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Topic: Is there a Black psychology problem…? (Read 32153 times)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #25

String I cannot fathom why you are so oddly puzzled at my statement. It could not have been more explanatory. Once again I will repeat that there are NO statistics nationally for the number of people shot down by the various police forces over there. Saying that the FBI were told years ago to start amassing these did hot happen either. Heavens, I could have figured that out in first year of secondary school.  :whistle:

Let us know how it goes.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #27
The idea of "Black psychology" is daft. Is a Black, Detroit street thug just like Neil DeGrasse Tyson?
Perhaps… Tyson employs the same selection-biased memory (…call it "meme" if you must) and he, unlike -say- James Watson, will never be held to account for his "fabrications"…
[Of course, Watson showed concern. Tyson showed contempt; but he'd been schooled to.]
Does anyone really wonder why? :)
I've worked with many Black people in my life. I wonder who else here has.
I well remember when the first black family moved into the housing project where I lived… I was 7 or 8 years old; they had a son about my age. I'm still grateful that my mother failed to teach me that skin color tells one anything about a person. He and I were friends, because nobody told us we shouldn't be — I think.
Please note: Nobody. If his parent(s) had not been as blasé or as sensible, our friendship might have been proscribed.
When I was 12 my family moved to Cambridge, to a neighborhood that was nearly 50/50… (Yes, I thought it was funny — that federal courts "bussed" some of my neighbors to schools that didn't have enough Negroes! But I also noted, they took them from the worst environments — predominantly black housing projects, crime-ridden and volatile; and I wondered, How does that happen?) My "race consciousness" was un-developed. It has pretty much remained so, I presume.
But, Jaybro, you tell me: Why is there such a difference between civilly disobedient citizens "of color" and the wan and waning?

I know this is an uncomfortable subject. (MLK got shot for insisting…) But is there a sleight chance that not only does intelligence matter but that easily-led segments of the electorate will be abused?

I've known a bunch of blacks (and a bunch of whites). Can't say that the color of their skin told me anything about them. But their "socialization" did really matter: If I'm seen as "Whitey" or "Cracker" or "The Man" by someone who's just met me, I'm going to dislike them — on principle.

And they're going to have to earn my respect. (If they want it…)

To the question posed just above, I suspect you'd answer No.
Am I wrong?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #28
Have already stated my stance and I think there is a problem with the matter of black folk. Even within their racial trait middle-class blacks frown on those below them in the working class! It would be a simple thing to say that black people shuld get off their bottoms and be more involved in the political process even at local level but I dare say the long history of being separated and kept down can lean on that idea.  Right from the early days they were generally treated as almost aliens and we know what that paragon of hyperbole, Abe Lincoln thoght of them behind closed doors. So with such a troubled history  things can go awry and it is painfully obvious that the long legacy is still unfortunately afresh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #29
i cant stop my mind to not thinks if Black is more violence is correlation implies causation fallacy .

but something interesting in here ,

it seems most mankind Senses and Perception ( Eyes )  tend to believe if  

White   is identical with Holiness , goodness , etc .
While Black   is identical with Evils , Villains , mysteries, etc .

you know , thats why Popes costumes mostly is White
While Witch costumes is dark .

is there any chance that's why most People Believe if niggas is more evil ?

onthe other hand , Probably this is an apriori , or assumption

but it seems , believe is an emotion .
not realities.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #30
is there any chance that's why most People Believe if niggas is more evil ?

     Nothin' like callin' a spade a spade huh!?   

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #32
Apart from the 3 recent incidents I quoted now the jury acquits a New York policeman of choking a man to death even though other officers were there to assist an arrest. Watching the video it conformed the murdered man's last words were that he was being choked. It made no difference because "police" in practice get away with murder. I can still recall the time a while back now but when the soldiers were called out to quell protests with the police. Bayonets mounted then shot them. Doesn't do very well for an advanced country to act like the countries it describes in negative terms for so-called "law enforcement."

That most are black is a deep point in a land where racial colours is STILL an issue, socially, politically or any other way.  What is more telling and troublesome is that police can get away with anything in America and the supporters of such in their usual warped emotion of a valueless nature whoop and delight. Even trying to leave aside thee white-black thing that is so deep in th e4x-colonies the very fact that the legal system tolerates murder by people in uniform is a national disgrace, putrid and makes a mockery of asll the moral stances the nation claims to the world. It is a tolerated police state mentality that abounds and that is not good for the place at all. Not even an effort to wound or use anything else at the first stage it is 100% okay just to blow them away and say it was defence.

