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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 353677 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #575
I don't buy that. While the American ideal may be e pluribus unum, that abstract concept describes neither reality nor a realistically attainable (or desirable) goal. Au fond the American stew is "Protestant" Anglo-Dutch, mostly inspired by Puritanism and European Enlightenment, with a few spices. The multicultural, multi-ethnic society is a liberal idée fixe to be taken with a huge grain of salt. An idée fixe which is oddly mirrored by conservatives in their fear of a decline in national unity and an unwarranted distrust in America's Americanizing capacity.

Another one turning Catholic... culturally Catholic, I mean.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #576
Nor is one remotely one that I claimed to support.  Nor does it have anything to do with the video I posted. I have no idea why Oakdale is confusing me with Jax and that shall remain a mystery.

Hm, good point. Let's put our crystal balls away.  :sherlock:

Another one turning Catholic... culturally Catholic, I mean.

I'd say I'm more culturally Protestant, but I suppose the differences with Catholicism are greatly exaggerated. :P

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #577
I'd say I'm more culturally Protestant, but I suppose the differences with Catholicism are greatly exaggerated.  :P

You don't know what you say, so I forgive you...  :rolleyes:


The American voting something thread, now I'm going to vote as an invited intention voter... :)

Very much against my will, I can't vote for the conservative Republicans since they show to be a bunch of imbeciles.
That makes to remain Democrats and lunatics.

I'll vote for the lunatics.

That was the voting from the Lisbon juri. :)

A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #578
No harm to RC's Frenzie but the difference betwixt Protestantism and Romanism is exaggerated?1 Dear, oh dear, you reflect a social Prot thinking there chum. i don't disrespect Rome's right to exist as that would not be very thinking on freedom and rights but you re wrong in your passing comment.

Anyway what passes for a political system in the ex-colonies is in the usual simple terms - a joke. It does not matter a tinker's proverbial curse who wins the Presidential farce as all the spied on, poor, rights infringed, suffering in the US of A will still be stuck and so will the world with a global imperial war-mongering tyrant. If real democracy ever came to the USA it would cause social upheaval trying to adapt to it.

And hey, Belfrager, me beingaa train and tram fan if I ever went to Lisbon to get a ride on thiose trams going up those narrow steep streets I would treat you to a big mac!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #579
It does not matter a tinker's proverbial curse who wins the Presidential farce as all the spied on, poor, rights infringed, suffering in the US of A will still be stuck and so will the world with a global imperial war-mongering tyrant.
(emphasis added)
Perhaps the more civilized, democratic, cultured and wiser peoples of the world should get off their duffs and do something… :)
Nah! Watch your telly. Senescence and senility go hand in hand. :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #580
That makes to remain Democrats and lunatics.

I'll vote for the lunatics.

Mr. Howie isn't an American. Back to the drawing board.

The global imperial war-mongering tyrant

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #581

That was the voting from the Lisbon juri. :)

Lot of sabre-rattling lately. What next? War with Russia? War with China?

The grand jury from Hundsfotzhausen came to the conclusion that he would be the best choice for president.
The guy has balls.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #582
The grand jury from Hundsfotzhausen came to the conclusion that he would be the best choice for president.
The guy has balls.

Indeed he has... what a marveilous president...
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #583
Be careful what you wish for.
A woman who suffered horrific injuries after being mauled by a crazed chimpanzee has spoken for the first time about her ordeal.
Charla Nash, who had most of her face torn off during the frenzied attack, has also allowed herself to be photographed for the first time since the attack eight months ago.

Read more:
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Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #584
Yep back to the drawing board indeed!

Mind you I think what the US does need is a really fundamental look at it's board as it is unfortunately rather limiting. In fairness I don't think it was meant to go that way in the early days if you respect the integrity of some of the early political thinking but the disappointment is that it has well drifted away from hoped for progress. Leaving aside the easy digs at corporates and the tens of thousands of lobby folk on the Hill the average citizen is not getting better off in general and the gap between the top and routine is getting awfully big. Politically as far as actual parties go is far too reduced due to the big two. In other countries where say a Socialist participation is routine such people are almost treated as ghastly.

