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Topic: Marijuana Laws in the United States (Read 16384 times)

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #25
It took until 1966 for Mississippi to catch up? I know they are slow down there but that borders on ridiculous. And now creating a zombie culture?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #26

A lot over the water seem to have that in their brains.
Excessive water, believe it or not can be damaging or even fatal, There are documented cases this happening. All that water dilutes your electrolytes, creating a state outwardly similar to drunkeness; more water can actually kill you. Of course, you have drink stupidly huge amounts of it. Likewise with weed. Few hits won't hurt you and might even be beneficial (lowering your blood pressure, stress, etc.) But if you keep doing it all day like an idiot, expect problems.  

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #27
And don't forget drowning.

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #29
War?Not surprised as you have created so many of such since 1945 do feel inclined to get on with it and increase your debt. Maybe then you will collapse and the world smile at getting peace. Oh and don't invaded Glasgow first or your marines will be crying for their mummies!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #31
Maybe you should have tried that when they stormed into Somalia or maybe S. Vietnam. You would only win here possibly when we fell about laughing our heads off.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #32
Nah, just wait till everyone's drunk off their asses :cheers:
Or, have a Rangers vs. Celtic game so everyone's too busy beating up each other.

Then again, why would anyone want to invade Glasgow? As opposed to, say, build a wall around it?

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #33
A waterproof wall.
Scotland's abysmal weather will do the rest.

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #34
Marijuana is idiotic.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #35
Shows another example of the average American, macallan. All mouth. You get a smattering so makes you an expert. Anyway as most in the ex-colonies haven,t a dam clue where invasion hot spots are it would still help their geography learning.The Rangers-Celtic thing has no resemblance to yesteryear. When you think of the internal history of America it is one long violence and infringement on so-called rights so you have no high ground sonny. Invading places is part of your place's normal thing but I would avoid invading here your marines would have to write their wills beforehand.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #36
Tou are so right there Belfrager. But we must remember it is the world's champion of nutjobs.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #38
Quote from: rj
but I would avoid invading here your marines would have to write their wills beforehand.

Too late. You dismantled your remaining empire and gave the US all the bases it needed. (Sit, stay, rollover.)

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #39
Bought a copy of "A Tourist's Guide to Edinburgh" today.

Looks lovely in comparison to the City of Stone.  :left:

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #40
Kind of understandable as you are American educated thus limiting your grey cells. Being a half Yank you would get on well in Edinburgh as it likes to think it is grandeur like over the pond. The way your political system worls it's participants act as if they are on something hence the mess in the country and the world. You are a scream.  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #41

Kind of understandable as you are American educated thus limiting your grey cells.
Says the uneducated Glaswegian wanker to the educated young gentleman from Mississippi.

Being educated is NOT a negative thing. You should have tried it.

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #42
Wonderful teacher with such language so look in the mirror before you descend the plateau you think you are on. Add the hypocrisy word after much of what you dug at your sudden Southern gentleman previously. It is hardly very clever to suddenly adopt a previous person you hit on due to some incapability. Small wonder your national government is concerned about education you and him display it well here. As for education not being a negative thing you too have been too full of yourselves as it has had that negative effect on you both. The rest of the world is in more practical vibes not self analysed grabbed high ground.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #43

Wonderful teacher with such language so look in the mirror before you descend the plateau you think you are on. Add the hypocrisy word after much of what you dug at your sudden Southern gentleman previously. It is hardly very clever to suddenly adopt a previous person you hit on due to some incapability. Small wonder your national government is concerned about education you and him display it well here. As for education not being a negative thing you too have been too full of yourselves as it has had that negative effect on you both. The rest of the world is in more practical vibes not self analysed grabbed high ground.

No-one in his right mind could possibly believe that this paragraph means anything.
There are three possibilities
1: Mr h believes that this means something, therefore he is not in his right mind.
2. Mr. h is deliberately posting gibberish, therefore he is wasting time and bandwidth.
3. The author of this gibberish has hacked Mr, h's username.

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #44

No-one in his right mind could possibly believe that this paragraph means anything.
There are three possibilities
1: Mr h believes that this means something, therefore he is not in his right mind.
2. Mr. h is deliberately posting gibberish, therefore he is wasting time and bandwidth.
3. The author of this gibberish has hacked Mr, h's username.

4. Mr. h is experimenting with crack cocaine.
5. Mr. h has gone over to the dark side.
6. Mr. h has moved to Edinburgh.
7. All of the above.
8.  :jester:

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #45
As I surmised the rump that existed at the end of Opera has repeated itself here with  the remnant bunch of would-be intellectuals. If you do not conform to what they decide the world is you are frightfully, frightfully  And someone from the land of mas nut jobs yaks about gibberish?! None of you would be noticed anywhere real. ???
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #47
Oh dear, if you cannot contribute just join the would-be great minds here! Don't lower yourself Josh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #48
I, couldn"t agre,e mo,re.

Feel free to borrow a few commas, rj.

Re: Marijuana Laws in the United States

Reply #49
Harmless compared to a place that spreads mind warping stuff jimbro.
"Quit you like men:be strong"