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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 362700 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #500
With a two-party corporate control it doesn't help the democracy side at all. I don't have any time for the KKK whilst at the same time wasn't it the case the founder did not have in mind what it eventually turned out to be?

That Democrats can be just as head shaking as much of the Republican corner illustrates some system oddity. On the other side  wasn't it the Republicans who were up to their ears in the un-American activities purges back in the 1950's? Some really odd situations altogether when you just observe.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #501
On the other side  wasn't it the Republicans who were up to their ears in the un-American activities purges back in the 1950's?
You mean the Soviets infiltrating our government, trade unions, ngo's and industries being found out? :) Attempting to overthrow the U.S. government by subversion is — oh, what are the words I'm looking for? Hm. … Oh, yeah: An act of war!
Your Great Kingdom had so many Communists in positions of power that your tabloids gave up trying to keep track! (Not to mention, how many British were committed to the Red Cause…) But you'd become close enough to their views that nothing more was needed…
When you speak of our "purges" you show your extreme ignorance, RJ. Just because Joe McCarthy was a buffoon doesn't mean that his premise was wrong; in fact (in documented fact), he was right.

You're just sad we haven't yet become as Red as you-all!

What will you do, when the North Sea oil runs out? Sell Irn Bru? :) (Surely, the English will have given you the boot, by then… The Welsh don't matter. And the Irish will once again remain neutral, ever willing to cut off their nose to spite their face — which trait I suspect they got from your lot.) Of course, if you can see America in ruins before then, you'll be happy!
Dream on… :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #503
Well Oakdale you have just proved your an imbecile head on. That the principle of Mccarthyism was okay? Duh. So it was okay to have the American Nazi party but not the Communists and you lot yak about being a democracy? Over there unless you are a Republican or Democrat you have no chance of anything outside of that hence the low vote at your last general election. We practice democracy whilst you talk about it as a country. Maybe you could explain why in a would-be democracy much of the control is by the millionaire set? Why a million a year lose homes, why 40 million out of 300 million are poor and living on food stamps, why you run a military you cannot afford but would rather spend on it and warring in the world than dealing with all those fellow citizens who are blighted? Rockwell would have been right up your street no problem.

On a more general note for sensible ex-colonists here (and I don't let a neo-fascist effect it) I note that the Vice-President is wondering if he should stand. As far as the Democrats are concerned he would probably be a better consideration than that stroppy mouthed female Clinton. Spying and intrigue was only done by the Sovetis? For goodness sake how stupid are you? U2 was an excursion that made a mistake perhaps. For a country that sniffs at monarchies you are well into aristocratic family stuff eh? She was hopeless in international affairs and wars as well as lying her damn head off. Maybe Biden would be less controversial and as for the republicans they are in joke land with a whole army of would-be candidates including idiots.  There are many sensible and decent folk in the ex-colonies who would (without being extremist) others on the Hill apart from the corporate controlled Democrats and republicans but those two have corrupted things beyond routine and decency. Both lie to the people and folk are stuck with a system that no longer suited the country in modern times.

One can only groan and hope that a real and wide democracy was to morph into such a military and corporate State - and before it goes bankrupt or the Commies in China call in their debts. People over there NEED a wider choice in Congress or Senate than they are getting.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #504

Well Oakdale.....(old keech deleted)

Hey there old chap, remind us who rules the waves these days?

But hey, at least "Britain never, never will be slaves...."eh?  :devil:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #505
and before it goes bankrupt or the Commies in China call in their debts.

You hear this sometimes, usually in a rant of some kind... :whistle: ...But it doesn't seem likely. The Chinese can't do anything to devalue the currency they hold so much of. Not at this point anyway.

There's the optimistic view - That the "Commies" will collapse under capitalism and the US eventually settles that debt for cents on the dollar.  :)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #506
Ha ha nice one.

