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Topic: Is there a police psychology problem?? (Read 118782 times)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #302
And yet another regular police incident this time in Michigan where a group of policeman beat up a man including kicking him in the head.  At least there is continuity in such actions and the chance of them not getting away with it of course.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #303
Your life is drowning in the pettiness of country-bashing rj.  You will not gain friends or influence people in this fashion.  Try getting a a grip on a real life and see what you can do.   :knight:  :cheers:
James J


Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #304
I am afraid that is too easy an answer and not one at all. The US is so, so easy to bash. Mainly because it struts about the world trying to force itself on everyone and give the corporate business empire greatness and militatary boot s on anyone who dares not to accept the US way. You do all the silly global stuff whilst tens of millions of poor live in the land that claims to be so great. Oh and the 2.4 million in jails! If you toned your country down abit and spent more money on your own suffering people instead of uniforms you would get respect.

Anywa, as for the matter of police there is another very public and very in your face problem which you ignore unfortunately. This police violence IS a a way of life in cities and time after time the world has seen regular reports of public beatings on unarmed people. Why does a policeman feel there is a need for example to say he has to shoot an unarmed man? Totally illogical and very immature thinking. What is worse is when they fire more than one and on occasion a whole list of bullets. Wear a uniform over there and you are a hero and safe and very, very rarely is a policeman ever dealt with in these horrible reactions. Even when there is a possible danger for police the reaction is ridiculous.  Another famous one was the call that a man was on a street with a knife. The police car arrived, 2 officers got out and demanded the man dropped the knife. That is fair enough but the man just stood there but didn't make any linge at the officers. Within seconds both fired their guns at the man!

With so many incidents right across America you can hardly ignore that there is something fundemntally odd and you have a very deep and divise colour problem. The jails are almost black centres and the numbers killed by police are way by far black. I could see you having a point if there was nothing to go on but just jumping on a easy excuse of I am bashing is NOT dealing with the problem. This is a forum and a wide church and i am not on it for to get some false popularity aim. It does not bother me as to whether anyone has a petted lip mentality because the thread subject is such a diabolical, disturbing and bad image for your country. Being gun mad and a massive jail population along with gunslingers in uniform is more of a challenge than me!  :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #305
Rj, you're obsessed with that skinny view of the US. It must have something to do with your colonial mindset.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #306
Not so much an obsession but a very stark thought on what is actually the truth. If these incidents were not happening (as well as a very national and deep racial problem all the time then you would have some strong principle to fall back on. Mind you I should remind you have an obsession with a certain President of a certain big country - oh and the country itself! Just shows how easy it is for grey cell ex-colonists to be wearing blinkers. And is the increasing militarisation of city police forces a wee corner thing too? Nope

Thank goodness the country is not a colony as it is gun daft, police-come-soldiers daft. Ditching the tea in Boston Harbour has turned out to have been a big error of judgement by those laddies from the monied families as too much coffee affects people. Thank goodness the mistakes were over 200 years ago and we can go "phew" and relax.  :o :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #307
There's a general population psychology problem.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #308
You are giving an excuse for the semi-military police forces across the pond who think they can do what they like. Tut-tut.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #309
No rjhowie, I said that there's a general population psychology problem, therefore, by force of reason, there's an even bigger police psychology problem for the simple fact police are chosen from the worst of general population psychology problem.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #311
Ok a fair point Belfrager and can go with that. The city police forces in that mass prison hell and semi-military police over there is a reflection on a society physco situation. That the nature of policing in that country reflects a gun mad society says something.  That they sometimes have to have soldiers on the streets is another telling and all the previous nonsense that they were not regular army is a sidestep as they are in practice a kind of reserve army in their structure and doings. Thank heavens routine police here are unarmed and maybe if those over the water had  gradually distanced themselves from the wild west inheritance and the aftermath there would be less problems and unarmed people wouldn't get willy-nilly shot down or have 2.4 million for the taxpayer to cover in jails.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #312
Now wadda ye know a gun mad policeman actually arrested for murder. The racial thing in so many polie forces over there well encapsulated in this latest of continuing incidents. Instead of chasing him or flooring him he pumps 8 bullets into a man then when the dying man is lying there handcuffs him?? Now if he had not been filmed you can bet he would have got away with lying. We all know there will be reasonable police but there is a very wide and deep running racial issue with police in America. The family of the murdered man was very considerate and a contrast to what the police nut job thinking too often is. Especially if you are black. And it all started with a stop for a faulty car. That cop would have got away with his lies like all the rest have but for the startling visual evidence.  What a dice throw you have over there with police. Disgusting.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #313
wadda ye know

You remember me a nigger I had working at my properties in Africa. Strangely, he doesn't posts here...

