Re: The Awesomesauce of the American 2024 Presidential Elections
Reply #102 –
Astonishing. You replied. What happened?
Reply after reading the 1st sentence you posted...
I'm bored and a little drunk (it still happens, occasionally). And — although I hate to admit it, I'd like to "educate" at least one European! 
Obama's attempt to address the Great Recession. He pumped out trillions to keep the banks up in crisis and to encourage lending, which according to mainstream economic theory should in turn encourage general consumption, thus ending the recession.
When you say "Main-stream Economics" you must mean Keynesian... Keynes famously said, when asked what was the result of perpetual deficit spending by government, "In the long term, we are all dead." Indeed, that is so.
But are the profligate our best guides?
If you only care about yourself (and your cohorts), maybe. Still, that makes you a reprehensible person, in my view.
The "Great Recession" didn't end until the Trump administration's tax cuts enabled the economy's growth. (Reagan -and Kennedy- both understood this dynamic...).
—As an exercise in honesty I ask a simple question: What do you think caused the so-called Great Recession?
First, over-supply of money does nothing when all of it is stashed away in holdings
It detracts from the economic growth! (Where, BTW, is this "stashing away" you refer to?) When the incentives for investing are paltry, less will be invested; when less is invested, there is less potential for growth.
You doubt that?
I have survived the hyperinflation at the collapse of Soviet Union. That hyperinflation did not happen because government printed money, but rather because politico-economic deregulation and introduction of private entrepreneurship brought about the explosion of black market and grey economy outside state control where alternative money was used (DEM, USD, and gold) indicating utter distrust for the official rouble, whose value thus collapsed.
You missed (understanding) what actually happened: The U.S.S.R. tried to match the USA's expenditure for modernizing nuclear forces -specifically, SDI (so-called "Star Wars") which was to be an effective defense against a First-Strike... And, of course, a "defense" was -to the Soviets- an attack!
So, the U.S.S.R. spent more and more on keeping up with the U.S, technology — to the detriment of its obligations to its people.
Can you seriously claim that the U.S.S.R. ever had the welfare of its people an important consideration? (Ask the Ukrainians...)
BTW: The black and grey markets were always a boost to the Soviet economy...
Where'd the Soviet government get the money to — fail? 
One more thing:
Is Nikita's "We will bury you!" taunt still one of your favorites!? 
I know it's going to cause your on-line persona some angst, but do you really think the election od Donald J. Trumpt is — a problem, for the world?
Try to be specific, if your immediate response is FUCK YES!. 
Oe more thing
Did MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) ever make sense to you?