As for you Colonel Rebel just look at the mess you have made of ruling the waves. Up to your neck as a country in trillions of debt bu the armament manufacturers making sure they get their dollars. You cannot afford that military but you lot are so whacked into thinking you have some given right to rule the world. You even sail your "fleet" as near to mainland China as possible which shows your scurrilous lack of principle that the Reds have indirectly give you the chance to have the ships. A bit of goodness is that 3 or is it 4 Chinese navy ships are at present in the Baring Strait as near as to Alaska as they can so good to see someone playing your game in return. Oh, ho, you won't like that over there although you think it is okay for you to do it!

As for the nationalist heavy Oakdale wanting to deplete 'keech' I just say that really takes the biscuit as it is a great Scots word for that Americanism exported everywhere and namely 'crap.' I prefer not to be harnessed by American nonsense that others are propagated into like that crap word, awesome, law enforcement, etc.

Anyway the farce that the corporates allow and called an election will make no damn difference to the tens of millions of poor in America and it is bad enough seeing a whole army of Republicans wanting to be President but Clinton on the other side?? Neither party will be much different and that has been shown by Obama killing more by drones than GW, ignoring sovereign borders, creating more spying on US citizens who think they are free. Instead of running a giant miltary you cannot afford and insteadspending something on the increasing numbers suffering inside your own borders the problem will only be dealt with when you go belly up.

Mind you maybe you in a practical sense should reduce things militarily as a soldier commits suicicide every day and there are 10 million ex-colonists with well mental issues.

Thanks for reminding me.... :cheers:

ps. That is Irn Bru so don't get flashy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #507

Ha ha nice one.

As for you Colonel Rebel just look at the mess you have made of ruling the waves. Up to your neck as a country in trillions of debt bu the armament manufacturers making sure they get their dollars. You cannot afford that military but you lot are so whacked into thinking you have some given right to rule the world. You even sail your "fleet" as near to mainland China as possible which shows your scurrilous lack of principle that the Reds have indirectly give you the chance to have the ships. A bit of goodness is that 3 or is it 4 Chinese navy ships are at present in the Baring Strait as near as to Alaska as they can so good to see someone playing your game in return. Oh, ho, you won't like that over there although you think it is okay for you to do it!

As for the nationalist heavy Oakdale wanting to deplete 'keech' I just say that really takes the biscuit as it is a great Scots word for that Americanism exported everywhere and namely 'crap.' I prefer not to be harnessed by American nonsense that others are propagated into like that crap word, awesome, law enforcement, etc.

Anyway the farce that the corporates allow and called an election will make no damn difference to the tens of millions of poor in America and it is bad enough seeing a whole army of Republicans wanting to be President but Clinton on the other side?? Neither party will be much different and that has been shown by Obama killing more by drones than GW, ignoring sovereign borders, creating more spying on US citizens who think they are free. Instead of running a giant miltary you cannot afford and insteadspending something on the increasing numbers suffering inside your own borders the problem will only be dealt with when you go belly up.

Mind you maybe you in a practical sense should reduce things militarily as a soldier commits suicicide every day and there are 10 million ex-colonists with well mental issues.

Thanks for reminding me.... :cheers:

ps. That is Irn Bru so don't get flashy.

3 responses:

1. "I" did none of that. Being as how you think generalization is a-ok, I'll just lump you into the Scots for Independence group, as generalizing is apparently your preferred way of doing things.

2. It wasn't Oakdale who used the word "old keech", it was I, and it was I who deleted your old keech ramblings so as to get back to the point.  :cheers:

3. Care to remind me whose Bank(s) are also employing Quantitive Easing as well? (Not that I expect you to know what it is of course)

Finally, what an awesome bunch of cops you no doubt have over there, who do not think their jobs are crap:devil: :devil: :devil:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #508
Stomachs are churning again after China’s stockmarket endured its biggest one-day fall since 2007; even Chinese state media called August 24th “Black Monday”. From the rand to the ringgit, emerging-market currencies slumped. Commodity prices fell into territory not seen since 1999. The contagion infected Western markets, too. Germany’s DAX index fell to more than 20% below its peak. American stocks whipsawed: General Electric was at one point down by more than 20%.

Rich-world markets have regained some of their poise. But three fears remain: that China’s economy is in deep trouble; that emerging markets are vulnerable to a full-blown crisis; and that the long rally in rich-world markets is over. Some aspects of these worries are overplayed and others are misplaced. Even so, this week’s panic contains the unnerving message that the malaise in the world economy is real.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #509
Mind you maybe you in a practical sense should reduce things militarily as a soldier commits suicicide every day and there are 10 million ex-colonists with well mental issues.

The ex-teacher in me can't bypass this any longer.
with well mental issues
Mind you maybe you
From The Telegraph.
"More British soldiers commit suicide than die in battle, figures suggest."

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #510

From The Telegraph.
"More British soldiers commit suicide than die in battle, figures suggest."

This could be changed easily by starting new wars.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #511
This could be changed easily by starting new wars.

I'm sure we will. Germany seems to have lost its appetite for war, but we may not have. Only time will tell.


Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #512
Nice try about the number of solider deaths here by suicide and especially when they are in figures around the two dozen to 30 mark which is a hell of  of a way lower than 365.

Anyway on the Presidential farce procedure it does not matter whether the corporate Republicans or corporate Democrats win as it will not make a damn difference to ordinary Americans. Both parties are up to their ears in drones, war, destabilising and so on. Many sensible people know they are stuck with the system and any chance of another party getting in has as much chance as me kissing the Papal ring. I think that IS sad (the system not kissing the ring). This built-in and narrowed down system does not provide the people with what they should have and that is a broad based democracy. As many here on the forum re also aware the tradition of keeping up wars has a more background one of the money barons in the armament industry and whoever is voted into the White House will keep that going. Too many have had propaganda drummed into them by politicians and much of the media that is all about "security."  This is damnable and at the same time frustrating for the sensible minds.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #513
Nice try about the number of solider deaths here by suicide and especially when they are in figures around the two dozen to 30 mark which is a hell of  of a way lower than 365.
RJ, if you commit suicide — that's 100% dead. If you have a brother and he does and you don't — that's 50%. If your military commit suicide —in proportion to others— what does that say? To you: Nothing; you don't deal with real-world problems! You were (and only could have been) a government employee: Playing with statistics is what kept you employed, and ignoring problems was how you made your living.

How many Scots are in your military? What percentage is two dozen or 30, compared with how many are in the U.S.'s military? (I know it's math! But, Geeze!, hadn't you got past the not eating paste and learning to color inside the lines level of education? I'll understand, that you never learned to write grammatical English: You aren't English! But you'd be ruled by them, because you know -deep down in your heart- all Scottish politicians are nuts! :) SNP seems to be one of your boogie-men. So: Do the math, or ask someone to do it for you…
What answer do you get?)
This built-in and narrowed down system does not provide the people with what they should have and that is a broad based democracy.
You mean, like electing and following the leadership of people like Nicola Sturgeon? :)
RJ, you are always hoist on your own petard! Had you sense enough to stay home and only protect your own, your attacks wouldn't likely injure you. The offense you suffer is of your own making: You're silly presumptions cause you to appear a goat looking for —any!— other to take its place!
That does make you seem ridiculous! You know? :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #514
This from a country that has Trump in the frame?

I live in a far wider democracy than you do and get out more. Trillions in debt and a massive military you cannot afford but that is a must or your corporate military supply industry will not be happy. And may i again remind you AGAIN as you don't seem to have lasting continuity that Scotland is part of Gt Britain and we do NOT have a separate army. With the cock-up your military made in South Vietnam and the laughable training of the Iraqi army keep your gas at a peep house hermit.

