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Do you consider Islam a 'Religion of Peace'?

Not Sure -- Let me ponder while enjoying a few dozen ice cold beers & some pork sausage off the barbi!
Topic: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace? (Read 89465 times)


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #153

Now how is that for an outstanding declaration re the word 'hypocrite'?! Coming from the place that causes so much bother in the world, contradicts it's so-called values has tens of millions of poor, folk having to fight for basic rights supposed to be enshrined, run by corporates and their allies on the Hill. Ha, ha the word if you didn't know better would make you think that it has been corrupted over there. Ha, ha - don't know why you bothered with higher educ you should have went into comedy. :lol:


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #154
Mr. Rebel, you've captured the essence of the Glasgow Man over the pond.
Mr. Rebel, you've captured the essence of the Glasgow Man over the pond.
Mr. Rebel, you've captured the essence of the Glasgow Man over the pond.
Mr. Rebel, you've captured the essence of the Glasgow Man over the pond.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #155
Nice try even though you have as suits now a pal of the Southern hal-Yankee, would-be adult. The theme of your reply is a bit like a summing up of this alternative forum and simply a repeat of the overblown would-be's. Trouble is you lot are so far up yourselves you don't see your moats in the your own eyes. Always is amusing that so-called wonderfully, self-analysed intelligents are limited themselves. It is all just a repeat of your group love-in psyche. Not surprised some of you got frantic at the Opera thing going but forget it was a wee remnant group of self opinionated and repeat subject trolls.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #157
Quote from: His Imperious Majesty, Tsar Billy-Bob I. of the CSA
Trouble is you lot are so far up yourselves you don't see your moats in the your own eyes.

If you have moats in your eyes you better go see a doctor right now.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #158
Quote from: Slayer of Imperious Majesties, Billy-Bob II

Quote from: His Imperious Majesty, Tsar Billy-Bob I. of the CSA
Trouble is you lot are so far up yourselves you don't see your moats in the your own eyes.

If you have moats in your eyes you better go see a doctor right now.

:jester: So says the resident moat doctor. :jester:

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #160
Matthew 7
verses 1-5

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #162
@Jim: :cheers:
@Mac: Nice addition there about who you are quoting.  :left:

Nice try even though you have as suits now a pal of the Southern hal-Yankee, would-be adult. The theme of your reply is a bit like a summing up of this alternative forum and simply a repeat of the overblown would-be's. Trouble is you lot are so far up yourselves you don't see your moats in the your own eyes. Always is amusing that so-called wonderfully, self-analysed intelligents are limited themselves. It is all just a repeat of your group love-in psyche. Not surprised some of you got frantic at the Opera thing going but forget it was a wee remnant group of self opinionated and repeat subject trolls.

I'm not going to sit here and brainlessly point out Mr. Robert J. Howie's flaws—we all know he has them—but I am going to say a little about how Mr. Howie's harangues obfuscate any attempt to locate responsibility for the consequential decisions of those who have access to the means of power. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, Mr. Howie may unwittingly cause the destruction of human ambition and joy. I say “unwittingly” because he is apparently unaware that he operates under the influence of a particular ideology—a set of beliefs based on the root metaphor of the transmission of forces. Until you understand this root metaphor you won't be able to grasp why what really irks me is that Mr. Howie has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him deny minorities a cultural voice or he'll take rights away from individuals on the basis of prejudice, myth, irrational belief, inaccurate information, and outright falsehood.

Mr. Howie really ought to to take something for his hysterical paranoia. I've heard that chlorpromazine works well. Indeed, some sort of medication should awaken Mr. Howie to the fact that just as night follows day, he will help the most presumptuous rubes I've ever seen back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof by next weekend. In point of fact, to say that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to his demands is lusk nonsense and untrue to boot. This may be water under the bridge by now, but many people respond to Mr. Howie's capricious, balmy initiatives in the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we expose all of Mr. Howie's filthy, subversive, and destructive activities.

If Mr. Howie doesn't see anything wrong with committing all sorts of mortal sins—not to mention an uncountable number of venial ones—then perhaps he doesn't deserve all the support he's getting from us. Speaking of asinine hellions, he and his lapdogs are on a recruiting campaign, trying to convince everyone they meet to participate in helping horny, incomprehensible busybodies back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof. Don't join that claque; instead, remember the scriptures: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” This is not a question of mysticism or egoism. Rather, it is a question about how I must admit that I've read only a small fraction of Mr. Howie's writings. (As a well-known aphorism states, it is not necessary to eat all of an apple to learn that it is rotten.) Nevertheless, I've read enough of Mr. Howie's writings to know that Mr. Howie's lies come in many forms. Some of his lies are in the form of opinions. Others are in the form of antics. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.

