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Topic: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon? (Read 45949 times)

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #100

Ireland Seen as Fastest-Growing EU Economy Through 2015 . Can't keep a Celtic tiger down. :yes: BTW, there's no such thing as the EEC anymore.

It's doing fine. Still has a bit of recovery to do though. Here are the stats for 2004-2012 for the US and six European countries, Iceland, Ireland, UK, Greece, Russia, and Turkey. The latter is clearly doing best.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #101
I would of course hope that Ireland does improve but at present the fastest growing economy is Great Britain and is even passing the 4th Reich in Berlin. So Ireland will really have to go something to overtake that matter. Apart from us helping subsidise these smaller countries via our financial input we also as I told you all give Ireland an additional local loan. Ireland is certainly not out of the woods yet and I think maybe they and Portugal and others just used the EEC and blew themselves up for going over the top. Public employees reduced salaries, projects are still being held back in Dublin although they have been trying to get the financial house in order via the present government there. There are still housing estates never finished and other buildings lying half finished due to money problems. Somehow i do not think the Irish will fool themselves into another Celtic Tiger slogan due to the disaster of the last one.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #102
As for the rubbish about the Russian armed forces supposed to be striding across Ukraine there was a passing news item that someone in Kiev was admitting this now wasn't factual. There are Russian military in the giant base they had down in Crimea and was there due to a contract and big money that Russia paid Ukraine. It was a neat bit of propaganda that twisted that into something else.

Ukraine is a corrupt, financial disaster and meltdown. All of it's own doing and for all the lies it heaped on Russia it was anxious to get a gas deal with Moscow before their people froze in the winter. Soldiers not getting paid, poor leadership in it as well. Pensioners have as I informed not been paid for months and supposed to live on what? Amidst all the hype we got about Russian oligarchs who is President of Ukraine but one of their own! At least the pensioners in Crimea were glad that the place voted to go back to the country they were taken from as they get regular pensions and equally more than in Ukraine. The hell hole of Ukraine seems to be incapable of doing anything about corruption or even run the place properly and think if they can get into the EEC they will get bucket loads of cash like other places who misused it. It is all very well for Ukraine to lean to the West because it is run by basket-cases and criminals but it is the European and American taxpayers who will have to dish it out.

That Kiev took absolutely no notice of the 2 south east provinces after the illegal takeover and proceeded to smile at the West shows how undemocratic the country has become. I think the 2 regions should keep away from Kiev and they still have money making industry there too. The split in Ukraine is due to mismanagement and arrogance in Kiev and is it's fault was has happened not Russia's.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #103
Ukraine is a corrupt, financial disaster and meltdown.

You mean it's like Russia? The Ruble is sliding against the dollar and the economy is heading into recession because of the sanctions and declining oil prices. The American neo-cons wanted more aggressive military action (so 20th century), but against an enemy like Russia you destroy their economy.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #104
Ha, ha you are brilliant!A Yank labelling another country corrupt!  :lol:

Your country is politically corrupt nationally on the 'Hill and locally in a number of States. If I remember correctly, Illinois for example has hade a series of sacked governors, etc. In matters international itis the same. You don't like countries which will not allow you to influence them and this is based on financial greed and commerce. So you will then nsipe at them and sometimes block them and from time to time finance oppositions in those places or directly invade. Mind you each time you have led this you have left a mess. Even in Iraq you "trained" their armsy and they fled!

The present day attacks on Russia are because you have a country that is totally independent of you and your corporate greed merchants so gets up your nose. You pressurised Europe to have the embargo woth Russia even though there are countries in the EEC who are suffering themselves! But they you lot don't give a tinker's curse as you don't need to trade with Russia. The dummies in Europe who slavishly allow that are off their chumps. How principled is that practice?

