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Topic: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon? (Read 47307 times)

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #75
Dear Krake, your strategic vision is an anecdote and your sense of History totally inexistent.
Go ahead and join the Warsaw Pact. Wake me up when you change your name to Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Or must I say Demokrakish.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #76
Your exclusive economical marine zones extend into international waters. To be more precise, the Russian oceanic research vessel was intercepted in international water Portugal's Navy? s.

So what were they researching? NATO's maritime defense off the Portuguese coast, or was it just the

For sale, woman included.  :)

The kitchen is pretty cute and has a gas stove, which is a plus. Not to mention the old-fashioned percolator :yes:  But what on earth is she wearing? Itty-bitty shorts, but a jacket? In fairness to her, I've seen women do that in person. The silly things some women will do just to get straight men to notice their legs :p

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #77

Wake me up when ...

It doesn't make any sense to wake you up. Whether you are sleeping with closed or open eyes, it makes no difference, neither for me nor for the world. :D

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #78

Your exclusive economical marine zones extend into international waters. To be more precise, the Russian oceanic research vessel was intercepted in international water Portugal's Navy? s.

If you are quoting me, please do it correctly. It can't be so hard. Is it?

So what were they researching?

I can't tell what they were researching. You will have to ask them.
What I can tell you for sure is that US warships around the world including the Black Sea, and the Asia Pacific aren't on research mission.
However they might be an exquisite sales force of the Pentagon carrying refrigerators.  :left:

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #79
So what were they researching? NATO's maritime defense off the Portuguese coast

What Krake has been trying to undervalue and divert attentions from is the high level of recent Russian intrusions and/or incidents geographically ranging from western southern extreme of Europe (Portugal) up to Estonia (mentioning just those incidents that I'm aware and that were turned public.

The reason that I know it is simply because a considerable part of the Northern/Southern Atlantic border are under Portuguese army vigilance and because in the ambit of Nato's cooperation we have currently airplanes patrolling Estonia's area.

While Krake keeps under a psychological condition of reality denial, the rest of you can evaluate the extension of this menace by this graph:

As comprehensible, Nato's authorities will only reveal a small part of what's happening. but I wonder how Norwegian and English failed in intercepting two Russian bombers that went all over the way down until we stop them.  :mad:

Was not for the Portuguese and Turkish air forces, the ones to stop immediately the Russian bombers and Putin's testing of sending bombers all over Europe would had been an hundred percent successful.

It's obvious that Nato can't keep on being directed by the actual leadership.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #80
While Krake keeps under a psychological condition of reality denial,

Interesting observation and mostly likely correct observation. I merely put it down as Putin partisanship. But the partisanship requires denial, doesn't it?
I can't tell what they were researching. You will have to ask them.

Come now, it can't be hard to Google up their excuse, but I have no interest in doing your homework for you. The correct thing to do would have been to notify the Portuguese authorities about what they were researching and where. Likewise if a Portuguese vessel wanted to research something in waters controlled by Russia.  There's a fair chance that it was indeed a research vessel, just so Prince Vlad can slam the West for overreacting. If it was or wasn't doesn't matter because at the end of the day Russia again was engaging in provocative behavior. Putin needs to go and be replaced by somebody that isn't a crusted over relic of the Cold War, both for the sake Russia and the West.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #81

While Krake keeps under a psychological condition of reality denial,

Interesting observation and mostly likely correct observation. I merely put it down as Putin partisanship. But the partisanship requires denial, doesn't it?

I don't think Krake to be defending Putin or actively supporting him. If you say Putin made something wrong he will not say no, he didn't, he did well. What krake does is to answer with some "and the Americans? they do even worst"...

More than defending Putin he's criticizing the US. Nothing wrong with that, what turns things concerning is not being able to understand that from two dangerous situations which one is the more preeminent to react to.
The US are a danger to the world but Europeans can live with that, we always did... What we can't live with is Russia menacing us.
Real politick.
A matter of attitude.


Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #82
Russia threatening us? That's a load of old cobblers Belfrager. All the heat is coming from the West led as always by that imperialist and internally flawed America.  From the start it led the West by the nose because it doesn't like any country not to follow what it thinks is right. It is the biggest hypocrite in the world. The sniping is due to the fact that Russia is too big to lean on and that country is right to stand up for itself. Who was it that supported the hoodlums that rioted in Kiev? The West. Who was happy the properly elected government was overthrown? The West. Who has been going bananas politically and in the media  Ukraine? The West.  No-ne took a blind bit of notice that Ukraine had two aides. One leaning to the West and the other to the East.

The two eastern provinces have always leaned towards Russia for a very good reason that most here do not seem to be aware of while being brained by propaganda. Both those regions wer for centuries part of Tsarist Russia and didn't ask to be dumped in Ukraine. It was also mostly the West that suppied SSmen and others to help the Nazis in WW2. The place has been corrupt for ages and as ususual it is a rich man who is now president of this almost failed State.

