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Topic: Is there a police psychology problem?? (Read 118780 times)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #325
After six or seven it seems to get crowded. People are getting shoved out of the action. Most efficiently it looks like three. Plenty of swinging room and there's still space to accommodate other's potshots if they rotate.  

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #326
At one point the reporter says 11. For goodness sake that many? We heard all about this latest disgusting fiasco on our news programmes but seeing the video is even worse which is disturbingly they continue such events. Doesn't seem to matter that reports are made on police behaviour as they just keep going from one incident to another. There is a problem.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #327
At one point the reporter says 11.

Seriously. No more than six or seven could get around him at one time. Were that many on the scene? Sure. This is micro-sensationalism. The picture you want to paint isn't even something that can happen. It's already horrible. That being said you have to realize southern California is as remote to me as Portugal.

A small breakdown of jurisdictions may help show how this "epidemic" is merely a case of exposure. Nothing is necessarily "on the rise".

I'll assume this is in a rural part of S. Cali given the horse, but regardless police forces have different funding. The Feds are funded by the US Gov. then States fund their own force then counties then cities. Not every police force is well funded or qualified. Depends on the area. Is there a police psychology problem? There can be. That much is proven. I do believe officers go bad and I even think it can spread to or result from entire departments. You hear more about white officers committing offenses against blacks because they are brought up as Civil Rights violations. This would make the Federal gov have to get involved, if true, otherwise it falls to the jurisdiction it happened in.  

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #328
I am afraid that is too easy an answer and not one at all. The US is so, so easy to bash. Mainly because it struts about the world trying to force itself on everyone and give the corporate business empire greatness and militatary boot s on anyone who dares not to accept the US way.

What in hell is the U.S.? That's like saying that Brits are jerks because of their past history.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #329
Uh-oh sloppy answer! We are not talking about history but daily, weekly life over there as you well enough know. I can assure you I have no control over what passes for police in your cities so will sit back with my diet Irn bru confidentially and sigh with a smile. Can get by with that petted lip but you should have saved it up for something else rather than this regular black shooting or beating up blacks in what is meant to be police.   :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #330
US police seems curiously deadly for a country not under oppression nor in a state of civil war.

Clearly you Americans owe rjhowie a great debt of gratitude for him selflessly offering to share his considerable wit, wisdom, and insights into handling this national scourge. If you open up to him I am sure he might be willing to show you how to successfully approach all American ailments.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #331
 :) jax!

it was passed into law in the spring of 1919. This brought matters to a head. The nationalists, stigmatizing the Rowlatt law as the "Black Cobra Act," were unmeasured in their condemnation. The extremists engineered a campaign of militant protest and decreed the date of the bill's enactment, April 6, 1919, as a national "Humiliation Day." On that day monster mass-meetings were held, at which nationalist orators made seditious speeches and inflamed the passions of the multitude. "Humiliation Day" was in fact the beginning of the worst wave of unrest since the mutiny. For the next three months a veritable epidemic of rioting and terrorism swept India, particularly the northern provinces. Officials were assassinated, English civilians were murdered, and there was wholesale destruction of property. At some moments it looked as though India were on the verge of revolution and anarchy.
[Lothrop Stoddard. The New World of Islam (Kindle Locations 3491-3497).]

This was one of but many things you never mention; you may, of course, be ignorant — when particular charges are made; but you can't be — if you claim intelligence and/or concern.

I can testify to your lack of intelligence. You yourself have provided enough evidence of your "lack of concern"…

Howie, for some reason, you've decided to dislike the U.S.; and for some (perhaps other reason) you've decided to attack it with whatever wit you have, for as long as you can. You have little wit; we can all agree on that. And, that your animosity is older than most of us, is indisputable…

Was it you personally that shot Gandhi? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #332
Oh dear that national obsession of ex-colonists being like spoiled children shows up well Oakdale. I have said for some time that all you lot need to do is go through the list of many things that totally go against all you claim to be. None of those i listed in Opera or indeed here have ever been able to be answered properly or at all. It would not be so bad if you as a country were less lippy in the world at large, claim all sorts of hig faluting principles whilst at the same time your own history bunks those. On rights, freedoms, racialism, interference your history is littered with in the face hypocrisy. In fact you would be able to knock me out by just practicing the principles falsely claimed.

