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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 352060 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #125
On a more positive note, "Sue Ann Arnall, the ex-wife of Oklahoma oil magnate Harold Hamm, has deposited a handwritten $975 million divorce check."

Though I never met his wife, I met Mr. Hamm a number of times about 15-17 years ago.

He engaged some of our services to provide his personal security staff some tactical training.

Might I say, he was very well protected back then, as I'm sure he probably still is today, & we weren't disappointed in our very generous compensation package either.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #126
Just as jimbro had to point out that "independents" have to be in the big two so does not solve the issue. In recent times a doctor here was very unhappy about local health issues and thought the major parties were not doing enough so stood as an completely independent candidate totalyl away from any party and won the seat. The same happened with a journalist who unseated a long standing MP.

What is really needed is a truly wider system instead of one where many people just have to vote for the lesser of two evils kind of thing. After all when you see how much the Democrats got in funding compared to the Republicans it only conforms my concern. We have a legal limity on MP elections and every other lower ones as well. When it comes to a national election all parties with over a certain number of candidates are give an 5 minute free slot and must be above board.  There may well have been a time when you could have got away with the 2 parties but they are monolith now and increasingly distancing from much of the electorate and as i pointed out the slump is great and not very good is it?  Trying to be an independent mind on the Hill inside a party is difficult at the best of times and has all sorts of problems. It is just a pity you do not have a wider political system because the staying away from elections is showing a deep problem.

I only wish there would be a change and a more concerned and passionate concern for local internal u=issues and a much wider franchise than sadly stuck with.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #127
From the you can't be serious category, Romney is looking at another run. :faint: And ol' Etch-A-Sketch has the nerve to say Jeb would have trouble winning the White White :faint: :faint:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #128
Romney had two serious problems his last time out.

First, the basic dishonesty. You only wanted to look at the man to realize he had a more tenuous hold on truth than anybody since Nixon on the Republican side of the aisle. He even made me think Clinton was more honest, and we all know Clinton lied even when the truth would sound better.

Second, his unfortunate choice of running mate. That R/R logo was too close to the one used by Rolls Royce, and when you have Democrats looking to hang the "You're only for the rich!" label on you, it would be hard to pick a worse emblem to represent your ticket than two Rs joined together in that way.

The second problem can be fixed--- at least somewhat-- by choosing a different running mate and giving more thought to the way your ticket presents itself to the public. The first problem--- oh boy, this is a core problem and there's no easy fix. Wherever Romney goes, there he is. There's no escaping a dishonest demeanor except to change what you are from inside out. That isn't so easy to do.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #129
and when you have Democrats looking to hang the "You're only for the rich!" label on you

That and the infamous 47 percent video pretty well solidified it.
First, the basic dishonesty.

Quite so. That aide of his thinking they could "Etch-A-Sketch" away his earlier positions was actually insulting. Welcome to the information age where semi-intelligent voters can dredge up your entire past with a single Google search, Mittens. It was well known in that election that he was flip-flopping just about every single one of his earlier positions. Probably his one consistency was following a generic Republican template in economic policy.

Assuming he wants a GOP president in 2016, the smart thing for him to do is not run. Him and Jeb will tear each other apart. I still content the reason Obama is president is that every candidate that could have beaten him in 2008 (including that year's version of Romney) destroyed each other.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #131
Imagine someone like her even having mused on the idea of standing for the Presidency? Had she stood and won the noise around the US and world would be a groan and I would save a spare room for ex-colonist immigrants.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #132

I still content the reason Obama is president is that every candidate that could have beaten him in 2008 (including that year's version of Romney) destroyed each other.

Yeah, the lone, sane republican got something like 2% in the primary.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #134

Yeah, the lone, sane republican got something like 2% in the primary.

"You know damned well there's no such thing," he said, revealing how he votes.

Well, 'sane' as in 'sane for a republican', as in 'not quite frothing at the mouth crazy' :left:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #135
 :insane: Shhhhh! There are Republicans here. :insane:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #136
Well, 'sane' as in 'sane for a republican', as in 'not quite frothing at the mouth crazy'

Our governor Sandoval shows signs of sanity from time to time. I think it's the Southern Republicans, who are more descended from the segregationist Dixiecrats, that keep up the lunacy in the GOP than the Western ones. Here, some of them are indeed entrepreneurial and everything the GOP pretends its base is. You can debate some Republicans online and it comes out they're from California and never lived in a Red Southern state, where former  Grand Wizards of the KKK get elected (remember David Duke?) and one Republican voter after another pays for their groceries at Wal*Mart with EBT cards; jobs that should should pay about $15 dollars an hour pay $9, hence maybe taking a percent off the unemployment rate, but otherwise keeping the entire economy down.

Maybe if Republicans from California, Washington, Oregon and Nevada could assert more influence the GOP could actually focus on smaller government and lower taxes instead endlessly fighting equal marriage (the Constitution has spoken, guys) and other idiocy. Arizona is excluded because they're trying to become the West's Alabama :p. There's still some hope of Idaho and Colorado Republicans, and Utah tries hard to be America's own little Mormon Iran.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #137

Our governor Sandoval shows signs of sanity from time to time. I think it's the Southern Republicans, who are more descended from the segregationist Dixiecrats, that keep up the lunacy in the GOP than the Western ones.

