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Topic: Scottish Nationalist tripe (Read 9426 times)

Scottish Nationalist tripe

The SNP are moving towards a State influence system with the young. They have set a new rule that as from now all babies will be taken official note of and up to the late teens have a person who will be appointed as an influence on them. This is a disgusting use of the nanny State idea for the young. It will not matter what class background or social group you are from you will be landed with this and stuck with it. Now the vast majority of parents are not in need of this and it is like something from the old days of the Soviets or Fascist thinking.

At the same time the same mind controllers merged all of Scotland's police forces into one. This was we were told to be a great step forward and then they proceeded to shut large numbers of stations down and reduced office staff. This also in turn meant more work for individual officers and levels of stress have increased massively.

As for the post-Referendum they have spent time sniping and moaning about things like the Smith group and the advancement of powers. We get sleekit stuff but they choose to ignore the fact they lost the damn referendum. It was bad enough being stuck with that know-all Salmond and his arrogance, bullying and bullying tactics now that fanatical woman Sturgeon is trying to show how reasonable she will be as First Minister. Will give her this in that she is a clever cookie and when in college drove other students daft with her fanatical approach.  She is now attempting to think she can be a king-maker in the UK General election and that has to be kicked off the pitch. Maybe if she had had a baby or twon she might have been more normal....
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #1

. Maybe if she had had a baby or twon she might have been more normal....

You might be on to something. I wonder if it would work for you?

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #2
Perhaps one day, the reputable Mr. Howie will post a link backing up his claims?

Perhaps not though. (?) :right:

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #3
This is the second thread you have acted like a male palin and taleked stupid. I will explain it again simply.

The SNP who are the government in Scotland having a majority HAVE instigated that new State involvement in every family. It has been on parliament debates, television, newspapers. That you aren't too bright to understand the truth or don't know what is happening in actuality is your problem. The government made the decision and could not be stopped so we do now have a Soviet style interference in family life. What I said about the po;ice is also a fact of life and that ex-colonists minds do not undesratnd simple things is a challenge but do keep it over the water boy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #4

This is the second thread you have acted like a male palin and taleked stupid. I will explain it again simply.

The SNP who are the government in Scotland having a majority HAVE instigated that new State involvement in every family. It has been on parliament debates, television, newspapers. That you aren't too bright to understand the truth or don't know what is happening in actuality is your problem. The government made the decision and could not be stopped so we do now have a Soviet style interference in family life. What I said about the po;ice is also a fact of life and that ex-colonists minds do not undesratnd simple things is a challenge but do keep it over the water boy.

Skimming over a wasted 2 minutes of your life that you spent typing that, I simply asked you to post a link to your claims, old chap!
Nothing difficult about that at all, but apparently your grey cells are getting the better of you again.  :yes:

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #5
He did warn us it is tripe.


Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #7
Considering everyone HERE knows that the government passed this and made it public I am standing by what i said so put the passing ignorance drift asise and see for yourself. Suggesting that I made this child thing up is so damn ludicrous but then thinking in the land of the brave is different from the normal world. Why I would want to do that when the State has done it is daft.

Now the SNP government has shelved plans for a new female prison (the present and only one here has over 400 inmates). They seem to want to concentrate community involvement stuff and treat women completely different. Why is beyond common sense and if involved in serious crime need shoving in a cell like a man. Seems that the SNP and Labour parties are stealing each others policies and things.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #8

Considering everyone HERE knows that the government passed this and made it public I am standing by what i said so put the passing ignorance drift asise and see for yourself. Suggesting that I made this child thing up is so damn ludicrous but then thinking in the land of the brave is different from the normal world. Why I would want to do that when the State has done it is daft.

Now the SNP government has shelved plans for a new female prison (the present and only one here has over 400 inmates). They seem to want to concentrate community involvement stuff and treat women completely different. Why is beyond common sense and if involved in serious crime need shoving in a cell like a man. Seems that the SNP and Labour parties are stealing each others policies and things.

What you have to realize old chum, is that "HERE" is not applicable. DnD is not Scotland.
DnD is an international forum.

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #9

Considering everyone HERE knows that the government passed this and made it public I am standing by what i said so put the passing ignorance drift asise and see for yourself. Suggesting that I made this child thing up is so damn ludicrous but then thinking in the land of the brave is different from the normal world. Why I would want to do that when the State has done it is daft.

Now the SNP government has shelved plans for a new female prison (the present and only one here has over 400 inmates). They seem to want to concentrate community involvement stuff and treat women completely different. Why is beyond common sense and if involved in serious crime need shoving in a cell like a man. Seems that the SNP and Labour parties are stealing each others policies and things.

Maybe they would be more amenable if they had a couple of children.

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #10
No HERE isn't Scotland Rebel as you lot over the Atlantic act as it was yours. Even on global railway sim forums re my hobby, ex-colonists come on as if the rest of the world doesn't exist. You simply came on here as if I had made that damn thing up then querying links. Anyone could have came on lambasting me if it was not in the general world and decision making. Of course I just put it down to arrogance being part of the growing up psyche! But i really must make allowances as it is a natural thing over there and understandable in a sense.