Ostensibly, Mr. Howie does not intend to devalue me as a person but, in fact, it would be charitable of me not to mention that he is a big fan of interrogation and torture. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity so I will instead maintain that he knows exactly where he wants his foes. He wants to put them in the lowest-paying jobs. He wants to put them outside the equal protection of the law. He wants to put them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. And then he expects them to sing his praises? The reality is that if Mr. Howie can overawe and befuddle a sufficient number of prominent individuals then it will become virtually impossible for anyone to raise several issues about Mr. Howie's inane theories that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic.

It's time that a few facts had a chance to slip through the fusillade of hype, but that's a story for another time. For now, I want to focus on the way that his subalterns are united by only two things. Want to guess what those are? They're a deep-seated sense of victimization and a burning desire to incite an atmosphere of violence and endangerment toward the good men, women, and children of this state. Aside from those two things, the members of Mr. Howie's lynch mob have little in common. Surprisingly, some of them even realize that if anything will free us from the shackles of Mr. Howie's sententious, stiff-necked tricks, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that if I have a bias, it is only against inimical drunks who demonize my family and friends. We must provide a trenchant analysis of Mr. Howie's cock-and-bull stories if we are ever to make some changes here. Yes, this is a bold, audacious, even unprecedented undertaking. Yes, it lacks any realistic guarantee of success. However, it is an undertaking that we must unquestionably pursue because we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that unenlightened, crass pamphleteers aren't ever malignant. This belief is due to a basic confusion that can be cleared up simply by stating that I'd peg the odds at about six to one that Mr. Howie will honeyfuggle us into believing that there should be publicly financed centers of sensationalism in the coming days. If I'm wrong, I promise that I'll gladly go into hiding. In short, Mr. Robert J. Howie's dream is for us to lay down our freedom at our feet and say to him, “Make us your slaves—but feed us”.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #163
Are you really taking him seriously, or is my ironometer maltuned?

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #165
I'm not going to sit here and brainlessly point out Mr. Robert J. Howie's flaws—we all know he has them—but I am going to say a little about how Mr. Howie's harangues obfuscate any attempt to locate responsibility for the consequential decisions of those who have access to the means of power. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, Mr. Howie may unwittingly cause the destruction of human ambition and joy. I say “unwittingly” because he is apparently unaware that he operates under the influence of a particular ideology—a set of beliefs based on the root metaphor of the transmission of forces. Until you understand this root metaphor you won't be able to grasp why what really irks me is that Mr. Howie has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him deny minorities a cultural voice or he'll take rights away from individuals on the basis of prejudice, myth, irrational belief, inaccurate information, and outright falsehood.

Mr. Howie really ought to to take something for his hysterical paranoia. I've heard that chlorpromazine works well. Indeed, some sort of medication should awaken Mr. Howie to the fact that just as night follows day, he will help the most presumptuous rubes I've ever seen back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof by next weekend. In point of fact, to say that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to his demands is lusk nonsense and untrue to boot. This may be water under the bridge by now, but many people respond to Mr. Howie's capricious, balmy initiatives in the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we expose all of Mr. Howie's filthy, subversive, and destructive activities.

If Mr. Howie doesn't see anything wrong with committing all sorts of mortal sins—not to mention an uncountable number of venial ones—then perhaps he doesn't deserve all the support he's getting from us. Speaking of asinine hellions, he and his lapdogs are on a recruiting campaign, trying to convince everyone they meet to participate in helping horny, incomprehensible busybodies back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof. Don't join that claque; instead, remember the scriptures: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” This is not a question of mysticism or egoism. Rather, it is a question about how I must admit that I've read only a small fraction of Mr. Howie's writings. (As a well-known aphorism states, it is not necessary to eat all of an apple to learn that it is rotten.) Nevertheless, I've read enough of Mr. Howie's writings to know that Mr. Howie's lies come in many forms. Some of his lies are in the form of opinions. Others are in the form of antics. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.

Ostensibly, Mr. Howie does not intend to devalue me as a person but, in fact, it would be charitable of me not to mention that he is a big fan of interrogation and torture. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity so I will instead maintain that he knows exactly where he wants his foes. He wants to put them in the lowest-paying jobs. He wants to put them outside the equal protection of the law. He wants to put them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. And then he expects them to sing his praises? The reality is that if Mr. Howie can overawe and befuddle a sufficient number of prominent individuals then it will become virtually impossible for anyone to raise several issues about Mr. Howie's inane theories that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic.

