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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 100925 times)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #350

Wait till this time next year when Rangers get back in the Premier Division,

That's the very lot that was on the rampage last night. I'm a rangers supporter and they sicken me.

I'm a  Bournemouth football supporter myself. Our supporters don't do that sort of thing. We cant get our zimmer frames to go fast enough.

'Nuff said.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #351
Our supporters don't do that sort of thing. We cant get our zimmer frames to go fast enough.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #352
Can I firstly say to string that the problem will not be a problem! All three main parties have agreed on further changes and what is being thrown is is that parliament does noit know what to do with England. The Scottish question is straightforward but it is absolutely wrong for not just Scots but Ulster and Welsh MPs to decide on purely English issues. English people have no great desire for a parliament for their own and what Westminster needs to do is correct this wrong I mention.

As for Luxor's seemignly balanced points that is actually not the case actually. The picture is being given that YES people were so sel-disciplined and well mannered and that has certainly NOT been the case. Time after time it went far beyond normal election routine and No posters either destroyed or painted over, hoardings by indiviuals destroyed. At NO public things in the street a concerted attack. These things were not routine heckling  (such as PM John Major getting routine heckling) this was far more vicious and disgraceful. The former Cabinet Minister, Murphy's treatments was not just shicking but a damnable disregard for normal heckling and such. He was called a Ped the fg---and other words thrown at him along with eggs, people going right up into his face and screaming abuse at him. The year before the UKIP Leader and that threateneing young crowd of YES fanatics trying to force him off the street and he ended up in a pub for protecxtion. He won a European seat up here which shows that there were those of that ilk but these other clowns don't know what democracy is. Virtually all the incidents could be atributed to the YES brigade. Now to the Glasgow incident and incident for a broader picture.

Firstly due to YES starting to treat George Square as their domain was a niggle to many NO people including Luxor's Rangers associates. Unfortunately what Luxor did no include here was the matter of the YES lot climbing all over the large Cenotaph in George square in front of the City Chambers. That was a disgusting thing in itself.  I can appreciate Luxor's gutted feeling having lost substantially and any keen supporter os a matter will feel that  but one hoped he would not have fell into the niggles corner of others. The crowd that tramped to the BBC Scottish HQ and acted like "weans" over something that was daft is yet another example of young fanaticism. However in fairness he has the sense to have a sigh and then get on with his life loke all of us.

I dare say, I would have been greatly disappointed if we NO lot had been trounced but astute enough not to fall back on mouthings from Salmond after his resignation. He was a clever cookie and with that added sleekitness and a clever cookie but doesn't make him Moses. I too will get on with my life like Luxor with the following caveats. There is no wide appetite in Wales for independence nor in Ulster. Scotland will get the extra powers and may well take longer than a afew months. For thos who lost and gripe at such may I remind that the Dr Goebells of the YES side (Salmond) had said that everything in an independent Scotland would be done in 19 months so shows a different slant to that argument.

Meanwhile my week in Ulster is to follow and then when to go back to the Netherlands.  :)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #353
Unfortunately what Luxor did no include here was the matter of the YES lot climbing all over the large Cenotaph in George square in front of the City Chambers.

Ah how predictable, always the other guys fault with you isn't it. You should be captaining the Starship Enterprise, so often that you set your shields to deflect. 
The people in the square were having quite a civilised vigil, but the loyalists orchestrated their plans online and went there to cause nothing but trouble.

Eleven arrests after loyalist No supporters' descend on George Square
They're shouting at us, calling us scum. It's awful to come here and feel threatened
George Square Trouble: The night our readers became reporters.
Pity they have taken the video clips off those pages, guess they are now criminal evidence.
Luxor's Rangers associates.

I can assure you they are no associates of mine, but I'll not be far wrong in saying they are associates of yours. Rangers "fans" (I use the term loosely) who shout your favourite war-cry of "no surrender", The same clowns that were marching with their flutes the week before the referendum..
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #354
Oh you drift into the corner I was afraid you might. The security guard at my local co-op was in the same depressed mood. Mind you he could never answer my questions on how Scotland votes, economy and much else. I will accept that many in the Yes side were intelligent but there was a wide romantic and emotional thing rather than a deep common sense amongst many of your ilk. I also kind of expect you to be petty about the Edinburgh event. The one your people had was very much outnumbered by last saturday which you choose to ignore. Constantly No people were called scum, cursed and swore at and that Brigadoons had no respect for the Cenotaph is ignored. One can understand those of a deeper conviction with Yes being gutted but the dross that constantly interrupted No gatherings and cursed, swore and threw things are hardly something to be ignored. But if happens on the nationalist side that is of course nothing but outside of that that is a different logic. That you choose to be so knuckle-dragger and miscall the speeches and parade in Auld Reekie (Edinburgh to foreigners) is of course due to you being gutted but is rather immature. It was more colourful and had more watching than your folk. Don't mind you being a bit put out because you lost so weightedly instead of what the gaulitier from the north east was drumming into you all. You try to show maturity by saying you will pock up life and get opn but just like Salmond sour grapes and sneering at what my organisation did.