As for kids tt92 it obviously didn't work for your parents and haven't realised that one yet and the grey cells need maturing. Get out more sonny.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #11

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #12

No HERE isn't Scotland Rebel as you lot over the Atlantic act as it was yours. Even on global railway sim forums re my hobby, ex-colonists come on as if the rest of the world doesn't exist. You simply came on here as if I had made that damn thing up then querying links. Anyone could have came on lambasting me if it was not in the general world and decision making. Of course I just put it down to arrogance being part of the growing up psyche! But i really must make allowances as it is a natural thing over there and understandable in a sense.

As for kids tt92 it obviously didn't work for your parents and haven't realised that one yet and the grey cells need maturing. Get out more sonny.

Still waiting on that link..... :wait:

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #14
What started out as a thread devoted to Scottish nationalist tripe has become a schoolyard scrum in which Rj takes on most of the community. That's a puzzler. Can anybody explain that to me?

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #15
Hey Jim,
I like your flag. Have you moved now to Glesca?

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #16
What started out as a thread devoted to Scottish nationalist tripe has become a schoolyard scrum in which Rj takes on most of the community. That's a puzzler. Can anybody explain that to me?

It's not that hard. Howie made questionable claims that he can't or refuses to back up, then started ranting about "ex-colonists" again.

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #18
The language speaks volumes and I stand by what I said as it was a very public statement by the SNP government so how this becomes a nonsense is laughable. Even when you lot of yaks get a link you rubbish it (like the US Army murder of all those German prisoners). I do make generous allowance for the fact that many of you are so full of yourselves and own importance but in life probably never noted for anything. Call me what you like but that is what is happening here so do feel free to boil your heads they won't be missed. Swear call me all the names you want or call in the marines (snigger). On this theme when i commented on the same nationalist clowsn merging all the police forces into one that is a fable too. No surprise there are so many head shrinkers over the water due to the number of nutjobs. Must thank the Forum for emphasising that by the bashing atme. Keep it up boys and avoid the real world!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #19

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #20
I think this time it's something about him owning a TV. And he feels like he's being unfairly picked on. (Shame on y'all :left: )

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #21
The language speaks volumes and I stand by what I said as it was a very public statement by the SNP government so how this becomes a nonsense is laughable.

Tell me, do your local Glasgow papers carry news for interest to Nevadans but to no one else? I didn't think so. Did you see Governor Sandoval speak on your telly? What do you think of his very public proclamation about educational options? Surely you're heard it during Nevada School Choice week and felt the shockwaves in Scotland. What's your strawman? That Nevada is a state and Scotland is a country within the UK? May I remind you that in terms of size and population Scotland is about equal to a small to mid-sized state? Like an American state in the class, what seems important in Scotland might not have been heard of elsewhere.

Scotland is not the center or even centre of gravity in the universe, my friend.
Have you tried.......the DOUBLE Bastard yet?

Not yet. They don't have in the supermarket I usually go to. There's a couple good liquor stores nearby I can try, though.

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #22
I live near Chicago. Two major daily papers, several local television stations and seemingly countless local radio stations carry news primarily of interest to Chicago and hardly anywhere else. I could bet the rent that what goes on in the Rahmulan Empire is of little-- if any-- interest in Glasgow. The vice is versa of course--- the SNP could finally get Scottish Independence, and it wouldn't be much more than a footnote on page 5 of the Sun Times.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #23

The language speaks volumes and I stand by what I said as it was a very public statement by the SNP government so how this becomes a nonsense is laughable. Even when you lot of yaks get a link you rubbish it (like the US Army murder of all those German prisoners). I do make generous allowance for the fact that many of you are so full of yourselves and own importance but in life probably never noted for anything. Call me what you like but that is what is happening here so do feel free to boil your heads they won't be missed. Swear call me all the names you want or call in the marines (snigger). On this theme when i commented on the same nationalist clowsn merging all the police forces into one that is a fable too. No surprise there are so many head shrinkers over the water due to the number of nutjobs. Must thank the Forum for emphasising that by the bashing atme. Keep it up boys and avoid the real world!

Ooooohhhh, tetchy now are we. 

Also, how very beneficent, and magnanimous of you to "make allowances"  (laughs out loud).

For your learning, Mr. Howie:

Re: Scottish Nationalist tripe

Reply #24
Tetchy my head. It would take more that an ex-colonist to make me that as most with the occasional exception are emotional, geographically and world outside ignorant. And sanguinemoon and mjsmsprt40 in their brilliant Laurel and hardy routine still true to their limited knowledge of anything outside the world bully.  May i also inform them that no other person than Obama (man that lives in the White House in DC) made a public statement  craftily supporting the Union and thus sniffing at the independence lot.  At least here we practice a bit more democracy that the corporate controlled mess up over the pond. We have a perfectly legal and acceptable Referendum. Just you lot try that with a State and see what happens -noting this Rebel?? No chance.

I do allow for your emotional youth Rebel laddie and like grey but you lot ignore the plight of your own country internally so the idea of you three now could work me up into a frenzy - ha, ha, so comical coming from such a wonderful country where almost half the population stay away from recent voting. Ha, ha must stop laughing as delays me typing. Do keep it up boys and do a Clint Eastwood...make my day.  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"