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So, what's your spring?:)

Well, when it springs - you'll know...:faint:
[ 3 ] (75%)
When my :beer: turns green.
[ 0 ] (0%)
March, April, May.
[ 1 ] (25%)
I live in the Tropics, so...
[ 0 ] (0%)
September, November, December.
[ 0 ] (0%)
When I'm in love.:love:
[ 0 ] (0%)
[ 0 ] (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Topic: What's your spring? :)  (Read 23171 times)

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #28

Maybe this way?
about your areas spring...
As I said that I have no areas to govern, so they won't spring.
(Anyway, how areas could possibly spring!????)

Oh boy! Maybe an apostrophe was needed (area's). What I meant was....
What is Spring like where you live? Perhaps you should refer several posts back when you told me ask someone in your area.

You have refused to prove me wrong about your areas spring...   :wait:
Do you speaka any English?

English is my first language while you are still learning. Do try to keep up.  ;)

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #29
According to YOUR national research, it's YOU, Brits, who's expected to "keep up" with the language your nation has given us.
Perhaps you should refer several posts back when you told me ask someone in your area.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #30
I told ya. Now that he thinks you're a Brit you are even farther from anything meaningful. Too bad there isn't a linguist around to help him.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #31
English is my first language...
According to linguistics, your "first language" is descriptive, which means it follows the speakers.
Thus, am I expected to believe that ignoring proper spelling (including the proper placement of the apostrophe) and punctuation (including capitalisation) is destined to become the language norm?
...while you are still learning.
Well, should I we learn all the "innovations" abound amongst the "native speakers"?
Shall we forget that "it" has its own personal possessive form? Shall we address people "@Mandi - ..." instead of "Mandi, ..."? Shall we forget the spelling difference between a noun's possessive and its plural? Shall we? (I hear you, Brian!)

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #32

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #33
Ugh! Oh look, a bird!  :)

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #34
Brian, as a dedicated Anglomaniac, I can't forgive Brits when they rape the language, don't you?
According to Britain's national research, today is the day when it's happening: the Brits are getting less literate in English than foreigners who learn English abroad.
We may lack lexicon, or be unaware of modern idioms, but we succeed in apprehending the spirit of the language of the Great. I am a linguist - I studied the language not only to "speaka any", but as a major part of the curriculum to UNDERSTAND it in its entirety -- and - would you believe? - to teach it.
Now I'm trying. And you know what? I feel like I'm succeeding more - not with Brits, with other guys like myself.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #35
I can't forgive Brits when they rape the language, don't you?

It's our language and we can do what the heck we like with it. Get used to it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #36
JoshL might be planning to become a British citizen. He's listening to Scottish radio and studying Scottish maps.
Yes, judging by their playlists and all, they must be swell pals there in the country!:yey: I wonder if RJHowie might be considered an example?:rolleyes:

On topic?
Well, I've already made some contribution. As I said then, this spring appears - say - abnormal!:wow: Our climate has never been dry! At least as far as I can recollect.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #38
This is the lounge. People come here to not be bothered by wannabe know it alls. "Light hearted"

Also we are not on a first name basis. My username is ensbb3 (no caps). Not everyone knows my first name... nor should they.

And finally I'd say you're off topic but the OP is written in such horrific English there's no way to be sure. Just stop. Almost 1900 posts and nothing worth keeping from you. I can get my son to login and correct grammar better. Try commenting more on the subject.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #39

This is the lounge. People come here to not be bothered by wannabe know it alls. "Light hearted"

Also we are not on a first name basis. My username is ensbb3 (no caps). Not everyone knows my first name... nor should they.

And finally I'd say you're off topic but the OP is written in such horrific English there's no way to be sure. Just stop. Almost 1900 posts and nothing worth keeping from you. I can get my son to login and correct grammar better. Try commenting more on the subject.

I concur. Admittedly, I do get a bit sloppy with my grammar.  :whistle:

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #40
Lots of people do. Luckily I haven't been put on trial for crimes against punctuation yet. (Someone's probably not sure of proper usage so it's "O'K", for now.)
Only a douche would make topics to grammar nazi them while bird-dogging anyone mildly off the subject they hardly comment on...  fortunately there's nobody like that here.


Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #41
Brian, I don't answer to non-language comments, sometimes even don't read them.
Mandi, good morning! I'm glad we've come to terms.

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #42

Mandi, good morning! I'm glad we've come to terms.

You've come to terms with something..... I haven't. I didn't admit that for your sake. Everyone gets sloppy and makes mistakes at some point. You're not perfect. Quit pretending to be. 

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #46

You said English were your "first language"? I can hardly recognise...

I sooooo want to correct you right now. Fortunately, I'm not an arrogant grammar Nazi. I let people recognize their own mistakes.

Anyways, you are off topic.   :rolleyes:

Re: What's your spring? :)

Reply #47
Admittedly, I do get a bit sloppy with my grammar.

It's a forum on the internet, who needs grammar. As long as your grammar is good when it counts who (apart from Josh) cares.
You said English were your "first language"? I can hardly recognise...

[Moderator hat]
You are beginning to push your luck Josh. Stop being such a grammar nazi. If someone's grammar offends your sensibilities, that's fine, but go and stew in a corner for a while rather than making an issue of it. It's not big, it's not clever and you are starting to annoy other forum members and that is not acceptable.
[/Moderator hat]
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.