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Do you consider Islam a 'Religion of Peace'?

Not Sure -- Let me ponder while enjoying a few dozen ice cold beers & some pork sausage off the barbi!
Topic: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace? (Read 89915 times)

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #250
Well don't you tell the authorities in Malaysia as they have been singling out Christians for having the nerve to use the word and banning them from using it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #251
Oops - that was a reply for Belfrager from me!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #252
In any Democracy there should be a free exchange of ideas, & policies.

When the freedom of speech is negotiated away by the requirements of so called "political correctness", all freedoms & liberties will eventually follow  -- some slower than others, but follow they will nevertheless.

There are some that say that Islam is the Religion of Peace, yet there are others -- mostly those that have had run-ins with Islam -- there are others that say that Islam is definitely not a Religion of Peace, & that Islam is not even a religion at all in it's proper interpretation ... that Islam is merely a totalitarian ideology bent on violent world domination.

Here are some videos that discuss & highlight this particular issue, followed by two (2) important videos relative to the discussion:




Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #253
I have heard Geert Wilders before and have to say that I have no problem at all in what he says and how he says it. Europe and here in Gt Britain there is a time bomb ticking and it shouldn't be thought the USA is somehow immune being so big and where it is. You have already found in NYC what can happen. The head of the government waste of money the Equalities Commission who is of overseas extraction has admitted that multi-multiculturalism isn't working!

Wherever Islam flourishes there will be trouble no matter the moderates. Europe is awash with the trouble they have created. The more you get involved with their contributing countries the worse you will suffer eventually. I should also remind you that you are deeply involved with Islamic dictatorships in the ME for example the leader being Saudi Arabia which is a shocking example of intolerance and ant-democratic ways. London is no longer indigenous and neither is Birmingham our second city as are other towns down south in England. Across Europe it is the same so heed the warning SmileyFaze.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

ISIS Beheading........

Reply #254
Warning: The graphic nature of the following beheading video should be viewed with caution, if at all!

The Religion of Peace?

Is Islam a religion at all, or is it just another sick, perverted ideology  ---  & this beheading just peaceful Islamic ecstasy?

Warning: The graphic nature of the following beheading video should be viewed with caution, if at all! 


Re: ISIS Beheading........

Reply #255

I see YouTube has cast it's vote!

What do you think?

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #256
Islam is a kind of religion and also frankly a way of life. It contradicts the meaning of demcracy and it is very hard to fit any of their Islamic daft countries  into that sphere. A passing thing also is this nonsense of it's founder marrying a child of 7 and he claimed to be a prophet?

Down south in England our national capital Londonstan ( indigenous Britons are now a minority due to white flight) a group of Islamist filled a car tunnel under the river Thames with their cars and sporting that Islamic State flag. It is reckoned there are 500 "British citizens" over in the Middle east with that crowd of mental midgets. Some 250 are said to be from London alone. Personally, i have little time for it at all and it has never struck me as having basic things like the importance of love and such. Being a way of life it is not very good at the democratic angle hence my concern about it. You have to stick pokers up moderates to get condemnation of the damnable work of IS. This small island is already overcrowded and the great rise in the popualtion is from these imparted people as they breed like rabbits and such. Now the most overcrowded nation in Europe we are storing up one damnable future as Islam grows and mosques open up everywhere  like supermarkets. For the moment I am being downright selfish by saying that I will be glad I am not here at the end of this century as we will be overwhelmed and heavne help the country.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #257
I see YouTube has cast it's vote!

Good and quite rightly so. If anyone has the desire to see such a video, (though I am at a loss to think why), then they can go and find it elsewhere. Posting it here was not necessary, regardless of your warning about it's content.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #258
Well I am not that keen to see it and the incident itself is enough for me.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #259
Good. Saves me the trouble of removing it. Partly because of reasons given by Luxor, and partly because the family has requested that the video shouldn't be spread.

Also I don't want to help IS/IL in any way, they want this video spread, and of course they are succeeding.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #260
Gotcha's..........The video was already removed prior to me posting. The post was made to just make you all aware of the latest so called "Religion of Peace"  perverted & revolting activity.

Judged by all your reactions, it was a thumping success!

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #261
Well ... 

Afaik , traditionally they will create some Stories .

If that was not islam ..

But that are Jews , and Murica that disguised as islam to make them look bad .

Or something like -- ISIS is Created by  US and zionis ..

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #262

Well ... 

Afaik , traditionally they will create some Stories .

If that was not islam ..

But that are Jews , and Murica that disguised as islam to make them look bad .

Or something like -- ISIS is Created by  US and zionis ..

You've been hanging around Katsung too long.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #263

in  here ,
that shit   happened for real  , Since hundred years ago.
they just combined that .. but always have the same pattern ( Label Sellers , Claimism, Disinformation , The big lie technique , Black or White fallacy , gray fallacy , etc ) also almost have similarity with ancient   36 stratagems .

basically , it used to blame jews  for  their shits .
and in the last 6-7 decades , they put murica and zionist in the list .


retarded-hypocrisy are just too mainstream .

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #265
The Assad regime has been a big winner from the IS/IL phenomena, Not the Assad supporters, they were on the receiving end of ISIL brutality long before many people cared, as the Syrian regime was (and should be) considered a hostile regime.