Kiev did absolutely zilch about noting the tradition in the east and did their own damn thing so I am not surprised at what has happened and said ages again the present situation would happen due to the Kiev ignorance. The stupid sanctions on Russia has backfired on europe and Merkel now syas there should be no more because her industry is yelling at declines. America as usual led this clamping on Russia and doesn't care a damn that Europe is effected as it doesn't hurt it at all. It isn't Putin who spend half the planet's military bill nor has hundreds of bases all over the bleeding place. Nor send fleets to intimidate it is the West and espeically that hangover from the past, NATO. Since the collapse of the Warsaw Pact NATO has been scrambling to find a war here or there to justify itself. May I remind that it was as a counter to the old USSR?

Now NATO is ranking up excuses to beef up forces as close to Russia as it can. And while the leader of the so-called Free World has tens of millions of poor and such it too is making up all sorts of stories to justify a stance. Unlike countries that get invaded for not bowing to the US and it's corrupt stance Russia will get on with it's corner. Putin has scooped a great deal with China and his South American trip will also be good for business. It will not be intimidated and glad of that.

Kiev regularly dishes out guff and lies and the White House jumps at each daftnness. The last time we were show a distant aerial map it proved nothing now we get a fable about a long convoy of military stuuff including tanks rolling into Ukraine. I am still waiting patiently for proof in this modern world of electronics and such. Putin has an 80% poll rating and what does the US President get? A laugh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #83
The sniping is due to the fact that Russia is too big to lean on and that country is right to stand up for itself.

Yes... to stand up with their feet on top of you, not on top of me.
Rjhowie, don't let your anti Americanism to blind you, you'll regret it deeply. Were not for the American allies and soon Russian tanks would be all over Europe.

This is a practical business, Europe defense by itself it's an anecdote. Russia spends some twenty or more percent of GDP with weapons and what  Europe does? criticizes the Americans....
There's no chance to resist by ourselves thanks to the idiots that rules the EU.
History will demonstrate it.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #84
But what on earth is she wearing? Itty-bitty shorts, but a jacket? In fairness to her, I've seen women do that in person. The silly things some women will do just to get straight men to notice their legs :p
Goodness man, she's wearing a diaper!

So, you're a leg man?

The cutie is one million on the Scoville scale.
By the way boys, wondering if anybody here is stricken by Ebola?

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #85

... soon Russian tanks would be all over Europe.

With such silly statements you are even surpassing NATO's top propagandists. However, the Pentagon has its agenda, wonder what's yours.

There's no chance to resist by ourselves thanks to the idiots that rules the EU.

All are idiots. We at DnD at least are lucky to celebrate a cutting edge mastermind aka Belfrager. What a shame that Europe doesn't take notice of him and he has to waste his genius on a platform like DnD.

History will demonstrate it.

He is not only a cutting edge mastermind but can also prophesy the future. History will be his witness.
Like Rasputin he is able to predict even the Doomsday. Kudos to him!

Dear DnD posters, the Oracle of Delphi is history, watch out for the new Oracle of Lisbon!

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #86
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact second edition.
This time will be broken by the Russians... it's fair.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #87
Our Russian friends have little to gain and much to lose. A westward move ain't gonna happen.

At worse for them, the Poles will crush them. :jester:

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #88
Goodness man, she's wearing a diaper!

So, you're a leg man?

The cutie is one million on the Scoville scale.

In round numbers, she would be 58.381 percent cuter without the jacket. It only matches in the eyes of heterosexual men because it's white. Unfortunately, most of you guys can barely dress yourself. The stripes ruin it, besides the silliness of wearing a jacket with such a short bottom. Her shirt is white with a pastel floral pattern and would have looked cuter and would have even matched the towels. I showed the picture to Mayor Goodman and she's now banned from Las Vegas.

Yes, arguing about the young lady's fashion choice is less of a waste of time than talking sense into Krake.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #89

In round numbers, she would be 58.381 percent cuter without the jacket. It only matches in the eyes of heterosexual men because it's white. Unfortunately, most of you guys can barely dress yourself. The stripes ruin it, besides the silliness of wearing a jacket with such a short bottom. Her shirt is white with a pastel floral pattern and would have looked cuter and would have even matched the towels.

Your dissertation about a jacket is an intellectual highlight :yes:   Or should I call it an intellectual climax? :no:

I showed the picture to Mayor Goodman and she's now banned from Las Vegas.

Hmmm, is Mayor Goodman a woman or just a transvestite?  :left:
Whatever, tell her next time you show her some pictures that I'm deeply sorry because she got banned from Las Vegas.  :(

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #90
What's the thread topic? :doh:

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #91
What's the thread topic?

Russians wants to invade Europe under Krake's directives.
Rjhowie also wants to command but nobody takes him seriously...
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #92
Hmmm, is Mayor Goodman a woman or just a transvestite?

She's a woman. Her husband. Carol's husband, Oscar, is the former mayor.
What's the thread topic?

