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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 362607 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #200
I deliberatley was being generally specific to save words. And to take the simplicity even further let me make this clear.

The comfortable off are generally superficially content because they are cumfy. That money is spent on being world imperialistic and which you cannot afford is ridiculous.I made it very clear and obvious that more effort should be made on the large numbers who are on the back burner. No homes, little money and struggling. No Welfare state so they just go on suffering and the country should be facing that instead of spending half the world military business bill. Your country is far more in control of the corporates which is as plain as the nose on your faces and just to acknowledge part of the failings is not good enough. Interfering across the world doing in any country that does not conform to your way of doing things and so on. Just look what is spent at elections by the big two and how does that help the poor and needy?  The racial question is so damn obvious and contradicts everything that the country is MEANT to stand for as well. Every time the obvious is shown the tendency is to try and body-swerve to somewhere else but nowhere bis more at the top of hypocrisy than the USA.

Being more specific is a cosy throw away really and that the large numbers of the poor and the picking on blacks by an increasing Police State mind is there for all to see. Poor or black in the land of the free and home of the brave make it very abundantly clear that if white and cumfy just ignore those two things.

Instead of marching all over the world then following that up by the money barons shows the flaws up even more.  Democracy? Don't make me laugh! The Democrats are the lesser of the two evils and full democracy is then restricted because the money men will decide what is happening not the voters.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #201

I deliberatley was being generally specific to save words. And to take the simplicity even further let me make this clear.

The comfortable off are generally superficially content because they are cumfy. That money is spent on being world imperialistic and which you cannot afford is ridiculous.I made it very clear and obvious that more effort should be made on the large numbers who are on the back burner. No homes, little money and struggling. No Welfare state so they just go on suffering and the country should be facing that instead of spending half the world military business bill. Your country is far more in control of the corporates which is as plain as the nose on your faces and just to acknowledge part of the failings is not good enough. Interfering across the world doing in any country that does not conform to your way of doing things and so on. Just look what is spent at elections by the big two and how does that help the poor and needy?  The racial question is so damn obvious and contradicts everything that the country is MEANT to stand for as well. Every time the obvious is shown the tendency is to try and body-swerve to somewhere else but nowhere bis more at the top of hypocrisy than the USA.

Being more specific is a cosy throw away really and that the large numbers of the poor and the picking on blacks by an increasing Police State mind is there for all to see. Poor or black in the land of the free and home of the brave make it very abundantly clear that if white and cumfy just ignore those two things.

Instead of marching all over the world then following that up by the money barons shows the flaws up even more.  Democracy? Don't make me laugh! The Democrats are the lesser of the two evils and full democracy is then restricted because the money men will decide what is happening not the voters.

RJ.....might I suggest..........come here, become a citizen, & at election time vote for those that see it your way, but until then, find yourself up in the cheap seats bawling your eyes out about things you have no control over whatsoever except to use your freedom of speech here so a few dozen people might read about your personal frustrations. 

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #202
RJ.....might I suggest..........come here, become a citizen, & at election time vote for those that see it your way, but until then, find yourself up in the cheap seats bawling your eyes out about things you have no control over whatsoever except to use your freedom of speech here so a few dozen people might read about your personal frustrations. 

But I thought the commie wanted to move to Russia since thing are so much better there? :confused:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #203
But I thought the commie wanted to move to Russia since thing are so much better there?
Sang, he's no more a commie than I'm a Militiaman or you're a socialist… But he's less capable of expressing himself (and understanding others) than you or I. (Yes, I still worry about you… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #204
I will not accept the US Irish Marxist supporter invitation as coming from a wider democratic background would just be frustrating. You fit into that comfortable corner and can run about daft waving the flag, getting emotionally choked while the poor suffer and the blacks have a hellhole existence. The hard fact is that your present system no longer works due to the large numbers of the unfortunates and the lack of any capability of doing anything about it due to the control of the big 2 both corporate controlled.

As for the Presidenatial circus the carnival will be like all thos ebefore it. There will be great declarations of a new beginning a new direction and God bless America and the 40 million poor will still be there the 1,000,000 losing homes a year, 10,000 shot to death, trillions in debt, cause wars and confrontations globally, police still pumping a not need 5 or 6 bullets into people unarmed and so on.

