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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 353355 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1800
And when will you substantiate such a claim?
Howie is right. You are a hermit. That's the only explanation for you NOT knowing this.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1801
Jax you are falling into the same rather immature nonsense already expressed here in that organisation shown has around what is it roughly three and a half thousand. So they and the other dafties like the KKK are nothing. Trump way out groups and it is a desperate anti-Trump thing to use them as a hammer. It would be just as daft if the Communist tinies over there came out for Clinton??

Hey jimbro. Stealing my favourite colour for your pal.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1802
Howie is right. You are a hermit. That's the only explanation for you NOT knowing this.
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As usual, you only offer your presumptions… What is THIS? (This is the second time you've tried to post a list…and failed. Hm.)

If I'm a hermit because I don't agree that our schools and government in general should accommodate gays "grooming" their next generation of victims? That, of course, makes me a bigot too!
Sang, be honest (at least, with yourself…): Who "initiated" you? A peer or (as I'd call him…) a pervert?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1803

Nazi salutes, terminology abound as alt-right leader champions white supremacy

Quote from: Times of Israel
At National Policy Institute conference Richard Spencer ‘hails’ Trump victory, appears to allude to Jewish power controlling national media

A new video posted by The Atlantic on Monday night showed the man often described as the leader of the the American alt-right movement as he evoked Nazi imagery and language and ranted about white supremacy, while his audience responded with Nazi salutes.

Richard Spencer, head of the white nationalist National Policy Institute, made the speech at the NPI’s annual conference at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC.

“Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!” Spencer cried out, as he praised president-elect Donald Trump’s recent election win. A rapturous audience responded with applause and quite a few Hitler salutes.
At least deplored with nonsense, but seems obvious to the fact his hardline campaign rhetoric emboldened these jokers.

If I'm a hermit because I don't agree that our schools and government in general should accommodate gays "grooming" their next generation of victims? That, of course, makes me a bigot too!

You're a hermit for evidently not going of the house to see what's happening in the world and for getting your "news" from post-truth(= (Oxford's word of the year! ) rightwing blogs, avoiding actuals news like the plague. Seriously, it takes zero effort to verify those claims which are in the public record.

It would be just as daft if the Communist tinies over there came out for Clinton??
They didn't cause a minimum of 400 racial/ethnic attacks and counting. Even a nazi has the constitutional right to peaceful assembly. The problem comes in with what they're doing. The socialists might  say "we endorse Clinton over Trump." Some of the more violent members of the "alt-right" neo-nazi's. fascists. racists, etc are actually attacking people. 
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1804
The election is over. Now we'll watch the aftermath or after math:
plus equals

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1805
At least a couple of States legalized mary j. There's a State on either coast if things get too much.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1806
And the hard truth that the extreme right is a tiny lot is still being deliberately ignored by you midnight raccoon. They don't amount to a hill of beans and it is pointless trying to use them as an excuse as to why your side lost the election.  Sensible people know that corner is nothing in practice and you do yourself no good creating the impression they are a vast movement.On some matters Trump has been a little bit backing away from the earlier attitude leading up to the vote so let's see what actually happens when he is in the white House eh?

It was an election and you lost and  will frustrate you but everyone exercised their right to vote and someone has to win or lose. The media was very one-sided and equally many over there did not like that and tens of millions cannot just be written off as numpties or your country has a bigger problem than you realise. Money is always a big thing over there and affects BOTH parties and more and more folk were getting fed up with the carve up between Democrats and Republicans. Until you have a wider situation more and more there will get fed up with the routine and is why so many swarmed to Trump.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1807
you know donald trump is a better politician than clinton .
he has strong gimmicks , and has art of possible .

rather than building good images , he build a racist blatanly stupid  images .
and it was something like  paradoxical intention  .

as the result more people vote   him than clinton

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1808
The media was very one-sided
This part is true. We always had to hear about Clinton's stupid emails, but not a peep until now about Trump's conflicts of interest. I wonder if Oakdale knows the clause in the constitution that could be problematic for him. I doubt it. It actually doesn't matter how many are "far right" if he's already nominating them for his administration.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1809
Trump won to a large extent by appealing to the working men of the country.
The prospective Trump cabinet:

"Donald Trump campaigned as a champion of the “forgotten man” and won the White House on the strength of his support among the white working class.

