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Topic: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West (Read 46445 times)

ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

[glow=blue,2,300]Islamic Terrorism Surfaces in Ottawa, Canada? [/glow]

Quote from:      THE TELEGRAPH  
Terror came to the heart of the Canadian capital Ottawa on Wednesday as a suspected jihadist gunman shot dead a soldier at the national war memorial and then rampaged through the halls of the federal parliament.

The attacker, who was killed in a gun battle inside parliament, was named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian-born 32-year-old.

He was a recent convert to Islam from Quebec with a history of drug abuse and whose passport had been seized by authorities after he was designated a "high-risk traveller", Canadian media reported.................Continued

[glow=blue,2,300]Two Attacks   ---   Two Days
Is this the beginning of a trend?

Quote from:      The Religion of Peace    
[glow=black,2,300]Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace[/glow]
"Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"  Quran 48:29

2014.10.22 (Maguindanao, Philippines) - Two guards at a hospital are murdered by a militant Muslim group.
  2014.10.22 (Ottawa, ON, Canada) - A reserve soldier is killed during attacks on a war memorial and parliament building by a Muslim extremist.
2014.10.22 (Dariana, Libya) - One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.22 (Jerusalem, Israel) - A Palestinian plows his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a rail station, killing a 3-month-old baby.
2014.10.21 (Fallujah, Iraq) - Six younger people from poor families are executed by the Islamic State, which then hangs their bodies.
   2014.10.20 (Montreal, QB, Canada) - A convert to Islam runs down two Canadian soldiers with his car 'in the name of Allah'.

[glow=green,2,300]Could a Home Grown Self-Radicalized Terrorist be
coming into a neighborhood near you??

What do you think?

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #1
[glow=blue,2,300]Another Islamic Terrorism Attack in NYC? [/glow]


[glow=green,2,300]Lone Wolves  ....   The New Face of Terrorism?[/glow]

Quote from:      FOX NEWS    
One day after an attack in Canada, a man suspected of terror ties attacked two New York City police with a hatchet.

New surveillance video (above) shows the suspect about to launch the hatchet attack in Jamaica, Queens. A freelance photographer had just asked four police officers to pose for a photo when a man pulled a hatchet from his bag, hitting one officer in the arm and another in the head.

Police then opened fire, killing the man and wounding a woman nearby with errant gunfire.

The NYPD has not released the suspect’s name because his family has not yet been notified.

Fox News has learned that the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is on the scene.
Police also tell Fox News that the suspect’s Facebook page has concerning content (pictured below).....


[glow=red,2,300]Time ta Lock 'n Load Boys
Might be we got some Islamists that
need ta get closer ta Allah!!! 


Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #2
Duplication in this thread? We already have a Muslim one and this is stretching it a bit.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #4
The interesting thing about warmongers is that literally none of them understand the concept of blowback.

Did some ppl not consider what 65+ years of installing tin-pot dictators would bring? Especially to a highly uneducated ppl and an extremely regressive religion?

This is what religion in general brings; being anti-intelligence/education brings dumbassery and terrorism, especially in ALL Abrahamic religions.

And yes, I realize this nutter is from Canada.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #5
We (most countries in the world. I would guess) seem to be drifting into the equivalent of a state of war with Fundamentalist "Islam" (I use "" because there is now a lot of evidence about a backlash in the Muslim community against these extremists and one has to doubt that "Islam" relates to what the fundamentalist terrorists are about).

It has a parallel with what many Brits (including me by the way) felt about the Irish Terrorist Campaign in Northern Ireland. with their self-styled "war" against the N.I. status-quo. At a certain point one has to, I believe, stop treating terrorists like criminals and treat them as enemy combatants subject to the extremes of counter force that happen in wartime.

That's not an easy step and arguments like "not being brought down to the level of the terrorists" are very persuasive not only because of their logic but because civilised behaviour is what we fundamentally all want. But after a while repeated terrorist actions have an effect on the language and on the emotional reaction of the population at large and a "war on terror" becomes what people actually want, desiring a quicker end to atrocities. So there is a threshold between police response and a military response. When one's fellow citizens get hurt people start to take the matter seriously, not as something that happens so far away it does not matter.

