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Do you consider Islam a 'Religion of Peace'?

Not Sure -- Let me ponder while enjoying a few dozen ice cold beers & some pork sausage off the barbi!
Topic: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace? (Read 92407 times)

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #225

Quote from:         ANSA      

(ANSA) - Baghdad, May 29 - An Islamic militant group linked to al-Qaeda is using mentally handicapped people as unwitting "human bombs" to carry out attacks in Iraq, an Iraqi government source said Thursday.

What do you think of this maleficent development in the name of the Allah?

A maleficent development the USA is responsible for.
There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq before the USA invaded it. Through an invasion justified with lies they turned Iraq into a mess.
Hundreds of thousands of victims during the invasion and a sectarian war they left behind.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #226
SmileyFaze's needs to listen a bit more to Pope Francis words.

What is not an endorsement to pacifism, just see the Swiss Vatican guard history.
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #227
A maleficent development the USA is responsible for.
There was no al-Qaeda in Iraq before the USA invaded it. Through an invasion justified with lies they turned Iraq into a mess.
Hundreds of thousands of victims during the invasion and a sectarian war they left behind.

Can't see the forest for the trees can you?

All the acts being committed are being committed due to the warped perverted messages from the head of the "Religion of Peace" & his book of convoluted warfare.

Without  Islam, there would never have been an al-Qaeda.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #228
SmileyFaze's needs to listen a bit more to Pope Francis words.

I consider myself a Christian who has had the benefit of a Roman Catholic childhood/upbringing.

I follow no organizational religion, so my relationship with my God is of a personal one-on-One nature.

The words of the Pope mean little to me except as in a comparison to the words of Mohammud, whereas this Pope has the higher moral ground by leaps & bounds.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #229
Now what a telling comment.

It suggest that you are not a practicing RC but instead fall back on a childhood cover story. Then the religion you thank for that sees you thinking more of that child molestor would-be Islam prophet than the man in the white shoes?? Somehow you think that liking the present Pope makes that all right. Boy oh boy what a confusion merchant you are.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #230
Is the ultimate purpose of mankind's existence to debate, argue, fight and kill over whose god is real or best?  Grown intellectual men and women will waste their entire lifetimes on this nonsense while in the end there is no such thing as a god, it's just leftover thinking from an ancient and superstitious era.  Science has calmly, rationally and logically shown that no god could possibly exist simply because there was no time before the big bang.  Science has no interest or hidden agenda in pointing this out and it really doesn't give a rat's ass whether you can grasp this concept of physics or not--it simply is the way things are.   

We truly are at the infant stage of our development as a species when one steps back and sees how inane all this talk about a god/creator really is.  In most religions our eternal lives depend on our belief in one god or another and yet no god chooses to make his presence perfectly clear--it's a game god plays with our eternal souls.  Logical?  Rational?  Nope, god is the biggest practical joke ever perpetuate on the human race.  Is this to be our legacy?  Is the greatest thing humans aspire to the endless fighting and hate that a belief in gods brings upon us?  As a species, it's high time we moved on. 

I have a brief moment of sentience in the universe, I will not waste any of it believing in something as mindless as a god.  Moreover, the meaning of life is not to be found with some guru on a mountain top or even in the deepest depths of rigorous and intense meditation.  You need not find some god to get the answer--the meaning of life is what each of us makes of it.  It is not mysterious, mystical or supernatural, nor is it only understandable by those of 'superior intellect' as Ersi would have us believe--the meaning of life is simply what we choose it to be. 
James J

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #231

1. Both are highly divisive. If the Town of Greece had periodically (say at the minimum of once per year) invited a religious leader of another persuasion of religion, I seriously doubt Galloway would have had a problem with it. She is a Jew, after all; why not invite a Rabbi from time to time?

That's your biased opinion, is it not. Where does it say in the Constitution that it's anti-invocation, anti-prayer, anti-religion?

Nowhere, that's where. Seriously, the First Amendment is first because the founding fathers wanted it a place of prominence.  It specifically says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It specifically tells the Government what it can't do & must do ...... don't force us all to honor any one State Religion,  like England did with the Church of England, & don't keep us from freely practicing our own religious practices -- whatever they may be.

If anything it's not a freedom from religion, it's a freedom for religion.

It doesn't present even the suggestion of a quota system, or how any religious person or group must practice......just the freedom to do so completely free of government proclamation or legislation.

But, in the end I agree with you that your suggestions are nice, & if presented properly to their legislature, maybe they might adopt some of your nice ideas.

That's what freedom is about, having the right to agree or even disagree.

....Once again, because the majority rules and to hell with minorities.....

That's a democracy. We have a Constitutional Republic, whereas it's based on democratic like principals that need to adhere to specific laws.

If they broke the law, then they would have been ruled against. 

They didn't break the law, therefore the majority has the right to it's invocation as it sees fit. 

If someday they choose to change how they open their sessions, as long as they don't break the law, they are at liberty to do so, knowing full well that some might not appreciate the proceedings as much as others.

That's life.

