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Topic: and about right click context menu panel ?? (Read 2454 times)

and about right click context menu panel ??

hi all, my new problem ...

there's no files in appdata/otter about this "important"  daily tool ...

do there is a way to modify it... no key too in the windows regedit

Re: and about right click context menu panel ??

Reply #1
That's because it's including the default configuration. You don't have it in your user directory because you haven't modified the default.

If you want to modify it, copy webWidget.json to your <Otter user configuration directory>/menu/webWidget.json and modify that.

Re: and about right click context menu panel ??

Reply #2
cool, thanks a lot Beastie... i'm goona try that soon

Re: and about right click context menu panel ??

Reply #3
then, it works, but this files is just an headack ... find where to do something is as "benji" (i do it, or not ???)

well, then i've remove the "open link" firt line of the OpenAlink Rightclick'menu wich is not really usefull in comparison of the next one OpenInAnothertab (its a use in vivaldi)

and i'm tryonf to had and openwith another browser... for the moment i've been abble to add <open with vivaldi>, an <open with opera>, just after the openInAnotherWindows... as in opera...

but it yet opened nothing, the .exe is not called and the url is not opened... it's hell there !!!

Re: and about right click context menu panel ??

Reply #4
Why don't you just add a
Code: [Select]
line in the
Code: [Select]
"includeIn": "link",

Or am I misunderstanding what you're trying to do?

Re: and about right click context menu panel ??

Reply #5
for the moment i have add
Code: [Select]
"type": "action",
"identifier": "OpenUrlAction",
"options": {
"icon": "",
"text": "Open in Opera"
"parameters": {
"application": "opera.exe",
"urlPlaceholder": "{pageUrl}"

i took it on an old post about this 'little' absence of the options <openWith>
but, if the link do appears with the right icon...

i have add the line [ "type": "action", ]

but it do not open the page, or the url in an other browser..

i try to do it with the old opera, because there a key in windows
HKEYlocalMachine/Software/client/StartMenuInternet... with otterBro too but no vivaldi or chrome or other
opera 12.18 was using this regedit key to open an other browser...

for the moment... well well well

Re: and about right click context menu panel ??

Reply #6
finally, it do works...
there were only a problem with adresse in the line "application".

really thanks a lot Beastie