I think it's fashion choices. Putin's choice is shirtless while doing superhuman feats. Maybe he's trying to win back the Russian gay vote.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #94
You have lost the plot Belfrager. All that complete rubbish that America stops Russian tanks racing over Europe.  Can I remind you that the USSR is long gone and Russia has nbo interest in invasions and wars - look to the country you acuse me of berating (for good reason). Russia is not all over the damn globe, America is! Hundreds of bases. The trouble is that we in the West were happy enough to see the Communist dictatorship die  and thought we would control Russia like we try to do everywhere - well again usually America. There is no comparison between Russia and the in your face arrogant imperialism of the US and it's stooges politically.  Indeed the internal stae of the USA shows the hypocrisy of it's political system.

Russians are a proud people and good luck to them as they progress. When i listened to Obama on tv warning Russia about acting in an imperial way I could not but shake my head for the blatant ignorance and arrogance of that one from a nation that invades, messes u or controls financially.
Russia has no wish to have Ukraine it is a totally stupid thing to proclaim and you coming from a land with a long dictatorship can be partially understood for accepting the dictatorship of the USA. We have also had Boebbels style propaganda over the 2 south eastern Ukraine provinces and that sniping about Russia wanting them. Russia has NEVER said it wants them and in historical fact both those provinces were for centuries in the Imperial Russia of the Tsars. That is why there are so many Russian speakers there but the majority of people in the West don't know that and probably include you!

Kiev treated the east of their country in a bad way right from the start and were hell-bent on going where the west of the country wanted to go and stuff anyone else. Those who sneer at oligarchs should remember this. The Ukraine President is one and for some time that country has been as corrupt as hell. As i said during the 2WW the west of Ukraine was hand in glove with the Nazis the SS, etc. They still mark that so there you are. This winter Ukraine will have heat due to the consideration of terrible Russia. Now the Kiev President has cut off finance to the 2 eastern regions and will only make it worse ass there is much industry there.  Then we have guff about large columns of armour from Russia and anything Kiev says is automatically the Gospel. When Russia produces anything that tes waved away.

Now that corrupt Kiev has ostracised the east of the country they will only drift further away and is all the fault of the Ukraine government and their street fighters illegally taking initial power and stuffing the opinions of the east. in fact it wasn't even noted! It really is utterly beyond understanding for Cameron and Obama and pals waxing on about Russian "ibvasions" when they do that in practice themselves.  So dear Portugal man (and anyone else) it is okay for anything that is rightist like Kiev but anyone else is somehow beyond the democracy pale/

Boy oh boy the way your own country is there will be those who miss Dr Salazar!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #95
You have lost the plot Belfrager. All that complete rubbish that America stops Russian tanks racing over Europe.  Can I remind you that the USSR is long gone and Russia has nbo interest in invasions and wars

KGB remains, this time governing. Good luck trusting them, I don't.
The fact being you need to rely in Americans for defending you, either you like it or not rjhowe.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #96

You have lost the plot Belfrager. All that complete rubbish that America stops Russian tanks racing over Europe.  Can I remind you that the USSR is long gone and Russia has nbo interest in invasions and wars

KGB remains, this time governing. Good luck trusting them, I don't.
The fact being you need to rely in Americans for defending you, either you like it or not rjhowe.

Which government do you trust? Me? Canada, perhaps, but it's among a very small group.
Not everyone in the West that’s running off to fight in Syria and Iraq is joining Islamist radicals. Fed up with scenes of graphic violence, displacement of civilian noncombatants and murderous jihadist rhetoric, some Europeans and North Americans are traveling to Syria and Iraq to help the side they view as the good guys (and gals): the Kurds.

Six Canadian Forces vets are the latest group of outsiders joining Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in their battle against ISIS militants in northeastern Iraq. The veterans, who plan to head to Iraq within a month, say Canada has provided an insufficient military response to what they consider an enemy that needs to be defeated.
Governments with very little or no power outside their boundaries are trustworthy internationally. Lately, I'm inclined to trust Portugal and Scotland. I don't trust our Republican friends and am not looking forward their ascendency in the coming year.

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #97
Well now dear Belfrager that thingy about us depending on the Americans is an amusing comment from a place like Portugal.

Your former Prime Minister gets arrested at an airport on corruption charges, unemployment is going apoe and even more so amongst the young. On top of that you have only managed to exist due to Brussels and the EEC and made a damn mess of that. Small nations like yours, Ireland and some others have to depend on bigger and better economies like Gt Britain's to subside you small lots.  So living in a banana republic in one hell of a mess and bother kind of dilutes your moral basis for that comment!

From the country with the fastest growing economy in Europe and that dreadful EEC (thanks heavens we kept the pound).  :P

ps. We even gave Ireland a loan of 7 billion pounds on top of subsidising all you wee countries.  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?

Reply #99
Not is not the Celtic tiger any more. To even get where they are now all public employees lost part of their salaries - was it 25%/ Projects still cancelled. On top of that the 7 billion loaned but the British at a resonable rate. When Ireland WAS the tiger it only got there because of the EEC as it was unable to do much itself for decades as fine you know it. They have wiser politicians now which is good but they need the EEC. A throaway line that there is no EEC in the Irish corner is so utterly daft. No EEC? no Ireland. If it wasn't for the bigger economies like ours Ireland would still have been a backwater. Yes there are improvements BUT they are NOT out of the woods yet.
"Quit you like men:be strong"