But nope that is not possible as you lot have been brought up under a tremendously successful propagandist mind. Emotion and hypocrisy all at the same time! The over the top "patriotism" is another in the face nationalism in practice. Like kids the flag has to be everywhere, rows in front of buildings, every classroom and everywhere except the toilet. Ooops, someone may correct that. So when someone comes along and has a throw it cannot be handled and the attitude is a bit politically miffed instead of being practical! When someone comes along and hits that I hate Americans it shows the emotional kindergarten mindset. They cannot see the difference between the way a country is run and the people inside it. Others more normal outside can work out the difference and it shows he lack there is of much outside of the narrow views across there on the rest of us.

So I tell you what. Accept there are regular police problems - a history of deep racial divide - that corporates control the Hill- the military/imperial/commercial empire across the world should be controlled - tens of millions of poor faced - millions losing homes helped - email/bank accounts/credit card spying controlled - less infringements on rights that contradict the constitution and - stop killing innocent people with drones (increased) - causing wars. Oh heavens, I have made your chance of sorting me out even harder. It doesn't matter how much i may like any Americans the way all haver been brought up shoves many of the negatives to one side in this daftness that i am miscalling the country.Instead of solving terror you have made the damn thing worse but hey keep waving the flag it will keep you happy!

You DO have a city police problem. Surprise, surprise!!

As for this particular thread a moan as usual but these stormtrooper police incidensts Oakdale are semi-regular in YOUR country and I don't make them up but are not some needle in a haystack they are there all the damn time because you have never grown up on guns and uniforms or how deep the race question is in a land that blows about being what it is.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #335
As for this particular thread a moan as usual but these stormtrooper police incidensts Oakdale are semi-regular in YOUR country and I don't make them up but are not some needle in a haystack they are there all the damn time because you have never grown up on guns and uniforms or how deep the race question is in a land that blows about being what it is.

I still don't get it: Whence your animosity… But get back to me when Great Britain has a negroid queen…to show you commitment to "democracy". :)

Your grasp of numbers does you in, RJ. That, and your inability to go much beyond what your telly gives you -in combination, make you incapable of forming rational opinions — about circumstances that seem to matter to you.
I'd ask again: What about the U.S. so engages your ire?

(Another guess: You attempted to emigrate, and were rejected? :) I could believe that!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #336
My grasp of numbers does you in? You need fresh air boy. Some 10,000 shot to bits annually, 2.4 million in jails, re million losing homes a year, 40 million poor on food stamps, regular police shooting of unarmed people and usually blacks. I don't need to make them up they are factual but you lot don't want to know it. And as usual you cannot take the truth and instead waffle off and flannel. That utterly daft nonsense from jimbro re The Monarch. Someone should tell him a Monarchy is different from a Republic and that it is an inherited title. In the House of Lords where the majority of peers are not hereditary but lifetime there is a whole group of Asian and black peers. We have also had a woman Prime Minister yet you lot after over two centuries have never had a woman President. Another typical example of being unable to accept what happens over there and all these things in the land of the fee and home of the brave? Yeah, right the fact say something else. It took you over 2 centuries to stop the lynching and persecution of the blacks and give many in places even the right to vote!  The vast majority in the jails happen to have dark complexions and the social probs run deep but you don't like to be reminded because the cumfy on live in their sydilic comfort and play along with the would-be patriotic guff.

As for your nationwide police these incidents are happening all the time and yes they do appear on tv screens here - latest incident was in California! Trouble is with your gun culture give someone a uniform and a gun and he thinks he is it. You have even had the army on streets, city police forces getting surplus military vehicles on top of those other negatives I mention makes the country a kind of laughing stock. If it was not the case that in legal things, crime, police violence (along with their increased militarism),full jails, vast poverty, racism in mass amounts then you could really boast with confidence and wave the flag. Trouble is the truth upsets the cumfortables who think if they ignore the in your face stuff then everything is fine.