If you are going to go hell bent on another country then sort your own first. You contradict your own contsitution on freedoms, rights and much else. Some 40 million poor a million a year losing homes, probably top of the league for jailing people and executions (China?), in debt to Communist China big league. Keep people on death row for 10 years, run a concentration camp in a country that doesn't even want you there. One of our own citizens is stil there even though President GW Bush said there was no case to answer but he is still imprisoned 11 years. There are many others with no charges against them but locked up for a decade. Yet another corporation of the idea of law and justice.

When Russia destroyed the obnoxiousness Soviet system you seen it as an opportunity for commerce but got a bit iffy when unlike elsewhere you were not going to dictate. Bully for the independent minded Russians Having grown up in a Cold War situation like so many over the pond it was so easy for your masters to rub negatives about the new Russia.  Can I also remind you of America pre-WW2? As it modernised it produced one hell of a lot of internal disasters. The KKK with a 10 digit membership and which got away with, well murder as they were in important political and law positions. The En-American Committed which destroyed the lives of many and persecuted famous people. So much for democracy!  corrupt police all over the place in the pay of the Mafia, the farce of the Prohibition ear - and that was where the father of one of our Presidents mad his starting money (the hypocrite Kennedys). Oh and another President who had to resign.

The corruption that had existed for a time in Russia is being tackled and people sacked and jailed and is part of the change and modernisation that is taking place. You just have to look at modern vids of the cities and see the traffic jams which are very different from USSR days with everything State controlled and no traffic jams! You Sanguinemoon have unfortunately been easy like so many of your countrymen fell intro the clever propaganda of your own immoral politicians and hysteric anti-Russian media. It is encouraging that their are folk in America not that easily brain pumped but don't sneer at an independent and proud country that is changing and it takes time. What I have detailed above is an abbreviation of your recent history and you like others come on here as if morally and historically lily-white??!!  :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #105
Ha, ha you are brilliant!A Yank labelling another country corrupt!

Ah, in the other topic ersi said,
Odd only for those who have no clue about corruption. I imagine that in a country, such as yours, where ministers step down for accidentally having bought socks with the state/party credit card instead of with their own, it's hard to imagine the blatant corruption of some other country, such as mine, e.g. a guy who just pocketed the money of a few private banks - private banks whose collapse he orchestrated as the governor of the national bank and used his party's power to avert investigation - becomes the prime minister of the country, then moves on to become EU commissioner. Etc.

So I figured I'd check if there were any statistics.

The US doesn't look so bad?

PS A tu quoque is still a tu quoque. :P

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #106
No, it doesn't.

The usual caveat though with the map above, it is based on the perception of corruption, which means that when people get serious about tackling corruption the level of corruption will seemingly go up as corrupt affairs will be uncovered.

I second what ersi said, having lived in fairly corrupt countries like the Czech Republic and China (and visited others), while now living in Sweden, considered to be one of the least corrupt countries in the known universe.

There are two types of corruption, those where you have to pay tip to people in influence in your daily life, and misappropriation of duties or finances entrusted to you (that crime is called "economic infidelity" in Norway). This definition doesn't separate between public, private, or organisational corruption, while others would constrain corruption to government officials. The second is often a form of inside robbery, sometimes legal.

The Czechs have added tunneling to the vocabulary of words of Czech origin, in the company of robot, pistol, dollar, and polka.

Corruption is a crime of opportunity, so no place would be immune as long as opportunity exists.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #107
Anyway for tall the floss here on corruption, Ukraine IS corrupt and it is laughable when we hear the West waxing about Oligarchs when Ukraine has one in charge itself! It had a problem paying it's wonky army  and cannot even pay pensions to the retired. As for paying what it owes to Russia even for cheaper gas especially arranged for it by Moscow throw that in as well.

