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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 353800 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #250
The cheap shots wouldn't be so bad if they were not often daft in themselves and there have been times the man from that dodgy police force city of Chicago has been caught out.  I have argued face to face with Communists and others who find a few big words to try and impress us all with! As for my "brand of monarchy" - eh?? Just shows what the average Joe in the ex-colonies really knows outside of duh and eh? Are you saying that the Monarchy I live in is something bad? We have a broader parliamentary system than you lot and a Head of state rating 80% - something impossible over the water. On top of that the population turns out in droves when the Queen goes over there, ha ha, you are brilliant mjsmsprt40. The man in my heading the great William Prince of Orange who became king William 3rd produced the British of Rights. That in itself turned out to be a influence on you lot when you decided to be ex-colonist. Don't bother with a thanks however but at least your founders were helped.

Even more strident monarchies in your blinkered view such as the one you had a wee dig at recently the old Russian one  is amusing. In the old opera Forum I actually stated that a leading US writer (with name) had intimated that the last Emperor was complimented by the US President for the gradual changes being made, increasing rights, industrial and agriculture growth and other advancements. You didn't answer that because you hadn't a clue. Some 70% f land was actually owned by the organised peasantry not as you would probably grasp  - the rich. Just shows what a bit education practice does in a land where they are taught they are the greatest. It was the same when i also mentioned that those posh and cumfy rich Yanks that met in Philadelphia actually discussed the idea of a European prince as Head of State.

Ach now laddie  don't you worry my friend it is not your fault maybe just the system!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #251
the great William Prince of Orange who became king William 3rd produced the British […?] of Rights […]

You mean (of course you would, were you an educated man…) the Scottish Claim of Rights… Not the British Bill of Rights (which, if you'd read it, will likely seem less than you think it is). The Claim, that allowed Scotland to give a lawyer's reason allowing William and Mary to be accepted as sovereigns — because James II had "abdicated".
Don't bother with a thanks however but at least your founders were helped.

We were, many of us, Englishmen who expected our rights as such to be respected. Our "sovereign" and his supposedly fair parliament disagreed… The rest is history.
Put another way, we helped ourselves! (You might have heard the phrase somewhere else, but your liturgy probably bungles it… :) )

I'm not sure with whom you're arguing about monarchies and other forms of government. Certainly, not me: I care for the rule of law, limited government and individual rights. Oh, and economic freedom — which matters nothing to you, a life-long government employee… These can be secured by any form of government, for a generation or two…

I can't say a presidential/separated powers/constitutional form of government like ours is the ideal. (Pigs should rightfully feel that bacon is not the ideal garnish…) What I do say is that the older forms don't suit us.
those posh and comfy rich Yanks that met in Philadelphia actually discussed the idea of a European prince as Head of State
Have you a source to support your contention?
If all you mean is that they referred to the offer of kingship to General George Washington — who gently refused it! (A little more of a man than your William, eh?) Even Georgie 3 admired him, for that! :)
What i'd suggest is that you read Hal clement's short novel, Close to Critical.

But that's history, not TeeVee. How would you know? :) I mean, the difference?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #252
Years back the BBC  did a documentary on the American Revolution and was provided in association with Times-News I think it was Oakdale. So I wasn't making something up even if it sounds odd but then the way you run the damn place is odd so shouldn't be a problem! It was also comfortable people money-wise who did the Boston tea baloney and the same series pointed out something I already knew. That point was that it was a minority that wanted the revolution and won it - rough a third and in the same rough terms a third were against it. The rest couldn't have cared a damn who ran the place. Large numbers of anti-revolution Americans had to flee or get burned out thus heading north for Canada. When you lot thought you would invade Canada in the early 1800's many of those that fought you were the same Americans forced out. They gave you a good kick on the backside!

Whatever great principles that were put out by the starters of the US have been completely lost in today's American society. It is money that runs the place now not the people. Every Presidential Election they stuff that a candidate comes out with will be a new age a new future and great direction. In practice that is a load of cobblers and the place just stumbles on with the people having less and less in the actual running of the place. Time after time lobby people and the politicians will move from one side to the other and it is all about money. When it comes to practical things like commercialism, agriculture, etc it is the big boys who get preference due to that floating between lobby and politician. A few years ago a government official responsible for rights was charged because the companies he was meant to be keeping an eye on were the same ones he had a stake in!  If you are a small company or a small farmer you are into a hiding because it is no longer a proper people democracy but a system of select pals. No small wonder that last election poll was so low.

Many have been brought up on the principles of the Revolution but have failed to see that the people no longer control the political system. Others have got round to sussing out they have been taken over and more power to them. Even an ordinary person wanting to stand for a position on that posh 'Hill would need well over a million dollars to be considered so what does that tell in practicality?? Years ago back in the 1950's I referred to President Eisenhower warning of the danger that corporates threatened the democracy of the nation (jimbro mentioned it in a later item on the Opera Forum think it was). My answer kind of says it all and what was lauded over two centuries ago has been overtaken by cosy money chums and the people treated like mugs. What you now have is not a reasonable capitalist system but one for the cosy political rich and the rest can suffer especially those not doing so well. Sad really.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #253
[…] it was a minority that wanted the revolution and won it - rough a third and in the same rough terms a third were against it. The rest couldn't have cared a damn who ran the place.
You actually got some history (mostly) right! I'm impressed.
(I'm not so much ragging on you, RJ, as bemoaning your reliance on your telly for information…)

The rest of your post -as usual- focused on "the moneyed interests" — that's your schtick! I suppose it keeps you safely off the streets, which is probably a good thing for all concerned. :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #254
It doesn't matter a jot whether it is television, a book or a speech the principle IS the same and fine you know it boyo. You grudgingly have to admit whilst trying to make an excuse so neatly tried! Oh and as it happens I got a certificate at Senior Secondary School fir history anyway.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #255
It doesn't matter a jot whether it is television, a book or a speech the principle IS the same and fine you know it boyo.

