Re: The Russian Invasion of The Ukraine --- Is War on the Horizon?
Reply #41 –
Unfortunately Sanguinemoon the country guilty of the most flagrant sabre-rattling is your own. One war or military mess after another for years. All in the name of that usual word "our security" or "our interests." Now that one is nearer the mark due to the influence of corporate business!
This whole Ukrainian fiasco was created by Ukraine itself! They caused a coup against an iffy President who was democratically elected! Then Kiev cancelled out Russia as a second official language knowing full well that would not go down well across the east of the country. Neither did the east get asked if they wanted to be part of the coup may I also remind. None of this was democratic nor principled but the West led by your country totally ignored all the stuff about proper procedures, democracy and so on. When the provinces in east Ukraine raised their voices about being stifled they were met by an ultra-nationalist surge from Kiev. The country is very deeply divided with the 2 provinces of the east more linked with Russia and the west more to do with looking west. So how do you solve that one?
The only logical way (as said by President Putin a while ago) was to give some autonomy within Ukraine itself but nope, Kiev was determined to strom boot any objections. With such a deep divide a sensible government would have been more into dialogue but they decided to storm the east and put them under the gun. Unfortunately for them this has not turned out they way they want and now dialogue MAY be on the table because the Ukrainian President knows he cannot squash the 2 rebel provinces militarily. The other night I watched a repprt where the crew were with the Ukrainians side then it was mentioned in passing that the military unit was NOT part of the regular army but an extreme right is neo-Nazi lot paid for privately. You and others here are so lamdasting that the Russian military is in there but choose to ignore things such as these.
And this whole situation is like a carbon copy of the Iraq fiasco. The West led the guff about the serious weapons issue and then the media joined in hyping it all up based on fairy stories to give the uniform lot a chance to go shooting at someone. All this invasion baloney is as bad as the Iraq matter and it is so alike you could say 'snap.' Some 2 million in Ukraine are effected and large numbers of totally innocent people are dead, homeless or lacking food and water but then they don't count on this thread it is all about going along with the propagandist mindset against Russia. For all the aded hype from the NATO circus in Wales the vast majority in NATO are making no effort to produce the 2% military budget rule. Obama and Cameron are to the closer and thinking eye a couple of fused up clowns and can huff and puff all the imagined fairy tales but Russia will not be cowed into submission because the gold ole US of A wants that and gets irked at countries that don't accept what it wants.
So Kiev either has to talk about devolving or the civil war starts up again and hell mend it. Much of the industry was in the east yet in the idiots stormed destroying everywhere. What a farce.