Re: Attracting new members
Reply #39 –
Make an effort to mention it in every post you make in the MyOpera Forums (go back & do some posting!)
But that would be pure spam then. If DnD is mentioned, it has to be because there is relevant information here to what's being discussed, including but not limited to shutdown of the forums.
Only the brain dead would be so foolish as to not use some creative wording ...... If it's anything I learned dwelling in the Cave of the Opera Beasts is that they ain't stupid ..... give those people some credit to use their God given intelligence.
And anyway, if they do let a lil cheese slide off their cracker, what's the worst thing that could happen?? They might get reprimanded or banned ..... ewwwwwwww .......... how horribly terrible, gettin' rebuked...worse yet....banned from a place that told their loyal members flat out they were shit, they will all be tossed out on their asses March 1, 2014, & even after all their loyalty they can get who could care less!!! 
Hey, you just gave me a splendid idea.........lets run a contest....have a pool........lets see who could get banned the earliest.......first....last.....guess the date....etc...etc..... It'd be great fun!!! 
I wonder if effectively banning oneself counts?? Personally, I overloaded on the replies to the letter that informed us of the closing, one poster in particular. If his opinion in any way reflects the views of "management" then it was time to leave a long time ago and we just didn't know it.
Apologies to Belfrager: It turns out your lemming-like approach of "mass forum suicide" may have been closer to the truth than any of us were able to handle then. Now that we all know what was really happening in the back-ground, it actually looks like a sensible solution.