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Topic: Attracting new members (Read 75839 times)

Attracting new members

For a new forum to grow it needs a secure base of participants, which I am anticipating we will have at least for a while, but it must also attract new members.

The old D&D got a lot of members, I think, from those that had gone into My Opera in search of answers to problems with the Browser and peeked into the Lounge. Also the Blog area would have attracted a lot of them.

I would think that's normal, a discussion forum growing out of some sort of product, be it a commercial item like a magazine or a smart phone, or some "cause" which gets people going. Religion, Hobbies, Politics or Green Planets being examples.

I'm not sure that we could all agree on any of those things (which is the joy of DnD nee D&D). But maybe provision should be made for such to grow.

We have a ready-made group of potential new DnD people who were not necessarily in D&D but were participating in the Opera software/browser area. Some of those will be leaving, with no incentive anymore to comment or improve the Opera Browser as it becomes Chopera. So why not have a parallel area in this site entitled something like Browser Wars or Internatter or something which hosts all the discussions that people would like to have in comparing browsers or other things of more general interest.

We could also have more casual Lounge area where word games or whatever are played.

There will be other areas that might attract members - any ideas?

The downside of this suggestion is that it would increase the demands on the system that frenzie is putting in place and turn his quixotic gesture into a burden. That would not be good and we must bear that in mind.

I was wondering what the overall Forum could be called and the title "Forum at the end of the Universe" came into mind. Of course it had been used before and I found this site which is a pretty exact parallel to this in its initial rationale. Note the cautionary remarks in the second post. That has been remarked upon by many here; we need to take account it it and find a solution.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #1
I'm all for a lounge. The more people we can carry over and make feel at home the more word of mouth, the cheapest and easiest way to grow, we'll have.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #2
Maybe Opera can allow us a link - they owe us that if they close us down.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #3
I don't think it's a good idea to subdivide forums too much prematurely. Most of them would just be sitting there empty and barren. The Lounge might be worth an exception in order to attract a slightly different public from My Opera, but generically  speaking my stance is that e.g. a Lounge forum shouldn't be created until a more generic forum is getting an awful lot of Lounge-type threads.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #4
A question before I tell you what I think, it's D&D the only sub forum that reacted and created a space for keep on existing?
At Lounge forum no one is doing nothing? or at least announced the intention?

Maybe Opera can allow us a link - they owe us that if they close us down.

Good point. Even if I don't expect it, one can always try.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #5
Not that I know of.

Manners84 told me a few have expressed a willingness to keep in touch with each other. I'm not there enough to really know. Luxor might.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #6
I'm a bit of an oddball about some things, and D&D is one of them.

I came out of the old Golem forums, then his newsletter replaced the forums, and then the newsletter went way left when GWB got elected. So, I left the Golem newsletter because it was no longer welcome-- in fact he told people who didn't agree with him to leave his web space and his planet-- and about that time downloaded Opera. After a couple of weeks I started the blog, then found the Lounge, then found D&D. I never did spend any time on the support forums, it's been first the Lounge for a few weeks and then D&D after that. I've been hit or miss on my blog-- mostly miss. Don't even know if I'll try to start another one. But, some sort of forum community is a must, and this one has been good.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #7
Definitely will need a place to discuss the different beers we've tried and how we rate them. For instance:

Tanglefoot: 10/10   Highly recommended

Budweiser: -10/10  Literal horsepiss


Re: Attracting new members

Reply #8

Not that I know of.

Manners84 told me a few have expressed a willingness to keep in touch with each other. I'm not there enough to really know. Luxor might.

Yes there was a bit of discussion as to where we could go after the demise of MyOpera. I'll drop a message to them so that they are at least aware of this place. I think ohme is already aware of it but I know that others won't be, as I don't think they venture into DnD. 
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #9
I do think a general invitation to the Lounge lot (Lounge Lizards?) would be great for they would surely be welcome. Frenzie indicated he might add a Lounge area. So go for that invitation.

I remain of the opinion that a software area and invitation would be useful, at least to test the water.

So far we remain a select few, a very select few. The arrival of SF was a joyous thing indeed but we will not know we're on the right track until rjh arrives. ;)

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #11
What's the license?

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #12

wie alles gratis, glaube ich...

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #13
Gratis ist nich frei, mein Bester.

Edit: okay, so it's non-commercial.

What exactly is commercial use?

Anyway, I'll point out that everything on openclipart is completely free, so anyone can make a derivative work etc.

I dabble in making icons myself occasionally, but right now I have neither the time nor the inclination.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #14
That's where the forum should appear at all searches by terms as debates, discussions, very intelligent people, f**k opera, etc...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #15
I dabble in making icons myself occasionally, but right now I have neither the time nor the inclination.