OIn the big city of Chicago over 200 people were physically tortured by police withthe okay from further up and when you see the instruments including electric shock stuff you can only shake your head. This went on for some 20 years to around the early 1990's and even into the 2000's trying to get compensation is even more trying than getting me to kiss the Pope's ring. The culprits are still free! If so many police forces have to adopt the way they act there is either a very bad situation in America or the redneck grey cell people are too many which shows another racial flaw in itself nationally. At least my rather milder confrontation with the same NYC cop in two different days (by chance!) was milder but I was fortunate enough to be white. What too many policemen do and their forces are a contradiction morally for the principles the country states in it's founding and constitution but the rather deranged view that if in a uniform you can do what you damn well like is okay is not only a flagrant disregard for principles and the genuine written stuff but fits in by police practices all over the country as a disgrace.

If a civilian and you attack someone or a murderer expect the law to deal with you but if a policeman you can totally do what you like knowing full well you WILL get away with it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #33
well , i read somewhere
niggas have  more testosterone than Europeans or 'Sians  .
that explain why niggas can bulk up their Muscle easily .

also if i am not wrong,  it mean they are lesser Depressed  , nor can bear depression better . 

So generally speaking ,    they cant go insane as easy as 'Europeans  or 'Sians .

Where  insanity is fuel for intelligence , creativity , and originality  

note : unsure if valid and legit.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #34
Well must say for all the time I have done voluntary work amongst all I have to say that Africa seems to be a anightmare place and there does seems to be some natural weakness when you look at the general state the continent is in.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #35

Whoa there. I'm no stranger to the word but there's a time and a place... This ain't it.

This whole topic treads on things better left alone... If there's any good to come from discussing the difference in races it's for another time. For now we risk attributing the consequences of the past with the traits of a race.   

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #36
Hip hop taught me a fair amount of English. We non-Americans don't understand that nigger is beyond the pale in a way incomparable to what we perceive as the Anglo-Saxon over-reaction to mere words like fuck in general. We grow up hearing it used in hip hop constantly and lack the cultural background knowledge that ties the word to a past of slavery. I think the instinctive attitude of non-Americans can be succinctly summed up by this song:


Sparta, this is not a word to be used lightly. It's the mother lode of pejoratives.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #37
The original word was "Negro" and if you look it up, it originally meant "Black". A person of a Negroid race is black, by definition of that word.

All of the "street slang" variations of that word are big trouble these days. I could wish the Hip Hop artists stop using it, since they popularize the words within their community, but they don't, can't or won't-- take your pick.

In any case, let you or me-- non-African American people-- say those words where African American people or those of a liberal mindset can hear you say it, and expect at least to be told not to talk like that if you don't want to be the center of civil strife yourself. Yeah, it's considered racist-- big time racist.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #38
How about Honky psychology problems?

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #39
Hip hop taught me a fair amount of English.

Interesting. :pokerface:
Anglo-Saxon over-reaction to mere words like fuck in general.

A fair amount of tact can be employed. You wanna piss a black man off real quick, call 'em a fuckin' nigger. Your mouth may write a check your ass can't cash, in Dixie.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #40

The original word was "Negro" and if you look it up, it originally meant "Black".

Still means just that in latin-derived languages :right:

All of the "street slang" variations of that word are big trouble these days. I could wish the Hip Hop artists stop using it, since they popularize the words within their community, but they don't, can't or won't-- take your pick.

That's n-word privilege.
German gays adopted a slur by using it themselves ages ago, it stopped being a slur. Maybe there's something similar at work, maybe not.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #41
How about Honky psychology problems?
Certainly! Have at it…

Or just Hrrumph! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #42

How about Honky psychology problems?


Species : Homosapiens
genus : Europeans


Species : Homosapiens
genus : Africans

it seems , it is Biology   or Genetical problems . 
traditionally , it is  darwinism Evolution effect . 

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #43

Hip hop taught me a fair amount of English.

Interesting. :pokerface:

As did Thunderbirds, British/American pop music in general, Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall,[1] and Command & Conquer. Then I read the first Harry Potter before it became what it is now. Computer games can teach you a lot if you let them.

[1] You know, I got stuck in a beehive on the second island and never managed to get past it. €2.40 is low enough to tempt me to just buy it again instead of finding the original CD-ROM the next time I visit my parents. But surely there must be a YouTube playthrough somewhere… the gameplay was mediocre, but the setting and atmosphere were great.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #44
Black psychology be gone!