I have a glaring frustration in that there are so many decnet people there but sigh and shut the door in the comfortable house as they know the system will ensure they are either spied on or unable to do anything.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #206
You are keeping up the ex-colonists way of being unable to answer by dancing as is the usual. Scotland gets more from the Exchquer than it gives in taxes. Whole modern estates including the one I gave so much voluntary service in are excellent housing, rent subsidies, great welfare payments. The same places have multi tv's, usually satellite tv, Hackney Cab ranks (much dearer than the private taxis), pubs, betting shops. You never see badly dressed kids and one such area has two Mcdonalds. Interesting that jimbro jumps onto the leftist propaganda direction to try and not answer the problems in America which are an H of a lot worse than here. So between child allowance, rents paid, free house repairs (yep you read right), generous benefits used as an alternative to work rather than a safety valve all says much. OOver in the land of the free and home of the brave once you are out the loop you are a nothing so try and answer your own internals mess. Time after time that doesn't happen here and is unfortunately routine.He had beet watch as Sanguinemoon and Smiley will have him as a Socialist. For Smiley anyone outside the old Rockwell corner is a US danger!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #207

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #208
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #209
The Two of You

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #210
Nah. The difference is he thinks he is clever and tries to ignore an issue by waffling. When you consider the prime minister of that country he is in kind of explains much.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #211
RJ, your Scots "paradise" reminds me of many a distopia I read when I was young…
One particular story (from the late '70s, I believe) was about time travel into the future. The "hero" invented and used his time machine to go hundreds of years into the future. He'd wanted to experience the marvels… Of course, he was quickly noticed and apprehended; and dealt with appropriately:
He had no useful skills or knowledge and no likelihood of ever being able to adjust to the society around him. But the government was not cruel; they gave him the best dole that would suit his circumstance.
They removed his eyelids to install the video (you can imagine the rest…) and installed him in a coffin-like container, wherein he'd "live" old Westerns — for as long as he lasted!
The tale ended with one of the technicians who performed the "installation" griping about this interloper getting such treatment when he, himself, would have to work for decades more before he qualified… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #213
ou are keeping up the ex-colonists way of being unable to answer by dancing as is the usual. Scotland gets more from the Exchquer than it gives in taxes. Whole modern estates including the one I gave so much voluntary service in are excellent housing, rent subsidies, great welfare payments

Welfare is a "poor" alternative to real economic advancement of the lower classes. To create those conditions you need an efficient government (good luck with that one) so the tax rate can low and still satisfy the government's obligations. You need physical and technological infrastructure that can support growth, an educated workforce, etc. Government assistance is is meant to be a temporary solution to situations such you lost your job in the recession, not lifelong or even a multigenerational lifestyle.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #214

. Scotland gets more from the Exchquer than it gives in taxes.

Are you saying the Scots are a nation of spongers?
Are you recommending  this way of life to other countries?
Are you claiming such a situation is sustainable?

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #215
There needs to be a kindergarten section here for tt92. Maybe we should call the Irish spongers as they were not able even as an independent country able to look after themselves. They only got somewhere due to joining the EU (couldn't support themselves even after decades) and pushing the begging bowl to Europe and the EU. The bigger countries in the EU like Britain, France, Germany subsidise smaller places like Ireland. And even then the Irish messed up. There's no Celtic Tiger now it is more like a pussy cat. We in Britain had to give them a 7 billion pound loan so do try and use common sense. There are spongers everywhere so include your own place.  Do try and think first.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #216
Answer the questions.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #217
Are you saying the Scots are a nation of spongers?
Are you recommending  this way of life to other countries?
Are you claiming such a situation is sustainable?

1. I don't know.
2. I'm not sure.
3. Please explain that one.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #218
Mr. Howie says
"Scotland gets more from the Exchquer than it gives in taxes. "
My three simple questions relate to that statement.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #219

There needs to be a kindergarten section here for tt92. Maybe we should call the Irish spongers as they were not able even as an independent country able to look after themselves. They only got somewhere due to joining the EU (couldn't support themselves even after decades) and pushing the begging bowl to Europe and the EU. The bigger countries in the EU like Britain, France, Germany subsidise smaller places like Ireland. And even then the Irish messed up. There's no Celtic Tiger now it is more like a pussy cat. We in Britain had to give them a 7 billion pound loan so do try and use common sense. There are spongers everywhere so include your own place.  Do try and think first.

