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Topic: video codecs ?? (Read 1856 times)

video codecs ??

i would like to know if there a way to had some video codecs to OtterBro ?
or, do there is an hope to have some of them... it's few boring to have to switch on vivaldi to view somes..

thanks a lot

Re: video codecs ??

Reply #1
really no one got some info about it ?
there two format webM (vp8 vp9) and Ogg Theora  (see

vivaldi use H.264 oggTheora and the webM.vp8, webM.vp9

i don't know for other browser, but webM is a google tech then...

and for Ogg Theora

how add it to win10 and add it in OtterBro ? it seem pretty complex

thanks a lot

Re: video codecs ??

Reply #2
well, i've forget something, my problem with video codecs comes because i've explusate flash player out from my PC
then the website that call for it ain't find it...