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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 352919 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #450
Your corner is still worse not having a welfare state.

Indeed when you stop the million a year losing homes, 40 million on food stamps, tens of millions with education problems even basically and trillions in debt then spout. Immigrants here do okay sadly like that woman with the begging stuff and the now ex-Labour Leader doing that money drop for scurrilous filming reasons. The would-be liberal minds jump on the nonsense about poverty which is nothing like poverty in the ex-colonies and when you see the size of our welfare bill it only proves my point hence why so many immigrants instead of doing the UN rules and applying to the first country cross the world to come to Britain because of the generosity. Your mindset will feel comfortable jumpiness on the Guardian paper mind-setting and people who are less well off will always stay here and would not want what happens in the good ole US of A.

Nice to try and rift off the thread theme on a nonsense ticket and the hard fact is that for tens of millions of Americans it doe not matter a damn who wins that daft carnival Presidential farce it will make no difference to those in the stats I mention. I have worked in both my job and vastly voluntary work in less off areasso know the actual  and they are still damn better than across the pond.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #451
I have worked in both my job and vastly voluntary work in less off areasso know the actual  and they are still damn better than across the pond.

Once again in English please.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #452
I hope this time you got an yellow president.
The next one should be an aborigine. Then, a pygmy.
After that, a gay one.

All the best for American democracy.  :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #453
How about a gay Portuguese president with an aboriginal wife and a yellow pygmy child.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #454
Either a clever bodyswerve or a lack there jimbro!

Considering it took corporate land, oops, America well over two centuries to get a black or even part black President not a very great strength to rubbish Portugal!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #455
I'm waiting for a Paki PM.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #456
Nice try but you are the country that boasts to the world on it's great democracy, freedoms and all the would-be principles. Trouble is that such boasting is a load of rubbish. You would have a better strong point if there was not so much hypocrisy in the face. Trouble is too many ex-colonists just shut a blind eye to what they don't like being reminded of.

Poor try.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #457
Our would-be principles are better than your would-be principles.


Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #458
Yes very amusing of course.

Now the Republicans have 10 candidates to the farce that is meant to be a system. It does not make a twopenny damn which of the 2 lots win the carnival as the corporates pull the strings. People are so gullible and get all steamed up, flag daft, slap hands on hearts and so on but the poor and less in the great democracy do not decline.  Hhhm, maybe on hindsight jimbro you are right to be amusing because the practicalities of too many have been covered up by all that jingoism and greatest ion the world farcical stuff.

Traditionally you lot over there in nutjob land have tended to be brained into the fact that the terrible Republicans are in the pocket of the corporate people but when you look at what the Democrats got at the last Presidential it is an area that is more equal. Now that what passes for a legal system okays no limit to expenditure maybe Trump is entitled to a place being one of the system controlling maniacs! When the farce is all over will the tens of millions of poor and homeless the military world control costs and so on decrease? Nope.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #459
Surely Donald Trump could never make it to the White House.
But there is a worrying fact. His co-star in "Bedtime for Bonzo" did.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #460
The "Donald" is a chimp!? :) Howie, please put forward your platforms or politicians you think we'd have done better with… If that's too complicated for you: You'll be dead soon (and, hence, not care…) so, which of your countrymen/women would you put up for us? Assuming your animosity is just assumed, to post on the Internet… In other words, what does anyone you know of think we should do?
Follow GB down the sink hole, with the rest of Europe? :) (You'd like that, I think! But, boy-o, it might not happen!) You've got your soapbox, and you're entitled to it. You've also been roundly and soundly rejected, as a candidate… Can you not take a hint?
You know little, and can express less… Why do you have such animosity for a country you know so little about? (Penis envy? :) ) My advice is: Don't be a pecker-peeker!
Yes, I know, tt92. You made the comment: But it was worthy of Howie… I calls them as I sees them!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #461

The "Donald" is a chimp!? :) Howie, please put forward your platforms or politicians you think we'd have done better with… If that's too complicated for you: You'll be dead soon (and, hence, not care…) so, which of your countrymen/women would you put up for us? Assuming your animosity is just assumed, to post on the Internet… In other words, what does anyone you know of think we should do?
Follow GB down the sink hole, with the rest of Europe? :) (You'd like that, I think! But, boy-o, it might not happen!) You've got your soapbox, and you're entitled to it. You've also been roundly and soundly rejected, as a candidate… Can you not take a hint?
You know little, and can express less… Why do you have such animosity for a country you know so little about? (Penis envy? :) ) My advice is: Don't be a pecker-peeker!
Yes, I know, tt92. You made the comment: But it was worthy of Howie… I calls them as I sees them!

If you thought it was worthy of Howie then you didn't see it very clearly.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #462
If you thought it was worthy of Howie then you didn't see it very clearly.
If you thought it worthy of posting then you didn't think about it at all: All prejudice and no reasoning.
Also, no recognition of commonly known facts… Rachael Maddow-worthy! (I could name a few others… Indeed, I'd add the Fox news-babe who hosted the main event Republican primary debate.*)
By all means, express your disdain for individual politicians, parties, and even countries. But don't be stupid doing so.

So, whom did you refer to, tt92? :) (Put up or shut up!) I'll continue if you will.