The country does need a far wider political party involvement and millions of Americans know this and  the last election on the hill with the percentage of voters kind of illustrated this need. In a wdier franchise more could be spent internally than externally and i am sure there are many who feel that too but sadly the corporate people are very deep into both Democrats and republicans. It must be deeply frustrating to many an intelligent citizen  that the system needs more than a tweek and the young these days are becoming more aware hence the interest in a Socialist wanting to be President.  That will not happen and although it is not my corner it would however if possible be a big boost to many in the States.

Nothing wrong to be basically proud of a nation without having to be nationalist although a person can be frustrated at how the system has been misused. A decent people deserve a better system all round and for now it does sadly make no difference how gets into the White House. The chances are it will be Clinton and thankfully I do not live over the water because she is not my cup of tea (soory coffe drinkers!). All round a decent people being hijacked.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #585
..... chances are it will be Clinton and thankfully I do not live over the water because she is not my cup of tea (soory coffe drinkers!). All round a decent people being hijacked.



Now, I do expect the people blinded in the last 2 elections, to be further blinded by the desire to go down in history as being responsible for electing the [glow=green,2,300]"First Woman President in American History"[/glow], to ignore her baggage, & do their
unpatriotic best for Vince Foster's whore.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #586
Now, I do expect the people blinded in the last 2 elections, to be further blinded by the desire to go down in history as being responsible for electing the "First Woman President in American History", to ignore her baggage, & do their
unpatriotic best for Vince Foster's whore.

I listened to all the woe speakers in the last two elections, and I'm no worse off than I was eight years better, either.

Now it's time to listen to all the wailing about Hillary. Frankly, I don't give a damn if she wins or not, but if she wins the walls won't come tumbling down. The same goes for the hundreds of would-be Republican hopefuls.

I know you're a Republican, Smileyfaze, so I'd like to know who you favor. That goes for our favorite supercilious poster (you know who you are). Don't be shy boys.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #587
This tongue-in-cheek tidbit appeared in the Opinion page of a liberal newspaper under the line 'What would each candidate like out of the rest of the debates?'

There must be a portion of each debate where Donald Trump can tell the other candidates “You’re fired” and send one or more of them home.
Donald Trump gets a special podium that is made of fake marble and says TRUMP on it in gold letters.
Only Donald Trump can talk.
Other candidates can talk if they want to say something about how Great and Huge Donald Trump is, but if their remarks start to seem mean-spirited or tongue-in-cheek their microphones must be shut off.

Dr. Carson must not be asked any questions, but he must be allowed to talk so that people can see how calm and reasonable he is in his demeanor. His microphone must be muted during those times and subtitles used to let the American people know what he is really saying, as distinct from the words that come out of his mouth, which can sometimes confuse people as to what he means.

No questions about HP.
At least one question asking “Of all the candidates, who here is a woman equipped to defeat the woman Hillary Clinton?”

“Current format of the debates is fine. CNBC did a good job.” Also, Jeb Bush should be allowed to ask Rubio whatever questions he likes.

The format of the debate should be a Fox News show hosted by Mike Huckabee.
In his debate requests, Huckabee thought about including a portion called Make Awful Remarks About The Holocaust until he realized that Ben Carson might win.

Ted Cruz should be allowed one filibuster per debate. There should also be a Dramatic Speech From “The Crucible” portion of the debate because Ted Cruz could really go to town on that.

Rand Paul would like a rogue drone to be released into the debate arena at the beginning and start carrying away all the candidates who have not previously filibustered about it. He also demands snacks on the grounds that if you aren’t ever going to point the camera at him or let him talk he doesn’t want to just have to stand there without snacks.

Lindsay Graham would like the debate to include Lindsay Graham.

Jeb would like to be allowed not to participate in the debate and to go sit in a bunker made of money until this primary is over. Can he do that, please?

Bobby Jindal would like to know what’s the matter with him.What’s the matter with him, America? Is he so bad? Here is some more creepy video he took of his family. Does that help? No? Then what WILL help?

