Re: (Not) All about Biden
Reply #38 –
Let me tell you what is really peculiar to USA: Slavery. In Europe there was no slavery for over a thousand years. Slavery was strictly a colonial feature, limited to overseas colonies. In European mainland it was phased out after the demise of the Roman empire.
Sure, you ignore the Ottoman Empire.
And some current Middle Eastern nations...
Your contention that slavery existed de facto in the U.S. after 1865 is puerile, and you know it. And -you don't seem to know- that slavery existed on the North American continent before the Spaniard, Portuguese, Dutch, English and French arrived; the Indian Nations weren't the Noble Savages children's stories depict.
But as to the U.S. -itself a colony- and its relationship to slavery: You seem to think we invented it! (Certainly, most ideologues here believe so...) Do you really contend the phasing out of chattel slavery in Europe-proper made serfdom a nice and proper institution? (Russia too maintained medieval social institutions, until it found something worse!)
The Ancient World's experiments in Republicanism and Democracy were short-lived. Some post-Renaissance European nations experimented, too. The Reformation provided new exciting opportunities for bloody war to a grateful European Nobility! 
Which do we note with approval, the few experiments or the many wars?
As for America, the U.S., we have longest-lived Republic in history... If your only complaint is that our laws and institutions don't function perfectly, welcome back down to Earth!
If you can't get past your inferiority complex, I'm sorry for you; but it won't make me feel any the less respectful of my nation's accomplishments.
in USA, the idea [of slavery] was - and among some sizeable pockets of population still is - that the peculiar institution is a "natural and normal condition" of the land. Moreover, they manage to hold on to this peculiar idea alongside with all the freedoms and rights etc. that the constitution supposedly provides to everyone ("everyone" meaning true/real Americans only), and they do not perceive any contradiction whatsoever.
You of course mean, laws didn't magically reform racial prejudice away?!
Where have they ever?
Surely you're not so naive as to think such doesn't exist, outside the borders of the U.S. or the boundaries of its influence?