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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 114793 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #50

Try reading what I said tt92. I mentioned not just one country but in your haste  you obviously missed the obvious. And you act like a routine ex-colonists attitude actually by including Scotland in your pointless comment as we are NOT an independent nation.  :whistle:

Today I Learned: Mr. Howie knows how to use the bold feature.

*looks outside for flying pigs*

Mr. Putin is a twat. Always has been a twat. And now, most of Europe is beginning to agree with us, @rjhowie.   :yikes:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #52
[glow=blue,2,300]The Vladimir Putin Butt Plug Is Now an Uncomfortable Reality [/glow]

Quote from:   ~or~    

A self-described political artist has 3D-printed a butt plug in the shape of Russian president Vladimir Putin's head and torso. And much like the real Putin, it's not necessarily something you want invading your, er, sovereign territory.

Fernando Sosa, whose line of celebrity butt toys also includes a Chris Christie and a that-racist-guy-from-Duck-Dynasty, was only able to print the full-color Putin in sandstone, a material not recommended for anal insertion.

"[Is] this 3d printed Putin Butt Plug Safe for use? [T]he 3D Printed Putin butt-plug is NOT safe for use," Sosa asks and answers on his blog.

A safer pink silicone Putin is in the works, presumably due to at least one person's disappointment at not actually being able to sit on a world leader.

But why Putin in particular? Sosa explains:
Since i started designing this butt plug Putin invaded Ukraine and Republicans have developed a fetish for Putin. I honestly feel that is pretty unpatriotic that the right is now worshiping Putin in order to attack Obama. So i almost wish i could send a couple of these to Fox news since they are so in love with him.

He goes on to declare that the sculpture is a sort of voodoo doll for anyone who opposes Putin's persecution of LGBT people and his incursion into Crimea........Continued

Put Putin in his place.......That's right, where the sun don't shine, & the moon never sets.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #53
Naw Southern laddies, Europe is being forced into agreeing with you. Indeed your President (you know that waffler) has had to admit that Europe would suffer tightening things on Russia but it"needs" to do it. Kind of rich coming from a country that won't be effected. Typical ex-colonist arrogance and hypocrisy. The present and previous US ppresidents have been twats so you obviously been influenced by that no doubt but Putin is very much a clever cookie. When he is interviewed in the annual mass media show for hours (by the way) he comes over knowing much and talking sense. He doesn't want to have hundreds of bases all over the world, destabilise lists of nations, invade them that is America's pride and jhoy and look at the mess they leace each time.

Time after time Puti has indicated no wish to invade East Ukraine but that doesn't stop your Goebells lot in what pases for a political system from coming out with drivel.He has repeatedly stated he has no wish to annexe the East but you lot keep ignoring that. Shows how easy it is to be brained into anything.   And of course SmileyFaze and string are also brained into all the guff from the media which is either guess work or lies. Putin has acted like a diplomat and with Obama and Kerry we have a resurrection of Laurel and Hardy. It just shows that even people who might on the surface seem capable just take in all the shouting lies on television and newspapers.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #54
Naw Southern laddies, Europe is being forced into agreeing with you

Quite right. The facts and Putiekin's actions are forcing Europe into agreement.
destabilise lists of nations, invade them that is America's pride and jhoy and look at the mess they leace each time.

He already already invaded and destabilized Ukraine and happily supplies the separatists with weapons. What's his end game? I can see one of two possibilities: the annexation of the eastern part of Ukraine or more likely creating a client state out of it.
Putin has acted like a diplomat and with Obama and Kerry we have a resurrection of Laurel and Hardy.

I wasn't aware that diplomats seized other nation's territory via obviously rigged elections. I guess maybe they do when they're building an empire. Get ready for Cold War II, thanks to the man you admire so much.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #55
Europe is being forced into agreement because it is the US that is doing the forcing. Europe knows it will suffer in sanctions but the US in it's usual self satisfying way doesn't care a damn as it doesn't effect it!

As for destabilising it was the West led by the good ole US of damn A that supported the demise of a democratically elected government by tugs and terrorists in Kiev may I remind! The East did not support the rebellion and are being punished for it so where are the principles in your convoluted tripe may I ask? Having had the government erased and replaced by one that doesn't care a damn about the East the same region was just meant to lie down and accept such bad matters? You must have been reading comments as you grew up when you should have developed a more careful  and wider appraisal. Then the utter nonsense of stealing Crimea. America and the West will use any subterfuge to accept a referendum when it suits but when it doesn't we get a different stance that is insulting. It was the people of Crimea who wanted to RETURN to where they were happiest. I dare say you were all for the fact that the referendum in the Balkans that seen a province of Serbia taken away was okay? Talk about hypocrisy! They had a referendum which no doubt perhaps initially an embarrassment for Russia as it did NOT have plans to invade. The vote was legitimate and they returned home having been put out by a Communist dictator decades ago. That you side with such an autocratic stance is laughable!

All this guff about Putin is part of the hysterical propaganda being brained into many in the West and you (and to an extend the Colonel) are typical examples of it's success. When it comes to de-stabilising nowhere beats America and because the President of a large nation has the terrible timerity not to accept America's view on being world controller he is abused.  You don't even have the guts to say where you are from unlike me and need to take the propaganda blinkers off.  It is okay for Obama to support the terrorist style actions of the Kiev Army and it's national guard which is full of those neo-Nazi Right Sector. Now the same propaganda machine is making noises about the need to protect the baltic States.

Now there is something brought into the equation because Obama if he has any basic brains,knows he cannot just bellow on about local issues in Ukraine. So throw in the Baltic States which no doubt will make Putin shake his head . It is all part of a Cold War attitude being created by America that land of great principle and morality because Russia does not bend the knee to the US dollar and political autocracy. I wouldn't mind your opinion so much if it was more thought out instead of being so gullible. Hell, i hope Russia starts doing what America has done and starts opening up bases all over the place like S. America and elsewhere! Haha the US would go mental at it's dictatorship stance being "de-stabilised!  :yes: :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #56
I don't trust Putin anymore than any other "world leader".
They are different faces of the same thing.

I was being fooled by attempting to their differences when what's the important part it's what they have in common. Not anymore.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #57

I guess maybe they do when they're building an empire.

WhoTF is building an empire?
WhoTF has build up military bases around the world?
WhoTF is meddling in every corner of the world?
WhoTF is reshaping the Middle East, now Eurasia before pivoting to Asia?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #58
Who has a bee in their bonnet?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #59

I guess maybe they do when they're building an empire.

WhoTF is building an empire?
WhoTF has build up military bases around the world?
WhoTF is meddling in every corner of the world?
WhoTF is reshaping the Middle East, now Eurasia before pivoting to Asia?

Lemme see. China? No.

Australia? Probably not.

Japan? I don't think so.

The US? That's it! I think I got it.

Question: Should the 2018 World Cup be taken from Russia?

Sad to say, Russia is striking back at the heart of the US.
McDonald's Corp , which opened its first Russian restaurant in Moscow in 1990, became an iconic symbol of flourishing American capitalism during the fall of the Soviet Union.

But its Golden Arches may be in the Kremlin's crosshairs as ties between Moscow and Washington have fallen to their lowest point since the end of the Cold War with consecutive rounds of U.S. sanctions over Russia's role in the Ukraine crisis.

"We have identified violations which put the product quality and safety of the entire McDonald's chain in doubt," Anna Popova, the watchdog's head and Russia's chief sanitary inspector, was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #60
He's taking Russia in the right direction and I do wish the US had someone leading it who was moe capable of getting it out of the unfortunate state and the trillions of debt. It's people do deserve something better. On a lesser principled not I don't fathom why Americans get so keen to bring back the Cold war. Some countries do want to think for themselves. As for that cartoonish picture of President Putin it is a bit closer to home for you poor ex-colonists. After all your allies in the  Kiev include the neo-Nazis of the Right Sector. Some are ministers. Thinking on how many were lost in Russia due to Hitler i think that picture is a bit too much in poor state.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #61

I think I got it.

Wasn't very hard to guess. Was it?

BTW, nice picture. Does this suit your taste? You don't have to answer, the question is just rhetorical.
A.H. would have been very happy if he could take advantage of the present resources for his propaganda ...

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #62
The almost hysterical propaganda on Putin is something else and when you get someone intelligent dishing out this poster stuff it is head shaking.One cannot bleat about political process, voting and so on then scream like mad. How a country votes is up to them except if it doesn't suit the white House. Russia has changed and still doing so and it is a quick process after decades of a cruel and bad dictatorship.  Look how long it took the US to try and be "modern" and so wonderful a 'democracy.' The morality is a game play as long as a country plays what the US wants and heaven help it if it doesn't Maybe the attitude that dishes out this Putin hysteria should spend a bit more time looking inside their own country at the millions of poor, unable to pay for treatment, losse homes and jobs after years of lyalty and work. Throw in the playing with laws to suit the government and the corporates who really run the place. It is the gall of witch-hunting Putin instead of looking at it's own fallacies in the West that are paramount. Today's Russia is basically a conservative people (their right) like strong leadership (their right). Looking back at the USSR days with the long queues at shops, shortages, very active secret police, freezing Gulags and so on. Empty streets with few vehicles, state run shops, private homes disallowed and so on. The place is stil changing and getting there a lot faster than the know-it-alls in the ex-colonies.

The fact that so many Americans are sliding along with a rampant and fanatical media is disturbing especially amongst there that should no better. instead they want to go on a USSR kick.Well good for Putin who politely and carefully tells the great hypocrite leader of the West to politely go take a jump! When you look at the last couple of US presidents you could cry. Putin is a clever cookie and the White house the plaything of the corporates.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #64
Oh dear. A kind of usual ex-colonist answer having been brained into it by a fanatical media attitude. The part of georgia you refer to was being picked on by it's own "government" hence the rebellion. It also happened to be a Russian enclave and after the way they were treated in that majority province they WANTED to be part of Russia. Georgia mishandled that becaue they were doing what America wanted not wanted citizens in their own country did. Crimea is raised yet again. How often do you need to be told that it was a referendum organised by those in Crimea? And also remind that they were dumped into Ukraine even though they didn't want to be part of it by the former USSR dictatorship. Or is okay to have referendums as long as your lot decide it is okay? Your vision of the world is based on a false basis that you have some inherent right to be the world decider on everything and any country that doesn't want that will be undermined, ostracised or invaded.

So a place has to comnfirm to what the US wants and if not heaven help them. Try looking inside your own country and sorting out all the faults that effects millions of decent Americans and try keeping your nose out everywhere else. it is NOT your responsibility nor right. Neither morally either. I dare say many over the pond who know little about the outside world and has been proved most couldn't point a place on a map believe what the media lambasts them with. America has now created a new cold war for it's own interests and no-one else's The corporates rule the media so what can we expect to be fair.Try looking at things in a broader and less mind brained view and that would be helpful. Russia is sensible enough not to want bases all over the world while you increase your trillions in debt to justify your imperialism and corporate greed. It makes me shake my head that so many decent people over there have had themselves hi-caked in their loyalty to greedy money barons. You embellish that well by doing a less than proper stance.

ps. And greater continued expansion of the BRICK is good news for the world.

When one considers the actual situation in Georgia and Crimea one cannot blame the Russians there wanting to be in the Russian Federation. You folk have a blinkered and daft view of the world and hardly an example to evryone else are you.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #66

[glow=black,2,300]Crimea annexation unnerves Germans: Poll[/glow]

Quote from:    

Around 60 percent of respondents said they worried that the crisis will lead to a direct military confrontation between Russia and its former Soviet satellite, according to the Politbarometer survey by public broadcaster ZDF.

Of the more than 1,200 people polled this week, 64 percent believed Russia would seize more territory in eastern Ukraine following the annexation of the Crimea peninsula in March.

The proportion of respondents voicing "great concern" over the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin rose to 69 percent from 61 percent in May.

Fighting in eastern Ukraine over the past four months has cost some 2,200 lives, with Ukrainian forces advancing against pro-Moscow separatist rebels in the east.......................continued

You can take the [glow=blue,2,300]Vlad [/glow] out of the [glow=blue,2,300]Soviet Union, [/glow] but you can't take the [glow=blue,2,300]Soviet Union [/glow] out of the[glow=blue,2,300] Vlad. [/glow]

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #67
Utter nonsense there about the USSR and the present day Russian Federation. Your stuff is that typical neo-con, red neck limited grey cells.

I would say your problem like others that are brained like you that America was involved in the general end of fascism (well except for S. America for years where it suited) and the equal general demise of Communism. Because of that it then thought it was untouchable and self-aggrandizement became the norm. The thinking was that it was untouchable even though what went on inside the place contradicted  the so-called "principles." So smugly self-satisfied it then went on the march to have the world follow it's thinking, style and influence. It was if you like over the top nationalism portrayed as being patriotic, wonderful and entitled to have a mission on the world.Tripe of course but the millions had been propagated by the immoral propaganda folk. If anyone tried to do what the US did that was oh so terribly evil but if it die it then that was wonderfully good.

The hierarchy and corporates who rule the place do not take kindly to anyone not accepting what they want and you will get weakened, boycotted or invaded. It seethes the minds of the neo-cons to be challenged and Russia is in that sphere and America cannot subdue it. Now Russia has hit back with sanctions including Europe especially as well as the US and what do you know they are causing big, big problems in the EEC and it's pals. Obama tried to lean on the country it is hock to, namely China and has been told politely to get stuffed. Equally Latin America is in no rush to stop trading opportunities with the giant Russian market. President Putin has played a blinder in diplomacy and good on him. You can fall back on Cold War mentality if you want in desperation for a stance but you are on a sandy foundation boy. Putin has no interest in attacking Ukraine and even if it did that would be that.