Uk Economic growth:

Ireland Economic Growth:

Ireland had a bad year in 2012 and the first half of 2013, but Ireland's per capita GDP and annual GDP growth both outstrip that of the UK. But you're mired in the past, gloating about impoverished Ireland of yesterday while  neglecting to mention it was made that way through conquest and exploitation by Britain. Is "look after" the new politically correct term for that?

Ireland's done amazing things and it's breaking your poor little Orange heart. At least you can parade once a year to celebrate a battle centuries ago that put a gay Dutch prince on British throne, if that helps.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #220
One wonders what all of this has to do with the 2016 elections.

Allegations, allegations, allegations. Wikipedia...
Allegations of homosexuality...
During the 1690s, rumours grew of William's alleged homosexual inclinations and led to the publication of many satirical pamphlets by his Jacobite detractors. He did have several close, male associates, including two Dutch courtiers to whom he granted English titles: Hans Willem Bentinck became Earl of Portland, and Arnold Joost van Keppel was created Earl of Albemarle. These relationships with male friends, and his apparent lack of more than one mistress, led William's enemies to suggest that he might prefer homosexual relationships. William's modern biographers, however, still disagree on the veracity of these allegations, with many contending that they were just figments of his enemies' imaginations, and others suggesting there may have been some truth to the rumours.
Bentinck's closeness to William did arouse jealousies in the Royal Court at the time, but most modern historians doubt that there was a homosexual element in their relationship. William's young protege, Keppel, aroused more gossip and suspicion, being 20 years William's junior and strikingly handsome, and having risen from being a royal page to an earldom with some ease. Portland wrote to William in 1697 that "the kindness which your Majesty has for a young man, and the way in which you seem to authorise his liberties ... make the world say things I am ashamed to hear". This, he said, was "tarnishing a reputation which has never before been subject to such accusations". William tersely dismissed these suggestions, however, saying, "It seems to me very extraordinary that it should be impossible to have esteem and regard for a young man without it being criminal."

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #221
Sanguinemoon to accuse me of gloating on the Ireland of the past is so juvenile whilst at the same time says much about your own no doubt family tree. In practicality, Ireland was completely unable to do much about itself for many decades after independence and that IS factual. That is why the country joined the EU so that like other wee countries it could get access to the begging bowl so that is hardly principled is it? My country through what we pay into Europe was helping your homeland and it is about time you took notice of that.I have been in the Irish Republic when it went belly up and who caused that? - the Irish themselves. Unfinished buildings with empty cranes on them, rows of half built homes on housing estates, public employees having salaries chopped around 25%. Ireland was modernised by Europe and could not do it themselves. And now even more recently as I said and you ignored they got a 7 billion loan from the UK at a reasonable rate.

I am glad that Southern Ireland did improve but it was thanks to money from elsewhere and from here and you studiously ignore the practical side replacing this by a silly emotional bleat.  Meanwhile jimbro has a point on the deviation in the thread but he is a past master at the same direction! I do feel sorry for ex-colonist as there are only two parties there to "represent" and that is to be kind, unfortunate.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #222
Belly up? There's a big difference between a sick man and a dead one. Now growth has resumed and apparently is apparently outpacing that of the UK, AGAIN! 7 billion? Go ahead, gloat about small loan.
. Unfinished buildings with empty cranes on them, rows of half built homes on housing estates,

Yup, sounds like what happened to Las Vegas. In LV our economic woes stemmed from a bubble burst in the real estate sector, just like in Ireland. But the recession is over and the construction cranes are back to work. A couple bad years doesn't mean the country died, Howie.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #223
And now even more recently as I said and you ignored they got a 7 billion loan from the UK at a reasonable rate.

International finance is beyond me, but the US borrows (largely from China), the UK borrows, Scotland borrows, Russia borrows and China borrows, so it should be no surprise that Ireland borrows.

Please don't try to explain any of this to me. It won't help.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #224

And now even more recently as I said and you ignored they got a 7 billion loan from the UK at a reasonable rate.

International finance is beyond me, but the US borrows (largely from China), the UK borrows, Scotland borrows, Russia borrows and China borrows, so it should be no surprise that Ireland borrows.

Please don't try to explain any of this to me. It won't help.

Would it help if someone who spoke English tried to explain it?