As for the basic question of the police - you have a problem and the statistics show it whether it is in a book, newspaper, television but you Oakdale ignore the messengers because it doesn't suit!  :doh:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #337
And last night on a television report about the police over the water it showed another two incidents. One was where a police car was chasing a thief who was running on the pavement so the police car chased him and drove right across the road onto the pavement to knock the man down! In the other clip someone filmed policemen with a woman suspect and the female was pregnant but you could see them constantly punching her several times no matter what.

The problem continues no matter what. The problem is deep.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #338
I wonder when someone will wake up and realize that, worst than a police psychology problem, it's a judge's psychology problem.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #339
Well unfortunately Belfrager there is so much of a psychology mass problem they wouldn't notice the judges. Too many of the police over there could fit into the Ukraine Right Sector with no problem at all!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #340
I watched a programme on television last night about the dreadful police record in the ex-colonies. In a month there were more police killing of people than we have had for years.  It also brought up someting of even more concern. The average training of what passes for police over the pond is about 40 hours but runs into hundreds here. Here there has to be a high education standard and the indepth training includes just about everything even handling people with mental trouble and everything else. We don't carry guns just a truncheon, handcuffs and in places a taser but not everywhere. Our police do not run a car onto a pavement to knock a man being chased down, kill unarmed possible wrong doers and so on. In march there were around 140 polie killins over the water and multiply that nationally. After such brief training the cop in America thinks he is above the law and get away with anything and the regular incidents now being recorded are typical. One where the police were arresting someone to put in a van had a bystander filming the thing on her mobile phone. A policeman came over and grabbed the phone off the woman threw it on the ground and stamped on it to destroy the evidence.

It is not a case of some very odd or remote thing it is regular every month. They think those that pass for defenders of Americans that once they have a badge, uniform and gun they are it.. We are talking about invoduals being done in. Hey, don't bother running after them as our polcie would do or if needed hit them with the baton just stop and shoot the person. That some use more than one bullet also shows the arrogance of a bad mind using a badge and uniform. The usual excuse about firing 3, 4, 5 and as we know, 6 bullets is because the cop felt "threatened." Gee what mental cases there are acting as policemen. I know Americans love uniforms and they are oft used to the wrong point but there is a serious problem. 

The more the police buy spare military stuff from the Pentagon the more the place looks like a hell-hole and almost military State. Many countries have fat=r better trained police than the would-be land of brilliance. Military armoured vehicles, same with equipment, and now a town where the police have all publicly intimated they want to shut down as a back mayor was elected. You lot are living in a creepoing military control and high time there was more control overso-called defenders of the law and people. Instead too many have become dangerous and undermine a weak system.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #341
Domestically these United States operate differently than you can apparently comprehend.

Truth is America is vast. You can say almost anything about it and find somewhere that's true.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #342

Domestically these United States operate differently than you can apparently comprehend.

Truth is America is vast. You can say almost anything about it and find somewhere that's true.

Oh, so very true. Once the CNNs of the world glom onto a story it seeps into every major city and township. Lordy, we're all horrendous! I've mentioned earlier that there were two cops in my family and they never shot anybody.

It bears repeating the the UK has done awful things in the world. Lately, though, they've behaved quite well.

We all now know about the horrors of concentration camps, but during the time of Boer Wars, rounding up tens of thousands of innocent people and detaining them in camps seemed like a stroke of genius. The British needed the South African populace under control and had the means and manpower to detain them. What could possibly go wrong?
10 percent of the entire Boer population died in the British camps—a figure that gets even worse when you realize it includes 22,000 children.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #343
We know the country is vast ensbb3 but that is no excuse for what is going on everywhere regarding police. When you consider what is recorded monthly it is something else! Training is inefficient the racial aspect is endemic and whatever they learn is something very basic and not as wide as training elsewhere. I would also remind the incidents happening in lists every month tend to be in places that are built up ones or towns/cities. The latest incident where a man ends up badly beaten and no medical treatment for over 40 minutes then is dead makes the whole police question wide open. There is more to being a policeman than a badge, uniform and gun whoever it seems that those 3 things are it in general and stuff anything else. That these things keep continuing illustrates a very deep problem. So in countries where carrying guns is not the norm and officers more fully trained in all different matters is saying something.