So far, he’s stacking his administration with masters of the universe.

Beyond Trump himself, who claims a net worth of more than $10 billion, the president-elect has tapped businesswoman Betsy DeVos, whose family is worth $5.1 billion, and is said to be considering oil mogul Harold Hamm ($15.3 billion), investor Wilbur Ross ($2.9 billion), private equity investor Mitt Romney ($250 million at last count), hedge fund magnate Steve Mnuchin (at least $46 million), and super-lawyer Rudy Giuliani (estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars) to round out his administration. And Trump’s likely choice for deputy commerce secretary, Todd Ricketts, comes from the billionaire family that owns the Chicago Cubs.

Even retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who’s up for the job of secretary of housing and urban development, has an estimated fortune of $26 million, while White House adviser Steve Bannon has likely earned millions off his stake in the show “Seinfeld” alone. Andrew Puzder, a possible labor secretary, is no slouch, either — he made more than $4.4 million in 2012 as CEO of the holding company that owns restaurant chains Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.

Put together, Trump’s Cabinet and administration could be worth as much as $35 billion, a staggering agglomeration of wealth unprecedented in American history."

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1810
I wonder if Oakdale knows the clause in the constitution that could be problematic for him
…Oh, do-tell! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1811
The Politico piece you quoted, Mr. Tenn., ended:
Concerns about the political ramifications of such gilded company, however, might be overstated. After all, Trump’s own lavish lifestyle did not keep him from winning the White House.

"I don’t think anyone expected union leaders form Michigan to be appointed to the Trump cabinet,” said Larry Sabato, director of the center for politics at the University of Virginia. “It certainly suggests what we’ve always known about Trump: he says one thing and does another. He’s very flexible.”

Sabato noted that presidents have long picked friends and acquaintances to fill their cabinets.

“A billionaire tends to have billionaire friends,” he said.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1812
Well as the country has been controlled by the corporates for a while now hardly surprising. You should have taken Dwight Eisenhower's warning decades ago.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1813
You mean about government-financed science? :) (BTW: Ike also said that if NATO lasted longer than 10 years it would have failed its mission…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1814
Sabato noted that presidents have long picked friends and acquaintances to fill their cabinets.
Now it's family, not just friends and acquaintances. Well, not just family. It will be policy for personal pockets. Nepotism and kleptocracy that will make US completely non-different from Russia. Except that US will fall that way, whereas Russia stands up that way and cannot stand any other way.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1815
Mike Lee's take on the Trump presidency… An interesting prognosis and prescription of our "ongoing American saga"!

BTW, Sang: What was the clause of the constitution you thought might be "problematical" for Trump? And what did you mean by problematical? :) (The word doesn't appear in the constitution or any law that I'm familiar with…) I guess what you mean is that you're still butt-hurt that Clinton lost…
If it's something as simple as impeachment, you should have taken a civics course way back when… Impeachment is a political act; and conviction requires more than a majority in the senate.

So, Sang, what did you mean to say? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1816

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1817
What was the clause of the constitution you thought might be "problematical" for Trump?
I always knew you didn't really know the constitution. Most "constitutional conservatives" don't. :) Read Article I, Section 9 and let's see if you know why. Oh what's that? This is liberal mudslinging? Nope. Bush Whitehouse ethics lawyer Richard Painter noted this. The man is walking impeachment bait, worse than Hillary had she won. "Crooked Hillary?" :lol:
Put together, Trump's Cabinet and administration could be worth as much as $35 billion, a staggering agglomeration of wealth unprecedented in American history."
And yet we have Republican voters railing against "the elite" and "the establishment." It's hard to get more "elite" and "establishment" than these folks.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1818
And here come the conflicts of interest...