There circulate many theories on the net and in the pressphere Who Is Really Behind ISIL. Surprisingly it is always the suspect the theorist likes the least. The US is the culprit, in cohorts with Israel, Syria, Qatar, Saudi-Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Maybe the Chinese are into it too. Inside the US this is neatly divided among partisan lines, ISIL is the brainchild of Bush-Cheney and Obama.

Reluctantly I have come to the position that none of the above are behind ISIL, not even Saudi-Arabia which quite reasonable should be the first suspect. On the other hand, like in an Agatha Christie murder mystery, all are behind it. ISIL didn't appear when they become front page news, they have been around for years, expanding their operations into Syria when the civil war started. Tactical decisions from the parties, extreme brutality (which made al-Zawahiri disown them as they were alienating the very Sunni Iraqis that should be their support), and an as-yet undiscovered secret sauce made them what they are today.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #266
like in an Agatha Christie murder mystery

Murder on the Middle Orient Express...
Reluctantly I have come to the position that none of the above are behind ISIL, not even Saudi-Arabia which quite reasonable should be the first suspect.

It must cost some money to fund them... someone has to be paying the circus.
When you eliminate all the possibilities then the impossible comes true...
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #267

It must cost some money to fund them... someone has to be paying the circus.
When you eliminate all the possibilities then the impossible comes true...

It must be Putin. Why should we left him out this time?
First he destabilized Iraq so ISIL can spread there and afterwards he destabilized Syria so that ISIL can spread there too.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #268
It must be Putin. Why should we left him out this time?
First he destabilized Iraq so ISIL can spread there and afterwards he destabilized Syria so that ISIL can spread there too.

:) I didn't said that.

Honestly, I don't know.
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #269
For the love of Mike- the US bogeyman Putin man is responsible? What about the weaponry supplied by the USA? and the Islamists US allies who are dictatorships? Who was it that trained the Iraq Army/ Putin is a handy fall guy but the practice says something else!

What happened to the American journalist was a disgusting and evil thing and making up all sorts of excuses to justify his execution. Bombing these Muslim gits is right. I am no great fan of President Obama but what he said about that poor man and the situation was correct. One cannot but feel for his family and he was a decent and reasonable man. There is something fundamentally wrong with Islam that whole legions of them want to go about killing in such barbarous ways to justify the faith. no love, no compassion like other faiths. They could not care a damn about modernity (although will use modern tools and communications). You must accept what they say and stuff anything else. Here in Europe there is a tinderbox and although open mindsets here in Britain toady we are part of the downward process for the future. Some of these murderous scum will return as one has said and make a bomb to set off somewhere.

They are content enough to live here use our Welfare state,demand this and that and too many politicians just play cricket with them. This is a much different invasion than any before and we will erupt one day in the future not only on this now overcrowded island but across Europe.  What moderate Muslims seem to suitably ignore than in the future it is not only the indigenous who will suffer but them. They do not speak out enough.

And anyway there must be something deeply flawed in the mentality that needs to kill to prove some daft pointless, well, point. Whole swathes of GB are over-run and breeding grounds for the militants as over the English Channel.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #270
For the love of Mike- the US bogeyman Putin man is responsible? What about the weaponry supplied by the USA? and the Islamists US allies who are dictatorships? Who was it that trained the Iraq Army/ Putin is a handy fall guy but the practice says something else!

krake was being sarcastic, you know. :P

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #271

For the love of Mike- the US bogeyman Putin man is responsible? What about the weaponry supplied by the USA? and the Islamists US allies who are dictatorships? Who was it that trained the Iraq Army/ Putin is a handy fall guy but the practice says something else!

krake was being sarcastic, you know. :P

  Touchy, touchy, touchy .......  Perish the thought that you even sarcastically suggest that Vlad, RJ's 'Orange Order Borscht Buddy', might just be connected to anything   ---  RJ might just get his panties in such a twist that it causes him ta give birth ta a two headed American Pit Bull Terrier!!! 

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #272
They are supposedly well-heeled.

How an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis's $2bn jihadist network

I wonder, though, what motivations the Guardian's sources have for this reveal. They may be the richest terror group on the planet, but that wealth isn't in Bank of Isil.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #273
Laughable SmileyFaze. It would take more than an American terrorist supporter to make me touchy. You lot think you have some God given right to rule the world and any country (like Putin's) that won't accept your big headedness is beyond the pale. And a n American bull terrier? Pffffhhh! If it is as brilliant as the lot who messed up Iraq, trained it's army (haha), had to flee out of Somalia, lose S. Vietnam and other places, well no thanks.  :rolleyes:

I am glad I visited the Twin Towers before the horror and just think, lots of the murderers involved are funded by your pals the Saudi Arabians. But then selling them corporates military stuff and getting bases does away with principles, eh? I think as much of Islamists as I do about your chums across the Irish Sea. Same league.  :doh:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #274
The dubious 'Religion of Peace' -- through it's terrorist arm ISIS, beheads another American, & threatens to do the same to a British Citizen next.

[glow=green,2,300]From (CNN) -- ISIS video shows beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff[/glow]

Where are the cries of outrage from the world's 1.6 Billion Islamic Community?

Their silence, as always, is deafening!!!

If they don't vocally condemn this action of The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, does the Islamic Community actually condone them?