I can remember having a chat one my second visit to the USA and NYC having a friendly chat with a police sergeant on duty. He was obviously a very intelligent man yet when he said to me was it right that our police just get by with a notebook and a baton I said yes. He looked at me and shook his head with a touch of wonderment. With the police in the States becoming more militarised by the week it is not helping and does not give a very good picture or encouragement for the future as it gives a bad impression of the way the country is going on policing.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #344
There is a discussion to be had about the problems involved. You're just not having it.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #345
RJ "discusses" as well as he punctuates… :)
We know the country is vast ensbb3 but that is no excuse for what is going on everywhere regarding police.
The word "everywhere" is Howie's trope: If he's seen something on TV a time or two then it's pandemic!
His panties are always in a twist…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #346
You two are as bad as each other.Even if is on tv that is even more to the damn point than bodyswerving it. After all it is YOUR problem. Well over 100 shootings LAST MONTH alone are just fictitious are they/ Oakdale you make yourself look stupid which is a nerve accusing others.  It is ludicrous trying to swipe me when it is a major problem in your land. Los Angeles and New York for an example are abou

Your police can do what they damn well like because you folk are besotted with uniforms. They get far less training than for example here and it is painfully obvious that your polce are far more likely to shoot someone running away than chasing them.t 3000 miles apart, incidents also north and south so it is everywhere whether you like to hear it or not. It has been a long term thing and the policemen who do these disgusting things know they will get away with it because you folks go dilly dolly about badge and uniform and boy do they know it. Shooting unarmed in the back shows a physco problem too and they know that the norm is to get away with it. So you have had this stff for decades but governments have just skipped around it. Where else in the normal world would you get a town police force all wanting to quite because someone of another colour is elected mayor? Your cops are gun mad because the country is.

On top iof all this you also dance around the increasing militarising of the police and that can give a very good impression things are that dam bad it has to be done. Yeah, right.  If governments skirt police arrogance and also make them look like soldiers, let them think they are the law you have a big, big difficulty. And ant-black is deep too.  It is painfully obvious to people elsewhere in the world that in the main your police are not capable of handling differing situations and therefore the answer is just to shoot someone, or strangle them to death or beat them up and kill. It is the first stumbling steps towards a military State attitude.

You people live there so it is not upto me to solve your deep rooted and historical police corruption it is yours. That the media reports on it or police steal your phone to smash it and stop filming is ignored especially by you Oakdale. Being incapable of facing the mattersatire is not the answer.  You have an A1 police problem. If wanting them to continue being so cocky and military like and getting excess military stuff from the Pentagon why not get them SS gear?  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #347
One trick pony.

dilly dolly

Dillydally :left: Pretty much sums up your post.

Pathetic waste of time. Stop looking at the keyboard. The amount of stupid in that post doesn't deserve a response so consider this charity.

I like how qualifications have made it into your rants ever since I brought it up. A more clever man wouldn't make it so obvious.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #348
No you are doing what you clowns over the pond always do when something as blatant as your police completely contradicts all those would-be principles you blare out to the world. What is going on over there in the hundreds annually is so routine for decades it has been accepted. You are incapable of answering the matter and the poor city policing you have. That many are not bright enough are gun mad and not of a goodly education says much. You should get out the country and look at it from that stance and the increasing militarisation of your police is the first modest step to a more dictatorial society. Scoff away or make some snide comment but you DO have a police predicament but as is the norm you don't like to be put in a position of admitting such faults as it contradicts all that fine stuff about how wonderful the place is.

Beating ups (sometime causing deaths), choking to death, shooting unarmed suspects, driving cars onto pavements to stop a man fleeing, bullets in the back, sometimes a selection of them at that. It is a continuing story and if it cannot be answered you are better keeping your mouth shut. In fact the behaviour of police is equal to that in dictatorships but you have such a pathetic attitude to unifroms and badges it is a key to doing what they damn well like.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #349
Your police are very polite, RJ… Explain to me how the events in Rotherham occurred!

What you'd accept is different from what we "ex-colonists" would… (When you say "Quit you like men…" I thought you'd meant "Acquit…". It turns out, you really meant quit!
Yellow and Red does really equal Orange…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)