Your mindset pals only want to be the usual gung-ho and think anyone outside your control is be rubbished. What you really need to do is reduce your debt, military expenditure and look after tens of millions of poor ex-colonsist rather than trying to pick a fight to detract minds.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #68

Ya need ta get a new paira specks ole fella.........Can't see the page fer yer nose??

[glow=black,2,300]Crimea annexation unnerves Germans: Poll[/glow]

I'm not one bit concerned with your  [glow=red,2,300]'Borscht Buddy' Putin, [/glow]or a resurgence of his lil ole [glow=green,2,300]former[/glow] Soviet Union, or
any Russkie invasions or annexations.......[glow=aqua,2,300]the Germans are.[/glow] 

As far as I see it they're but one American missile strike from extinction anyway & Vice-Verse --
-- they know it...we all know it. Even lil RJH knows it. 

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #69

[glow=black,2,300]Crimea annexation unnerves Germans: Poll[/glow]

I'm not one bit concerned with your  [glow=red,2,300]'Borscht Buddy' Putin, [/glow]or a resurgence of his lil ole [glow=green,2,300]former[/glow] Soviet Union, or
any Russkie invasions or annexations.......[glow=aqua,2,300]the Germans are.[/glow]

Are they?
According to the latest poll made by our unbiased media, Germans believe that the world is flat, and resting on the backs of four elephants (Republican party of the USA?) who, in turn, stand upon the back of a giant, space-faring turtle.

As far as I see it they're but one American missile strike from extinction anyway & Vice-Verse --

That video idolizing the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is something people like you can surely be proud of. Indeed some nice publicity for the USA...

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #70
According to the latest poll made by our unbiased media, Germans believe that the world is flat, and resting on the backs of four elephants (Republican party of the USA?) who, in turn, stand upon the back of a giant, space-faring turtle.

Odd, I've heard the German translations of the Holy Scripture of the Great A'Tuin are rather bad.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #71
Krake, after that last post you knew this was coming, didn't you?

What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #73
Usual mental stuff from neo-con Smiley. You lot think you can do anyone in but those days are gone dear fool. When one looks at the mess ups you made in the Balkans, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, South Vietnam and other places you do get a little carried away. As for Crimea that went back to where IT wanted to belong and had been part of. Hhm, I can remember another history item where the great ole US of A removed a popular Kingdom south of it and took it over as a State of the Union. Bu then when the US does it that is okay. Unlike that island Crimeans voted on it. As for taking on Russia that would be more foolhardy than you know sonny. 

On a general note the propagandist being dished out from Kiev and lovingly lapped up by the world imperial dictatorship is sniping at the food convoys as possible delivery of arms. Talk about desperation? no proof The numbers suffering from starvation, loss of homes, power and water along with food are well in excess of 100,000. What does the USA say about that? Not a damn thing and now Germany is loaning Kiev $500 million dollars to help rebuild the East! What a farce in encouraging destruction of the East where the cradle of industry and the economy then borrow to rebuild it. Even Germany has had to press Kiev on the subject of more local rights but so far nothing from the Kiev junta. Throw in that the more that is loaned the less able Ukraine will be to return it having destroyed it's own economy production in the East of the country. The same stupid lot in Kiev still owe Russia millions as well. The Russians were humanely right about helping the starving instead of listening to the lies from the White House and their puppets in Kiev.

You've been too brained by John Wayne and Aide Murphy stuff Smiley and in reality I would not encourage you to go whooping and go, go, go against Russia. Russia will trade with China that the US can do nothing with and much of South America is giving you two fingers as well so good for them too. Even industrialists in Germany think their government is wrong ins sanctions and so do other sensible politicians. Rightacross Europe farmers and others are going ballistic about the money they are losing and maybe lose a trade permanently.

It is not Russia that is making warlike threats but the usual US led cabal and they are being totally stupid so if you go ballistic Smiley I would do it here because you might have to keep some of your money for coffin aid taking on the Russian Federation in real ballistics. Hhhm, maybe, maybe, you should try that and once it is iver and there is no bossy boots America there will actually be fewer wars created. Yeah,,hhhm maybe........  :yes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #74
Rj, face it. Your love affair with Vlad Putin is unrequited. He doesn't even know who you are. Pick up the pieces of your life and move on.