Oh good, we even have an oil billionaire possible energy secretary...

Besides Trump, at least two possible candidates for energy secretary also could benefit from the pipeline. Oil billionaire Harold Hamm could ship oil from his company, Continental Resources, through the pipeline...
What was that? Hillary is corrupt? Baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Tricky Dick himself could be held up as paragon of ethics compared to Trump.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1819
I see you've reached the stage of desperation, Sang! (I always knew you had it in you… :) ) You're in "emanations of penumbras" territory.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1820
When it comes o ethics Clinton for all her experience could get much of that same label. Both candidates had a veritable army of people who did not like either of them and that in turn led to one of the most vitriolic and nasty elections you have had for a long time. The lower you were in society it didn't make a twopenny damn which one won.That is a lot of people.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1821
When it comes o ethics Clinton for all her experience could get much of that same label.
Unless Trump puts his assets in a blind trust or liquidates, we're looking at ethics issues hitherto unknown in the American presidency. Of course, you are correct that people would continue to put this label on Hillary. But anything she had the potential to do is small potatoes compared to Trump. Bloomberg elaborates Painter's concerns:

"It is a significant risk because it applies to the president," Painter says. His recommendation: President Trump should "unwind all business relationships with foreign governments and companies controlled by foreign governments, including the Bank of China." There is nothing to suggest Trump or his family will consider that step.
Yes, Oakdale this were Trump would violate the fore-mentioned clause of the constitution. Get it yet? Included free in the bargain for a Trump presidency comes almost an almost unbelievable amount of ethics and integrity concerns.

The public will have reason to believe that Trump's "decisions are influenced by personal interests," says Stephen Gillers, an ethics expert and professor at New York University Law School. "The problem is exacerbated because of the number and diversity of his financial interests. It is not just a peanut farm. It is further compounded as the public doesn't know what all these interests are."
Such as the pipeline and this would obviously also apply to his prospective energy secretary.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1822
"Concerns" are what matter? Now?
The Democrat party ran a candidate about whom any rational person would have had serious "concerns"… And the way they ran their nomination process showed everyone that they were in no wise interested in listening to their "voters".
Hillary was the candidate. She lost the election.
What do you, Sang, find so hard to understand about this?

Oh, I remember: Anyone who disagrees with you is stupid and/or evil!
Thanks for the "heads up"; I'll continue to vote. Heck, I might even vote "often"… (Just following a long-established Democrat tradition! :) )

BTW: What bar to the presidency of Trump has anyone found? (Come on, Sang. You can't just keep slinging innuendo… –Well, of course, you can: That's what you do!) Is there a law that obtains?
Silly question, I know — when asked of you: You don't believe in law; you believe in revenge and vengeance  — although you don't know the difference.
Trump won. Get over it!

Also BTW, who's your next champion? :)

As usual, a Dem says "If you can't prove yourself innocent, you must be guilty!" (Of course, that standard doesn't apply to Dems… :) )

Sang, if you want to impeach (or otherwise derail) the Trump presidency — go for it!
You can't possibly look stupider!

(Would you accept -as a gift from me- a mirror? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1823
BTW: What bar to the presidency of Trump has anyone found?
If he continues in his business holdings and dealings, they could become a bar his continued presidency. His solutions are simple, a blind trust or to liquidate and sit on fat pile of cash. But I see you're unable to answer the constitutional question of his business dealings with foreign governments directly. Answer them or withdraw from a conversation you're unprepared for. Now.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1824

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday chose Washington insider Donald McGahn to be his White House counsel, giving him the job of untangling potential conflicts of interest that the New York businessman's presidency may present.

McGahn, a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission, had been the chief counsel of the Trump campaign and was one of the few members of the Republican establishment to embrace the outsider candidate.

This is real, Oakdale. Get with the program. Now we need to see how McGahn handles this and advises him. Don't tell me you didn't see the conflicts of interest ethics/integrity issues coming from a mile away.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal