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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 362655 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1000
Oh dear. :-\

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1001
However much one drinks, some things are just obvious… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1002
Donald Trump is the Presumptive GOP Presidential Nominee ..... Ted Cruz has withdrawn from the race, & has said he would not contest the nomination at the convention.

Being I think Sanders has no real chance, & never did, it will be Clinton v Trump in November.
     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1003
A sad moment in American history…

RJ should disagree; but consistency ain't exactly his strong point! Now that we have a "wider" democracy, we deserve what we get.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1004
Well actually I do think it is damn sad to be frankly honest.

All those large numbers following Trump and the excuse being given that he is not part of the establishment is the reason given. He would be a nightmare as President not only for the wider world but for America internally. As for Clinton she might be a clever cookie but she IS deep into the corporate world and will make no damn difference to all those Americans wanting a change and being frustrated. Senator Sanders I had surmised would not win due to money crowd Democrats but he has shown a very deep unhappiness of many especially the young who supported him. A combination of a liar and smart alec, Clinton will be no great strength to the mass of people in the country and I think it is so damnable that the race became a farce. Clinton will be a bossy boots and Trump would be a world jome. A friend of mine who has lived in California for over 40 years when I told her how much news we get dumped on here re the election said she felt embarrassed.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1005
But, RJ, that's what the people want… You know: democracy! :)
We're moving in the direction you've recommended, no?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1006
Democracy failed miserably here. (It didn't even take 3 decades.)
Don't our mistakes teach you anything[1]?
No... they don't teach anything at all. :left:
People(*) get what they choose.
(*) Me not included

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1007
They might be taking notes. Clinton has fairly broad support in her own party, newcomers to the party Trump and Sanders have not (neither did Cruz). An impeachment process might actually succeed.

The classic trick of course is to pick a Vice President more terrifying than yourself.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1009
An impeachment process might actually succeed.
Thankfully, the electoral map is against Trump. But if he somehow becomes president, he stands a better than average chance of impeachment: Trump "University", mafia ties. A President Trump could be brought down if a Republican congress would actually grow a pair.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1010
This might be of interest to some.

It seems that the Republicans have selected Trump as their candidate for President of the United States.
I was caught entirely by surprise - as were a great many others.
The reason for my surprise is because I did not think people would actually vote for such poor candidate. I was confident that voters would ultimately turn away from him and give their vote to somebody worthy the office of President.

An earlier post on the subject:
If people intend to see the Bernie Sanders revolution continue, I would like those within the movement to make the effort to advocate for three reforms among their fellow revolutionaries.

Reform 1: The poorest of the poor around the world matter.

If the moral principle at play here is that there is a moral permission - even a moral obligation - to take firm those who have a great deal of wealth to those who have little, then there is an obligation to help those in extreme poverty.


Reform 2: Respect the scientific consensus and the principles of evidence and rationality.

The practice of using political ideology to filter good science from bad science must end. On matters of scientific knowledge, the scientific consensus has a privileged status.

This includes such things as the climate change, genetically modified foods, nuclear power, gender differences, and innate versus learned abilities. Picking up the claim of some rogue scholar and declaring, "He is correct because I like his conclusions," or dismissing the consensus of experts because their conclusions contradict a cherished personal belief is intellectually reckless at best.


Reform 3: Quit using the decisive language of political scapegoating.

This refers to the types of finger-pointing language where a politician of political movement points a finger at some group of individuals and identifies them as "the other" - a threat that the politician promises to deal with if given political power.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1011
I watched a television item about Obama and he was very belligerent. The world should take note of his country and fall in line with it and included everything including it's control of world business and economics. He said the world should be very envious. Eh? Dear, oh dear.

The trouble is that Clinton will follow that line too and she will do damn all about the inadequacies internally in America. One cannot help but feel for the vast amount of people over there who are being used by the corporates and she is fully part of that corner. What ever items one could maybe challenge Sanders on the fact that a very wide number did support him and especially the young is increasingly showing that so many people feel disgruntled and being taken for a ride. With a nation controlled by 2 corporate big parties the frustration has got wide and making many there so damn fed up. Some may say that is why Trump gets so many behind him but he is embarrassing the country everywhere and he would get nowhere elsewhere in the world. A long time back I said on Opera that even a Republican President way back decades ago (Eisenhower) warned his countrymen of the rise of the corporates into the political machine. He was proved right.

Clinton will be a bossy boots like many women who get high office but it will not help the world nor the millions suffering in the country. The loyalty of people has been stolen.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1012
I think I now fully understand why your neighbors twice refused to elect you, even to local office: You can't help yourself. Your ticks and twitches are what you are, what you really believe!

