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Topic: otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it (Read 3650 times)

otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it

I am inexperienced in building software packages.

I'd like to build otter-browser from sources for Debian/unstable=sid. As you build it using Kubuntu, I assume you use the following files to configure the build:



If so, could you provide those files as it would help me to understand what I have to do in detail.

BTW: In the long run, kubuntu.deb files won't be usefull to Debian users. So setting up a Debian build machinery would be necessary anyway (unless Debian picks up otter-browser, which may or may not happen). In the meantime maybe I could gatter some usefull info.


Re: otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it

Reply #1
I don't know how Emdek does it, but I quickly worked it out like this.

First make sure you have the basic development packages:
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts

Copy over otter/packaging/debian to otter/debian.

Then run:
Code: [Select]
debchange -R

I add ~frenzie to packages I compile myself so official builds in the repository will automatically supersede my own builds, although there's no such thing in this case. Because it's the latest from Git I also changed the date, so the version is 0.9.01+git20140924~frenzie.

Followed by:
Code: [Select]

Copy whatever it spits out in a sudo apt install bla bla bla. For me it was sudo apt install qtbase5-dev libqt5webkit5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev qtscript5-dev qt5-default.

Then create a binary-only package. It'll throw an error about a missing otter-browser source tar otherwise; perhaps you could easily create one but I don't really see the point for now.
Code: [Select]
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -j4

The -b flag means binary only, while -j4 is the number of concurrent threads to speed up building. You can probably easily try 6 or more depending on your number of cores and threads because even with an SSD most bottlenecks are I/O. Even 4 should be a safe enough choice for 2 cores and up. Alternative you could run something like debuild -b -j4, because debuild implicitly means dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc. However, both the -rfakeroot and -D flags are redundant.

And then you have your Debian package. You can download the result here.

PS How can you check on what kind of system it was compiled?

Re: otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it

Reply #2

I don't know how Emdek does it,

Still interessted in how he does it.

but I just tried it like this which worked.

Will give it a try although this doesn't seem the proper way of packaging *.deb_s.

Then create a binary-only package (it'll throw an error about a missing otter-browser source tar otherwise; perhaps you could easily create one but I don't really see the point for now):

I am confused now: I thought this file
is the tar of the sources which I use for compile otter-browser myself without checking out from sourceforge. Am I wrong?

I will try to build myself cause the official build (kubuntu) seems to have different fontpaths/fontconfig or whatever here is in between otter and my QT settings.
Code: [Select]
$ ./otter-browser -style=gtk
is usuable, but I'd expect a QT5 application to work using it's own toolkit ;-) .
How is this for you with official and your own build?

PS How can you check on what kind of system it was compiled?

I read  :D ... second last line on d/l page @ sourceforge
DEB packages were created using Kubuntu 14.04 (system packages).


Re: otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it

Reply #3
Will give it a try although this doen't seem the offical way of packaging *.deb_s.

I've never tried to submit a package, but besides skipping the steps where an upstream tarball is in fact required I think it's pretty close (see here).

I am confused now: I thought this file
is the tar of the sources which I use for compile otter-browser myself without checking out from sourceforge. Am I wrong?

No, that's the kind of thing you'd want for something more official. But for the actual process it makes no difference how you get the source, as long as you get it. I always pull from Git, so that's what I have at my disposal. :)

How is this for you with official and your own build?

I've never actually tried the precompiled DEBs. I just also never bothered creating any DEBs. Unfortunately, Qt5 doesn't seem to integrate any better with the official Debian packages in Jessie yet.

I read   :D  ... second last line on d/l page @ sourceforge

Heh, I thought it might toss in something like uname -a somewhere.

Code: [Select]
Linux frenzie-desktop 3.14-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.14.15-2 (2014-08-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Or maybe something a tad more anonymous…
Code: [Select]
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie)
Release: testing
Codename: jessie

Re: otter-browser for Debian/sid, need help for building it

Reply #4
Sorry for delay, personally I'm using CMake and CPack to create packages, this can be simplified thanks to this script:
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.