It's time that a few facts had a chance to slip through the fusillade of hype, but that's a story for another time. For now, I want to focus on the way that his subalterns are united by only two things. Want to guess what those are? They're a deep-seated sense of victimization and a burning desire to incite an atmosphere of violence and endangerment toward the good men, women, and children of this state. Aside from those two things, the members of Mr. Howie's lynch mob have little in common. Surprisingly, some of them even realize that if anything will free us from the shackles of Mr. Howie's sententious, stiff-necked tricks, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that if I have a bias, it is only against inimical drunks who demonize my family and friends. We must provide a trenchant analysis of Mr. Howie's cock-and-bull stories if we are ever to make some changes here. Yes, this is a bold, audacious, even unprecedented undertaking. Yes, it lacks any realistic guarantee of success. However, it is an undertaking that we must unquestionably pursue because we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that unenlightened, crass pamphleteers aren't ever malignant. This belief is due to a basic confusion that can be cleared up simply by stating that I'd peg the odds at about six to one that Mr. Howie will honeyfuggle us into believing that there should be publicly financed centers of sensationalism in the coming days. If I'm wrong, I promise that I'll gladly go into hiding. In short, Mr. Robert J. Howie's dream is for us to lay down our freedom at our feet and say to him, “Make us your slaves—but feed us”.

That's a stupidity.
Epistolary polemicize is way out of your reach, thedawgfan.
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #166

Are you really taking him seriously, or is my ironometer maltuned?

Neither :left: :zip:

Dammit! I should have known. I've been sucked in by that machine before.
I wonder how long it would have taken me to wake up if I had actually read more than the first couple of sentences.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #167

I'm not going to sit here and brainlessly point out Mr. Robert J. Howie's flaws—we all know he has them—but I am going to say a little about how Mr. Howie's harangues obfuscate any attempt to locate responsibility for the consequential decisions of those who have access to the means of power. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, Mr. Howie may unwittingly cause the destruction of human ambition and joy. I say “unwittingly” because he is apparently unaware that he operates under the influence of a particular ideology—a set of beliefs based on the root metaphor of the transmission of forces. Until you understand this root metaphor you won't be able to grasp why what really irks me is that Mr. Howie has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him deny minorities a cultural voice or he'll take rights away from individuals on the basis of prejudice, myth, irrational belief, inaccurate information, and outright falsehood.

Mr. Howie really ought to to take something for his hysterical paranoia. I've heard that chlorpromazine works well. Indeed, some sort of medication should awaken Mr. Howie to the fact that just as night follows day, he will help the most presumptuous rubes I've ever seen back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof by next weekend. In point of fact, to say that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to his demands is lusk nonsense and untrue to boot. This may be water under the bridge by now, but many people respond to Mr. Howie's capricious, balmy initiatives in the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we expose all of Mr. Howie's filthy, subversive, and destructive activities.

If Mr. Howie doesn't see anything wrong with committing all sorts of mortal sins—not to mention an uncountable number of venial ones—then perhaps he doesn't deserve all the support he's getting from us. Speaking of asinine hellions, he and his lapdogs are on a recruiting campaign, trying to convince everyone they meet to participate in helping horny, incomprehensible busybodies back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof. Don't join that claque; instead, remember the scriptures: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” This is not a question of mysticism or egoism. Rather, it is a question about how I must admit that I've read only a small fraction of Mr. Howie's writings. (As a well-known aphorism states, it is not necessary to eat all of an apple to learn that it is rotten.) Nevertheless, I've read enough of Mr. Howie's writings to know that Mr. Howie's lies come in many forms. Some of his lies are in the form of opinions. Others are in the form of antics. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.

Ostensibly, Mr. Howie does not intend to devalue me as a person but, in fact, it would be charitable of me not to mention that he is a big fan of interrogation and torture. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity so I will instead maintain that he knows exactly where he wants his foes. He wants to put them in the lowest-paying jobs. He wants to put them outside the equal protection of the law. He wants to put them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. And then he expects them to sing his praises? The reality is that if Mr. Howie can overawe and befuddle a sufficient number of prominent individuals then it will become virtually impossible for anyone to raise several issues about Mr. Howie's inane theories that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic.