Even Haslam does, occasionally. Has to play to his base though.

(remember David Duke?)

Vote for the crook, it's important :right:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #139
Hundreds of millions will be wasted on the carnival that passes for an election and even more of a waste as neither Palin nor Trump will win it will be Clinton. Nice to see your own equivalents of Upstairs downstairs aristocrats are still active!

That Palin is even considering the matter of the election is an insult to the system Americans have got to put up with and the fresh air of Alaska has not cleared her brain cells yet. She knows little and proves it when she opens her mouth and smiles whilst talking gibberish. As for Trump he is another full of talk and always going to "do something." He should stick to opening golf courses and such. Those republicans who somehow think they would be on a good chance because Palin is a woman and then standing against another have lost the plot. That Party has been so messed up for so long and not really getting out the bit. Although I am not struck much by woman politicians who often appear bitchy (although I made an exception for one) the Democrats are well into n easy win for the White House. If I was you dear jimbro you can give sitting up through the night as my crystal ball is a good one and you can whistle "Scotland the Brave" in thanks to my hep along with a crate of Irn Bru.

ps. Is the Republican Party HQ in a mental hospital/
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #141

Hundreds of millions will be wasted on the carnival that passes for an election and even more of a waste as neither Palin nor Trump will win it will be Clinton.

I hope Palin gets the Republican nod! 

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #142
Nice to see your own equivalents of Upstairs downstairs aristocrats are still active!

We do have our would-be nobles and you have your actual inbred European ones. I'm not hatin', though. Just because a guy's sister is also his aunt is no reason to disqualify him from House of Lords. The mental retardation from centuries of this going on just makes them 37.297 percent funnier :yes:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #143
Well unfortunately Sanguinemoon you don't have the proper picture on the House of Lords at all.

The number of hereditary peers was reduced considerably from sitting whatever the rank - Duke, Baron, Lord. Life peers are more to the fore these days and they actually cover a wider background than you know. They include all sorts of folk who have contributed to society  from experts in subjects to retired trade Union Leades.  In the Upper House they only get paid for the days they are in and cannot stop Bills. They used to up to just before the 1st World War. They can check the details and pass a Bill back to the Commoins but eventually the Commons are the decider. So it isn't as confrontational a tradition as well

So those from more humble pasts are across the chamber and the experience of the House is more valid than concentrating on the fixed minority of the traditional families. Personally I do not want a replacement "Senate" thing which would just add another very expensive chamber and it didn't have powers to stop a Bill then no use or different from now. where the members only get those daily payments I mentioned. Anyway back to the thread.

I note that Trump has come out again yet again (!) saying he might stand so why doesn't he dither? Looking at the possibles for the joker pack the Republicans they have no chance.  Would it not be a consideration for the more clued up Republicans to leave that party and reform the Progressive party as that break was caused by people who were worried about way out politics? Theu did get some reps but didn't unfortunately last long and today would have given Americans a slightly more chance of a wider election.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #144
he might stand so why doesn't he dither?

Because he just enjoys trolling the pundits every four years. It's not clear why anyone really thinks he has any intention of putting his business empire on the backburner long enough to make a serious run. Then what if he actually won? Look at this from his point of view. Sure, he could set policy to help his business and others like it. However, the megalomaniac won't want to allow someone else to run his corporations in his stead.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #145

Nice to see your own equivalents of Upstairs downstairs aristocrats are still active!

We do have our would-be nobles and you have your actual inbred European ones. I'm not hatin', though. Just because a guy's sister is also his aunt is no reason to disqualify him from House of Lords. The mental retardation from centuries of this going on just makes them 37.297 percent funnier :yes:

Most of them are appointed on merit these days, there's a bunch of more or less retired politicians, actual scientists and whatnot in there. Supposed to be more or less a council of experts that don't have to pander to the Great Unwashed, which actually sounds like a fairly decent idea.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #146

he might stand so why doesn't he dither?

Because he just enjoys trolling the pundits every four years. It's not clear why anyone really thinks he has any intention of putting his business empire on the backburner long enough to make a serious run. Then what if he actually won? Look at this from his point of view. Sure, he could set policy to help his business and others like it. However, the megalomaniac won't want to allow someone else to run his corporations in his stead.

Pulling a Palin and raking in campaign contributions, while generating publicity for his businesses.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #147

Pulling a Palin and raking in campaign contributions, while generating publicity for his businesses.
Palin pulling a Palin is better that anything else she could do in politics.

Sarah Palin will speak at West Hills College in Lemoore, Calif. this May, reports ABC Local News -- and she'll receive $115,000 to do so.

Despite Palin's high price tag, West Hills President Don Warkentin says that the money has already been made back in ticket sales. According to the Hill, the event has sold out of $25 and $5,000 tickets.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #148

Pulling a Palin and raking in campaign contributions, while generating publicity for his businesses.
Palin pulling a Palin is better that anything else she could do in politics.

Yeah, keeps the money from going to wacko candidates that are actually trying to get elected :right:

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #149
Romney? ???