Re: Climate Change and You
Reply #32 –
Dasgupta's purpose is to translate ecological reality into economic concepts and to make ecology amenable to accounting. I'll see this weekend if he succeeds.
I'm intrigued, ersi! Who again it this Dasgupta fellow? :)
The distinction here is between a civilisation (or high culture) and a way of life (low culture). A lower human culture does not affect the environment much more than the animals in the region would, whereas a civilisation reshapes landscapes and horizons so that it is the environment that either adapts or doesn't. But yeah, a matter of degree
Glad to see you acquiescing to the real world! (I'm not bothered by the "low" and "high" misnomers...:)
Perhaps you can let loose of your ridiculous partisan pejoratives long enough to discuss...? Nah, you're a Never-Trumper, silly as it seems! You'd not know how to discuss anything with an American -who wasn't a Demon-crat- or some other species of America hater. You've got your pride, after all...
[Did you really say SDI wa evil? "You can't protect yourself from our attack! That's — provocative..." said the Kremlin, and -as a good little school boy- you believed it then (if you didn't understand it) and you believe it now, because — jeez, you hate to admit when you're wrong! :)]
Shall we keep talking? I'd like to... But, of course, it's up to you: As you know, I don't care about "forum niceties" -going off-topic is, in this place, de rigor, no?!
But you have a persona to maintain... I'll understand if you demure.