The problem with all those murders by American policemen is not a problem of racism, it's a problem of cowards. Armed cowards.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #314
What you two are missing is that nationalism is just the name you give acceptable racism.

he problem with all those murders by American policemen is not a problem of racism, it's a problem of cowards.

Seems you'd be qualified to know.


Scotland's problem may be as simple as large amounts of morons thinking they are smart.

The videos I found regarding abuses of power seemed as much a problem of encountering too many idiots as anything else.

Of course there's...
Is that a black man laying on the ground? Nice.
Bullying. It's not that different there.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #315
Have I missed the point?
Do you claim that last video is an example of bullying?
Edit: I then watched the clip of the little prick with the law book. The policemen in both cases acted with the patience of saints.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #316
Do you claim that last video is an example of bullying?

Looks like I got a tab mixed up. Most of the ones I saw were just dumb-asses trying to catch cops breaking "Da Rulez". If there's any point it all, I missed it too.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #317

Eye-rising headline: American police killed more people in March (111) than the entire UK police have killed since 1900

IMHO it's definitive not a simple psychologic problem. In case it is, then it's only a side effect and not the root of the problem.

BTW, another somehow related interesting aspect worth to be mentioned:
The United States has about five percent of the world’s population and houses around 25 percent of its prisoners.

As to the stereotyped argument that government acts as a check on crime and vice, even the makers of law no longer believe it. This country spends millions of dollars for the maintenance of her “criminals” behind prison bars, yet crime is on the increase. Surely this state of affairs is not owing to an insufficiency of laws! Ninety per cent of all crimes are property crimes, which have their root in our economic iniquities. So long as these latter continue to exist we might convert every lamp-post into a gibbet without having the least effect on the crime in our midst.

Emma Gold - born June 27, 1869 / died May 14, 1940

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #318
Eye-rising headline: American police killed more people in March (111) than the entire UK police have killed since 1900

One suspects that the Indians (and other colonials) weren't deemed important enough to be considered… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #320
What an utterly pointless extract regarding Strathclyde Police. No evidence just an allegation so nothing. How this contrasts with film of a cop shooting 8 bullets after a man running away is completely infantile and stupid. No comparison at all. To try and compare an allegation with no visual evidence against regular police killing over the pond is laughable just as tt92 is. Mind you the begorrah mindset of the Aussie would make him an excellent city cop in the ex-colonies.

Here you will not get gunned down for a traffic offence or an incident but over in America a cop will use any excuse to draw a damn gun and blow people away because the excuse is the cop felt endangered. Not surprised there are so many police shootings of unarmed folk there with that emotional kindergarten mindset.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #321
No evidence just an allegation so nothing.

You'd convict American cops on less.

How this contrasts with film of a cop shooting 8 bullets after a man running away is completely infantile and stupid.

Indeed. He's going to prison for murder. Bet they'll love [on] him in there.

I advocated cameras being worn by police early in this thread. The technology exists along with the reason too. Not just to protect the public but also the officers. Since then cameras are starting to be added as standard issue by police forces. I'm sure your precious telly hasn't informed you of the changes or prevention methods, to stop such things, that are now coming on-line. My State is debating adding cameras and my county's sheriff's office has already budgeted to add them by next year. I'm sure you have no idea why those are separate things, jurisdiction across the Atlantic confuses you.  

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #322
I do have to say that it is unfortunately it is well overdue for the city police there to wear cameras as there have been far too many such incidents as this latest horror. A while back someone tried to say these things were remote and now nationally their is an admittance they are not. This present policeman would I can bet have got away with it likeall the others before him but for that vido witnessing what went on. He would have lied or come up with some stupid excuse he was under threat so one has to ge shot. A hail of bullets was becoming the standard situation. Interestingly there was no attempt at any medical effort and even when other police arrived an they had equipment it wasn't bothered with.

It is a terrible thing that these things go on every wek or couple of weeks and 9 times out of the proverbial 10 it seems to be unarmed black men. That has become ovious at government level and organisations like the FBI looking into this habit. Allied to this is the poor numbers of black officers and the fact that there is a very deep national racial problem and in the police which is more dangerous. Makes me even more thankful our police are not patrolling with guns.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #323
You, for the most part, write words.

Nothing is ever said.

Re: Is there a police psychology problem??

Reply #324
How many well trained cops are needed for beating a man lying on the ground with his arms on his back?