Chris Christie would like the debate format to be one debate where Chris Christie debates Hillary Clinton, followed by another debate where everyone else debates everyone else. Failing that, he would like the format of the debate to be a Bruce Springsteen concert.

Rick Santorum is just happy to be here and wishes the dress code could be lowered to include sweater vests.

George Pataki would like the debate to include a 10-minute video explaining who he is and letting America know that he has been running for president!

Jim Gilmore has been running for president THIS WHOLE TIME, you guys! He would like the debate to reflect that.

John Kasich requests that there be two separate debates: one for people who will run this country into the ground and who make his head hurt just to look at, and one for people who won’t. He also requests that he be allowed to decide who is on each of those two lists. Drat, his head hurts already. Never mind, he would like to debate by himself.

Can he come? He really enjoys being asked to participate in these things! They’re his joy! He has a guitar, you guys!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #588
I do wish that the nation had a wider political width and that the large numbers of people who get a feeling they are not being noted could get a better system. The decency and hopes of so many get only partly answered due to the well funded control of the big two. It may have been partly okay at one time but these days a wider thing is perhaps needed. Many will of course love their country but still be a bit put out with what passes for a political situation in these times?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #589
That was funny Jimbro3738 but funnier would be to make us, the non Americans, to chose a candidate based on that.
My choice would be "CHRISTIE".
Because "he would like the format of the debate to be a Bruce Springsteen concert."

Who the hell is that one? and all the others?
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #590
Who are they? Why, they're the Republican clown show, and, at the moment, Carson is chief clown. Democrats are praying that Carson becomes the candidate because he's batshit crazy.

"Dear God, please make Dr. Carson the Republican presidential candidate and I promise to store my grain in a pyramid!"
Let me add an eighth stupid statement.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #591

Who are they? Why, they're the Republican clown show, and, at the moment, Carson is chief clown. Democrats are praying that Carson becomes the candidate because he's batshit crazy.

"Dear God, please make Dr. Carson the Republican presidential candidate and I promise to store my grain in a pyramid!"
Let me add an eighth stupid statement.

This sort of thing just makes me shake my head in sadness. Where do they get these goofy ideas?

I'm a Christian, and a Creationist to boot.  Having to listen to the strange ideas spouted by people who claim to believe as I do is--something else.

Here's a clue: According to Genesis, Joseph was given the task of storing the excess grain from the 7 good years so that there would be food through the 7 bad years. They had barns, and likely as not grain silos of some sort. Barns and silos are NOT new inventions by any means. Further, it's far easier and quicker to build storage barns than it is to build pyramids. You can put up a barn in a matter of days, and it doesn't even take that much labor. Pyramids took decades of slave labor to erect, and they only had 7 good years-- remember?

Pyramids were the burial chambers of the ruling class. They never would have been used for storing grain.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #592
Who are they? Why, they're the Republican clown show, and, at the moment, Carson is chief clown.

You should be a Republican, you are a conservative at everything... True Democrats needs to be pro homosexual and a lot of other pro-something that you aren't.
Including pro-European :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #593
Jimbro a conservative? - will be interesting to see the response!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #594
Indeed! I look forward to it… :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #595

Who are they? Why, they're the Republican clown show, and, at the moment, Carson is chief clown.

You should be a Republican, you are a conservative at everything... True Democrats needs to be pro homosexual and a lot of other pro-something that you aren't.
Including pro-European :)

Puzzlement. And you know these things, how!?! Febrile imagination, I suppose.


Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #597
Now it's time to listen to all the wailing about Hillary. Frankly, I don't give a damn if she wins or not, but if she wins the walls won't come tumbling down. The same goes for the hundreds of would-be Republican hopefuls.

Some people forget to pick up a program on their way in. If I got to pick today how the second act would go it's a coin toss between Hilary and Trump. Those are shit shows I'd watch. But really when those two wear thin the Republicans are just hoping you looked across the stage and liked one of the other actors.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #599
In case that's true, than Jim will have to visit an exorcist.  :devil:

That would be... interesting.
A matter of attitude.