Your English is better than many Americans and all Brits.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #45
Sir Oak  expectation  is the answers  for this Question .
Why do we still obsess about race?

i can not figure  it out yet ,  a sure answers nor explanation for that question .

but for sure , Bullies   loves to using argumentum ad Populum to make his/her or his/her Groups looks superior .

it could be worst if touch Political issues .

i do not intend to generalize ,  but For somehow ..
Some Political Practitioner also Loves to Propaganda with Appeal to emotion .
AFAIK, The easiest way to Appeal to Emotion is using Sensitives Contents such as social or biological difference  to harrass or troll certain  groups .

so .. utopiscally , if there is no Superiorism ,  there is no racialism .

but again , there is no Guarantee if each People will not/never create Emotional Realities
There are no guarantees   some People will not Create  Realities in his/her Psyche  based on His/her insecurity , Fear , hate, etc.
then Express it to the Social World  .

on the other hand ,  while we are waiting for another datums input.

allow me to make a  premature conclusion .   

firstly ..
Anatomically ,  with 'Fricans Body system   thus will have higher Guts Level ,  or Energy Blow .

Guts or balls is Ability to ignore Options and just Do .

secondly , There are  Organisms  in Earth [ animals , Plants ,  Homosapiens, etc ] .
it is  because this Planet  is  in the right Condition .
Not too Close and  Not too Far From The Star (  Sun ), Not too Hot and Not Too Cold, etc .

it is , Goldilocks Principle.

so , it seems Something good for Humanity  is Balance.

Have Too much Guts, it mean thus are stupid , impulsive, etc .
Have Lesser guts, it mean thus are Coward , Doubtfull , etc .

Lastly ..
take with a grain of salt .
just because people say this or that , does not mean it is absolut .

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #46

Your English is better than many Americans and all Brits.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

You haven't heard me speak. Admittedly, I like to think I sound fairly close to native. Definitely close enough to fool my fellow Europeans into thinking I'm an American (not on purpose), but that's another story.

Lastly ..
take with a grain of salt .
just because people say this or that , does not mean it is absolut .

That's the main point, isn't it? You don't really know anything about an individual based on the fact that on average someone with a similar background might be 10% stronger/weaker/whatever.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #47
You don't really know anything about an individual based on the fact that on average someone with a similar background might be 10% stronger/weaker/whatever.

that is a valid fact , i can confirm that .
but 10% value probably can be greater or lower.

well ..
in the end we are just organisms .

i also aware if this is just an opinion , the validity maybe absurd .

Analogically , if we plant a similar seed of trees  .
it aint grow 100% identical trees  , there will always  differences.

it can be taller , shorter , productive , unproductive , etc.
since it  grow up  influenced by difference  situation and condition  time by time .

Plants,  can't feels Superior or Inferior even they have differences.
indeed, it is deniable  if   Plants  have emotions / feelings .
even there are some efforts to prove if plants have feelings .

IMHO , Racialism are not issues about differences .
this are issues about using differences to treat  another People ( discriminate, harras, offence, etc )  .

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #48
IMHO , Racialism are not issues about differences .
this are issues about using differences to treat  another People ( discriminate, harras, offence, etc )  .

That's very true, and those who do that don't bother with anything more than pseudoscience. These are the racial classifications as German scientists made them in the late 19th/early 20th century, talking essentially only about externalities (skin color, shape of head/body, cf. phrenology's alleged relationship between skull shape and mental life which had already been utterly discredited):

Notice how the racial nonsense espoused by e.g. the Nazis had absolutely nothing to do with any actual scientific hypotheses besides borrowing a few scientific-sounding terms from various sources. The same thing is true today. Almost no racist bothers to check what differences might actually exist, and those that do just cherry pick a few facts that suit their fancy.

Re: Is there a Black psychology problem…?

Reply #49

String I cannot fathom why you are so oddly puzzled at my statement. It could not have been more explanatory. Once again I will repeat that there are NO statistics nationally for the number of people shot down by the various police forces over there. Saying that the FBI were told years ago to start amassing these did hot happen either. Heavens, I could have figured that out in first year of secondary school.  :whistle:
rjh - my apologies for delaying my reply.

I was puzzled because it seems to me that there is in fact data on this (to which I referred in the link I gave) so I thought I might have missed a nuance of meaning in what you wrote.