2. My goodness man; do I have to spell this out to you? Not trying to be an ass here, but when any layer of gov't, be it local, state or federal, repeats any form of religious tenant ("In Jesus' name we pray.....amen") regularly.......for 20 years.......without change, it is clear that said layer of gov't is trying to establish a state religion via endorsement from whichever layer of gov't we are speaking about.

Once again I agree that that is your personal opinion, which you have the right to, you are at liberty to have, & I respect it even though I may not agree with it. 

Some day maybe you can don the black robes, & then you can come to a different decision based on your own minority opinion & interpretation of the First Amendment, but until then I doubt your opinions in this matter will see themselves expressed in a majority decision of any Supreme Court.

In my own personal opinion of what the First Amendment is, & what it controls, & as long as the Supreme Court Justices rule the same consistent way they have for the so many years ---200+/- --- things  won't change & rulings like this will stand.

Now, I think you should wrap it up so we can return to the topic at hand   .....   [glow=black,2,300]ISLAM  --  The Religion of Peace?[/glow]

If you want we can open a new thread just to discuss the pros & cons of the Supreme Court.

Take note, as always, you will probably find that on better than 60% of the rulings we will probably agree, & if not, we will  respect each others right to disagree --- as in this case. As always you will have my completely honest opinions either way.  I know you would expect nothing less. ---- Same here.

PS......I like agreeing, as opposed to disagreeing.

1. Of course it is. Why stir up an ant bed when all parties involved could agree on a compromise and most everyone walks away satisfied; something along the lines that I have suggested. I'll tell you why; because as I have posted, quite a few in your preferred religion would prefer to lord their majority over the others, without getting input from the at what point in our history has this occurred before, hmm? You appear to have taken what I posted as an effort to oust Invocations completely; a position I judiciously guarded against by suggesting that for every 4 town meetings; 3 be done by Christian ministers, followed by a minority religion. The next 4 would follow a similar phase, though on that 4th time this time go 'round, there would be no invocation, for that one time only. Finally, if the local leaders in question didn't have their heads up their arses and wouldn't so averse to any compromise, such proposals wouldn't have to go to the state level, as it could be taken care of locally. I think we can both agree that many issues can and should be dealt with locally?

2. I doubt I'll ever don any black robes. I am too busy trying to hedge against the coming US economic collapse. 3 bubbles are set to burst, and I intend to avoid the fall out.

3. Feel free to bloviate ad nauseum about Islam and it's fundie fringe, but a robust discussion such as we have had was needed for this thread. :cheers:

4. I'll end this the honorable way by agreeing with you to agree to vehemently disagree with much of your position, especially the bit about their being NO freedom from religion. That wording was worded as so to be vague.

Finally, for all of the Christians who do wish to lord their majority position over those of us in the minority religious position, with no input from us, I say this to you.....

Our Day Will Come.    :devil:

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #232
Aye you wish but not whilst I am getting ready for the marching season here laddie.  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #234
Sadly but unfortunately this is hardly an exceptional situation.

Here in Britain we seem to have a special problem with young male Muslims in particular. Gangs of Muslim young men have been responsible time after time for sex crimes and especially on under age white girls. Of course such can happen whatever the background but again repeatedly we get news of yet another Islam gang of offenders. They cannot get away with it here with their own but the "Kuffirs" are there for the taking. A while ago on the Opera Forums I detailed a situation in the north of England when a main televison channel (Channel 4) did a special programme on the rape of especially younger white girls by Asia gangs. Even had a mother on detailing how her daughter had been treated. The regional olice service in the area then tried through the legal system to get Channel 4 blocked from showing the programme but eventually failed and had to apologise.

Even more recent was a case of a couple who did sexual stuff on an altar in a RC church in N. Ireland and nothing was done . Elsewhere a silly pair smeared the handles of a Muslim temple with bacon then threw the stuff inside the entrance hall. Equally stupoi although in their small minds they thought it funny. They got months in jail.

When in a minority Islam will play it cool but as it grows it gets more ambitious, demanding and the number of young Muslims keen on fighting somewhere increases. America is a big country so a bit slower there but here on this small island it is becoming a different story altogether.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #235
Sadly but unfortunately this is hardly an exceptional situation.

Here in Britain we seem to have a special problem with young male Muslims in particular. Gangs of Muslim young men have been responsible time after time for sex crimes............

Well, more & more women are becoming self-reliant here every day.

You may not approve of our methods (like we give a roasted flying shit), but it will send the message, loud & clear.


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #236
No the message is you are all childish oer there and it is one hell of a country that so many people need guns. Yu seems to be born with a fear complex and shoot each other in thousands. Biggest nutjob nation on earth Smiley! However you have given the head shrinker industry much business and create jobs in it. No sensible country would want to imitate your system. Not only in gun madness, prison populations, people on death row for years (ridiculous) over the top sentencing and so on. Islamists can be dealt with without us all becoming nuts. That you don't care what other countires think of you is not a confidence but an ignorance, conceit and elementary brain use.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #237
Allow me to shed  some story and some messages from my ancestors .

