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Topic: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes (Read 3957 times)

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #1
Did your cat hijack your account? This must be the first time ever that RJ posts a link. And there's no rant either, very much unlike RJ  :sherlock:

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #2
It's cool. ;)

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #3
The Express.  :lol:
You can tell when the unionists are getting desperate when they are dragging that one up for the umpteenth time.
Oh wait it's not new, that one is from 2016.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #4
Luxor with his usual stuff of course folks!

His lot are from spaced out time having parades called "Under one banner"  marching with the saltire flag they have stolen. Had one her in Glasgow and another elsewhere and the latest one away up in Jacobite country in Inverness. Unfortunately poor old Luxor has to get desperate because I would remind you dear foreign folk that his lot lost mass numbers of votes in Local Council, Scottish parliament and UK Elections. Their former leader got dumped out by a Scots Tory as did their Westminster leader so they have to desperately have these events. poor folls are not going to get independence. So they flag way doing different places because they lost so much. All those Luxors flag waving along the streets with a wee group of demonstrations spread as far as they can to give the impression of something which they are NOT!

Having bought a 20 foot flagpole and Union flag for my front garden must get it put up to show we are keeping that lot at bay. Yeow!

ps. The mention of rant is an excuse for limited grey cell use by would-be wonder mind thoughts. It is an excuse for not being able to fathom strong views not a lack!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #5
Yawn!  :zzz:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #6
Of course boy you will yawn because it is a way to cope with the hard fact that independence is a no-no. Yawn away poor man.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #7
Your posts have that affect on people.  :zzz:  :zzz:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #8
Well heid the ba' you can be as smart alex as you like and have as much chance of independence as me kissing the Pope's ring! So these parades are a subtle way of keeping the modern Jacobites excited and encouraged. May I remind general readers of my informing how the Nationalists lost so many votes in Council, Edinburgh and UK General Election votes. Imagne them losing their previous Leader Salmond to the Tories they always rabbit on about as well as that corner doing well in each of thos election corners. So Luxor can be as smart as he wants but folks I can illustrate the hard facts of truth an the Labour Party making a modest increase and the Tories of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party being second in each of those votes by massive numbers.

The wee soul that leads the SNP is a laugh these days and when challenged on hard truths in the Scots parliament will come out with junk that they "are working on issues.2 Ten years and they are a disgrace. Even UK soldiers in Scotland earning over £26,000 are suffering increased taxation (ours system under the Scottish Nose Pickers also now have a higher general tax thing than anywhere else in GB. The uniting of all the police forces has created financial as well as other problems. Health service issues mucking up the British Transport Police north of the Border as well. So dear watchers Luxor can be as amusing as he wants but the hard facts are more of a truth and swiping at me is a rather immature way out!!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #9
Serious question rj.
Do you ever have anything new to say? All we ever see from you is the same repetitive guff that you have been spouting for longer than any of us would care to remember.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #10
Not always the same Luxor especially that historical thing about a leading SNP man (remember him actually) and his Nazi leanings.  For the wider readership it is important to emphasise the inability to acknowledge what I have told readers here about the massive decline in voting for your pals in the different types of elections (whoo!). Being an honest man from the centre of the universe (Glasgow of course) it is okay for me to passingly knock you for your inability to challenge anything and instead fall back on appearing modest, amusing and so on. Now dear readers here is another failing from Luxor's tartan waving corner.

While ago Viviane Reding then EU Commission Vice-President told Christine McKelvie, convenor of the Scots parliament European & External Relations lot that if a territory of a member State ceases to be part of that State that breakaway will no longer be a member of the EU! Shows SNP hypocrisy. Don't mind Luxor's satirical stuff to a short degree but the poor man has to fall back on that as everything I have reported is true.  Independence is not going to happen and that wee pest that runs the SNP constantly repeating herself and forced into a corner by the more intolerant nationalists knows she has a problem keeping them happy while losing votes and influence.

The more intelligent readers here will see that my direct statements cannot be refuted by poor Luxor  :-[ . Shame for the sad bloke stuffing his grey cells into something that will not happen and having to be funny (well he has been!).

"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #11
Just as I thought, the answer is no you never have anything new to say.
Bawbags never do.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #12
And you cannot answer them at all poor man. Can slag me off but doesn't say much about your capability. Keep sending marchers to different places but won't get you a damn inch any closer to independence!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #13
And you cannot answer them at all poor man.
There's nothing to be gained by discussing things with a bigot.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #14
Now being unable to answer very direct matters you now crawl into bigot stuff? Do try and state why you poor ineffectual.........
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #15
Quote from: Merriam-Webster
Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #16
Have given you up to now the general benefit of doubt on using intelligence wisely but I am afraid you have proved daft.  Cannot answer the hard truths being given or the stats in the Council, Holyrood and UK results, loss of lists of councillors plus MSP's and UK MP's. It is one thing wanting to think oneself as being sophisticated and snooty but the body-swerving has proved something else.  Slagging me off against the hard facts of political life is daft.  What I stated about the EU situation is factual as well but your being supercilious shows damn all!  When it comes to bigotry your Nats pals are full of that stuff and Unionists treated abominably. Call me waht you like and leave it at that and I will too seeing I have been more detailed.  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #17
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #18
Folks you will note that this clown like stuff from Luxor is dumbness. Can call me what he likes rather than use the grey cells because the points cannot be dealt with and the latest news on education shortage in local schools plus the mess the police force is in since his lot of Jacobite pals have messed up since amalgamating all in one national force is shocking. Short of money and officers on  the beat as well! The conclusive answer to capability is this..... :faint:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #19
You're still yacking bigot. Beat it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #20
Can I say to the rest of you that it is obvious the ignorant reaction I am getting stating actuals and getting slagged off for it!  Luxor does NOT want to answer the views of so many in Scotland because he is being narrow minded and I have stated factual truth news. Okay7 for him to ignore truth facts and dismiss opposition by dodging. Inability to answer things and instead showing calling a vicious name is instead is being very ignorant What I have state everyone is the general stance of the other main political parties in Scotland so does that make them all bigots?? Oh and I will "beat it" because you are getting away with a closed mind attitude and in your place here that is not right in getting away with that.
Bye, bye..............
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Uh-oh. Scottish National Party historical Nazi attitudes

Reply #21
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.