I had said one could undertand the disappointment of separatists being beaten and by the margin told would be a nonsense but I would have just accepted defeat, got on with my life and hey, maybe left the place! What I wouldn't do is look for culprits be snidy and so on. One supposes with the kind of nonsense we are getting from the Yes people that so many Scots are traitors, quislings and worse is a bigger problem. It is sour grapes with bells and whistles. I respect your right and entitlement but I am not going to apologise just because we won, I was deeply involved and because of those grapes!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #355
I respect your right and entitlement but I am not going to apologise just because we won,

Did anyone ask you to apologise? No don't think so. I just won't let you get away with making accusations about a group of people, when the polar opposite is nearer the truth. I ignored your mentioning of Cenotaph because you provided no evidence of it. But if there was (which I would never condone, no matter who done such a thing), I think throwing Nazi salutes in front of it is far more offensive. Don't you?
As for moving on after the result, I have done that already. All it took was a nice pipe full of my favourite tobacco. You should maybe try it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #356
I doubt much can be inferred from that riot on Glasgow whatever the cause; passions were high after the Referenidum and alcohol had played it's part. Who'd have thought that - in Glasgow of all places.!

Another example of post-Referendum passion is reported here

Without, if possible, the recriminations, what do our Scottish folk think of the proposed  Boycott.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #357
Without, if possible, the recriminations, what do our Scottish folk think of the proposed  Boycott.

I can understand why some folk will boycott them out of principle as a lot of folk seen it as a threat. Personally I take my business to whoever gives me the best value, regardless of who they are and I can't see that changing any time soon. As we Scots are supposed to be more prudent than others, I guess most of us will do the same.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #358
If I didn't know better, I'd swear some of you take rj seriously.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #359
A follow-up question and a comment/question to Luxor and Mr. Howie:

1. Will we be seeing a "Neverendum"?

2. From what my Scottish friends reported (were all in the pro-Union camp and most are from Edinburgh), the Yes lot could have done better, but apparently had quite a few knuckleheads along the line of the video I am about to post. If so, I can certainly see how this hurt the Yes lot. Is this true? (Warning: Turn your volume down)


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #360
Quite lucid, compared with some of the rhetoric.


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #361
Colonel, Sir, not having been in Scotland but watching closely from afar I cannot judge if Connery had any pulling power for the SNP. His stance is somewhat vulnerable, loving Scotland so much that he chooses to live away from it without, it was claimed, paying his tax dues. Whether the latter is true I have no idea, but that was a perception.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #362

If I didn't know better, I'd swear some of you take rj seriously.

I think one has to, he represents the opinion of many. You take your pick and make your choice on what part you agree with.

That's the fun of having exposure to diverse opinions.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #363
Will we be seeing a "Neverendum"?

Watch this space... 
the Yes lot could have done better, but apparently had quite a few knuckleheads along the line of the video I am about to post.

There's bound to be one knuckle head somewhere, though I doubt that noisy video is proof of any. Oh and James Bond Sean Connery is an irrelevance to most of us.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #364
@string and @Luxor: Thank you both for your answers.

Kinda figured my friends were being, as you all say it, "cheeky". lol  :cheers:

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #365
The voices in my head keep telling me that Salmond & gang never expected to get a majority for outright independence ( and they were probably surprised by how close they got ), hence the apparent vagueness. Scaring Westminster into giving them more autonomy was probably the plan all along and by the look of it, that's probably going to happen.

That's what it felt like all along. Who calls for an independence referendum without any incident triggering it and expects to win? I also wonder how many "Yes" voters were thinking along the same lines.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #366
There will be a number of fall-outs from the Referendum. One will be a large increase in the powers and responsibilities devolved to Scotland. The SNP posture is that this should be the so- called Devo- Max where virtually everything is devolved except defence and foreign policy. When they don't get that they will claim foul but in fact it has not been promised. The result of the Referendum was to maintain the Union and, if Cameron does his job properly, those new powers will be scaled to ensure that the UK can perform it's role and will need sufficient funding to do that.

After the dust has settled, the SNP will yet to inch toward independence while the UK will continue to demonstrate the advantages of working together, increasing Scotland dependence on England.

That's the essence of the game and that's what will happen.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #367
When is the next vote scheduled?

I'd like to see another one where the "Good Guys" win, instead of the "Villains".

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #368
Mel Gibson hopes to wrap up Braveheart 2: The Referendum in time for the Christmas season 2015.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #369
Well Luxor I don't drink or smoke so pointless advice and by the way the group in George Square that you have  fallen back to (small lot they were too and your side have had their share of wrong activity remember) were following comments made elsewhere that many of the Yes people especially the more aggressive and they were about in Scotland were acting like Hitlers hence the mock stuff. It suits you to say what you did. There has been a lot of bad grace since the Referendum and indeed hints from Salmond and other figures in subtle criticism of the 55 and overs voting No. And here is an interesting bit of news.

