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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 353672 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #625
O am not a Socialist but of the view that America could do with someone like Sanders because the country is only being run for particular controlling sections. The labels being stuck on that man are nonsense as f he was trying to have a Socialist revolution. For the run-of-the-mill working population the gap between the top and the bottom has rapidly went out of control. Obviously the top and bottom cannot ben the same but the top is now in super drive while everyone else is finding not much of a salary advancement. That allied to 40 million steadily poor on food stamps the army of folk losing homes and trillions spent on military nonsense the existing system in the USA is NOT working and will not as long as what is going on is tolerated.

For all the much vaunted democracy the clever propaganda of the danger of Sanders people is built into the system and stupid to put it bluntly. The country could broaden the economic base instead of wasting money trying to be global controllers and making the internal hypocrisy so damnable for large numbers of decent people. Other progressive countries can manage a more decent balance than America but the electoral barons on the Hill being the ultra rich are not much help in sorting the country. They value their comfort and richness too much. No-one ever thought they would see the collapse of the USSR with it's satellites and for a long time even the forerunner the Imperial mandate. With the level of debt and misuse of money as well as power the "revolution" in the States maybe a more direct and painful thing and that is one day there will be a financial collapse.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #626
I contributed $50 to his campaign even though I know that he has no chance.

Is there anybody running that you think would make a good president?

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #627

I contributed $50 to his campaign even though I know that he has no chance.

Is there anybody running that you think would make a good president?

Eager to contribute more money somewhere? That's too easy. A better way to contribute is to become a good president yourself :)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #628
I would be as corrupt as possible just to prove RJ's biases.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #629

I contributed $50 to his campaign even though I know that he has no chance.

I can't tell much about your favorite candidate.
However it looks like those 50 bucks have just been thrown out through the window. Who knows, maybe a homless could have used them in a more meaningful way - at worst for a few bottles of alcohol/anesthesia ...
Whatever, all I want to say - don't put your expectations too high, whoever will win.
Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #630
I knew Sanders didn't have a chance, but...Well, but...
First, I've made charitable contributions before and will do so again.

I don't disagree with anything you've said and add that much is the same everywhere in politics. Tell me if that isn't the case where you live. Here Congress and the courts limit the power of the president, something I don't see as a bad thing. Finally, had the Republicans been in power for eight years, things that matter to me would have been worse. I don't regret having voted for Obama twice. I'll vote for Hillary even though I'm not thrilled with her.
Even Putin and Kim Jong-un don't have complete control. Merkel either.
Wir schweigen nicht!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #631
Merkel is an horrible woman. And a spy from the Comunist Germans.
With such ugly spies how could they win? but they did, or better saying, she did. Better than Hara Kiri.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #632

I don't disagree with anything you've said and add that much is the same everywhere in politics. Tell me if that isn't the case where you live.

In some aspects it's worse...
You have to deal only with your own masters... We have also a mighty friend to deal with...
As for countries like Portugal - hmm what's in English the comparison for "worse"? ;)

Even Putin and Kim Jong-un don't have complete control. Merkel either.
Wir schweigen nicht!

Merkel? Complete control?
She only plays the part written for her - for better or worse.
Wir schweigen nicht? LOL :D
Her strength always laid in keeping silent. Our American friends gave her the "Teflon Lady" nickname.
BTW, our former Chancellor Schröder had his own strength. He was able to speak for hours without telling anything.
Our transatlantic friends gave him a nickname too - "The Eel".

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #633
Is there a way to structure society that doesn't piss off almost everyone…? :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #634
It is a pity that Sanders has no chance because neither Clinton nor a Republican will make any damn difference to the way the country is being run, influenced or misusing money on.  The mass numbers of people who suffer in the nation will not see any great difference of that woman I cannot stand gets in (she will). Big bucks spent will make no damn difference to the millions who are suffering in the country and their loyalty misused. Sad.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #635
It would make a difference between Clinton and Trump, with the later being a fucking lunatic. Howie gets offended by Las Vegas dialectic, but unfortunately the only honest and not cow-towing to political correctness way to describe him is with the modifier. Perhaps one has to be in America to understand the full extent that the man is far more qualified to be a candidate for asylum admission than the presidency. He's also racist as hell retweeting obviously incorrect nonsense about blacks committing 83 percent of murders (in fact it's 17 percent) in addition to factually challenged statements about Hispanics. Trump as president would tear this country apart along racial and ethnic lines. Did anyone else see the support that he's been, perhaps  unintentionally, gathering among neo-nazi and Klan groups.

If he does win the GOP nomination, Trump needs to be crushed completely not only for the stake of maintaining the Democratic presidency; but also for attempting to salvage what's left of the Republican party's soul.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #636
I just read the following from the January edition of New Scientist magazine:
What makes us human?
IT WAS at least 7 million years ago that our ancestors diverged from those of our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees.

Trump failed to diverge.
It's starting to look as though the Republicans are running a clown contest.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #637
Is it appropriate for one of the most respected newspaper columnists in America to describe a major presidential contender as “satanic” in his tone? For better or worse, that is the phrase David Brooks of the New York Times used to describe Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) — and the brash declaration from the typically unflappable author, an apostle of civility in politics, has kicked up an unholy ruckus Beezlebub might appreciate. So has his latest column on Cruz, “The Brutalism of Ted Cruz.”

Brooks works largely for the Washington Post.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #638
i think its normal each party demonize their opposite party .

its politics , where art of the possible is  the nature .

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #639
I watched extracts from that Presidential speech stuff but not all of it becausde it is as boring as h. On top of that Obama is as big a liar as those before him and it is a pity that America will get stuck with that harridan, Clinton. And all that sily stuff about standing up every few minutes on comments being made instead of just staying seated and clapping. Is infantile. On a more pressing note, Obama waxing on about how well tyhey were doing. Eh? Trillions in debt and all the othe problems how can anyone intelligent accept that guff. As an outsider (and how thankful I am for that) it is unfortunate that the most constructive man, Sanders will not get anywhere due to big money, brain-washing media and so on. Obama was no better than GW Bush. I do feel sorry for decent ex-colonist because they deserve better for their country and loyalty. Obama in a nutshell was useless. The next President will be the same.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #640
As an outsider (and how thankful I am for that)

As are we.
Why you would give that stuff a minute of your valuable time leaves me (almost) speechless. I've never watched one of those things because there's nothing to learn. And standing and clapping! Hard to believe.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #641
One thing the American political system is good at, to show to the world how the presidential system is a farse.

Despite being a Monarchist, I have no doubts that a semi presidential system is much much better than a presidential one.
Presidential systems are proper of non evoluted democratic systems. Typical of Republic of Bananas.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #642
i think its normal each party demonize their opposite party .

While that's true, it's hard to imagine the Democrats saying much else than he's already shown about himself.
Obama in a nutshell was useless.

He got elected twice because the Republicans would have done worse. And like a possible future Trump running against Clinton, Romney did himself in. For one, claiming the nearly half the country don't take responsibility for themselves because they get back their Federal taxes alone probably tipped Upper South swing states into Obama's camp. Of course, their was his aide claiming they could "Etch-A-Sketch" primary Romney to win the national election. GOPers choose such bad candidates that a Democratic victory was inevitable.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #644
The Republicans would have been worse than Obama? Considering all the widening spying on people on the country the increased use of killing drones and much more there was not a lot of real difference between him and GW Bush. In fact in much even worse. The Cuban concentration campp was typical. Time after time in a whole series of public speeches the place was never closed and the country continued to hold prisoners for 14 years untried or able to actually do a trial due to lack of evidence. An utterly disgusting place for a so-called democracy and lecturer to everyone else on principles. Even those found to be innocent were still kept there so don't let us have some high principled guff re Obama. The militarism across the world is still there and hardly slowing never mind the cost and trillions in debt so it does not matter a damn which of the 2 controlling parties are in power.

Still think all that repeated standing up and clapping eevry minute and often less than a minute is daft.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #645
I know that Sanders will be pushed into a corner by the big money that passes for a political system but the thing I have noted is the support he especially gets from so many younger people. They have at last had it sunk into them that their country loyalty the way things are run and the number of people suffering illustrates he has progressive points. Sanders is far from being a die in the wwoll Marxist but the usual trait in America on even whispering anything to so with Socialism is a brain invading propaganda. In addition, I would also say that he gets less of the media attention but that is to be expected as the money barons who really run the country are involved in that. Whoever the Republicans manage to crawl behind is a negative and frankly so too is that mouth, Clinton. Neither party will help the vast majority of the population or the money men who will help that woman win.

There are even digs at the age of Sanders yet his young support is not distracted from that nonsense.  He is talking common sense as well as being thoughtful of the tens of millions who are not in the nonsense "dream" corner and no chance of such. There would be less money dished out on imperialism, militarism and more effort made internally for people. The machine is virtually only allowing Clinton to be in the White House yet even some ordinary and not very monied Republicans can see something in Sanders. That he is chasing that waste of space Clinton in polls tells you that there is a very obvious dis-satisfaction with the political system. He is not on about storming the palace but that more Americans get a fairer deal than they are getting. America is no better under Obama and will be the same under mouth Clinton.