If you dabbled, then assumedly you have something ready too. For this particular forum, even an unfinished but presentable work would suffice.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #16're looking to attract new members to the DnD Sanctuary .

Firstly, I'd work on the ole established Opera base of friends, & spirited people that aren't afraid to present their opinion about everything & anything --- left, right, middle -- secular or religious -- political, non-political --- all over the spectrum.

How to do this:

  • Direct contact via posts in well read threads, email, & PMs in My OPERA -- before doomsday.  Worst they can do is chuck ass be clever with your wording, & you won't get wacked.

  • Use a very simple, but powerful method.............Everyone here should have a MyOpera Signature ........... Why not use it? ...... a few enticing catchy words there coupled with a link to The DnD Sanctuary .... maybe even a link to the Members List too ... ya never know .. if they see friends, or people they have followed, or had stimulating conversations with in the past, they might  just come to the DnD & have a peek, & that might lead to a chat or 2 or 3..... Important to Remember, when you change your Signature, it pastes your changes into your each & every post...including ALL YOUR PAST Posts too!

   Don't forget about the Newbie

As it has been mentioned earlier, you might want to attract the newbie crowd.

Young blood is truly essential to growth & survival .... all you have to do is wish them the warmest hello in the MyOpera INTRODUCE YOURSELF thread. Your invite could be direct via a welcome post of your own, & further if you made any sort of 'ad' in your MyOpera Signature it further increases the 'Come to Our DnD Sanctuary' visibility ........ choose your words wisely ... &  be creative.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #17
Yes SF I agree with that. I also agree that we should be careful with new members initially who will not be used to the more robust approach - we'll get them later. Why I might even ask politely of those that dabble in these things what colour their blunderbuss is!

Putting an advert in the signature is a very good idea, I'll do that.

One question for Frenzie though. While we want new members, is there any problem from your viewpoint in having the number grow quickly (we have until March) during this teething time?

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #18

Use a very simple, but powerful method.............Everyone here should have a MyOpera Signature ........... Why not use it? ...... a few enticing catchy words there coupled with a link to The DnD Sanctuary .... maybe even a link to the Members List too ... ya never know .. i

Good suggestion SmileyFaze.
I suppose I can do it, but... well, maybe it would have the contrary result with me... :)

Another thing, that complements SmileyFaze's suggestion, is to create a thread that states that we moved and where to (with all the links that matters) with an eye catching title. Then ask moderation to pin it. I don't see why not.
(at this particular case, I don't mind you use red text, Smileyfaze. :) )
A matter of attitude.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #19

I dabble in making icons myself occasionally, but right now I have neither the time nor the inclination.

If you dabbled, then assumedly you have something ready too. For this particular forum, even an unfinished but presentable work would suffice.

I'm not sure that follows; I don't believe I have making icons as a hobby just because I make one every three years or so. :P
One question for Frenzie though. While we want new members, is there any problem from your viewpoint in having the number grow quickly (we have until March) during this teething time?
Not at all. If it turned out it were too much traffic or some such, surely the sooner we know the better.

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #20
You (all) may note that I have started the Today's Good News Thread in DnD. it has a fair circulation (average 100 views per post) so it may bring some more people in here.

But please try to contribute to it, lets get this forum alive.

Likewise, I suggest that if anyone else wants to migrate their threads they do so in the same way. Or if you want certain threads to be continued here mention it to their initiators (even an old one for which you regret the passing).

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #21
Note that threads may not have to pass away. The My Opera backup I'm running should allow me to import select threads. However, that'll likely be a greater effort than the myopera-backup script itself, which took only a few hours, so unless I get some help there who knows when it'll happen. I know there's people besides me who can do some basic scripting and have some basic knowledge of SQL, so as soon as I provide the data (or earlier because some testing data takes mere seconds to obtain), others can work on that.

So if you have a thread you'd really, really like to transfer, all you need to get started is available at these two links: (there should be some kind of install.sql file in the archive, but their site is down for maintenance atm so I can't check)

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #22
 I strongly believe we should wait a little while before making the place more public. Because first we should gather all the folks willing from D&D, then MyOpera in general...
I believe we have 1 to 2 months for that... 8)

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #23
Quote from: a Portugese Pirate
Good suggestion SmileyFaze.
I suppose I can do it, but... well, maybe it would have the contrary result with me... :)
Then you simply call people "DON'T GO THERE!";)

Re: Attracting new members

Reply #24

Then you simply call people "DON'T GO THERE!";)

I decided to be neutral and just announced the move to this place in my signature.
And you? have you done already something or just keep on begging for Opera's charity to let you to be there after kicking you out?
A matter of attitude.