Stan Blackley who is th ex-deputy director of communities at the YES Campaign took a step backwards and said that the Yes Campaign failure be finger pointed to the SNP and it's meddling. It is also interesting that an SNP member of the Scots Parliament has resigned from the SNP thus cutting the majority closely. That big mouth, Tommy Sheridan and his wee Bolshie party are encouraging people to join the SNP. Having done in his former comrades in the Scottish Socialist party then started another rump jumps on every bandwagon that comes along. His wee bunch ans the SSP have no reps at all but can mouth off as Yes mouths. Don't get me started about that leading Green Party yakker, Harvey. On BBC Scotland 2014 (Tues night) he made a disgraceful reference to The Queen.

Now there is this daft "45" movement being rolled out and so much for the Yes idea of democracy, decisions made and cannot get on with it. They lost so somehow we need a new idea on democracy! Another little subtle bit of propaganda is this constant statistical other stuff we get from Nats on 45% of Scots. Yet another wee bit of a subtle propaganda. However for a Moment let us look at this bit of propaganda which I say is not accurate.

The Yes got 44.7% of votes cast but that does not make 44.7% of eligible voters in actuality. Of a turnout of 84.59% that makes 37.8% of registered voters. As 3% did not register it's only 36.7% making the gap wider. You would not think of this being a fact if we listened to the grudge propaganda that is being emitted. So the No side was even further in front. Too many separatists just repeated some of the would-be Feuhrer's throwaway words. Thing such as the utter and complete lie about Scotland not ever getting the UK government it votes for . That one I have already rubbished by the 10 General elections since WW2 when Scotland voted twice for the Conservatives and the government was Tory and the 8 time it voted Labour and we got a Lab government. He also went on sneering at the Scots Tories as if they were somehow a tiny rump and he could rubbish that group yet at the last general Election with over 400,000 votes the Scots Tories were not far behind the SNP vote! Add the Labour and LibDems gives yet another different slant.

I am glad that Salmond has gone along with his sneering, bullying, smart alex and domineering arrogance. He also has been very vindictive about the time it will take to allocate more powers to the Scots parliament. Kind of bemusing when the same man came out with the guff that an independent Scotland would be all done and sorted in 18 months. Well Im am glad that gradually the media is getting back to some sort of normality instead of the constant barrage and repeats of the same stuff. Luxor can have his self threatening tobacco (tut,tut!), I will sip my occasional glass of Irn Bru (sugar free one) due to health issues!  :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #370
I will sip my occasional glass of Irn Bru (sugar free one) due to health issues!  :cheers:

Careful, rj, I found this recently at a site devoted to scientific research on the food industry.
Irn-Bru is a Class A drug manufactured and sold in Scotland. In consists primarily of sugar, artificial flavouring, sugar, more artificial flavouring, sugar, urine, a pinch of artificial flavouring, and sugar. It was designed by health experts in 1901 to get Scotsmen off their arses to do anything except drink.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #371
Oh but i worked in education and a school not far off from where I live dear boy.

Have you observers noticed that Luxor is incapable of being able to reply to a detailed thread submission here?! Instead he has to fall back on the satirical bent of some time ago. Kind of tells you all something........ :up: :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #372
Have you noticed that rj's understanding of numbers matches his understanding of words?

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #373
The Yes got 44.7% of votes cast but that does not make 44.7% of eligible voters in actuality. Of a turnout of 84.59% that makes 37.8% of registered voters. As 3% did not register it's only 36.7% making the gap wider.

It doesn't occur to you that the folks unregistered to vote likely would have had roughly the same "No" to "Yes" ratio, if not slightly more in favor of the "Yes" owing to the fact the younger people would have been likely to vote to vote "Yes" and not be registered? That analysis seems to a desperate, transparent attempt to minimize the "Yes" vote.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #374
Have you observers noticed that Luxor is incapable of being able to reply to a detailed thread submission here?

Did it not occur to you that I have other things to do, than rush to reply to your posts. 
the group in George Square that you have  fallen back to (small lot they were too and your side have had their share of wrong activity remember) were following comments made elsewhere that many of the Yes people especially the more aggressive and they were about in Scotland were acting like Hitlers hence the mock stuff.

Your usual reply, whatever the no lot did it was the yes lot's fault. What utter guff. 

That big mouth, Tommy Sheridan and his wee Bolshie party are encouraging people to join the SNP.

And...? It's a free country, he can encourage people to do anything he likes, why the hell would I or you even care.
Don't get me started about that leading Green Party yakker, Harvey. On BBC Scotland 2014 (Tues night) he made a disgraceful reference to The Queen.

A disgraceful reference to the queen, really? He was asked about Cameron's overheard conversation where he was heard to say that the old bat was purring. So he said he couldn't care what sort of animal noises came from the palace. Purring = cat = animal. Jeez if you think that's disgraceful then you really need to get out more.
The Yes got 44.7% of votes cast but that does not make 44.7% of eligible voters in actuality. Of a turnout of 84.59% that makes 37.8% of registered voters. As 3% did not register it's only 36.7% making the gap wider.

Oh you can do maths. How clever, here have a gold  :star: .
I will sip my occasional glass of Irn Bru (sugar free one) due to health issues!

Careful! It rots your teeth, that stuff.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.