Political machinery is in need of an overhaul and he knows it as many do but the money barons will use the media and anything they can to keep control. The man is loyal to his country not the bank accounts.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #646

The next President?.

God save America..

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #647
The way the media operates is not just a problem in America but here also. oTnight I watched the BBC News doing something very subtle and wrong. While reporting on Trump and that pointless petition here agaiot Trump being allowed in Britain the news man reminded of what the man had said. They showed a small extract from his speech about Muslims getting into America BUT they skipped the end where Trump said the refusal was to be until things were sorted out. To some that might not mean much but to others who do not know his full statement that is wrong as it is not a balanced report whether we agree with the comments or not.

It is much the same as the anti-Russian guff we get on news items and by politicians. It is subtle stuff but sometimes even fails that. We no longer just get news reporting but very concisely planned views which should not be  the case. That stupid petition here will go nowhere because the government will ignore it and rightly so. In addition I am not suddenly jumping on that man's bandwagon but the way things are not always reported properly and instead Goebells mindset stuff.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #648
Peter Wehner, who work with the Reagan, HW Bush administrations and was an adviser and speechwriter to the GW Bush administration wrote in the NY Times Why I will never for Donald Trump

He begins by noting Trump's lack of experience in public office or any military experience and Trump's ignorance of basic facts of National Interest. So you can bring in people to teach you those things, right? Not if you're Trump....

Mr. Trump has no desire to acquaint himself with most issues, let alone master them. He has admitted that he doesn’t prepare for debates or study briefing books; he believes such things get in the way of a good performance. No major presidential candidate has ever been quite as disdainful of knowledge, as indifferent to facts, as untroubled by his benightedness.

Wehner notes notes disturbing things about Trump's personality.

Even more disqualifying is Mr. Trump’s temperament. He is erratic, inconsistent and unprincipled. He possesses a streak of crudity and cruelty that manifested itself in how he physically mocked a Times journalist with a disability, ridiculed Senator John McCain for being a P.O.W., made a reference to “blood” intended to degrade a female journalist and compared one of his opponents to a child molester.

That "blood" comment was when Trump said Fox News host Megyn Kelly "..She gets out. Starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions you. You can see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever, but she was, in my opinion, she was -- off base" When she asked him in about women's issues. What is wrong with him?

Mr. Trump’s virulent combination of ignorance, emotional instability, demagogy, solipsism and vindictiveness would do more than result in a failed presidency; it could very well lead to national catastrophe. The prospect of Donald Trump as commander in chief should send a chill down the spine of every American.
I think it has the potential to have global catastrophe. Right now, Trump and Putin are pals. What will happen when inevitably Donald and Vladimir have a disagreement. It's not that I think even Trump would be ignorant and emotionally unstable enough to directly attack Russia, but what if Putin finds himself in a position that he must defend an ally?

Wehner goes on to note that a Trump victory would result in the GOP being an angry, bigoted populist party and no longer a conservative one.

But it gets worse.

I will go further: Mr. Trump is precisely the kind of man our system of government was designed to avoid, the type of leader our founders feared — a demagogic figure who does not view himself as part of our constitutional system but rather as an alternative to it.

But Wehner's salient concerns would fall on deaf ears among Trump supporters. Sure, they're frustrated with "the establishment" , but that doesn't mean to put the worst lunatic in charge of the asylum.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #649
Politics bore. Such attention to nothing. One man shows what a mockery the crap you all dawdle over is and everyone is afraid he'll get elected.

A billionaire appealing to middle America and a marketer getting unlimited coverage... May be genius actually. (lol)

He's still just a real estate mogul playing the numbers. Says all the dumb things avg. Joe White Sr. wants to but knows ain't reality. :spooky:

I will go further: Mr. Trump is precisely the kind of man our system of government was designed to avoid, the type of leader our founders feared — a demagogic figure who does not view himself as part of our constitutional system but rather as an alternative to it.

What? Where? When?

No it wasn't. The system was designed to stop the stooopid things he says from happening in the event he is elected. Voters are idiots... that actually is built into the system.

My fav :heart:
Wehner goes on to note that a Trump victory would result in the GOP being an angry, bigoted populist party and no longer a conservative one.

"Populist party" got tossed in there with some other negative descriptive words. I don't see how that relates...
Anyway that quote should be fresh when I say, he'll be the most inept President since 'we' voted a black man into office.