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Topic: McCain. What a poor advert for America (Read 4591 times)

McCain. What a poor advert for America

Yea, yaeah, I know the senator was captured and tortured by Vietnamese whm he says he hates for ever. Interesting for someone who stood for President. Then at a Senate public meeting when there was a protest escorted out he described the people as "scum" and him wanting to be President. And again saying that the Ukraine military if was properly armed (wonder by whom?) would not have to use cluster bombs! President?  Can someone tell this buffoon wanting to dish out clusters they are regarded as illegal! The man is an abject idiot. He epitomises all the over-the-top neo-con stuff of the rightist and is a pompous , arrogant and past his time idiot. If he lived here he would be able to stand for tiny and funny wee Monster Raving loony Party which is in reality nothing!

We know there are sensible ex-colonists even in a fixed political system but he gets publicity and is an embarrassing advert for decent America. Although i do regard the sensible ex-colonists do however keep him to yourselves and for heavens sake get him to retire or go to Hollywood and make comedy films.

Anywhere there is an opportunity to be in the highlight he goes andto intelligent people elsewhere a relief that he is not in their parliamentary system. Even when the media asked him how many houses he owned he couldn't answer that but can come out with all sorts of hyped war cries and having soliders everywhere.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #1
So, RJ--- what's the problem? Did he get elected President? Did he ever really have a chance to get elected President? Seems he alienated just about everybody who might have voted Republican, the people he courted so heavily during the primaries all voted for the other guy in the general election. Heck, I voted third-party that year because the thought of either of the major candidates--- nope.

Seems the system at least sort-of works.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #2
Just in case you forgot, Rj. Nuff said?

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #3
...pompous , arrogant and past his time idiot.

We took a vote. Came to the same conclusion.

Why does the OP seem like it starts mid conversation? It's like he started typing while rambling to himself.

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #4
Yes that Palin woman is something else two. However McCain has been a prominent Senator ages unlike her and he travels about the world spitting out venom, lies is  a dotty acting clown and IS supported by legions even if there are intelligent souls who cannot stand the warmonger. Just because he never got taken on by his Party means little considering this background and all those who think him wonderful. He is an embarrassment and lesser people in the world will take an immediate attitude that is not very constructive. What you answerers ignore is how ,long the daft have kept him there.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #5
Public Policy Polling's newest Arizona poll finds that John McCain is unpopular with Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike and has now become the least popular Senator in the country. Only 30% of Arizonans approve of the job McCain is doing to 54% who disapprove. There isn’t much variability in his numbers by party- he’s at 35/55 with Republicans, 29/53 with Democrats, and 25/55 with independents.

You and I are in agreement in this one.

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #6
What you answerers ignore is how ,long the daft have kept him there.

Well he is from Arizona. Pretty sure you're just catching up to all this.

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #7
OK. He's a senator from Arizona. Do you have any idea what that means, RJ? It means that the people of Arizona, and ONLY the people of Arizona, can either vote him in for another term or vote for somebody to replace him. The people of the other 49 states don't get to vote on the issue.

Now, while we're about it: Do you mean to tell me, RJ, that only America has ever had clowns in office? The UK has never, in all of its long existence, put a person in office who should not be there? Nobody from the UK has ever publicly embarrassed your nation? That would be remarkable if it were true. It's not, as it happens. You probably have office-holders right now that you would gladly pay to keep their mouths shut so they wouldn't say anything else that's foolish. It's the nature of  human government regardless of the form it takes that sooner or later a clown gets into public office and embarrasses both himself and his office.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #8

OK. He's a senator from Arizona. Do you have any idea what that means, RJ? It means that the people of Arizona, and ONLY the people of Arizona, can either vote him in for another term or vote for somebody to replace him. The people of the other 49 states don't get to vote on the issue.

Now, while we're about it: Do you mean to tell me, RJ, that only America has ever had clowns in office? The UK has never, in all of its long existence, put a person in office who should not be there? Nobody from the UK has ever publicly embarrassed your nation? That would be remarkable if it were true. It's not, as it happens. You probably have office-holders right now that you would gladly pay to keep their mouths shut so they wouldn't say anything else that's foolish. It's the nature of  human government regardless of the form it takes that sooner or later a clown gets into public office and embarrasses both himself and his office.

I'll have you know that UK political clowns are in the top clown league and are among the begs in the world.

Would you like some more? We'd like to get rid of a few but we'll keep the rest for entertainment purposes.

I wonder if there are Oscars for that sort of thing.

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #10
I meant best, but begs is ok too.

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #11
I'll have you know that UK political clowns are in the top clown league and are among the begs in the world.

We know you don't mean that. As in so many things, we're # one! We're # one!

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #13
McCain would never be an MP here not would Palin so. What makes him especially worse is wanting to be President the way he talks, goes over the damn top neo con, name calling and all for war attitudes. Feel free to keep something to yourselves.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #14
In other words:

Quote from: rjhowie
I'm going to bullshit that British people can't and elect idiots to office. Clearly there's LSD or some other hallucinogen in Irn Bru....

Really, Howie, do you somehow think we don't know our elected officials make idiotic statements? If I was like you, I'd dig up some stupidity that a British MP said. But what would be the point? As far was "Paul Revere rode to warn the British" Palin goes, do you think she has any credibility left? If she does run for presidency, she'll be little more than a source of comedy even among conservatives.

Also, do you somehow think that any Senator or Representive's statements reflect anything about America as a whole even if it's an intelligent one?

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #15
I'd dig up some stupidity that a British MP said.

You would be spoiled for choice.  :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #17
Yes a great bit of entertainment there jimbro and he is funny. mcCin is enough and that she won't get anywhere is a piece of really good news. Must be  something in the fresh air up in Alaska that got her to be governor?!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #18
She's a fool, no doubt.

"Since leaving office at the end of July 2009, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee has brought in at least 100 times her old salary – a haul now estimated at more than $12 million -- through television and book deals and a heavy schedule of speaking appearances worth five and six figures."

Re: McCain. What a poor advert for America

Reply #19
Yep. No one that earns more than minimum wage is as impossibly uninformed as she pretends to be. She knows she has a large, uninformed audience that will buy anything that she's selling. Meanwhile, thoughtful political commentary gets overlooked and it's authors get poor compensation for their efforts. That applies to both the conservative and liberal side. Presidential run? It's just another PR campaign and only nominally one for office. I wonder how many attendees of her events are there for her words of "wisdom" as opposed to bloggers and pundits knowing that running a story on it will earn them clicks.