Bush used the term "War on Terror" to add emotional weight to his military actions and also, it's clear, a legal basis for treating "the enemy" with the ferocity of war-time and the laissez-faire on methods used
The recent attacks in Canada and the US were relatively minor compared to indiscriminate bombing and murders, 9/11, genocidal attacks and others but it seems that the threshold is reached rather quickly. The Canadian and US "terrorist attacks" may not have been planned as such, but by now we know the excesses to which they can lead.

Frankly I'm not surprised. This problem will require unpleasant solutions I'm afraid.

The photo that Jimbro posted is two edged - disgust at the depravity of an organisation that recruits people of such a long age, and the long term implication of brain-washing, and the disgust at the prospect of having to shoult such kids in combat. It's a no-win situation which begins to look inevitable.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #6

The interesting thing about warmongers is that literally none of them understand the concept of blowback.

Did some ppl not consider what 65+ years of installing tin-pot dictators would bring? Especially to a highly uneducated ppl and an extremely regressive religion?

This is what religion in general brings; being anti-intelligence/education brings dumbassery and terrorism, especially in ALL Abrahamic religions.

And yes, I realize this nutter is from Canada.

Good, point made & taken ----- along with all the others, now that we know your drift on the cause, & we come to realize once again we are in 2014, what are your ideas regarding a "CURE"  for this ISIS/ISIL move to use 'home grown radicalized murderers' to kill you & me, & all our families? 

Religion, or better religious activity, is not about to halt any time soon, & it's way too soon to re-write our history again to appease those that think we should have done something otherwise, do you suggest we self-flagellate, or do we act decisively upon the present day threat(s) from ISIS/ISIL? 

Your ideas/suggestions.........your "CURE"?

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #7

The interesting thing about warmongers is that literally none of them understand the concept of blowback.

Did some ppl not consider what 65+ years of installing tin-pot dictators would bring? Especially to a highly uneducated ppl and an extremely regressive religion?

This is what religion in general brings; being anti-intelligence/education brings dumbassery and terrorism, especially in ALL Abrahamic religions.

And yes, I realize this nutter is from Canada.

Good, point made & taken ----- along with all the others, now that we know your drift on the cause, & we come to realize once again we are in 2014, what are your ideas regarding a "CURE"  for this ISIS/ISIL move to use 'home grown radicalized murderers' to kill you & me, & all our families? 

Religion, or better religious activity, is not about to halt any time soon, & it's way too soon to re-write our history again to appease those that think we should have done something otherwise, do you suggest we self-flagellate, or do we act decisively upon the present day threat(s) from ISIS/ISIL? 

Your ideas/suggestions.........your "CURE"?

1. Tell the Military-Industrial Complex in the country to fawk right off.

2. Avoid having an interventionist foreign policy. (I've been preaching this since I became politically active in 2007).

3. Focus on the U.S. and it's territories needs and IMMEDIATELY end ALL foreign aid. And yes, this includes Israel.

4. End this "nod nod, wink wink" tax credit policy we have towards all religions. I am tired of giving tax credits/subsidizing superstitious nonsense.

5. Prioritize STEM education in higher education; this also means a revamp of the student loan industry.

6. Have the 43rd President thrown in jail for effectively creating ISIS, and try the 44th for continuing the 43rd's dumarse policies.

Additionally, it should be noted that we (the U.S.) created these terrorists. History once again repeating itself bc of war profiteerers. Dumbass mistakes that could have been avoided.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #8

The interesting thing about warmongers is that literally none of them understand the concept of blowback.

Did some ppl not consider what 65+ years of installing tin-pot dictators would bring? Especially to a highly uneducated ppl and an extremely regressive religion?

This is what religion in general brings; being anti-intelligence/education brings dumbassery and terrorism, especially in ALL Abrahamic religions.

And yes, I realize this nutter is from Canada.

Good, point made & taken ----- along with all the others, now that we know your drift on the cause, & we come to realize once again we are in 2014, what are your ideas regarding a "CURE"  for this ISIS/ISIL move to use 'home grown radicalized murderers' to kill you & me, & all our families? 

Religion, or better religious activity, is not about to halt any time soon, & it's way too soon to re-write our history again to appease those that think we should have done something otherwise, do you suggest we self-flagellate, or do we act decisively upon the present day threat(s) from ISIS/ISIL? 

Your ideas/suggestions.........your "CURE"?