Anyway for the 40 plus million poor in the "greatest country in the world" ( :o), millions losing homes, people gunned down where is the progress inside the country? it doesn't happen and where it does it is amongst the corporate rich who run a system which lacks democracy and rights of the people. The stuff in that Constitution sounds good but in practice it has not worked for an awful long time. Clinton is a liar and a waste of space and I would not put her in charge of a midden never mind a country. As for the other lot laughing at them is not a direction but head shaking is.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #515
This from a country that has Trump in the frame?

Let's not forget Salmond and Sturgeon. You must know that Trump is going nowhere, sad to say. He'd make an outstanding choice from the Democrat perspective.
The percentage of households falling below society's minimum standard of living in Scotland has increased from 14 per cent to 33 per cent over the last 30 years, despite the size of the economy doubling. This is one of the stark findings from the largest study of poverty and deprivation ever conducted in the UK.
In Scotland today, when comparing people's actual living standards with the minimum standards which the public thinks everyone should have, researchers found:
almost one million people cannot afford adequate housing conditions
800,000 people are too poor to engage in common social activities
over a quarter of a million children and adults aren't properly fed

And that's out of a  population of 5,347,600.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #516
Apparently only 432 people own over 90% of Scotland's private lands.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #517

Apparently only 432 people own over 90% of Scotland's private lands.

Is anybody surprised? Much of the thinking is still feudal, with lairds owning great mansions and much of the land-- and serfs/freemen of one sort or another dependent upon the laird for their well-being.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #518

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #519

Chickens comin' home ta roost?

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #520

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #521
Neither Sturgeon or Salmond are like Trump and fine you know it jimbro and is your way of trying to avoid how much of a laugh your country is in the world.

As for mjsmsprt40. He well emphasises the traditional American tradition of getting a wee bit of information and misusing it to hide the way America is run. May I remind him and other part knowledge gaspers that the vast areas that are so owned are hardly places that are part of routine society. Those estates are usually in places towns would not be visited especially in the mountainous areas of the Highlands. It is the usual ex-colonist simpleton brain use that does a body swerve from the way their own nut job land is run. Cities that go bankrupt, large numbers of homeless and poor that are supposed to be living in the world's greatest place ( dear, oh dear). If you lot had a wide and proper democracy instead of the farce run by corporates and Wall Street. Much of this country is not suitable for building on due to the geography but then with the duh education in the US that shows here hardly surprising!

As for the Presidential farce and which will be decided by the corporate money barons there isn't a decent candidate at all. Whoever is elected it will not make a damn difference to the trillions of debt the desperation to be militarily and imperial world rules the tens of millions of poor and so on.  Over two centuries and still never grown up!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #522

Neither Sturgeon or Salmond are like Trump and fine you know it jimbro and is your way of trying to avoid how much of a laugh your country is in the world.

As for mjsmsprt40. He well emphasises the traditional American tradition of getting a wee bit of information and misusing it to hide the way America is run. May I remind him and other part knowledge gaspers that the vast areas that are so owned are hardly places that are part of routine society. Those estates are usually in places towns would not be visited especially in the mountainous areas of the Highlands. It is the usual ex-colonist simpleton brain use that does a body swerve from the way their own nut job land is run. Cities that go bankrupt, large numbers of homeless and poor that are supposed to be living in the world's greatest place ( dear, oh dear). If you lot had a wide and proper democracy instead of the farce run by corporates and Wall Street. Much of this country is not suitable for building on due to the geography but then with the duh education in the US that shows here hardly surprising!

As for the Presidential farce and which will be decided by the corporate money barons there isn't a decent candidate at all. Whoever is elected it will not make a damn difference to the trillions of debt the desperation to be militarily and imperial world rules the tens of millions of poor and so on.  Over two centuries and still never grown up!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #523
Jimbro! Why the hell do you repeat rj's maniacal ill-informed mis-spelled ungrammatical gibberish?Is it to emphasise what utter drivel it is and expose the poor devil's shortcomings? Most of us realise it if we read it the first time.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #524
My apologies, Jimbro.
I have since read the rest of today's posts and find myself doing the same thing.
What a sad little slogan-chanter he is.