America can survive a Clinton or a Trump presidency. What can Scotland survive? (Of course, you don't care… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1013
Look numpty heid, America survive?? Before you type anything do try and use your brain. Armies of people losing homes, inflation, economy tens of millions on food stamps and so on. If that is survival then you deserve to have some imbecile like Trump making your country look like a laughing stock. Yeah could only happen over there.  Satire is for people with grey cells.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1014
I know what you mean, RJ! If things continue this way we'll be as bad off as Scotland! Heaven forfend…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1015
When you become a democracy your hermit life style maybe be better influenced.......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1016
I am a democracy! I let my rational mind, my emotions and the traditions I grew up with determine what I believe! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1017
Outside your front door not of that happens Oakdale.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1018
Look numpty heid, America survive?? Before you type anything do try and use your brain. Armies of people losing homes, inflation, economy tens of millions on food stamps and so on. If that is survival then you deserve to have some imbecile like Trump making your country look like a laughing stock. Yeah could only happen over there.  Satire is for people with grey cells.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1019
Typical American answer from the ordinary Yank. Not once have you lot ever been able to answer the in the face hypocrisy on the lack of democracy the constant interference in rights the lack of a wide political system those millions on food stamps, economy, house losers in the million and so on. Instead the routine is to avoid the obvious and sneer or mock.  All that does to thinking people outside how stupid many are . Is also an embarrassment for the sensibles in the US You suit the nutjob mentality well midnight and what a country that has 2 numpties wanting to be President. Trump is a nightmare of a clown and Clinton is a lying, cheating and two-faced corporate pal. So call me whatever you want but shows how ridiculous things are. No sensible and democratic country would tolerate a Trump but you lot have no choice. So sneer away by all means as an excuse to avoid the truth! I do feel for progressive Americans but the Presidential stuff is a tragic joke.

I do sincerely hope that one day the system does change and become more democratic in a practical wide way and beyond the control of the corporate controllers.  Senator Sanders did make a very plausible and progressive (and surprising change) to the dumb routine and one can hope that it may one day be the basis for that wider regime that Americans of intelligence want to see and I keep the optimism. Sadly the success of Clinton will make no damn difference to the economy, salaries, big homelessness or the tens of millions of poor in a country that Obama has been telling the world they should be envious off. Head-shaking hypocrisy.  So enoy the childish razzmatazz because nothing will change when she gets in.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1020
RJ, we can take our soapboxes to the park just as you do… :) And, now, that we might elect someone from his soapbox you say we're un-democratic?
But I agree, it's not hypocrisy on your part: It's stupidity!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1021
I was just passing through, & found myself needing to re-educate that ole Scot .....again.

Ole man you keep harping on about democracy this & democracy that.

Maybe you've been watching too much TV rather than reading what you're responding to.

Now, you are forgiven if you've been duped by those that know no better here in America, or anywhere else for that matter, who have been saying that America is some sort of super democracy....bla...bla...bla. If you were taken in by all that ra, ra, ra stuff, you should know better.

America isn't any super democracy. Not even a great democracy, or even a fair democracy....& if you've been complaining that it isn't a democracy, well then you've been right.....America isn't.  All America happens to be, it's the best damn place in all the world. For better or worse it's the land we love, & love it we do for what it is, & not for what the world wants it to be.  We wouldn't have it any other way.

Now, for your re-education RJ:

As I've told you once, I've told you a dozen times ....... America doesn't live up to your high falutin' "democratic expectations", not because it's inferior in any way, far from it, but it's because America isn't even a democracy, so pardon us for not giving a rat's ass if we don't fit your expectation of a democracy.  We don't care to, nor want to be.

Nope, America isn't a democracy (never was, & hopefully never will be)..........America is, & get it into that thick Scot skull of yours once & for all, America is a Constitutional Republic. Sure, much of our Constitutional Republic is based around a form of democracy, but in the end, our American form of government is far from being the democracy as you strive for.......& happily so!

Now, put that in yer haggis, & stew on it fer a while. You've been it or not! 

Class dismissed.      Ooh Ah Up The 'RA!!!     

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1022
He won't get it, Smiley… But of course you knew that already.

I've heard Sean Hannity (for months now…) saying that the Republican Party should constrain their state arms to a caucus or primary; because -you know- people's votes are what matters. That tells me that he's gone over to the dark side.
(Or that he's just not very bright! :) )
Good government and conservative principles no longer matter! :(

As for RJ, he has no idea how much he relies upon such! (And how quickly he's losing them.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1023
Not once have you lot ever been able to answer the in the face hypocrisy, and the rest of the rant I vomit unto this forum for the 1000th time
[troll]You mad, bro? [/troll] Seriously, what kind response did you expect for ranting the same fucking thing for who knows how many times regardless of the thread topic. C'mon, man. Come up with some new material. Do you even type all that out, or do you just have a folder full of "responses" and just copy/paste? Yes, we're stuck with bad choices for president again. We all know this. But you can't tell me you don't wind up with complete twats as PM, can you?  Nope, didn't think so.

Now do try not to spill haggis on your kilt as you scramble for a bullshit answer. I'll bet those thing are hard to clean and not fade the "colours", but you would know better than me. By the way. what are your clan colors on your kilt? That of the McDipshits?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga

Reply #1024
Well there you are raccoon your fellow Yank, Smiley has encapsulated it well on not caring a damn about real democracy. For all the hype that dribbles out we are told how great, democratic, free and rightful the place is and your President has repeatedly said the same thing on tv even recently. This however does not square with the large numbers over there who are internally suffering and you can get as nasty as you like because you and people before you are never answering the long nonsense about the greatnesses when the history and even present day practice. So lower yourself to disgusting cursing because nothing I have said is anything but the hard truth.  When a President is as locked in as all of you who are brained there is a deep problem. Haggis and kilts mean little to me  an shows the juvenile red neck mentality you unfortunately have.

As for the Presidential farce election how can such a "great nation" be stuck with a corporate head-banger and a female cheating, sleekit and corporate controlled mind.  A farce, embarrassing and disgraceful choice.  Ireland has one great advantage of one terrorist supporter less in Smiley. Yur country politically is a nightmare and the race for the White House is ridiculous in a modern country. It does the country no damn good and makes it a joke.
"Quit you like men:be strong"