1. Tell the Military-Industrial Complex in the country to fawk right off.

2. Avoid having an interventionist foreign policy. (I've been preaching this since I became politically active in 2007).

3. Focus on the U.S. and it's territories needs and IMMEDIATELY end ALL foreign aid. And yes, this includes Israel.

4. End this "nod nod, wink wink" tax credit policy we have towards all religions. I am tired of giving tax credits/subsidizing superstitious nonsense.

5. Prioritize STEM education in higher education; this also means a revamp of the student loan industry.

6. Have the 43rd President thrown in jail for effectively creating ISIS, and try the 44th for continuing the 43rd's dumarse policies.

Additionally, it should be noted that we (the U.S.) created these terrorists. History once again repeating itself bc of war profiteerers. Dumbass mistakes that could have been avoided.

That's ole Georgie W. there, playing peacefully there with a 'non-believer'.

Interestingly, according to your precise assessments, it's only America's fault.

America caused the 911 Attacks.

America caused the Subway & Bus bombings in England.

America caused all the beheadings.

America gave birth to all the suicide bombers.

America caused the schoolchildren to be stolen, converted, & then sold off as 'wives'.

America is totally at fault for every last Islamic attack, every bomb ignited, every bullet fired, every life taken in the name of............... PBOH

No-one & nothing else needs to change, only America.

Well, I think you've made your point.

Once America changes all it's evil ways, turns Israel to the wolves, & submissively converts to Islam in toto, all will be right with the world, love & understanding will flourish, & finally the Eloi can live peacefully evermore with the Morlock.

So Nick, might I be forward enough to ask, when are you off to join up with ISIS?

Allah Akbar ..... Assalamu Alaikum 

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #9
History once again repeating itself

it seems History not repeating itself ..

but simply ...
Those people who do not learn from history are cursed to repeat it .

isn't it somekind of educations issues ? .. 

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #10

Was that picture taken from Saudi Arabia's Chop-Chop Square, our close ally and friend?
I'm asking because our dear Saudi friends have some unique shows which Western tourists are welcome to attend.

As for America ... :zip:
How about a white lamb as trade mark for the good guys of the Empire?

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #11

The interesting thing about warmongers is that literally none of them understand the concept of blowback.

Did some ppl not consider what 65+ years of installing tin-pot dictators would bring? Especially to a highly uneducated ppl and an extremely regressive religion?

This is what religion in general brings; being anti-intelligence/education brings dumbassery and terrorism, especially in ALL Abrahamic religions.

And yes, I realize this nutter is from Canada.

Good, point made & taken ----- along with all the others, now that we know your drift on the cause, & we come to realize once again we are in 2014, what are your ideas regarding a "CURE"  for this ISIS/ISIL move to use 'home grown radicalized murderers' to kill you & me, & all our families? 

Religion, or better religious activity, is not about to halt any time soon, & it's way too soon to re-write our history again to appease those that think we should have done something otherwise, do you suggest we self-flagellate, or do we act decisively upon the present day threat(s) from ISIS/ISIL? 

Your ideas/suggestions.........your "CURE"?

1. Tell the Military-Industrial Complex in the country to fawk right off.

2. Avoid having an interventionist foreign policy. (I've been preaching this since I became politically active in 2007).

3. Focus on the U.S. and it's territories needs and IMMEDIATELY end ALL foreign aid. And yes, this includes Israel.

4. End this "nod nod, wink wink" tax credit policy we have towards all religions. I am tired of giving tax credits/subsidizing superstitious nonsense.

5. Prioritize STEM education in higher education; this also means a revamp of the student loan industry.

6. Have the 43rd President thrown in jail for effectively creating ISIS, and try the 44th for continuing the 43rd's dumarse policies.

Additionally, it should be noted that we (the U.S.) created these terrorists. History once again repeating itself bc of war profiteerers. Dumbass mistakes that could have been avoided.

That's ole Georgie W. there, playing peacefully there with a 'non-believer'.

Interestingly, according to your precise assessments, it's only America's fault.

America caused the 911 Attacks.

America caused the Subway & Bus bombings in England.

America caused all the beheadings.

America gave birth to all the suicide bombers.

America caused the schoolchildren to be stolen, converted, & then sold off as 'wives'.

