Re: The Problem with Atheism
Reply #754 –
The real example of Republican lunacy is everything anti-Democrat
Well, Dobbin, you've got your plot to plow... Do you ever wonder what the crop will be? :)
The Republican Party began as an anti-slavery (abolitionist) movement. That it supported the constitution and its Bill of Rights (and the Declaration's stance) is hardly surprising... The Post-Civil War amendments were (and are) important; Republican malfeasance and Democrat (Party) supported illegality (KKK and Jim Crow) kept the country from pursuing a staid course -- re-uniting a divided country.
The Wilson administration wss all that the Dems of today could want: Rampant government enforced racism, government censorship and "Ministry of Truth"-like powers to protect the administration, eugenics and abortion to keep power where it belongs, and the denigration and dilution of our "democratic" values -- traditions of self-government, free speech, religious toleration, the right of free assembly; and that bugaboo of the left, property rights.
(Not to mention the right to "keep and bear" arms, since authoritarians of all stripes abhor such...:)
To you, ersi, these are pretensions? Your superficiality is a bulwark against thinking and learning; but as long as you feel safe from upset (cognitive dissonance), your tutelage by Marxist ideology serves you well!!
I'm not surprised that you (and others) "buy" the "insurrection" scenario. That you think the Watergate fiasco was important, indeed, determinative of our politics, only highlights your superficiality...
[A]n extremely scandalous Republican power-grabbing conspiracy[,]
Watergate was a small group of "cowboys" playing "dirty tricks" à la the Democrats. And Nixon's misplaced loyalty cost him his presidency. And gave the country the Carter presidency...the definitive "Buyer's Remorse" election.
Yes, my self-identification as "alt-right" was more than a little tongue-in-cheek: But Paleoconservative doesn't have the same cachet... (Know your audience!) I write as an American, which seems to irritate some folk. (Indeed, some are still so anti-America that even Biblical proscriptions -something about "motes and beams" (Matthew 7:5)- fail to admonish or correct...) If I take it right: Only when Americans exhibit all of the worst traits of Europeans will we be accepted as equals!?
Sorry to disappoint the old guard, but we've got our own problems to deal with... And pleasing the remnant of a past nobility, placating its pretensions of power and pacifying its penchant for precarious alliances should nor be the focus of U.S., foreign policy.