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Do you consider Islam a 'Religion of Peace'?

Not Sure -- Let me ponder while enjoying a few dozen ice cold beers & some pork sausage off the barbi!
Topic: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace? (Read 89423 times)

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #25
Hmm, weird.
I'm not signed in nor have I an account at Yahoo.
Wonder what goes wrong on your side  ::)

Edit: Since the ad is in German, I get it probably because of my IP.
So far the mistery is probably solved.
Wonder though why you don't get an ad according to your IP/language.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #27
[glow=black,2,300]Islamic Cleric Suggests Babies Wear Burqas to Prevent Rape[/glow]

Quote from:  An Article here
..... A Saudi cleric has proposed this solution to molestation of young girls: they should be required to wear burqas.

While no law or practice in Islam requires that baby girls wear burqas, Sheik Abdulla Daoud suggested that covering the babies in burqas would keep them from being raped. Daoud made the controversial comment on TV last year, stating that babies were being molested in Saudi Arabia.

The video recently surfaced on social media, and elicited shocked and indignant response from fellow Saudis.

“Now the baby victims are blamed for men’s crimes. Allah help us stop the ignorance, stupidity,” tweeted Masleeza Othman ....... continued

~~ also ~~

Quote from: An Article here
An al-Qaeda ‘peace envoy’ in Syria has blown himself up among a rival militant group, killing 16 of them including two commanders, a new report says.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Sunday a militant from al-Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) was sent to a group of rival militants, in al-Raei town in Aleppo, as a ‘peace envoy’ for negotiations.

It was the second time the envoy was sent for talks, but this time he turned out to be a suicide bomber who killed 16 people and wounded 20 others.

The ISIL militants also detonated a car bomb in front of the targeted group’s base as the bomber pulled the trigger on his suicide vest....... continued

What do you think??


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #28
Perhaps that particular Cleric should wear a chastity belt as an example to his over-sexed young male followers.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #29
Just when you think they can't say anything more ludicrous than the last time…

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #30
Just a few miscreants out of millions of peaceful adherents.

7 percent of the world's Muslims are "political radicals" who believe the 9/11 attacks were completely justified. Yet another 29.6 percent think the 9/11 attacks were partially or in some way justified. This takes the total world-wide percentage of Muslims who think the mass-slaughter of innocent non-Muslim (and some Muslim) civilians on 9/11 was either completely, partially or some way justified, up to 36.6 percent, or almost 4 out of every 10 Muslims.
James J

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #31

7 percent of the world's Muslims are "political radicals" who believe the 9/11 attacks were completely justified. Yet another 29.6 percent think the 9/11 attacks were partially or in some way justified. This takes the total world-wide percentage of Muslims who think the mass-slaughter of innocent non-Muslim (and some Muslim) civilians on 9/11 was either completely, partially or some way justified, up to 36.6 percent, or almost 4 out of every 10 Muslims.

Speaking about polls - 15% (World Average, 2008) think the U.S. govt. was behind the 9/11 attacks.
That's after all more than one out of ten, worldwide.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #32
Speaking about polls - 15% (World Average, 2008) think the U.S. govt. was behind the 9/11 attacks.
That's after all more than one out of ten, worldwide.

That just shows you how many paranoid conspiracy theorists there are running loose in the world. 
James J

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #33
........This takes the total world-wide percentage of Muslims who think the mass-slaughter of innocent non-Muslim (and some Muslim) civilians on 9/11 was either completely, partially or some way justified, up to 36.6 percent, or almost 4 out of every 10 Muslims.

Give or take a million, somewhere around [glow=black,2,300]55 million [/glow]Islamists ---- more Islamists    than England has inhabitants (men, women, transvestites, various other deviants, & offspring    there of).

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #35
Some  conspiracy theories [glow=black,2,300]might turn true[/glow] some time.
NSA Conspiracy Theories Turn Out To Be Totally Correct

Totally Correct??

Not yet.....

The closest statement that can to date be 'totally correct', is that the theories are presumed 'totally correct' -- by some.

Your NSA Conspiracy Theories, no matter how widely reported, & regardless of how many 'credible' journalists report on them, & also regardless of who believes in them or how many believe in them, those theories are still simply nothing more than theories until bona fide, first hand evidence is presented, & actually proven in a court of law.

Consensus means jack-squat, nothing, zero, zilch, nada, shit all.

Most probably correct?     Hmmmm ..... Stay tuned.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #36
Whatever, not all conspiracy theorists have to be  paranoid.

Do you believe in conspiracy theories?  People who believe the world is full of conspiracies, think that the world is run by a group of wealthy old men who dream these schemes up in the smoky backrooms of some secret hideaway.  There are secretive things that happen, but a very scant few of them end up being anything you could call a true conspiracy. 
James J

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #37
Out of curiosity, who all has Muslim friends?

I have 5 Muslim friends, and all are quite peaceable, especially my buddy from Pakistan, currently living in the UK.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #40

I have 5 Muslim friends, and all are quite peaceable, especially my buddy from Pakistan, currently living in the UK.

Watch out sir!
According to jseaton2311, two among of those 5 Muslim friends must be dangerous.


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #42

I have 5 Muslim friends, and all are quite peaceable, especially my buddy from Pakistan, currently living in the UK.

Watch out sir!
According to jseaton2311, two among of those 5 Muslim friends must be dangerous.

Well, they haven't been violent yet.

@Josh: Friend, as in you chat with them, visit them at their apartment/flat, enjoy their company from time to time.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #44
Dealing more seriously with the reality of Islamic terrorism, take a glance at what polling data reveal.

One example: Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #45
Here's an Iranian's perspective on Islam. He summarizes his argument as follows:

But before that, let me stress that I’m not denying that the other factors are important. Certainly the poorer the people are, the more likely they are to get radicalized. It doesn’t help if you starve a ruthless tiger. Undoubtedly democracy and safety and freedom of speech would somehow improve the situation. For sure the history of Western colonialism and the conflict with Israel have worsened the situation. It doesn’t help if you poke the ruthless tiger with an iron blade.

But none of this means that the tiger is not a tiger, that it is actually a poor angry misunderstood kitty. It is wrong to reduce everything to religion. But it is also equally wrong to pretend that religion is not there, and does not contribute to the situation.

I also understand that there are very different readings of Islam. Yes, there were Muslim mystics who were liberal and open minded. There were mystics who praised Satan as God’s greatest worshipper and his holy agent on earth. [However, it’s wrong to assume all mystics and all Sufis were like that]. By all accounts, the Mu’tazilah movement was as rational and as tolerant as one could be in the confines of a religion. Nowadays there are Muslim thinkers like the late Egyptian scholar Nasr Hamed Abou-Zeid or the Iranian philosopher Abdolkarim Soroush who are moderate, liberal, tolerant, and advocate the idea that Koran was not the literal word of Allah.

I know all of that. But I don’t care. Not because I want to only look at the evidence which supports my claim. Because I want to look at all the evidence. Movements and people like this are (1) in the absolute minority and (2) contradict the main spirit of Islam. They are fringe elements.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #46
Certainly the poorer the people are, the more likely they are to get radicalized. It doesn’t help if you starve a ruthless tiger.

Or, as was the case in the American South during the Depression, to turn to Jesus and white lightning, sometimes leading to things like this.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #48
How selective from Michigan. Wonder what picture can be produced for the north of the nation?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #49
Something like this.

I don't know the date of that photo from Detroit in the Depression era, but I was a child at the time. Happily, my father was employed at an auto factory the whole time.
But this also happened in Detroit when I was six years old. The trouble-making brother of a friend was knifed in one riot melee. I also made my first Black friend at about the same time.