America is totally at fault for every last Islamic attack, every bomb ignited, every bullet fired, every life taken in the name of............... PBOH

No-one & nothing else needs to change, only America.

Well, I think you've made your point.

Once America changes all it's evil ways, turns Israel to the wolves, & submissively converts to Islam in toto, all will be right with the world, love & understanding will flourish, & finally the Eloi can live peacefully evermore with the Morlock.

So Nick, might I be forward enough to ask, when are you off to join up with ISIS?

Allah Akbar ..... Assalamu Alaikum 

When you'd like to discuss this like adults, let me know. :)

Also, the irony in the final bit of your post runs quite high Sir.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #12

History once again repeating itself

it seems History not repeating itself ..

but simply ...
Those people who do not learn from history are cursed to repeat it .

isn't it somekind of educations issues ? ..

Your middle quote is spot on.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #13
i sometimes  also argue with   those islamists utopias .
in my humble opinion , the patterns is similar with marxist utopias .

i can confirm if those people  logic are  errors .
usually , their favorite logical fallacies  are  : group think fallacy , strawman , red herring , black or white , gray fallacy ,    nirvana fallacy .
in example :

1. those people believe if the best governmental system is only khilafah : those prophetic system   from God . 

they believe if Khilafa is the sollution for all problems .

satirically -->  constipation , car machines exhausted , migrain, etc  ?   --> the sollution is khilafah 

2. black or white : convert to islam  or you are  kafir  ( non-muslim , etc )

khilafah , in simple definition ;  the government that ruled by khalifa ( Leader )  and using syaria as the foundation .

i do not intend to generalizing  ..
but some of them  for real  propagate to murder those non-muslim which they used to call it as " Kafir "
--for some illogical reasons ,  kafir's blood is halal . 

and for somehow , deal with them is not as simply as ABC .
since slaughter   huge amount of Human ( even proven have mental disorder) is categorized as Genocide and will broke national / international Laws .

while those extremists are do not even care about Rules or laws ...
generally speaking , Criminalities  such as : murder , steal , rape , etc is Halal if for Jihad purpose to build khilafah .

ironically , oftenly those people says if Rules and laws made by Human is Thagut and bid'ah .
since it do not existed in the book and hadit .

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #14
2. black or white : convert to islam  or you are  kafir  ( non-muslim , etc )

I would of course disagree that an unbeliever cannot be good, but that sounds more like a definition than a fallacy? :)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #15
in the extremists vocabulary ...  Kafir is not just the unbelievers ..

there are many examples :

go with this group or you are kafir
agree with this group or you are kafir 

when someone labeled as "Kafir" it mean those one is allowed to be killed.

of course   those who doesnot agree with some Group can easily labelled as Kafir .

that's how they Killing each other , bc each group believe if another group is kafir .

all i can say , Those people See the World and reality with different Point of view .

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #16
Well, you'd find that Muslims, even the extreme ones, are quite circumspect and careful about whom they are actually calling a kafir. There is literally hell to pay. If you call a Muslim (in the eyes of Allah, the all-knowing etc.) a kafir, you are yourself a kafir and you will burn and burn and burn.

That would lead to an interesting Muslim game of chicken. If you wrongfully call somebody a kafir you turn into a kafir in an instant, and everyone else can harmlessly call you a kafir, including the wrongly accused. Timing is critical. On the other hand a kafir could become a Muslim, so there might be a limited window of opportunity. I will have to consult a Muslim theologican, preferably several, about that.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #17
ofc Muslim theologian will deny that ..

generally speaking , in extremists point of view  Western is kafir ...

or simply whoever doesnt agree with their groups is Kafir .

that's how they Bombing mericans , UK , etc ..

on the other hand ..

they believe if  Killing kafirs  , direct kill , or kamikaze bomb , will got   reward " 72 angels in heaven ". 

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #18
Not to mention China is Represive , especially about religions .

Check that " China Government ban Muslim activities  "

Thus can only  observe extremists in the State where religions is part of Freedom   .

mericans ,   africans , or my country , etc ..


Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #19
There are Muslim terrorists here in China as well. But in that case they are primarily Xinjiang separatists, and religion has a secondary role. There are a few Islamists, that have flocked to Iraq and elsewhere. China has had a large Muslim (and once Christian and Jewish) minority for centuries, Islam is pretty well integrated in the society.