''never underestimate  the Bee , rat , and Ghost in a Beautiful box ''

--bee is producing honey , but they have sting in their ass . firstly, they will Speak so Sweet and act so nice  , but  in the end they will Stab from behind .

--  the trait of rats is always destroy something , and they breed fast .

--Ghost in a beautiful box , is a trap that hidden  in a beautiful package .

When the box opened , everyone Will Shocked .

it's   coded , and  to decode that
it's necessary to   understand,  about Why Manipulators , will manipulate .

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #238
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #239
in Year 1400 Saka ( 1478 ) , a Kingdom in Java Island  is fall .

they Fallen , because  attacked by Bees , Rats , and Ghosts in   boxes .

let me know , anyone ?

is there are some Events in your Land , with the same  pattern -- mentioned above ?

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #240
........that so many people [glow=blue,2,300]need [/glow] guns........

Need has absolutely nothing to do with it.......the Right to Keep & Bear Arms noted in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution (And the Bill of Rights) is not now, & never has been, dependent on a need!!!

Need plays no part in the preservation &/or defense of that right -- a right much bigger than the words of any person, any document, or any government. Every human being has the inalienable right to protect themselves, their family, & their friends.

...No sensible country would want to imitate your system.....

As if we care ....... To each their own, but we will continue the way we please, in spite of your personal observations.

....would want to imitate your system. Not only in gun madness, prison populations, people on death row for years (ridiculous) over the top sentencing and so on......

You are free to design your own destiny, as we are ours.

We wouldn't want it any other way,

....That you don't care what other countires think of you is not a confidence but an ignorance, conceit and elementary brain use.

In the end that seems to bother you way, way more than it bothers us. 

You should tend to the Islamic vermin in your own backyard, & worry less about us.

We'll take care of all our own distractions, & as we see fit to, too ............... thank you.

Oh BTW, we are so very good at what we decide to do.

Seriously, after over 235 years, you'd think we would stop amazing ourselves, but here we are again, still doing it.

Go figure.

Conceited.........I think not. 

Consistently convinced makes more sense.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #241
[glow=green,2,300]Thousands of Christians Fleeing Northern Iraq Following ISIS' [/glow][glow=blue,2,300]'Convert or Die' [/glow] [glow=green,2,300]Ultimatum[/glow]

Quote from:    
Thousands of Christians are fleeing northern Iraq and communities they have lived in for almost 2,000 years following militant group ISIS' ultimatum last week that they convert to Islam, pay a tax, or be killed for their faith.

"In my opinion this is a very grave situation. No Western leader is moving to stop such a tragedy but they offer only empty words with no actions," Dr. Munir S. Kakish, Chairman Council of Local Evangelical Churches in the Holy Land, told The Christian Post in an email on Sunday. "ISIS must be stopped before it wipes out Christians from other areas."........continued

Religion of Peace??? 

Give me a B52 loaded to the eyeballs with 100,000 megaton nukes & I'll show them rag headed Islamics
some long deserved eternal peace!

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #242
Well, that seems not like Religion issues .

but more like mental health issues ..

On the other hand ,

People that have tolerance , will tolerate people that intollerance .

But people that intollerance , will not tolerate  the People that have tolerance .

in the end , People that have tolerance and tolerance itself,  will extinct   .

if  want to have Stupid sh*t like Tolerance , just make sure to have Enough Power to defend the tolerance .

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #243
if  want to have Stupid sh*t like Tolerance , just make sure to have Enough Power to defend the tolerance .

(Just passing through…) Sparta makes the obvious point! Why was everyone else afraid to say it?
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #244
And Christians have had to flee in Syria too when previously they were safe. In one Christian town the monks were given an immediate order to leave with what they were standing in. Egypt is another culprit so it and there are places in Israel where Zionists make life difficult so it is across the ME. We here in what I now call Londonstan (used to be an indigenous city but not now) we have had Islamists come out with some shocking posters in protests. I would be arrested if I did something similar and we are giving in too much for them.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #245
Sir , in my humble opinion .

if you really care about your Country .

tell your Government to Expand the Mental health care services .

before the Viruses of insanity affect the majority of your People .

for some reason , They will always looks , interested , and have subjective about Majority .

that's an Epic combination arround Stupidity and Insanity .

Never  Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in large Groups

--Remember this  , When Bees and Rats put Ghosts in beautiful boxes .
that time,  Chaos will come

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #246
Stupid people in large groups leaves that door wider open, haha.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #247
ISIS Jihadists, who pledged to spread the Ebola Virus throughout USA & Europe, already there carrying the deadly disease to unsuspecting Europeans.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #248
Kinf of typical of a religion found by a child narryer that claims to be Godly doing this kind of barbaric stuff.  :down:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #249
Kinf of typical of a religion found by a child narryer that claims to be Godly doing this kind of barbaric stuff.   :down:

Do you know that my Country is the only part of Christianity, and the most special and loyal one to the Holy Church and to the Holy Priest, that still today evokes the name of Allah everyday trough the Portuguese word "oxalá"?

It's a corruptelle of "Inch Allah" meaning be it what Allah desires, be it what God wants. :)

And God starts to be irritated with you....
A matter of attitude.