It's time that a few facts had a chance to slip through the fusillade of hype, but that's a story for another time. For now, I want to focus on the way that his subalterns are united by only two things. Want to guess what those are? They're a deep-seated sense of victimization and a burning desire to incite an atmosphere of violence and endangerment toward the good men, women, and children of this state. Aside from those two things, the members of Mr. Howie's lynch mob have little in common. Surprisingly, some of them even realize that if anything will free us from the shackles of Mr. Howie's sententious, stiff-necked tricks, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that if I have a bias, it is only against inimical drunks who demonize my family and friends. We must provide a trenchant analysis of Mr. Howie's cock-and-bull stories if we are ever to make some changes here. Yes, this is a bold, audacious, even unprecedented undertaking. Yes, it lacks any realistic guarantee of success. However, it is an undertaking that we must unquestionably pursue because we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that unenlightened, crass pamphleteers aren't ever malignant. This belief is due to a basic confusion that can be cleared up simply by stating that I'd peg the odds at about six to one that Mr. Howie will honeyfuggle us into believing that there should be publicly financed centers of sensationalism in the coming days. If I'm wrong, I promise that I'll gladly go into hiding. In short, Mr. Robert J. Howie's dream is for us to lay down our freedom at our feet and say to him, “Make us your slaves—but feed us”.

That's a stupidity.
Epistolary polemicize is way out of your reach, thedawgfan.

The arrogance of the Portuguese never ceases to amaze.   :P   /s

/s = I am being sarcastic.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #169

Are you really taking him seriously, or is my ironometer maltuned?

Neither :left: :zip:

Dammit! I should have known. I've been sucked in by that machine before.
I wonder how long it would have taken me to wake up if I had actually read more than the first couple of sentences.

Someone else apparently read the whole thing :right:

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #170

I'm not going to sit here and brainlessly point out Mr. Robert J. Howie's flaws—we all know he has them—but I am going to say a little about how Mr. Howie's harangues obfuscate any attempt to locate responsibility for the consequential decisions of those who have access to the means of power. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, Mr. Howie may unwittingly cause the destruction of human ambition and joy. I say “unwittingly” because he is apparently unaware that he operates under the influence of a particular ideology—a set of beliefs based on the root metaphor of the transmission of forces. Until you understand this root metaphor you won't be able to grasp why what really irks me is that Mr. Howie has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him deny minorities a cultural voice or he'll take rights away from individuals on the basis of prejudice, myth, irrational belief, inaccurate information, and outright falsehood.

Mr. Howie really ought to to take something for his hysterical paranoia. I've heard that chlorpromazine works well. Indeed, some sort of medication should awaken Mr. Howie to the fact that just as night follows day, he will help the most presumptuous rubes I've ever seen back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof by next weekend. In point of fact, to say that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to his demands is lusk nonsense and untrue to boot. This may be water under the bridge by now, but many people respond to Mr. Howie's capricious, balmy initiatives in the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we expose all of Mr. Howie's filthy, subversive, and destructive activities.

If Mr. Howie doesn't see anything wrong with committing all sorts of mortal sins—not to mention an uncountable number of venial ones—then perhaps he doesn't deserve all the support he's getting from us. Speaking of asinine hellions, he and his lapdogs are on a recruiting campaign, trying to convince everyone they meet to participate in helping horny, incomprehensible busybodies back up their prejudices with “scientific” proof. Don't join that claque; instead, remember the scriptures: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” This is not a question of mysticism or egoism. Rather, it is a question about how I must admit that I've read only a small fraction of Mr. Howie's writings. (As a well-known aphorism states, it is not necessary to eat all of an apple to learn that it is rotten.) Nevertheless, I've read enough of Mr. Howie's writings to know that Mr. Howie's lies come in many forms. Some of his lies are in the form of opinions. Others are in the form of antics. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.

Ostensibly, Mr. Howie does not intend to devalue me as a person but, in fact, it would be charitable of me not to mention that he is a big fan of interrogation and torture. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity so I will instead maintain that he knows exactly where he wants his foes. He wants to put them in the lowest-paying jobs. He wants to put them outside the equal protection of the law. He wants to put them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. And then he expects them to sing his praises? The reality is that if Mr. Howie can overawe and befuddle a sufficient number of prominent individuals then it will become virtually impossible for anyone to raise several issues about Mr. Howie's inane theories that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic.

It's time that a few facts had a chance to slip through the fusillade of hype, but that's a story for another time. For now, I want to focus on the way that his subalterns are united by only two things. Want to guess what those are? They're a deep-seated sense of victimization and a burning desire to incite an atmosphere of violence and endangerment toward the good men, women, and children of this state. Aside from those two things, the members of Mr. Howie's lynch mob have little in common. Surprisingly, some of them even realize that if anything will free us from the shackles of Mr. Howie's sententious, stiff-necked tricks, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that if I have a bias, it is only against inimical drunks who demonize my family and friends. We must provide a trenchant analysis of Mr. Howie's cock-and-bull stories if we are ever to make some changes here. Yes, this is a bold, audacious, even unprecedented undertaking. Yes, it lacks any realistic guarantee of success. However, it is an undertaking that we must unquestionably pursue because we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that unenlightened, crass pamphleteers aren't ever malignant. This belief is due to a basic confusion that can be cleared up simply by stating that I'd peg the odds at about six to one that Mr. Howie will honeyfuggle us into believing that there should be publicly financed centers of sensationalism in the coming days. If I'm wrong, I promise that I'll gladly go into hiding. In short, Mr. Robert J. Howie's dream is for us to lay down our freedom at our feet and say to him, “Make us your slaves—but feed us”.

That's a stupidity.
Epistolary polemicize is way out of your reach, thedawgfan.

The arrogance of the Portuguese never ceases to amaze.   :P   /s

/s = I am being sarcastic.

That post exceeds the DnD limit of 4,000 word. You're banned. Or, as rj would put it, "banded".

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #171
The arrogance of the Portuguese never ceases to amaze.    :P    /s

/s = I am being sarcastic.

That post exceeds the DnD limit of 4,000 word. You're banned. Or, as rj would put it, "banded".

Nahh you got wrong counting the number of words... I demand a re-counting by an independent observer before being banded. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #172
Grand Rapids is independent. We have relations with no countries.

However, we do have the world's largest potholes.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #173
However, we do have the world's largest potholes.

Grand Rapid's world largest potholes.
"Middle-of-nowhere's world largest something". The other day I was talking with friends about that particular American characteristic - always have the biggest something of the world... of that place.

Nice potholes by the way, but we have them bigger. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #174
Islam is peaceful if conducted right and understood correctly sadly the people are not .So do not blame the religion blame the people .

First of all no religion on Earth is understood correctly.  Everybody has opinions about what this or that means and there is no ONE consensus or interpretation of what so-and-so said when he said it and what he meant and what it means today.  It is argued that even the disciple Paul had his own personal ideas of what Christianity should be and he bent the so-called 'word from God' in the direction he personally felt was best.  Theologians are left with the task of sorting all that out. 

Nevertheless, because there is no universally accepted authority in Islamic law, what is to keep the extremists in your religion from continuing to murder innocent people with impunity?  Not as many Muslims as you think are good, peace-loving and wholesome people.  Not when you consider that nearly 40% of Muslims believe that the 3000 innocent men, women and children who died in 9/11 'somewhat' deserved to die.  That is an epidemic proportion of Muslims who have no decency as human beings and likewise zero morality...if this doesn't disgust you as a Muslim then you are obviously part of that 40%.  I could never follow a religion with so many obscene people in it and I don't know how you can either, unless you are obscene yourself.  The 40% number is conservative since it doesn't take into account the Muslims who won't admit their true feelings, even anonymously. 

How can I feel comfortable in my own country with Muslims who say they are peaceful and yet are almost equally likely to be lying through their teeth!  Should I welcome Muslims to my neighborhood when upwards of half of them would just as soon see me dead?  Do you see why so many people are skeptical of your religion?  If Islam has no way of policing it's own through some sort of excommunication or whatever, then I believe people would just as soon see it quarantined in the Middle East mountains and deserts, so it can leave the rest of the world in some sort of peace.  Islam has nothing to do with peace my friend, mainly because Muslims like you refuse to do anything except say 'we have a handful of extremist'.  What you have Chimpsy old pal, is a hoard (at least 640,000,000 people [sic]), of vulgar and barbarous people out to conquer the world at any cost to human life. 

You will forgive me Chimpsy, but your religion is NOT overflowing with hard-working & peace-loving people.  You can sugar coat Islam any way you want, but it still evil and getting worse (you idiots may destroy the planet someday).  If Islam has 640 million people who are fine with the murdering of innocent Americans, then Islam was shit out through Satan's own ass and comes from the very deepest pits of Hell and to Hell it will return--with you in it apparently.  Have a nice day sir.  (not)   (Aren't you supposed to murder me now or something for saying that?) 
James J