Under the Cultural Revolution all religion was repressed, particularly the "native" ones (buddhism, daoism...). Now religion is only suppressed if the (local, central) government consider it a threat, in which case it can be be brutally so. Relatively to Western governments Chinese policing sometimes seem rather timid and slow, but at some point a decision is made and they come down much harder than Western police would. I think the Western approach is more effective, and China can learn a lot from the West.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #20
as far as i know , Western Methodes is about  science  .

Science / scientia / knowledge  is the intellectual manipulation of carefully verified observations .

Stupidity , and Have mental issues is genuinely Human rights .
and Genocide or Brutal Force  is against Human rights .

therefore, politicians should solve every issues in their Nation  without broke  any national or international  laws and  rules .

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #21

There are Muslim terrorists here in China as well. But in that case they are primarily Xinjiang separatists, and religion has a secondary role. There are a few Islamists, that have flocked to Iraq and elsewhere. China has had a large Muslim (and once Christian and Jewish) minority for centuries, Islam is pretty well integrated in the society.

Under the Cultural Revolution all religion was repressed, particularly the "native" ones (buddhism, daoism...). Now religion is only suppressed if the (local, central) government consider it a threat, in which case it can be be brutally so. Relatively to Western governments Chinese policing sometimes seem rather timid and slow, but at some point a decision is made and they come down much harder than Western police would. I think the Western approach is more effective, and China can learn a lot from the West.

As a matter of interest and if you can reply without being locked up, is China still communist and, as a related question would you think that communism is a religion?

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #22
Well, I have fled the country, so to speak. A couple 777s enabled my flights to Prague via the Islamic beacon of liberty, Dubai (UAE).

Even if I hadn't, having opinions on communism and the current government's adherence to it carries little risk. Like I have said before, standing between a powerful person and his prospect of profit carries a considerable risk, and especially recently (last couple years) causing or being a disturbance to the social harmony can have adverse reactions.

Talking politics is fairly harmless, unless you were in the position of actually doing something about it. Based on taxi drivers mouthing off, as they are quite happy to do, the Chinese government is seen as too soft. They are too willing to support poor people in regions like Africa and the US, and not willing enough to support poor people in their own country.

Not being a communist I wouldn't say if the Chinese system is communist, but most communists I'd guess would be quite vehement that it isn't. I don't consider communism a religion, though some religions, like Christianity, could be communist.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #23

They are too willing to support poor people in regions like Africa and the US, and not willing enough to support poor people in their own country.

Now where did I hear that before? :right:

Not being a communist I wouldn't say if the Chinese system is communist, but most communists I'd guess would be quite vehement that it isn't.

No need to be a communist for that - what they're doing has not much to do with what Marx called 'communism'. Neither did anything all the other parties with 'communist' in their names did when they came to power.
What I never understood is this - these countries are considered 'communist' because the ruling parties have the term in their names. They also stick 'democratic' in their names yet somehow nobody takes their word for that one.

I don't consider communism a religion, though some religions, like Christianity, could be communist.

Christian Communism was a thing long before Marx coined the term.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #24
my Country almost  the Opposite of China .
if in China the Government so repressive about "religion" .
in here the Government so repressive about "Communism and atheism" .

allow me to tell some history of my country ..

the Founding father also the 1st President was a Marxist  , which influenced by Karl Marx and his Communism alot .
he even Create his own style of MArxism , that known as " Marhaenism ".
he also wellknown for his jargon " NASAKOM "   Nasionalis  ,  Agama ( religion )  ,  and Komunis .
and in the old day this state is  used to be -  Russian ,  and China Proxy . 

but in the Year 1966 , there are some events , that ended into incident - Genocide of over 2 million people that accussed or assumed as member of  PKI ( partij komunis Indonesia )  .
which suspected want to change the Five Principle of United States Republic of Indonesia , and the Constitution .

after that incident , the 1st president  resigned  .
to end the civil war , the 2nd President made some policies to choose one of Five official religions .
the Civil war ended , also ...
that is the Most Succesful "islamization" in Nusantara since hundred years trials .

and that is how Islam is the Majority religion in here .

the irony is , those that want to be a ruler of  a Nation will ride the Majority .

--to be continued  :drunk: