Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Reply #135 –
They have absolute rights and total constitution and form of governance and legal system etc. and with equal absolute certainty nobody else has any of it, or if anybody else has something that looks like it, it must be inferior.
A brief interlude is what you want? Ok.
Yes, (some) Americans do (still) believe that our rights derive from G-d: It plainly says so in our Declaration of Independence. And (some few still believe) that our Constitution is the supreme law of our land, which requires our states have republican governance. Our legal history derives from England's, but we've departed in ways you wouldn't -and couldn't be bothered to- understand.
After your "etc." you state what constitutes your inferiority complex... 
Indeed, the NeoCon Republicans (but mostly Democrats!) pushed an ideology that said basically Everyone wants to be an American... (You'll note, most of them have still refused to recognize reality: Human nature is much more varied than they thought! (Go figure!?
) Not everyone wants to be free.
Me, I'm a conservative (...think Oakshott) and the old acorn: We are the friend of Liberty everywhere but the defenders of only our own! still makes the most sense to me.
(Consider: What was the purpose of NATO? To defend Europe from an expansive Soviet Union, no? Well, the Soviet Union dissolved in the '90s. So: Why is there still this thing called NATO?
Or is the question too obtuse to even consider?
I'm sorry your country has been conquered so often... Specially, that it was conquered by the Soviet Union, and that you lived (and were educated) under such a regime. But it wasn't my fault, bro! 
For example, over the years your theory of economy has become clear,
As you expound your straw-man, you expose your lack of honesty.
I've merely said that Biden (following Obama) has exacerbated the dangers of our national debt out-pacing our ability to recover from its consequences...
Remember how often R.J. Howie used to chide Americans for their Defense/Military spending? Well, the annual interest on our national debt now is more than our entire military budget! (Indeed, more than every other item in the budget than Social Security payments... Yup! Even more then Medicare!) Is the President solely responsible? No, of course not! But if he has enough support in Congress, and he keeps spending beyond receipts — what do you expect the economy to do?
It'll deal with inflation as it must, until a new administration re-sets our budget/tax priorities.
(Reagan did it. Clinton did it — with Gingrich's House. Trump did it — until Covid.)
I don't say Biden controls the economy... I say he doesn't care! He wants to be re-elected, and he'll spend us into a depression trying!
What does he care?
It's the ones who support him, who finance him, and who control him that I worry about...
I have been to USA and seen it all (well, enough to inform myself) for myself. Have you ever been anywhere outside USA? Yup, that's what I'm saying.
So funny!
You visited Miami (when?) and, I'd ask: How many Cuban expatriates did you meet? And how many -depending on the timing of your visit- Cuban criminals released by Castro to "emigrate" to the U.S.?
Did you visit another state? (We have 50 of them, you know...and a few territories, still.)
But I understand: You call me a redneck! I was raised in the Boston area, and my ancestors mostly fled the New England and New York colonies before the Revolution — mostly to Canada. (Many came back, eventually.) I did re-locate to the western U.S. over 40 years ago! (But I've visited -and lived- in quite a few states. And I've liked them all.) And I'd not really be offended, being called a redneck.
(You obviously don't know the term's derivation...)
Have I visited other countries? Yeah: Canada. Have I known and talked to people from other countries? Yeah. Lots...
So: Your point is that, because I've not been an ignorant tourist, that I have no understanding of "others"! 
I don't mind that others have different ideas of acceptable governance, and that they often don't understand mine. But I do take umbrage at those who presume to lecture me — when they can't even be bothered to know what they're talking about.
And I'll certainly not consider accepting their Bizzaro rantings as intelligent discourse, let alone perspicacious criticism.
Shall we resume discussion of SCOTUS decisions — with someone who knows (or at leasts admits he doesn't!) that court's function in the U.S. constitutional republic's government?