[We no longer have a whisper function, so I'll have to trust you and others not to reveal the fact that I know you called Trump a chimp and, by implication, Ronald Reagan merely his co-star… Despicable, and probably something even Trump wouldn't sink to. Or I misunderstood: Would you explain?]
* Although I thought it was "really cute" that the info-babe who hosted the Kiddie Table debate thought it was Ronald Reagan who said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!"
Maybe she was a Rhodes Scholar!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #463
When the farce is all over will the tens of millions of poor and homeless the military world control costs and so on decrease?

Your numbers on the tens of millions of homeless are a tad off.
On any given night, there are over 600,000 homeless people in the US according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  Most people are either spending the night in homeless shelters or in some sort of short term transitional housing.  Slightly more than a third are living in cars, under bridges or in some other way living unsheltered.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #464
(I assume, Jaybro, that you are speaking to others who might read posts here. RJ has shown no inclination to do simple sums, multiplications or division. Although he has a penchant for divisiveness; perhaps that's why he wasn't elected, the two times he stood… :) Please don't try to confuse him with facts: He doesn't like them!)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #465
The usual comment level by Oakdale and tt92 only enhance my appraisal of both. They don't make much of an impression on the general world and probably are never taken much notice of. In contrast I have been involved in civic affairs, dome indepth community work i my job and voluntarily. Forums give people like thee two chumps the opportunity to try and impress knowing they will never be known in detail.

That so many big money people want to be President is beyond their narrow outlook. I said a while ago that even Ike when President and him a Republican warned America of the growing influence of the corporates but you lot are so thick so do try and get out the house a bit more into the real world.

Always boasting about how the country is the best and greatest in the world the tiny mindsets of these two reflect millions who are brained into propaganda and flag waving childishness. The laughable legal system allows unlimited expense on elections and the ordinary folk who cannot think for themelves (not all of course) never stop to think the truth. The gap between corporates and the ordinary Joe are not just widening but galloping. It does't help the millions losing homes,the tens of millions of poor,trillions on military empirical nonsense, millions who have education problems  and so on.

It is the norm to slag off my stance because what I say is in practical terms too true but like many over the water you are mentally incapable of seeing the truth. So instead resort to rubbishing and detraction like a redneck  mentality. Time after time you do not answer the charges made on what I list here or have in the past. It does not suit you warped view of the world and your own land so the usual tripe is to ridicule, sneer and so on. It only for the brighter brains here show how crassly stupid you two are. Try answering mny charges on the way the country is run and that terrible list of negatives  but you cannot. Flags everywhere, propaganda media, greatest country in the world and all the other tripe. So call me what you like and continue to prove my point and I will keep listing all the sad and despicable things going on in the country until you answer them. It is one thing thinking you are the greatest but when you see how the place is run internally and the tens of millions struggling in a place that hangs onto flags everywhere (shows immaturity).

Both the two juggernauts parties that carve the country up are full of corporates and when you consider that the Democrats corporate money at the last election was way up there shows how corrupt the system is. No-one else can get a look-in.There are more corporate money influencers working around the DC Hill than civil servants so tells you something else. You both give the country a bad name so sneer and mouth away because you two have a mental appraisal and political knowledge of a kindergarten child. Corporates do control your system and they are there in the front line and small wonder that as I said a while back at the Hill elections the voting percentage was not impressive. Many people do realise what has been going on and that America is controlled by the money barons and frustrated so why bother voting?? Those money tycoons don't care a damn about the ordinary Joe and that is why so many are suffering inside the country when they get propagated by the diabolical nonsenes of being the greatest country and an outstanding democracy to follow..

So keep buying flags, maintain Fox mentality, refuse to answer the in the face truth and do keep up the slagging as you are proving my point.  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #466
RJ--- you've run for office twice and got defeated both times. I reckon that proves that the system in Glasgow works. :D
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #467
Our system does work mjsmsprt it is yours that is deeply flawed. It does not stop all the unfortunate legions in the ex-colonies nor the corporate controllers. Stop lecturing the world when your place is so badly run and lacks principle.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #468
Our system does work mjsmsprt it is yours that is deeply flawed.

Can you explain that? What is it that you mean? How does it affect my life and that of mjmsprt? Or that of any  other American who posts here. Start with me.

My wife and I are retired and living on Social Security and my retirement program. We own a house and a car. How could that be in our flawed system. Are you better off with your Putinesque system? Are you living that much better than the flood of unwanted immigrants who are making their way through the Chunnel? And other ways!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #469
1. You pretend to take him seriously.
2. You really DO take him seriously.
3. There is a third possibility.
Just curious.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #470
1. No
2. No
3. No

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #471

Are you better off with your Putinesque system?

The UK a Putinesque system?
You are a retired teacher. Aren't you?
And since you are:

Are you living that much better than the flood of unwanted immigrants who are making their way through the Chunnel? And other ways!

Ever asked yourself for the reason of the late flood of unwanted immigrants who are making their way through the Chunnel? And other ways!
Syria, Libya, Sudan etc. Hint, hint!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #472
I understand the flood perfectly well. We have our own flood, but few are from the Middle East.

The Putinesque reference is for the benefit of Mr. Howie who is a fan of Vladimir, and because Mr. Howie blathers on endlessly about how so many in the West don't understand him.

For Crimean-out-loud, I do!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #473

I understand the flood perfectly well.

Fine :) Then I don't have to goe into unpleasant details ...

We have our own flood, but few are from the Middle East.

Geographically, Europe is closer to the Middle East and to Africa.
So no wonder that the stench coming from the shit we are doing there will hit our noses harder.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #474
Our flood is from Mexico, but we do have some Middle Eastern friends.