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Topic: Dramatisations & Documentaries (Read 35931 times)

Dramatisations & Documentaries

Quote from: jax
I enjoy documentaries both for what they show as they go along and for the genre itself.

You have the British style, presented by a learned fellow in jeans walking along a beach, a meadow, a street, the dark side of the moon, whilst elucidating how the world turned out to be what it is.

Or the American style with the disembodied steroid-enhanced gravel voice (unless we're talking about Michael Moore) going through discoveries by the number until we get to the one that left the whole community of scholars, scientists, or worker termites completely flabbergasted, a discovery impeccably timed to happen right after the next advertisement break.

The journalistic variety emphasise how clandestine the program or film you're watching is. The more shaky the handheld or hidden camera is, the better the journalistic credentials.

Are there any documentaries (or dramatisations) you have found interesting, and why?
From the archive

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #1

I've seen a few 20's videos. A lot of western infrastructure was made then (or earlier, but the films/videos mostly started that decade).

I just saw Freak Out! a new Scandinavian/German documentary and dramatisation, and it is pretty good. It spans the range of time from 1900 to today in Europe and North America, takes what would be an early 20th century upper middle class hippie commune and its connections with modern history (yes, there will be Hitler and trains). Technically the documentary has a wide range as well, in handling and combining material from past and present.

The trailer is on YouTube.


Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #2
In fact the whole thing is on the Internet, if you speak German.

It is in English as well, but I am not sure it is available outside Norway.


Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #3
By dramatisation you mean those stories about dinosaurs, eg?

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #4
Yes, I should have called the thread Dinosaurs & Documentaries. Sorry, force of habit.

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #6
We should do a documentary about DnD.
Since we can't have the name of all the characters, we can put just


The Oscar is ours.  :)

Ok, I accept to negotiate the credits list...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #7
Straight to DVD.

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #8
A D&D from another thread:

Homo they definitely were, from what we now can pick out from their bones and tools, they were something else that what came before them.

From the long-discarded idea of H. erectus as little more than a semi-monkey we have advanced to  dramatisations and documentations like BBC's Planet of the Apemen episode 1, where H. erectus, not H. sapiens, was the top dog.


Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #9
BBC Empire, a five-part series on the British empire, is far too short and superficial to tackle all the upheavals this empire caused during its existence, but still valuable for its insights.


Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #10
The upheavals of that empire have since been well overtaken by great margins so empires are not all in history.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #11
Among other things we've done,

BBC: Supersized Earth A Place To Live


BBC: Supersized Earth The Way We Move


BBC: Supersized Earth Food, Fire And Water


Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #12
Not bad. Public Broadcasting at its best anyway. I've always liked Nova.

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #14
How Putin came to power.

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #15
What this does is show a touch of hypocrisy jimbro.

You are quick enough of others including me of going on about issues to the point of hair pulling yet here again you own personal anti-Russian-Putin constant hypocrisy and constant bitching. Wouldn't be so bad if your own country wasn't so guilty all over the world. On a lesser note they are better at ceremonial than your lot of amateurs!  :up: :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #16
On a lesser note they are better at ceremonial than your lot of amateurs!


Not meant as a burn, and I'm probably more critical after watching the Chinese show how it's done - but I expected tighter ranks in parade before the Queen.  :worried:
India is nice.
I've always liked how Russia includes mechanized divisions in parade. Fun to watch anyway.
Fun to watch too. Nothing grandiose, which is apparently important. The US hell march vid was just shots of this march mixed with crap stock footage of military hardware. Worse so than the British one.
Odd one here. I can't* get past the shitty camera work, or the fact they even showed the camera men getting that crap footage, to comment on the march.

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #17
You forgot the Portuguese march.


Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #18
I thought about a French one. With some quip about marching backwards...

..But it wouldn't be fair. They aren't here to defend themselves. :left: :right:

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #20
I was on about routine ceremonial not that theatrical show business stuff from the US Marines. When it comes to that routine ceremonial aspect I was illustrating they don't have it I am afraid and even many small nations can do better than marching like women. What I would say is that the rifle drill was clever but in the norm? Nah.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #21
I am afraid and even many small nations can do better than marching like women.

First off, that's incredibly sexist. 

And on the other side of that, projecting military power at home isn't really American. I couldn't care less how showy they are..

Re: Dramatisations & Documentaries

Reply #22
I was on about routine ceremonial not that theatrical show business stuff from the US Marines.

It's all theatrics. I'm not impressed by a gaggle of automatons wherever they come from.

When I was in the Navy, such nonsense wasn't in vogue.

The Howie principle: if it's from the U.S., it's inferior.