The principle is the same, but the interest is different! :)
Oh and as it happens I got a certificate at Senior Secondary School fir history anyway.   :D
Congratulations! But, that long ago, there was so much less history… Badda-bing!

Those who debated the Constitution obviously -and quite naturally- had the English Bill of Rights in mind; hence some of the differences.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #256

I got a certificate at Senior Secondary School fir history anyway.  :D

I googled "fir history". Quite an interesting subject.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #257
It doesn't matter a jot whether it is television, a book or a speech the principle IS the same and fine you know it boyo. You grudgingly have to admit whilst trying to make an excuse so neatly tried!

Sounds like something that could of been written by Dr. Seuss.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #258
Well every person will not conjure up something out of hot air and will refer to a book, television, radio or film. Even when i mentioned a book and gave a link to the torture camp run by Yankland in 1945 that seen 900,000 German soldiers die it wass danced round. It is a great country over there for nut jobbing brains and shows up here!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #259
What was that link, again?

And what was your point? That Americans committed atrocities (somewhat) equivalent to those of history's greatest villains — at least, in small effect; which makes those others "not so bad"!

Would you absolve Lenin, Stalin and Mao in order to castigate the U.S.? :)
I think you would.
(Did you lose a family member to America's lures, once upon a time?)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #260
If i find the link will intimate it here but it must still be in my starting thread so have a hunt.

Do I claim the USA is worse than people like Stalin, etc What a daft thing to say as in the past i have pointed out that anything that happened in the 3r Reich in WW2 was pale compared to what the Bolshevik crowd of evil gits did. They killed far more than the Nazis. But before you start going to excuse note this.

America was in the same war as us and fighting against evil politicians, high principles and such but what does it do in 1945 ? Along with the French have 900,000 German soldiers suffer and die in a vast death camp. So if a supposedly democratic country does t that is a principle? Duh. Mind you it was ludicrous that in fighting a racist dictatorship in Germany you separated black soldiers as the whites didn't want to fight with them! When i mentioned the book on that dreadful camp it was  body swerved and when i gave the link showing the beatings, treatment, etc again a dance followed. So producing links means damn all here.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #261
If i find the link will intimate it here but it must still be in my starting thread so have a hunt.
No need, unless you want to re-read your own words… :)

(Google is my friend!) Other Loses is the name of the book. And you, Howie, are as I've known for quite some while a very credulous cuss. :)
(You might read this review, if the Wiki page is too complicated… :) )

Now, sir: Do you remember that this thread's topic is our upcoming presidential election? (And that Ike isn't running…?)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #262
Rand Paul is expected to announce his candidacy.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #263
I sorta like Rand Paul (like I sorta liked his loony dad…). But to hear fellow conservatives applaud his presumption is akin to marvel at the tail-between-the-legs posture of the Republican party — facing a Hillary Clinton candidacy… :)

But to explain what I've just said would take quite a while and -just now- I don't have the time.

Suffice it to say (for the nonce) that Rand needs a couple of decades of "seasoning".

Cruz and Walker (of Wisconsin) are legitimate contenders, I think.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #264
I don't think that anything substantial will change with the American (and many other) elections.
Elections turned some sort of Olympic games for the newly rich while the populace applauds. Roman circus was much better, at least they had a sense of spectacle and grandeur.

Icelanders are an healthy exception, they arrested their prime minister.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #265
.....Rand needs a couple of decades of "seasoning".....


I think that would depend on how close he & his dad are.

From a quick biographical read on Rand, they were, & still are fairly close, though not exactly a clone of all his father's Libertarian views, Rand nevertheless was very active & individually outspoken from his fathers offices.

Having a parent in politics for quite a few years would amply supply a fair amount of "seasoning" via family life experiences, not to mention his own high profile successful Senate

Specializing in cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery LASIK surgery, & corneal transplant most probably would rate an above average intellect, which has to account for far more that our present BHO.

We also know where he was born.......for certain, & that he is a baptized, practicing, devout Christian.

That may be detrimental to him here on this forum, but in Presidential Politics, one seeking a positive National acceptance, that can't hurt a bit.

I'd say, at the very least, he rates a good hard look.      


Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #266
I've given him a good hard look: He's myopic!
Being able to "fix" the eyes of others, that they might see as well as they can, doesn't make him able to see better than anyone else!
His lack of experience would -at best- make him another Jimmy Carter. (You remember what happened, when he was president? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #267
Carter??........ Carter???

....... Ah yes, Jimmy Carter!!!

[glow=blue,2,300]Jimmy Carter [/glow] ......... The Peanut Farmer ....... The son of  Bessie Lillian Gordy-Carter, the wife of Rose, the brother of Billy :belch: .......

[glow=green,2,300]The SECOND WORST[/glow] (second only to BHO) [glow=green,2,300]President in all of our American History! [/glow]

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #268
And look who cam after a damn actor and idiocy in high office. Says much too.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #269

Icelanders are an healthy exception, they arrested their prime minister.

Hmm, Americans were even more strict in the past. They've simply shot some of their Presidents.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #270

Icelanders are an healthy exception, they arrested their prime minister.

Hmm, Americans were even more strict in the past. They've simply shot some of their Presidents.

Well said krake... let's hope they do it again, instead shooting inoffensive citizens.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #271
2016...It's comin' folks.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #272
Sarah against Hilary would be nice.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #273