hi all,
i tried something impossible to do... this shortcut "seems" to not exist
how to activate the adress bar (easy) with clearing this field... impossible, no way to produce a sequence of shortcuts with Otterbro.
then, this sequence lookalike [activate adress'bar][alt+a][backspace]
and in waiting, i did it with auto-hotkey (ahk)
here the code i use (ctrl+appskey(wich is just near the rght ctrl on on my laptop)
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe otter-browser.exe ;catch otterbrowser
Send, {F8}
Send, ^{a}
Send, {Backspace}
if (WinNotActive, ahk_exe otter-browser.exe) ;emulate ctrl+a (select all) in other environnement
Send, ^{a}
then if you got the time to implement this shortcut, wich is really usefull, when you used the adress'bar as a research tool
Ps: for the few i know about auo-hotkey the code can be diffrent in function of your environnement.. (then no certitude that this one work for those interrested with)