Ukraine thinks if it can get into NATO and the EEC it will get handouts when what it should be doing is  getting itself sorted out. That one may prove difficult and it will continue to come out with lies and propaganda to make it look as if it is not a bad boy - it is. Even the illegal coup-de-tat was selective and did not include the south east which shows the restricted morality of Kiev. That the country stiull has ebents to mark Nazi collaborators in WW2 shows the endemic it self created is still there.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #108
Ukraine thinks if it can get into NATO and the EEC it will get handouts when what it should be doing is  getting itself sorted out

It's impossible for Ukraine to join the EEC, since it doesn't exist ;) However, there are entry requirements to join the EU. If Russia would stop destablising the region, maybe Ukraine could get itself sorted out.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #109
Typical Yank brain dead stuff. You lot know little about the outside world apart from what your media drums into you and your political masters. What a ludicrous and nonsensical; statement about Russia trying to destrabilise the region.  Your country had a long and detailed history of such and now you have well proved my assessment on media and political control. Russia for a lengthy time gave Ukraine gas supplies at much lower than anyone else as a help and paid a vast amount for the use of a base in the south and both were financial helps. Even during recent troubles it was still prepared to help fiinancially. It is your lot who are the culprits. You supported an illegal dissolving of a government. It may have been a netavattive one but had been democratically elected. West Ukraine didn't like it so went on the rampage in Kiev and you supoprted that and you have the gall to moan about a properly run referendum self started in that region.  If Crimea had voted to have a strong link with the USA you would be clapping hands on the referendum matter. Your Vice-President went there to boost the headcases in Kiev and when you see someone like that complete off his head buffoon McCain going there to praise that about crowns it!

You really do just absorb what you are brained into and studiously ignore the Kiev oligarch who is President. Had it been a Russian one you would have went nuts. Remember the orange revolution just several years back when the USA nearly fell over itself praising it? Then we found it was just as corrupt and the Prime Minister ended up in the clink. She was a candidate for President and a vicious bitch if ever there was one. The fact that neo-Nazi militias were involved in the National Guard fighting in the south east and as their own militia is neatly ignored. Many came from an extreme lot who wear SS insignia, etc but then that is okay.

Your limited and average over-the-pond view is typical and many wouldn't have a damn clue even where Ukraine is. And to think we used to have a time when we could noddingly smile at Dr Goebells mind controls but it is evident he could have made a fortune in the USA. By jings you are making Smiley look clever!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #110
What yank would that be? Yankees are north of the Mason-Dixon line shown here:

That's nowhere near here. No yanks here, I'm afraid.


Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #111
Yanks are in an even narrower band than that, Sang. Specifically, New England states, particularly Upstate New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts, with New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine thrown in for good measure.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #112
Well sure. I was trying to give poor Howie an easy to use historic boundary. You know how confused he gets about Americans.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #113
You do know that outside of the US, the term is more or less synonymous with American? :P

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #114

You do know that outside of the US, the term is more or less synonymous with American? :P

A word of advice: If you're in Chattanooga and you call a person there a "Yankee"---- you'd better have your running shoes on. Just sayin'.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #115
Nope, doing that wouldn't be your smartest move :left:

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #117

A word of advice: If ou're in Chattanooga and you call a person there a "Yankee"---- you'd better have your running shoes on. Just sayin'.

I'm in Nashville and there are as many Yankees here as there are Southern Drawlers. I'm thinking of getting a Tennessee tattoo.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #118
As ever, Jim, the bold innovator.
Tennessee is a place you come from, not a place you go to.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #120
Jim, since you're in Nashville-- did you bring a halfway decent acoustic guitar? Gotta have one to sing those songs about how your wife ran off with your best friend, and they took your pickum-up truck and your favorite 'coon hound with them. You're sure gonna miss that truck and hound.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #121

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #123
When jimbro starts getting into wearing grey everywhere and humming "Dixie", I will be assuming he is trying really hard to fit on, bless him he deserves a quiet time. After all he did teach Yankees so they will appreciate that down there.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #124
I remember a parody of "Dixie."

:sing: I wish I were in the land of cotton
My feet stink
And your's are rotten!