have no opportunity time after times to shake a head and get a swipe. Millions in jail, police increasingly looking like the army makes the place look like a hell hole so face the truth you poor sod!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #795
Excuse me RJHowie, but... all you seem to do is cut everybody else down because of whatever their nations might or might not do-- as if individual posters here had much say in the matter. For excessive rudeness, you're hard to beat, ol' boy.

Think about this. You're a royalist. Mighty fine figure you're cutting there, showing the rest of us what royalists are really like. not a noble scrap to be found.

Now--- I'm not saying another word about you lest I become like you-- and that, to me, would be detestable.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #796
[glow=blue,2,300]Back to the Topic of Gun Control: [/glow]

My mouth is watering at the prospects of testing this new 'toy' out!!!!!

I'm patiently waiting for a good news call back from an ole Army buddy who has come through for me in the past, being the U.S. Army is trialing it as we speak ;)
(gotta love it when Arms Manufacturers ignore political & geographical boundaries) . 

[glow=blue,2,300]New Lobaev long-range sniper rifle SVLK-14S accurate at 2k meters and further! [/glow]

Russian weapons company Lobaev Arms shows off their latest sniper rifle, the SVLK-14S. The firearm is a bolt-action single-shot rifle designed for maximum performance accuracy using .408 Cheyenne Tactical rounds. It can consistently hit the target at ranges of 2,000 metres (6,560 feet) and 2,300 metres (7,545 feet). Chief Designer Vladislav Lobaev says no other manufacturer in the world can match the SVLK-14S for accuracy at long range.


Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #797
Perfect for ordinary citizens protecting the lives of their family and friends.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #798

Perfect for ordinary citizens protecting the lives of their family and friends.


Nevertheless, I wouldn't mind having a pair for my own personal collection, & I will if it does what it says it will, as well as it says it will, to sit right alongside my other prized possessions   --  My M21 SWS, Armalite AR-50, & My Barrett M98B


Remember, 'need' has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with 'owning'. 

Enjoyment is everything.

Re: Gun Control - Should Ordinary Citizens Own, Carry, & Use Firearms?

Reply #799
Nah mjsmaprt40. You lot think your are the world's greatest because you always portray that as a country. The best in everything is the message and your leaders say so including the military junta. I made a point of saying that if you dealt less with trying to be a damn boastful country that has much going on inside that contradicts that you would be respected. any time I have listed the contradictions to the world stance or the same to the constitution I never get an answer to them that could try and dismiss what I say. Instead I get like still doing a dance and petted lip that the wonderful land is picked at!

And along with that a country with the jail population it has, people in death row for years, 10,000 shot a year, over 200 million guns floating about, police shooting unarmed people you are a world hell hole picture. With that ever militarising police making you increasingly like a Police State you have so much to deal with internally instead of spending trillions in the last few years with militarty boots around the world. When you see that image and what goes inside (and with the 50 million on food stamps in the greatest country) small wonder one gets bodyswerves in the idea of principles and morality!

Now the latest police action with 5 policemen in that deadly Los Angeles Police Department. It needed the 5 and 5 bullets to deal with it. O don't have a problem I get lots of examples of hypocrisy! Such a violently dangerous country so maybe it could be solved if aliens ever land and make it the US of A as that would solve the problem!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"