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Do you consider Islam a 'Religion of Peace'?

Not Sure -- Let me ponder while enjoying a few dozen ice cold beers & some pork sausage off the barbi!
Topic: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace? (Read 89843 times)

The age of a religion...

Reply #175
In the Medieval times there were no polls conducted, so...  How many, do you think the so-called "Christians" backed the slaughter of the Crusades? Inquisitioning the "witches"?
Was it just 40... 

Re: The age of a religion...

Reply #176

In the Medieval times there were no polls conducted, so...  How many, do you think the so-called "Christians" backed the slaughter of the Crusades? Inquisitioning the "witches"?
Was it just 40...

Where did I say the slaughter during the Crusades or any Inquisition was okay?  Islam is apparently a 1000 year throw-back to those unenlightened days...Muslims haven't learned much from history huh?  (btw, I'm not a Christian). 
James J

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #177
.....your religion is NOT overflowing with hard-working & peace-loving people.  You can sugar coat Islam any way you want, but it still evil and getting worse (you idiots may destroy the planet someday).  If [glow=black,2,300]Islam has 640 million people who are fine with the murdering of innocent [/glow]Americans, then Islam was shit out through Satan's own ass and comes from the very deepest pits of Hell and to Hell it will return--with you in it apparently.


Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #178
Did you leave school as a 10 year old or what JoshL? We are not taling about a great many centuries ago but present and modern days. Which mainstream religion is it that has the great leadership position of undermining, maiming, blowing up and generally killing by terror? Cutting off hands, stoning people, creating instability and being dogmatic over all else?

As they grow here in Gt Britain they get more demanding and given into and we wring our hands on those that leave here to go to their prehistoric lands to maim and kill. It is the same across Europe and time after time bending over backwards in our traditional reasonable way has just seen the rise continuing of the extremes and demanders. A while ago I mentioned a poll among young Muslims here and it was disquieting the results. Moderate Muslims make platitudes but fall over backwards to being too forward in case they are labelled as beyond the frame. As they mushroom in Europe and Britain at the rate they are along with the decline in indigenous population there will be a catastrophic state by the end of the century. For a start we in Britain will in effect be taken over and don't expect to be as reasonable as were in the past.

England has changed beyond reason and whole towns not just districts. To a lesser extent in Scotland but it is now growing here and that Nationalist eejit, Alex Salmond wants to increase immigration? And just remember too Josh you country hasn't been exempt from Islam either.  I has become a Fifth Column wherever it starts.  :irked:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #180
I don't understand why no one appears to contest the barbarities protestants and atheists says about Islam...
If it keeps like this, they will think they're right...

Come on dear talibans, no one available?
A matter of attitude.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #181
Oh don't you smile and take the high ground my Portugese hot shot! Didn't your last Pope make a very public speech about Islam that had them all dancing with anger?!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #182
"WHAT JoshL?"???
"WHAT" means that there are several such namesakes in the vicinity.
Your namesakes would be which or whose.

- How do you know Josh is a which?
- He looks like one.
- I'm not a which! I'm not a which!
- But you are addressed as one.
- They addressed me like this.
- No, we didn't.
- And this isn't my whose. It's a false attribution.
- Well?
- We did do the whose.
- The whose?
- And the what.
- But he is a which!

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #183
You will know the which by swinging the duck because the duck floats like would.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #184
This swinging duck was a WWII hero!

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #185
He certainly was and never a mention in history nor a medal.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #186
No medal necessary. Such cartoons were useful in a small way by 1943.

I have a few recollections of that moment in history. In '43 I was six years old and remember going through my neighborhood collecting things for the war effort. I had a wagon that I pulled along in quest of newspapers and empty food cans. I'd tie up the newspapers and crush the cans with my foot. Six years old and a part of the war effort; it made me feel proud.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #187

No medal necessary. Such cartoons were useful in a small way by 1943.

I have a few recollections of that moment in history. In '43 I was six years old and remember going through my neighborhood collecting things for the war effort. I had a wagon that I pulled along in quest of newspapers and empty food cans. I'd tie up the newspapers and crush the cans with my foot. Six years old and a part of the war effort; it made me feel proud.

My brother was three. One day my mother saw him striding around the front yard, slashing savagely with a stick.
"What are you doing?" she asked and his answer stopped her in her tracks.
"Killing Jaaps." he said.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #188
I have a few recollections of that moment in history. In '43 I was six years old and remember going through my neighborhood collecting things for the war effort. I had a wagon that I pulled along in quest of newspapers and empty food cans. I'd tie up the newspapers and crush the cans with my foot. Six years old and a part of the war effort; it made me feel proud.

My father hates airplanes. I think the bombing of Rotterdam might have something to do with it. He lived in the suburbs at the time.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #189
When in the Navy I flew for hundreds of hours. I don't hate airplanes, but I've developed a horrible fear of flying. My wife wanted to fly in an upcoming trip. We're driving. Sad. Pteromerhanophobia is a bitch, but I'm stuck with it.
What's become of ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #190
They hate airplanes.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #192
Isn't it something that they hate the West and all that it stands for yet flood here and Europe. They also use mobile phones, radios, television, planes, computers to help their global murderous leanings.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #194
That's as much use to common sense when dithering.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #196
Here's an interesting clip of Ayaan on the Bill Maher show talking about Islam.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #197 interesting clip of Ayaan on the Bill Maher show talking about Islam.

I love it, she put starch in the shorts of both her fellow panelists!

No doubt in her mind whether Islam is a Religion of Peace or not!!!

Now, she's been marked for death by Islam for her honesty.

On a 'lighter' note, word of the [glow=black,2,300]Religion of Peace[/glow] from formerly great Britain:

Quote from:     The Daily Mail    
Thousands of schoolchildren's education could have been threatened by a hardline Muslim plot to force out moderate school governors and heads and replace them with extremists.

It emerged today that 25 Birmingham schools are now being investigated for links to the alleged radicalisation plot, and while Birmingham City Council has refused to name the schools, some of which have upwards of 600 students, it means that vast numbers of pupils could have been at risk.

The number of schools allegedly involved rose today from 15 to 25 as Education Secretary Michael Gove is said to have told Ofsted inspectors to fail any school 'where religious conservatism is getting in the way of learning and a balanced curriculum'

This afternoon Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg backed the investigations, saying schools should not be allowed to become 'silos of segregation'..............

[glow=black,2,300]Religion of Peace... [/glow] ...right, Mo-ham-mud's left testicle.

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #198
Yes you pre-empted me on that one. It does seem that the investigation is to be even wide to Bradford (a Muslim fifdom) and Manchester (getting as bad). One moderator Muslim community leader was "concerned" they were being single out! This is the usual lib open-minded giff we have been brained with for ages. Than Heavens I will not be here when they demand an Islam Monarch as part of the end of century take over. Mind you the indigenous over the pond will be a minority even before us. America in front again!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAM -- The Religion of Peace?

Reply #199

Mind you the indigenous over the pond will be a minority even before us. America in front again!

You are referring, no doubt, to the Navajo and the Sioux.